Ryushikaze said:
None of those five quote say jack diddly about him having romantic feelings for the girl pre-death, much less persisting for two years after. Her being important, yes, but Zack is also important to Zack.
This is what you said originally,
"I think you need to damn well get back to the brass tacks and find concrete evidence that Cloud had more than a passing fancy for the Flower girl whose affections towards him he was oblivious of for the whole two weeks they knew each other."
To me, this was an attempt to diminish the relationship Cloud and Aerith developed together. I provided you with 5 specific quotes outlining Cloud's immense guilt, pain, and sorrow he felt after Aerith died. I did this not to show you that Cloud had romantic feelings for Aerith, but to show you that Cloud developed a strong relationship with Aerith despite their relationship only lasting "two weeks" and despite Cloud adopting Zack's persona. Again, despite these two things, Cloud developed a strong relationship with Aerith that caused him immense sadness and guilt after her death.
Even if you don't believe Cloud and Aerith share mutual romantic feelings, at the very minimum they developed a very strong friendship, which is why Cloud feels such pain, sadness, and guilt over her death.
Here are the quotes that show us that Cloud and Aerith developed a strong relationship despite Cloud not being his "true self" and despite their relationship only lasting two weeks (and remember, this is not to show you that Cloud and Aerith are romantically involved, it is to show you how much Cloud cares for Aerith and how strong of a bond they developed):
"She was surprised at the great sorrow he had for her. She was a little happy that he thought so much of her but she also felt the pain that was many times greater." ~The Maiden who Travels the Planet
"Cloud searched for the right words. 'I didn't fix the problem. I don't think I'll ever fix the problem. I can't make somebody unlose their life.'" ~CoT
"The incredible guilt Cloud feels because of what happened to Aerith can only be lifted by forgiveness from Aerith herself." ~Nojima, Reunion Files
"For Cloud, no one other than Aerith can solve that problem for him. I tried to create an atmosphere in which she still seems to be by his side - in spirit at least." ~Nojima, Reunion Files
"The Forgotten City is tied to Aerith throughout the film. Here, Cloud is constantly reminded of her no matter how painful it is for him." ~Nojima: p.9, Reunion Files
Ryushikaze said:
Or the Canon confession under the highwind between Cloud and Tifa.
Expressing mutual feelings of romance =/= romantic relationship. Until you show me Cloud and Tifa kissing, Cloud and Tifa sharing the same bed, Cloud telling Tifa he loves her, etc. there is no proof that a romantic relationship developed after the HAHW scene. If Nomura doesn't know the status of their relationship after the HAHW scene takes place, you shouldn't pretend you know the status of their relationship, either.
Also, even if a romantic relationship began between Cloud and Tifa, it was completely gone by AC:
-This is supported by Nojima's premise that thing's "aren't going well" between them.
-This is supported by Nojima not knowing if even Denzel and Marlene will be enough to help them sort through their problems.
-This is supported by Tifa not knowing if Cloud loves her.
-This is supported by the "maternal bond" Tifa feels toward Cloud that drives him away and causes him to stop speaking to her.
Ryushikaze said:
Or Cloud deciding to start a new life with Tifa by his side. Or their forming a family.
Don't forget that Denzel was brought to Cloud by Aerith. Don't forget that Barret is apart of this family and is Marlene's Father. Instead of creating this ridiculous idea that Marlene belongs to two families, I believe that Marlene belongs to one family that encompasses Cloud, Tifa, Barret and Denzel.
It is worth nothing that Barret helped re-build Seventh Heaven (which should make him a permanent family member of Seventh Heaven). Plus, Barret was apart of the original AVALANCHE family that lived at Seventh Heaven, which Tifa was also apart of. Because both Barret and Tifa were apart of the original AVALANCHE family that lived at Seventh Heaven, they will always be apart of the family that resides there. These two reasons (Barret rebuilding Seventh Heaven and Barret/Tifa being apart of the original family that lived at Seventh Heaven), in addition to the fact that his daughter lives at Seventh Heaven, means that Barret will always be apart of the family that resides at Seventh Heaven.
Also -- Marlene sleeps with Barret the night before he goes off on his missions. Barret leaving for these missions is what make Cloud, Tifa, Marlene, and Denzel a "family of 4". But when Barret returns to protect his "family," they become a family of 5.
