The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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Tina Armstrong

Fackbito, RedGloves, Eileen Galvin, Saria, Lady Croft
Oh no. :) It's just that Vendel keeps on insisting that I should have noticed Cloti in AC when I have not. Somehow, we got into the last scene, which is in ACC.
Ahh. :monster:

I believe for those who formerly traveled with her as comrades and for the viewers, each carries their own
feelings and love for Aerith. In this story, Cloud also carries his own undying feeling for Aerith, even to
this very day.... It's relation with the church scene is... . Yup. I'll leave this part to your imagination. [Laughs]
(Tetsuya Nomura, PlayStation magazine)
He carries his own love and undying feeling for Aerith, like everyone else in the team..?

Oh. Okie dokie then. Still, if it wasn't a movie on romance, then it should say something about C/A because people see it.
But that's opinions, your own thoughts. If SE have stated that Cloud and Tifa have feelings for eachother, you can't argue against it. And Cloud and Aerith have like... two scenes together? Of course they were made special, Aerith is dead. Cloud wanted her forgiveness.


Ren, ClerithRaven, Lunafresca's Raven
He carries his own love and undying feeling for Aerith, like everyone else in the team..?

If it were his own, then it wouldn't be quite the same with everyone else on the team. :)

But that's opinions, your own thoughts. If SE have stated that Cloud and Tifa have feelings for eachother, you can't argue against it. And Cloud and Aerith have like... two scenes together? Of course they were made special, Aerith is dead. Cloud wanted her forgiveness.

But those two scenes were enough for people to think that there was a romance between Cloud and Aerith. And yes it was special, but people got the 'romance' vibe. And that is the point. :)

Please do remember that we are talking about JUST AC in this. Exclude the other sources, just AC and not ACC, or any book and the game. :)

Tina Armstrong

Fackbito, RedGloves, Eileen Galvin, Saria, Lady Croft
If it were his own, then it wouldn't be quite the same with everyone else on the team. :)
But what exactly is his own feeling then? Anyway, sure. It could be seen as romantic. Do you have more?

But those two scenes were enough for people to think that there was a romance between Cloud and Aerith. And yes it was special, but people got the 'romance' vibe. And that is the point. :)
You see what you want to see. ;)

Please do remember that we are talking about JUST AC in this. Exclude the other sources, just AC and not ACC, or any book and the game. :)
That's kind of hard when we're in a debate about a game that have many prequels and sequels and other shit.
But.. at this moment, I guess it's okay then.


Ren, ClerithRaven, Lunafresca's Raven
But what exactly is his own feeling then? Anyway, sure. It could be seen as romantic. Do you have more?

Yeah, but I still have to find them. Which is not really that possible atm. :)
(I'm sneaking here to debate when I should just be focused on my report. :loopy:)

You see what you want to see. ;)

So, my cousin (and I as well) wanted to see CloudxAerith (even though she never had an idea about any of it) and that's why she saw the romance in those scenes? :)

That's kind of hard when we're in a debate about a game that have many prequels and sequels and other shit.
But.. at this moment, I guess it's okay then.

Sorry. It's just that someone is really questioning my first impression regarding it and we're debating on it. :)
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Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
He tries to get a look on Aerith's face. To see her. He wants to see Aerith. I used "longing" with the same context as of "wanting" and "desiring", though yeah, it's stronger.

Looked like surprise when she obliquely brought up the idea that he needs to forgive himself, rather than be forgiven by her to me. No romance inherent in it, and his facial expression did change, if only a little. Face it, even when Cloud smiles at the end its mostly the eyes you have to watch, the rest of his face generally looks like it could use a Soft. :monster:

A promise that he can't really keep.

Aside from never really being a SOLDIER, he keeps his promise fine. He became a hero multiple times and when Tifa is in a bind he comes for her. He might be late sometimes, but he comes every damn time.

Nope. Nada. What I noticed about that is Cloud cursing because...

