Hey, I Am Not Me, I'll be with you to defend Cloud's to Zack if there's Cleriths downplaying it. Look at tumblr now how they presume that Buster Sword in Aerith's church now is seen as Clerith because Cloud is the last person who owned it! Or, they make a joke that it's also Angeal/Aerith pairing. We see the scene that Cloud honored Zack only, right? CMIIW.
![Reptar :reptar: :reptar:](/forums/images/smilies/reptarsmiley.gif)
Also, you may call me Mei, it's a lot shorter.
Tumblr seems like a great place to stalk stupid arguments but I cba to make one because I probably won't be able to maintain it when I get busy again.
That argument is hilarious though.
This must mean Cloud visiting the Buster Sword and looking remorseful is actually Cloud visiting himself and being remorseful about...himself. The flashbacks incorporated with Zack during the time he visits the sword mean absolutely nothing.
He totally didn't put the Buster Sword there to honor Zack. He put it there to honor himself. Okay. Another douchey Clerith!Cloud interpretation then.
And they wonder why people ridicule them and have a hard time taking them seriously. At least Clacks have a firm grasp on what is canon (hint: it's in the buttsex).
Don't downplay Zack in front of me, because it will not end well for you.
I think the most hate retcon of Zerith's theme by Clerith's is their first meeting because it seemed so iconic to Cleriths.
Yeah, I remembered this as I was going to bed last night.
![Cookie Monster :monster: :monster:](/forums/images/smilies/cookiemonster.gif)
I wanted to edit it into my post but I was already comfortable in bed at the time.
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I'm editing it in now.
But, hey, sometimes they forget that Cloud's first meeting with Aerith was happened in the street after the AVALANCHE mission. And, look how Aerith was not attracted at all to Cloud and just simply selling flower. So, it's a plotwise to make Zack also fell to the Church because it's straightly linked how Aerith then became so aggressive.
![Cookie Monster :monster: :monster:](/forums/images/smilies/cookiemonster.gif)
Aerith wasn't attracted to Cloud until he fell on her flowers the same way Zack did. There's also the fact that his actions reminded her of Zack. I think it took her until the Gold Saucer date to finally realize she needs to stop looking at Zack qualities in Cloud, especially if she's fighting for his affections with another girl.
I think Aerith herself realized how unfair it would be to Tifa if she won Cloud over without even
knowing and loving the real Cloud the way Tifa does. Because Aerith is a great character and not a homewrecking hoebag who has to permit Cloud to love other women.
But, still, though most of Zerith seemed developed from Clerith, Zerith still had their own original romance aspects about looking at the eyes and seeing a sky. You can find it in many romance song easily. I don't deny Clerith moments but I dont think Clerith have an iconic romance term that differentiate it to Zerith's looking at the eyes/azure sky and Cloti's childhood crush/night sky. What? Their Gold Saucer date that ends magically
![Awesome :awesome: :awesome:](/forums/images/smilies/awesome.gif)
? Or the wrong wedding prediction?
I thought it was her death and burial? A lot of arguments about Cloud's romantic feelings for her stem from Cloud's
grief that she was murdered right in front of him. Even though the rest of the cast also grieved, and that Cloud's grief being greater is validated by the fact that if it wasn't Sephiroth who'd kill her, it
would have been him. He was
that close to chopping her head off. He also could have pushed her out of harm's way if Sephiroth hadn't been restraining him. There are a lot of factors other than romantic feelings that they just seem to forget.
Amano art too. Even though Amano wasn't really part of the FFVII writing team. Or the team in general. Also because Amano art apparently ships Cloud/Red XIII too.
I mean, they can't even claim exclusive rights to the Gold Saucer date because:
- Cloud can date other people, including his other love interest, Tifa.
- The theme for the date scene is called "Interrupted by Fireworks". However, Aerith was never interrupted by fireworks during that date. Tifa was. Might be a hint to something, but I don't know.
![Awesome :awesome: :awesome:](/forums/images/smilies/awesome.gif)
- In their beloved screencap of it in FTOIL page, it has the caption that basically says Cloud can date other people. This is always conveniently brushed aside because it doesn't help their case.
- Arguably the most romantic date scene is Yuffie's. She kisses Cloud during that date. Aerith and Tifa never even got that far. Nor Barret, but Clotis always exclude Barret, right, so who cares?
![Desu! :desu: :desu:](/forums/images/smilies/desu.gif)
- It's optional with up to 3 other choices.
By the way, I'm not making any of this stuff up. None of them are interpretation. Make that as you will.
Neither of the azure sky and night sky themes are optional for Zerith and Cloti. Whether you get LAHW or HAHW, it doesn't change the fact that Cloti had a non-optional scene under the stars. Both pairings also have non-optional promise scenes. Cloti has repeated references to this promise--it's like SE is trying to tell us something.
Of course, Clerith has this commercial that captions Cloud burying Aerith as "Love". Except they forget that the exact words are "Love that could never be". So... along with the failed wedding prediction, what do we have?
![Reptar :reptar: :reptar:](/forums/images/smilies/reptarsmiley.gif)