Maybe the reason a bed is found in Cloud's personal room is because Marlene is stated to have always slept with Tifa during CoT?
And when Marlene moves out of Tifa's room, Tifa simply sleeps in her bed alone and Cloud continues sleeping in the bed that is found in his room. There is no other reason for SE to include a bed in Cloud's room except for the simple fact that he sleeps in it. Until we see Cloud and TIfa sleeping together, it is only logical to assume Cloud sleeps in the bed that is found in his room. Period.
Furthermore, if this is Cloud and Tifa's family, why does Barret's daughter Marlene have to invite Cloud in it? Shouldn't it be the other way around?
Plus, if Marlene already has a family to invite Cloud in to, what family is that? Obviously one that includes Barret.
Until Cloud and Tifa have biological children, and until they get married, it is simply delusional to think they are a "family" in the way a normal family operates. This is exactly why Tifa doesn't believe they are a "real" family.
Ryushikaze said:
What demonstrates Cloud's deep romantic yearning for the dead woman that- by his own words- he just wants forgiveness from.
But why does Cloud want forgiveness? The answer: because him and Aerith developed a strong relationship. This relationship can either be romantic or platonic depending on your interpretation. But the bottom line is: Cloud wants forgiveness because he had/has feelings for Aerith.
Ryushikaze said:
All the handreaches are special, because they show the entire party is standing by Cloud's side metaphorically, if not literally. Aerith's is an homage, yes, but that doesn't mean she's being singled out as meaning more to Cloud than the rest. Granted, she is being singled out, but again, SHE'S DEAD. Getting aid from the spirit of those long passed is pretty fucking special, whether it's Anna or the King of Baron giving the Aid.
Likewise, Zack gets singled out during Cloud's 'what do you cherish?' flash, and a special scene. That doesn't make him more important than anything else. It makes his aid more special, but that doesn't mean Cloud cares about him more than he does the kids, Tifa, or Aerith.
Given the context of Cloud and Aerith's relationship (Cloud is Aerith's koibito), I choose to view the hand reach scene romantically (especially because SE decided to pay homage to it). By paying homage to this scene, it tells us that this is a special piece of imagery between Cloud and Aerith. Period.
Ryushikaze said:
A date she literally has to force him on and which he is not interested in when he has it.
SE included this piece of dialogue while everyone was in their jail cells at Shinra Headquarters:
Aeris: "I knew that Cloud would come for me."
Cloud: "Hey, I'm your bodyguard, right?"
Aeris: "The deal was for one date, right?"
Why else would SE choose to include this dialogue if not to provide some foreshadowing for their date? To me, this scene suggests that Cloud is happy to be Aerith's bodyguard and is completely content with the arrangement they made.
Also -- it is stated that Cloud and Aerith's date *ends magically*
Ryushikaze said:
Which gives us 'passing interest.'
I disagree. It shows that Cloud hopes Aerith likes him because he likes her back. It shows they have mutual romantic feelings for one another.
Also, the fact that Cloud tells Marlene he hopes Aerith likes him is a manifestation of him "wavering" between two heroines.
Ryushikaze said:
In which case, why in the name of fuck are you protesting C/T? They have several intimate conversations, a lot more intimate than the Cosmo Canyon one. Tifa literally gets to walk around inside Cloud's mind. He opened it up only for her. Can't get much more intimate than that.
I'm simply using the scene that takes place at Cosmo Canyon to show that Cloud began developing strong feelings for Aerith. Given that Cloud is wavering between two heroines and is Aerith's koibito, I view this scene as very romantic.
Ryushikaze said:
For the fucking love of all that would be holy if there was such a thing as gods, GIVE THIS ONE UP.
Cait Sith is described, also by SE, as an unreliable prognosticator whose predictions are completely unreliable.
The fact that Squaresoft included Cait Sith's wedding prediction in FFVII helps give us insight into how they view Cloud and Aerith's relationship.
The argument about Cait Sith's prediction should not revolve around how reliable he is. The argument should be about what was SE's intent for including this wedding prediction in the game.