Because he wanted to beat the fuck out of whoever hurt Tifa, was my interpretation. His eyes didn't even linger on the place where his materia had been for more than a moment, he scans the entire church. And then his arm freaks out due to the Geostigma. Geostigma attacks are generally connected either to a surge is Kadaj's/Sephiroth's will, or a surge of negative emotion from the victim. I kinda like to think that attack came about because he was angry with himself as well, for leaving Tifa alone to take that beating. It would explain the severity of the attack, what with the black goop dripping all over and such.

Also, sorry about cutting that quote off as I did, I leaned on the backspace key on accident and didn't feel like starting all over.

It wasn't just Cloud. The villains did too. Marlene, well maybe, and Tifa I guess?

Tifa got thrown over the flower field and then into it. Neither she nor Marlene stepped on the flowers. Cloud did, and he didn't even notice. Tifa is more important than they are.

Marlene is Barret's child. Tifa's taking care of her for Barret who's away. Oh! She's more like Tifa and Barret's child then. LOL.

Plenty of quotes above disproving this view of the family. Get over it already, would ya?

What is romantic in all those C/T encounters? Seriously. The only 'soft and tender' time would be when Cloud woke up after the blast.

Not all love is soft and tender.

And that 10 seconds you keep belittling, yes that is romantic. They're both alone on a flower field with a background music, them in close proximity to each other, and with Cloud talking so sincerely. That's what I can call romantic.

Sincere =/= romantic. The background music is Aerith's theme, which of course would play in her scene. The flower field is pretty much the same, it's AERITH so of course there will be flowers when she manifests like that. Its just a scene of them talking. Sincerely, yes, but not about romance. About guilt and the desire for forgiveness, with Cloud thinking her death was his fault and her trying (in a mysterious roundabout kinda way) to make him see that he needs to forgive himself, and that his trying to save the kids is a good sign.

Call BS on it as long as you want. It's what happened. Accept it that not everyone has the same opinion as you. Don't be a child and try to impose your view.

I'm mostly gonna leave this to he at whom it was directed, but... You do realize this is a debate right? :awesomonster:

I don't have any idea on what happened before the movie. Keep that in your mind.

You should really fix that lack of knowledge if you want to debate an issue that is heavily connected to things that happened before the movie.

1. The flowerfield scene stood out.
2. They didn't look like a family all together.
3. There was too much tension in C/T encounters.

Tension between lovers/parents. Wow, never seen that before. How weird is that?

You got me here. That's in ACC. Not in AC. It's AC which I first watched. So anything in connection with ACC is out of this debate.

No, it's not. ACC is the COMPLETE version of AC. It is definitely in this debate, as is every other part of the Compilation that has a bearing on the LTD. None of it is "out of this debate" and you're gonna have to deal with it one way or another.

And we were talking about AC, weren't we?

Again, we are talking about the entire Compilation of Final Fantasy VII. That means the OG, Crisis Core, OtWtaS, AC/C, all of it.

Again, I got caught up here. We were talking about AC, not ACC.

No we weren't, see above.

Edit: Ok, having read your back and forth with others I concede that you may have been just discussing AC itself and your first impressions of such with Vendel. I can see how you'd want to keep other Comp. entries and updates out of that. Still, this is the LTD, so we're going to bring in the rest of the Compilation when we discuss things here, be prepared for that when the topic shifts again. Sorry for the mix up on my part.
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Higher Further Faster
What the? Even my cousin, who has no idea of the LTD nor the game itself, thinks nothing romantic is going on between Cloud and Tifa and Zack and Aerith in AC. So what, that's BS too?

Seriously... It's like you're so against people getting the impression of Clerith on AC when there really are, who don't know anything about the LTD, do get the Clerith vibe.

I didn't see it the way you wanted. PERIOD.


I don't know if I would go that far with him.

To be perfectly fair, I watched AC with a friend of mine I used to live with back in the day. She had no idea the LTD existed, either, as she only ever watched me play tiny bits of the original game, and she isn't someone I talk to about shipping in a video game fandom. lol

But we got into a discussion about online fandoms in general one day, and I mentioned the LTD, and she was very shocked. Just AC alone was enough to tell her Cloud and Tifa were a couple, but were just having a rough patch in her relationship. She said the ending made it obvious they would make up and get back together.