SE could have had Aerith ask Cait Sith about her future and Cait Sith could have said, "You will have a bright future full of many happy times!" -- this would have set the player up to get their heart broken when she was killed by Sephiroth. Instead, they specifically decided to include a prediction about Aerith's romantic future with Cloud.
It was a romantic prediction about her future with Cloud, not just a generic prediction about her future.
So given the context of the game and how things were progressing between Cloud and Aerith, it is obvious why SE included this wedding prediction -- so the gamer would have the idea in their head that Cloud and Aerith had the possibility of sharing a romantic future together, which would then be destroyed by the hands of the evil Sephiroth. A generic prediction about Aerith's future would not have been nearly as meaningful or impactful to the gamer, which is why they specifically made the prediction about Aerith's romantic future with Cloud.
Ryushikaze said:
Cloud wavers... and then decides on Tifa.
That is your interpretation. Not mine.
Ryushikaze said:
Tifa is jealous... and then later Aerith is jealous. You keep wanting to use the former as evidence of romance, but keep making excuses about the latter. Please, be consistent about what the fuck jealousy is supposed to be narrative shorthand for, because the intellectual dishonest is fucking old.
Aerith isn't jealous of C/T's relationship, she is jealous that Tifa is able to live with Cloud and look after him. Tifa, on the other hand, is jealous of Cloud and Aerith's actual relationship.
Tifa's jealously is much different than Aerith's jealously. Here is a passage from the 10th Anniversary Ultimania outlining Tifa's repeated jealously of her "love rival" (ie: Aerith):
"The thing which she is unable to hide in her irritation towards Cloud is the fact that he isn't merely dragging the past around, but because that reason might perhaps be related to Aerith.
FFVII: Seeing Cloud and Aerith developing their world together before her eyes, she inadvertently lets slip her peevish feelings.
AC: Upon knowing that Cloud had been residing in Aerith's church after leaving the place they had been living in together, her expression becomes complex."
 ~Tifa's character profile, 10th Anniversary Ultimania
One of the lines specifically says that Tifa let her "peevish feelings" slip when she saw Cloud and Aerith developing their "own world" together. Why would Tifa be jealous if Aerith was only developing a world of friendship with Cloud?
It is clear that Tifa is jealous of the world her "love rival" is forming with Cloud because the world he is forming with Tifa's "love rival" is romantic, which is exactly why Aerith is considered Tifa's "love rival" in the first place. Tifa continues to be jealous of Cloud and Aerith's "world" during Advent Children, probably because she's not sure if Cloud loves her.
Ryushikaze said:
They both want the same man. They'd be rivals even if Cloud was only interested in metrosexual robots.
And even IF them being love rivals means Cloud is interested- which, to stress, it does not- then it ALSO means Cloud is interested in Tifa
But Cloud is stated to "waver" between these two love rivals, which means he is romantically interested in both of his "love rivals". Your point is sunk.
Ryushikaze said:
The flower field ending in Dissidia kinda takes a back seat to the actual PLOT of Duodecim and how it flat slams us in the face with how important Tifa is to Cloud, even when he can't remember her.
FF9 is basically poking fun at FF7, and is about as meaningful to FF7 as Gaia's red moon is to FF4. IE- Not at all.
In FF Tactics, Cloud does not recognize Aerith, does not give a shit about her, and is just looking for a way home back to Gaia and Tifa, the 'someone who is waiting for you'
Kingdom hearts' ending isn't about romance. What it might tell us is that Cloud and Aerith are friends. Cloud was searching for Sephiroth. Tifa is Cloud's light.
Here is why I believe the cameo appearances suggests SE views Cloud and Aerith as a romantic couple (and let's not forget that SE just recently made Cloud the "Emperor" and Aerith the "Empress"
![Excited :excited: :excited:](/forums/images/smilies/excited.gif)
![Headbang :headbang: :headbang:](/forums/images/smilies/headbang.gif)
"With Aerith, 'flowers' have been her image throughout the series."
Nomura, Reunion Files:
“…we filmed the video for the ending credits in Hawaii. There are fields of flowers on both sides of the road, and the colors - yellow and white - are the same as the flowers in Aerith’s church.”
The flowers shown during the ending of Dissidia are the same color as those found in Aerith's Church. They are also the same color as those that appear in the flower field during Advent Children. They are also the same color as those found on Cloud's desk, and the same color as those Cloud rides his motorcycle through during the credits of Advent Children. The resemblance is hardly a coincidence. But with imagery, I suppose you can't unequivocally prove something 100%. So here's the photos -- you can judge for yourself:
Yellow flowers on Cloud's desk:
Credits during Advent Children:
(Aerith is standing in a yellow flower field. Cloud is shown driving his motorcycle around areas that are filled with yellow flower fields. Aerith's image is superimposed over Cloud multiple times)
Cloud walking through Aerith's Church -- as you can see, yellow/white flowers are growing there:
Flower Field in Advent Children:
Ending of Dissida:
Cloud is standing in a flower field with yellow and white flowers at the end of Dissidia.
I really think the implications are obvious. When you look at the pictures, combined with the quotes saying flowers represent Aerith (especially yellow and white flowers) it almost becomes painfully obvious.
Furthermore, during Dissidia, it is suggested that the crystals will guide each character to where they need to be. Zidane says,
"We're not vanishing. We're returning to where we're supposed to be."
Cloud is seen returning to a flower field at the end of the game, which is the place he is
"supposed" to be. This flower field is almost identical to the flower fields and flowers that have represented Aerith throughout the compilation. It is also almost identical to the flower field that both Aerith and Cloud appear in during Advent Children.
In addition, Squall of Final Fantasy VIII is seen leaving when a white feather falls from the sky. This feather represents Rinoa. The parallels between Cloud x Aerith and Squall x Rinoa are obvious.
During the game Cloud also says,
“The one I really want to meet is…” And although Cloud doesn’t finish his sentence, given the ending of Dissidia and the ending of Final Fantasy VII, it is clear who Cloud has a desire to meet.
Dissidia: “The one I really want to meet is…”
Final Fantasy VII: "The Promised Land... I think I can meet her... There..."
It appears as though Cloud could not finish his sentence because it was too painful for him.
Let's recap:
-In Dissidia, Cloud states he has a desire to meet someone
-At the end of FFVII Cloud expressed a desire to meet Aerith in the Promised Land.
-At the end of Dissidia, we see Cloud returning to where he "belongs" -- which is a flower field.
It seems that the person Cloud has a desire to meet in Dissidia is Aerith because he is shown returning to the same flower field that we see them connecting through in Advent Children. This is the place Cloud "belongs".
Terra also asks Cloud:
"And you, Cloud... What's your dream?"
"I've lost mine."
This could be interpreted as Cloud referring to losing Aerith.
But regardless of that, it is clear that Cloud has a desire to meet Aerith in the Promised Land, and the ending of Dissidia suggests he finally meets her in a flower field (ie: The Promised Land). This is also stated as the place where Cloud is "supposed to be".
You are free interpret the ending of Dissidia as a platonic connection between Cloud and Aerith. Imagery is always ambiguous. But what is not ambiguous is that flowers represent Aerith (official quotes and common sense prove this), and flower fields represent a spiritual connection between Cloud and Aerith. Cloud is seen returning to where he belongs, which is a flower field of yellow and white flowers. He is also holding a materia -- one that is the same color and kind as Aerith's. Although I can't prove without-a-doubt that the ending of Dissidia is romantic -- it is, at the very least, showing some sort of connection between Cloud and Aerith.
Here is why I personally believe it is romantic: nothing happens in a vacuum. When you consider the other cameo appearances of Cloud and Aerith (especially FFIX), the established love triangle of a hero wavering between two love interests, and the romantic moments shared between Cloud and Aerith during FFVII (especially the two canon dates and Cloud hoping Aerith likes him, etc.) I do not think it is a leap to view the ending of Dissidia with a romantic lense. This is further confirmed by official quotes from SE such as the koibito quote. It is also worth noting that SE pays homage to Squall x Rinoa, an official canon couple, during the ending of Dissidia.
I also think it is obvious what SE was trying to do with the Cloud x Aerith homage in Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy IX. Although I can't prove without a doubt that SE's intent was romantic in nature, common sense surely suggests it.