So, just because you and your cousin saw one thing, doesn't make it fact. There are other people out there who saw the complete opposite. This is going into the realm of personal interpretation, and stuff like that usually doesn't bode well in a debate. :)

Tina Armstrong

Fackbito, RedGloves, Eileen Galvin, Saria, Lady Croft
Yeah, but I still have to find them. Which is not really that possible atm. :)
That's ok. I'll wait for it. :)

So, my cousin (and I as well) wanted to see CloudxAerith (even though she never had an idea about any of it) and that's why she saw the romance in those scenes? :)
Those scenes were, as I said, probably made special because Aerith is dead.
The audience haven't seen her for a while, they've missed her. At least that's what I felt when I watched AC. And well, that's my own thoughts.

But it's never been said that anything romantic was going on in those scenes neither. So that's nothing you can prove. You have to prove things by facts in a debate.

"Suffering from an attack of Geostigma, Cloud strayed into the labyrinth of his heart. Aerith wants to take away the burden on his mind, and she greets him with a tender, teasing voice."

Cloud wanted forgiveness. Aerith wanted to take away the burden on his mind.

"Cloud’s friends sent him toward Bahamut like a relay race, and as for the last push—Aerith!"

Why is Aerith the last push? Probably because it would be weird for her to pop up in the middle of everything when everyone in the team gives Cloud a hand.
Or.. it could be seen as Aerith being the most important person to give him a push.

Maybe it's both? Ugh, I'm getting too tired for this.


Ren, ClerithRaven, Lunafresca's Raven
Looked like surprise when she obliquely brought up the idea that he needs to forgive himself, rather than be forgiven by her to me. No romance inherent in it, and his facial expression did change, if only a little. Face it, even when Cloud smiles at the end its mostly the eyes you have to watch, the rest of his face generally looks like it could use a Soft. :monster:

Err, we were talking about a 13/14 year old's impression on the scene. :) I just say what I remember at the time.

Aside from never really being a SOLDIER, he keeps his promise fine. He became a hero multiple times and when Tifa is in a bind he comes for her. He might be late sometimes, but he comes every damn time.

Well, yeah. :) So it's like an incomplete keeping of the promise?

Because he wanted to beat the fuck out of whoever hurt Tifa, was my interpretation. His eyes didn't even linger on the place where his materia had been for more than a moment, he scans the entire church. And then his arm freaks out due to the Geostigma. Geostigma attacks are generally connected either to a surge is Kadaj's/Sephiroth's will, or a surge of negative emotion from the victim. I kinda like to think that attack came about because he was angry with himself as well, for leaving Tifa alone to take that beating. It would explain the severity of the attack, what with the black goop dripping all over and such.

Again, I was 13/14-ish at the time so I didn't pay much attention. I didn't know anything about the books or the game as I watched AC, my very first clue to the world of FF games. :)

Also, sorry about cutting that quote off as I did, I leaned on the backspace key on accident and didn't feel like starting all over.

It's fine. :)

Tifa got thrown over the flower field and then into it. Neither she nor Marlene stepped on the flowers. Cloud did, and he didn't even notice. Tifa is more important than they are.

Sure then. :)

Plenty of quotes above disproving this view of the family. Get over it already, would ya?

Uhm. What quote was it that disproves that Barret is part of the family?

Not all love is soft and tender.

True that. :)

Sincere =/= romantic. The background music is Aerith's theme, which of course would play in her scene. The flower field is pretty much the same, it's AERITH so of course there will be flowers when she manifests like that. Its just a scene of them talking. Sincerely, yes, but not about romance. About guilt and the desire for forgiveness, with Cloud thinking her death was his fault and her trying (in a mysterious roundabout kinda way) to make him see that he needs to forgive himself, and that his trying to save the kids is a good sign.

Again, I was responding to Vendel's argument regarding my impression as a 13/14 year old to the AC movie. :)

I'm mostly gonna leave this to he at whom it was directed, but... You do realize this is a debate right? :awesomonster:

He's debating on my first impression as a kid... It's what happened. That won't change no matter how often he calls BS on it. :)

You should really fix that lack of knowledge if you want to debate an issue that is heavily connected to things that happened before the movie.

Uhm? Again, this happened around 4-5 years ago.

Tension between lovers/parents. Wow, never seen that before. How weird is that?

Too much tension = Not romantic. That was my view as a kid.

No, it's not. ACC is the COMPLETE version of AC. It is definitely in this debate, as is every other part of the Compilation that has a bearing on the LTD. None of it is "out of this debate" and you're gonna have to deal with it one way or another.

We were debating on my view regarding AC back when I was 13/14, around 4-5 years ago. :)

Again, we are talking about the entire Compilation of Final Fantasy VII. That means the OG, Crisis Core, OtWtaS, AC/C, all of it.

Why am I repeating myself?

No we weren't, see above.

Yes, Vendel and I were. :)

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I see you didn't catch my edit in time before responding CR. Same sort of thing happened to me to cause said edit. Just to make sure you know about it without having to skip back a page:

I said:
Edit: Ok, having read your back and forth with others I concede that you may have been just discussing AC itself and your first impressions of such with Vendel. I can see how you'd want to keep other Comp. entries and updates out of that. Still, this is the LTD, so we're going to bring in the rest of the Compilation when we discuss things here, be prepared for that when the topic shifts again. Sorry for the mix up on my part.

I added the above to my last post, probably while you were responding :monster:


Ren, ClerithRaven, Lunafresca's Raven
I don't know if I would go that far with him.

To be perfectly fair, I watched AC with a friend of mine I used to live with back in the day. She had no idea the LTD existed, either, as she only ever watched me play tiny bits of the original game, and she isn't someone I talk to about shipping in a video game fandom. lol

But we got into a discussion about online fandoms in general one day, and I mentioned the LTD, and she was very shocked. Just AC alone was enough to tell her Cloud and Tifa were a couple, but were just having a rough patch in her relationship. She said the ending made it obvious they would make up and get back together.

So, just because you and your cousin saw one thing, doesn't make it fact. There are other people out there who saw the complete opposite. This is going into the realm of personal interpretation, and stuff like that usually doesn't bode well in a debate. :)

I didn't think we were debating on what's canon. Vendel and I were debating on what I saw from 4-5 years back then. :)

And yes, there are those who view the opposite. I was just saying that there are those who share our view. :) I wasn't saying it was a fact. It's just a commonality.


That's ok. I'll wait for it. :)

A girl with the blood of the Ancients flowing through her veins who is engraved in Cloud's heart for the rest of his life.

That's another one. :)

Those scenes were, as I said, probably made special because Aerith is dead.
The audience haven't seen her for a while, they've missed her. At least that's what I felt when I watched AC. And well, that's my own thoughts.

Because you have played the game. Others who have not, as I've said, see the Clerith side of AC, and not the Cloti one. :)

But it's never been said that anything romantic was going on in those scenes neither. So that's nothing you can prove. You have to prove things by facts in a debate.

In this debate, my facts are what I saw. How I interpreted them as a kid. :)

"Suffering from an attack of Geostigma, Cloud strayed into the labyrinth of his heart. Aerith wants to take away the burden on his mind, and she greets him with a tender, teasing voice."

Cloud wanted forgiveness. Aerith wanted to take away the burden on his mind.

"Cloud’s friends sent him toward Bahamut like a relay race, and as for the last push—Aerith!"

Why is Aerith the last push? Probably because it would be weird for her to pop up in the middle of everything when everyone in the team gives Cloud a hand.
Or.. it could be seen as Aerith being the most important person to give him a push.

Uhm. We were talking about first impressions of a 13/14 year old. :D

Anyway, I agree with you here.

Maybe it's both? Ugh, I'm getting too tired for this.

Aww, then rest dear. :)


I see you didn't catch my edit in time before responding CR. Same sort of thing happened to me to cause said edit. Just to make sure you know about it without having to skip back a page:

I added the above to my last post, probably while you were responding :monster:

Aw, hehe. Yeah, I was already debating with Ryu and the others about the LTD as a whole. It just came to a point where one questioned me why I support Clerith. I said that it started with AC. The rest is history. :D

Tina Armstrong

Fackbito, RedGloves, Eileen Galvin, Saria, Lady Croft
Because you have played the game. Others who have not, as I've said, see the Clerith side of AC, and not the Cloti one. :)
And that's a problem, because you haven't got the whole perspective of the relationships between Cloud, Aerith and Tifa.