In FFIX the Flower Girl calls Knight 7 "cute" and he calls the Flower Girl "beautiful". Their entire conversation is very flirtatious and romantic. Why would SE include this in FFIX if there was no evidence in FFVII that supported the idea that Cloud and Aerith were romantically involved?
Also -- FFIX was created before Crisis Core. Knight 7 is supposed to be Cloud Strife, especially because he is standing next to a "Flower Girl". The scenario in FFIX is similar and reminiscent of what happens in both FFVII and FFT. It is simply illogical to assume that Knight 7 is Zack when Cloud is the protagonist of FF7.
Then, in Final Fantasy Tactics, you see Cloud meeting a Flower Girl. He essentially has the same conversation with her as Cloud had with Aerith during the beginning of FFVII. In fact, Aerith is called "Flower Girl" in both FFVII and FFT. There is some obvious romantic undertones going on here, especially when you consider Cloud is Aerith's "koibito". Cloud is also the only character in FFT able to equip a ribbon that is similar to Aeith's.
I just think when you look at the cameos, it is not hard to see that SE is paying homage to Cloud and Aerith as a romantic couple. And the only reason they would do this is if there was evidence to support them as a romantic couple to begin with (ie: evidence from the original game, Final Fantasy VII).
Furthermore, please read these similar quotes between FFT and FFVII:
Final Fantasy Tactics:
Cloud: "My fingers are tingling... My eyes...they're burning."
Final Fantasy VII:
Cloud: "My fingers are tingling. My mouth is dry. My eyes are burning!"
Final Fantasy Tactics:
Cloud: "I lost...a very important thing..."
Final Fantasy VII:
Cloud lost Aerith in Final Fantasy VII.
Final Fantasy Tactics:
Cloud: "Ever since, I've been lost. Who am I? What should I do?
What about this pain..."
Final Fantasy VII:
Cloud: What about US... what are WE supposed to do?"
Cloud "What about my pain?"
Final Fantasy Tactics:
Cloud "Must go...to the Promised Land."
Final Fantasy VII:
Cloud "The Promised Land...I think I can meet her... there."
There's some very obvious parallels going on here that have obvious romantic undertones.
Ryushikaze said:
No, Cloud was Woman's Koibito, and again, this only tells us what the woman thinks, not Cloud. Lifestream white is from her perspective.
Why do you believe the koibito quote means mutual romance in Tifa's case but not Aerith's?
To me, the koibito quote for both pairings means both are canon.
Ryushikaze said:
We know what Cloud's undying feeling is. IT'S GUILT FOR BEING COMPLICIT IN HER MURDER.
But why does he care that she died? Because he developed an emotional connection with her. At the very minimum Cloud had feelings of friendship for Aerith, and at the very most Cloud had romantic feelings for Aerith. But he had some type of feelings nonetheless.
My point is that Cloud shared an emotional connection with both Aerith and Zack. His guilt is not just over the fact he believes he let two random people die, his guilt is over the fact that two people he knew, on an intimate level, died.
Let's face it -- Cloud has killed a lot of people in his life. But he only feels extreme guilt and blame for allowing those who he cared about die. Why did he care about Aerith? Well, in my opinion, it was because of the romantic feelings he had for her. Why did he care about Zack? Well, in my opinion, it was because of the friendship and camaraderie they shared.
Cloud's guilt and blame are linked to the feelings he had for both Zack and Aerith. It is up to us to decide what type of feelings those are.
Also -- it is Aerith's forgiveness (not Zack's) that Cloud seeks most of all.
Ryushikaze said:
What transpired during AC was a story of a man brought low by self doubt and disease and fear of losing his family finding confidence, health, and security through some divine intervention and killing the shadow of his greatest fears, so he could return to said family.
To me, the whole point of AC/C in terms of the LTD is that Cloud finds Aerith again. That's why he says, "I know.... I'm not alone.... not anymore" at the end of AC/C. He's not alone anymore because he's finally found Aerith.
Nomura said that Cloud sees Aerith because her consciousness lives inside of him. That means that Cloud's spirit and Aerith's spirit are united as one. She is with him all the time. It's also possible because we know that Cloud has a ton of Mako energy (Lifestream) injected into him by Hojo. Having all that Lifestream inside of Cloud makes it possible for Aerith's spirit to "live" there.