In this debate, my facts are what I saw. How I interpreted them as a kid. :)
Uhm. We were talking about first impressions of a 13/14 year old. :D
Yeah, but that's what we're debating now, like you said. :)

Anyway, I agree with you here.
That's good!

Aww, then rest. :)
I'm going to.... soon. :monster:

"A girl with the blood of the Ancients flowing through her veins who is engraved in Cloud's heart for the rest of his life."
I've never understood where this quote came from, but I've seen it before.
Anyway, I don't really have anything to say about it. Aerith is something really dear to him.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I'm lurking and I am on powerful painkillers but I just wanted to say:

If I watched Star Wars a New Hope and hadn't seen any of the other Star Wars films. I wouldn't believe that Darth Vader was Lukes father, or that Luke and Leia were siblings.

If I'd stopped playing FFVII before reaching Corel I would still think Barret was Marlenes biological father.

I believe you if you say you got a C/A impression upon first seeing AC with no prior knowledge. But that is irrelevant to this debate as a whole. With ACC and the other complilation entries throwing up facts to the contrary. Square are very bad at making things clear (and making films too!) and although your first impression was genuine, if we're talking about evidence and proof we need more to go on than first impressions. I know that its not entirely your fault but I think the debate has been derailed slightly.

*returns to the void*

Homura Akemi

Just a lurker now ;3
Black★Rock Shooter, Hatsune Miku, Rin, Rin Okumura, Zack Fair.
Because you have played the game. Others who have not, as I've said, see the Clerith side of AC, and not the Cloti one. :)

When I watched Advent Children I had no idea what it was about, I never played the Game, and saw it as Cloud x Tifa.
Really you should play the Game, Stuff makes so much more sense :awesome:
Because I first thought Kadaj was Clouds brother


Ren, ClerithRaven, Lunafresca's Raven
And that's a problem, because you haven't got the whole perspective of the relationships between Cloud, Aerith and Tifa.

It was just a first impression. :) I didn't try looking into it until two years later when I finally entered the online world. That's when I learned about the LTD. Then, I researched. :)

Yeah, but that's what we're debating now, like you said. :)

So why are we debating on kid's impression? :D It was 4-5 years ago.

I'm going to.... soon. :monster:

Rest well! :)

I've never understood where this quote came from, but I've seen it before.
Anyway, I don't really have anything to say about it. Aerith is something really dear to him.

Which is why I support C/A. :D :awesome:

I'm lurking and I am on powerful painkillers but I just wanted to say:

If I watched Star Wars a New Hope and hadn't seen any of the other Star Wars films. I wouldn't believe that Darth Vader was Lukes father, or that Luke and Leia were siblings.

If I'd stopped playing FFVII before reaching Corel I would still think Barret was Marlenes biological father.

I believe you if you say you got a C/A impression upon first seeing AC with no prior knowledge. But that is irrelevant to this debate as a whole. With ACC and the other complilation entries throwing up facts to the contrary. Square are very bad at making things clear (and making films too!) and although your first impression was genuine, if we're talking about evidence and proof we need more to go on than first impressions. I know that its not entirely your fault but I think the debate has been derailed slightly.

*returns to the void*

At least you believe me. For someone, that's not the case. Hence, the debate on my impression. :)
Sorry if it got derailed.


When I watched Advent Children I had no idea what it was about, I never played the Game, and saw it as Cloud x Tifa.
Really you should play the Game, Stuff makes so much more sense :awesome:
Because I first thought Kadaj was Clouds brother

I was just saying that there are those who see Clerith in AC like I did. I'm not saying that no one sees Cloti.
I would if I could, but I can't. :)

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I'm with Shademp on this, we got derailed. Its kinda silly to debate first impressions of a piece of fiction (though not to speak of/compare them), after all, and it really has no bearing on the LTD itself. Especially if you saw the film before the rest of the Compilation, I have no problem whatsoever accepting that you saw Clerith in AC.