Cloud didn't realize this before the movie because of his guilt. But once he overcame his guilt, he's able to sense Aerith's presence. He's not alone anymore because he's found her again. We know this because SE said that Cloud's Promised Land is Aerith's Church. Cloud said at the end of FFVII that he could find Aerith in the Promised Land. Well, he found his Promised Land, and that's where Aerith is. So, he's finally found her.
This is also why Cloud is shown searching for ways to connect with her through the flower fields during the end of AC/C. To me, the flower field ending during AC/C suggests that Cloud is searching for more powerful ways to connect with Aerith, somewhat similar to what Yuna did for Tidus in FFX-2.
Love is a powerful thing and continues far beyond death, especially in Final
Danseru-kun said:
Your ignoring the fact that many couples ask this all the time. This is not an abnormal question. And since you said it's your opinion, you might as well accept the fact that people in relationships here in this debate say it's pretty normal and nothing really alarming.
I never said it was an "abnormal" question. I agree with you that couples sometimes ask this question during the course of a relationship.
But why do people ask this question? Because relationships change. And sometimes relationships change in a way that one person falls out of love with the other.
Tifa is asking the question not just because she is insecure by nature, but because Cloud and Tifa's relationship had changed. Their relationship had changed to the point where Tifa wasn't sure if Cloud loved her or not.
How do we know Cloud and Tifa's relationship changed?
-Nojima's premise that thing's "aren't going well" between them.
-Nojima not knowing if even Denzel and Marlene will be enough to help them sort through their problems.
-Tifa not knowing if Cloud loves her.
-The "maternal bond" Tifa feels toward Cloud that drives him away and causes him to stop speaking to her.
Because relationships change, people begin to wonder if their partner still feels the same way towards them. Maybe Tifa was wondering if the mutual feelings Cloud expressed to her during the HAHW scene had changed?
The fact is, we have evidence that their relationship was in trouble and that it had changed. Tifa should know more than anyone if Cloud loves her or not. If she doesn't know, no one should pretend they know, either.
Danseru-kun said:
Why do you ignore that Tifa is someone's koibito according to SE?
Why do you ignore that Cloud is refereed to as Aerith's "koibito"? If the word "koibito" tells us that mutual attraction exists, aren't both couples canon?
Danseru-kun said:
Tifa is said to be someone's koibito after Nomura said he doesn't know/care. New>old.
I don't deny that SE has provided evidence that supports Cloud x Tifa. What I take issue with is that Cloti's claim Cloud x Tifa is canon, even though SE has called Cloud Aerith's koibito.
As for your questions about my opinion regarding the HAHW scene, well:
In my honest opinion, the HAHW scene is most likely canon (although the evidence behind it is not as strong as many of you think). But my biggest point during this debate has been that even if the HAHW scene occurred, it did not necessarily lead to a romantic relationship between Cloud and Tifa.
Expressing mutual romantic feelings does not necessarily mean a romantic relationship comes after it, especially when we consider that Nomura doesn't know the status of their relationship, the fact that Tifa doesn't know if Cloud loves her, and the premise from Nojima that things "aren't going well" between them.
No scene after the Highwind scene unequivocally moves Cloud and Tifa from friends to lovers. To me, this suggests that even if the HAHW scene happened, there is no proof that a romantic *relationship* developed from it. And even if one did develop for a brief period of time, it was completely gone by Advent Children when Tifa doesn't even know if Cloud loves her.
If Nomura doesn't know if Cloud and Tifa form a romantic relationship after the HAHW scene, how can we be sure that they are in a romantic relationship? If Tifa doesn't know if Cloud loves her after the HAHW scene, how can we be sure that Cloud loves her after the HAHW scene?
In addition, it is stated that Cloud and Aerith's promised date "ends magically". Common sense suggests that when a date ends "magically," something extremely *magical* happened. Just as we can make assumptions about what happens when a screen fades to black, we can also make assumptions about what happens when a date ends *magically*.
One could say that out of the two versions of the Highwind scene, the HA version is canon. One could also say that out of the four versions of the Golden Saucer date, the C/A date is canon. To me, the C/A Golden Saucer date is equal to the HAHW scene in terms of showing mutual romantic feelings.
Granted, SE specifically says that Cloud and Tifa express mutual feelings during the Highwind scene. But a date is inherently romantic, there is no need to state the obvious. By Cloud agreeing to go on a romantic date with Aerith shows that he has mutual romantic feelings for her (especially when you consider that Cloud is refereed to as Aerith's "koibito").
To me, the HAHW scene and the C/A date are equal in terms of showing Cloud's romantic feelings for both women.
As for the translation debate, I still need some more time to construct my response. But for right now, here are my translations of the quotes in question:
"The words “memetic legacy” are used a lot in the film…but in Advent Children, rather than focusing on memories we wanted to show that consciousness is what lives on. We took the ending of the game and expanded on that idea. Even if they’re dead, their consciousness is still with us. As for Cloud…he sees Aerith several times throughout the film. It’s not that he sees her because he feels her presence. He sees her because her consciousness…lives on inside him." ~Nomura; Distance Interview
You can see this quote for yourself if you watch the special features disc for Advent Children.
The translation I use is from Saeki of the CxA forums:
Saeki said:
Nomura: I believe, for those who formerly travelled with her as comrades and for the viewers, each carries their own feelings and loves for Aerith. In this story, Cloud also carries his own undying feeling for Aerith even to this very day... It's relations with this church scene is... Yup. I'll leave this part to your imagination. (Laughs). ~My Translation
Original Japanese one...
エアリスはかつてともに旅をした仲間で、受け手側の皆さんにも、それぞれの愛情や想いがあると思います。この物語のクラウドも、エアリスに対して、いまもなお死なぬ想いは あると・・・・。この教会の場面との関係は・・・・・うーん。このあたりは皆さんのご想像におまかせします(笑
![Wink ;) ;)](/forums/images/smilies/wink.gif)
想い = omoi = feeling
愛情 = aijou = love
Since a lot of the translation from TLS come from Cloti's, there is no shame (IMO) in getting my translation from someone of the CxA forums.
Saeki believes that Nomura is contrasting Cloud's feelings with the feelings of his comrades, which is a fair comparison to make considering Cloud and Aerith's relationship is different from that of her comrades.
The feelings Aerith's comrades have for her are platonic, while the feelings Cloud has for her are romantic (this is exactly why SE separated Cloud's feelings from her comrades feelings).
Cloud is Aerith's "koibito," therefore he has romantic feelings for her that are different than the platonic feelings her comrades have for her. Period.
Tetsuya Nomura: What kind of question is that? I've never thought about it. Honestly, I don't care who loves whom. I think you could imagine the scenerios that we don't mention however you want to. You could enjoy talking about that with friends. For example, I was frequently asked if there had been romantic relationship between Tifa and Cloud for two years, after FF7 ended, but I don't have any clue.
This translation says Nomura has
"no clue" about the status of their relationship, not that he
"doesn't care". Therefore, the HAHW scene does not unequivocally prove Cloud and Tifa entered a romantic relationship because the status of their relationship after FFVII is unknown by Nomura.
Here are the other two sources I use for my translation:
Source #1
Source #2
Aerith Gainsborough - A girl with the blood of the Ancients running through her veins, who Cloud would never forget. ~DoC game manual, English version
Aerith Gainsborough - A girl with the blood of the Ancients flowing through her veins, who is engraved in Cloud's heart for the rest of his life. ~DoC game manual, direct translation from Japanese version
The official English translation says that Aerith is someone that Cloud would never forget. However, a direct translation from the Japanese version of the Dirge of Cerberes game manual says that Aerith is engraved in Cloud's heart for the rest of this life. But if you want me to stop using this quote, I will do so. However, if I were to use Japanese characters, my point would be the same.
The bottom line is: Aerith is someone Cloud will never forget. To me, the reason he will never forget Aerith is because he is her "koibito".
In addition, Aerith's forgiveness was stated to be the "wish of Cloud's heart". This tells me that Aerith weights heavy on Cloud's heart. All I'm doing is applying the terms "wish in his heart" to the context of Cloud and Aerith's romantic relationship as it has been established by SE. You are free to apply the same sort of quotes in the same way to Cloud and Tifa's relationship.