And first impressions do tend to stick, as well. So that's what I'm going to move on to. What do you see, now that you've had 4-5 years to think it over and study the rest of the story to which these characters belong, that makes you think the LTD's answer is open for debate or comes down on the Clerith side? What evidence can you offer up, CR, that trumps what's laid out in the various source books, games, novellas, film, etc that expresses Cloti's status as the canonical pairing?


Ren, ClerithRaven, Lunafresca's Raven
I'm with Shademp on this, we got derailed. Its kinda silly to debate first impressions of a piece of fiction (though not to speak of/compare them), after all, and it really has no bearing on the LTD itself. Especially if you saw the film before the rest of the Compilation, I have no problem whatsoever accepting that you saw Clerith in AC.


And first impressions do tend to stick, as well. So that's what I'm going to move on to. What do you see, now that you've had 4-5 years to think it over and study the rest of the story to which these characters belong, that makes you think the LTD's answer is open for debate or comes down on the Clerith side? What evidence can you offer up, CR, that trumps what's laid out in the various source books, games, novellas, film, etc that expresses Cloti's status as the canonical pairing?

For one, there's the quote I gave to Eileen a while ago. The rest, well, it's pretty hard to sum it all up here. I've been debating with Ryu for a while now. I guess you could see those first?

I'll add more later on. Right now, I need to sleep. :)

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I've been keeping an eye on the debate while you and Ryu/everyone else discussed things. Its true it all kind of runs together after a bit, so I might have missed something. I do not, however, think I would miss or forget a quote or line that actually shored up the "Clerith is canon" or "there is no canon!" concepts. Not sufficiently to put it above everything that Cloti has, which has been quoted extensively.

Maybe it might be best to switch tracks a bit, keep from getting lost in the various parts of the discussion that all tend to come out at once. Let's single out the HA/LA thing: Considering that it is confirmed that Cloud and Tifa DID share their mutual feelings under the Highwind, how can it be said that there is no canon there? Either the HA is canon or it doesn't matter which one happened and how because they have the same results. Mutual feelings shared, leading to them establishing a family together in Edge. Or are you trying to claim those feelings were not romantic?

Well, when you get back I'll be waiting to hear on the matter. Sleep well CR.

Tina Armstrong

Fackbito, RedGloves, Eileen Galvin, Saria, Lady Croft
It was just a first impression. :) I didn't try looking into it until two years later when I finally entered the online world. That's when I learned about the LTD. Then, I researched. :)
I see.. But what have you actually watched/read etc. that involves FFVII?
At least AC/C and Maiden, right?

So why are we debating on kid's impression? :D It was 4-5 years ago.
I... don't know? :O

Sleep well you too!

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good

Yes, I know that the other scenes under the romantic love header page had reference pages listed at the top of the pictures. My point is that what it says on page 232 totally undermines your claim of Cloti being canon, especially when your article also says this under the Clerith date scene:

nothing so amazing, no, all it tells us is that the date itself is up to player control, so no one version is ‘official,’

So if a scene under player control can't have an official version, then the Highwind scene (which is also under player control because it has optional versions), also can't have an official version. Your entire article is undermined and contradicted.

My forehead is literally in my palm, sweetness. In the post to which you replied here I already said that a scene being under player control can have an official version.

So you drawing a conclusion that follows a basis of "if a scene under player control can't have an official version" means you either read some of the post but not all of it, or are deliberately being intellectually dishonest by focusing on -- in this case, Ryu's to begin with rather than my own -- a poor choice of wording that, even if inaccurate, still doesn't carry any authority on the topic being discussed.

For that matter, focusing on what he said to mean what you've insisted it does is really only possible in the first place if you take Ryu's wording to mean something other than what he obviously really meant -- not that a scene under player control can't have a canon outcome, but that the book said the specific scene he was talking about didn't have a canon outcome because of its own focus on the player's control of the situation.

Tl;dr: the book said there wasn't a canon outcome for the date because it focused on the player's control over the matter -- Ryu only reported the book saying this rather than making an argument that a scene that the player has control over can't have a canon outcome.

And for that matter, even if he had said such nonsense, him being wrong doesn't mean diddly dick with regard to the canonicity of the optional scene being discussed or any other optional scene. Ryu could be wrong and an optional scene still have a canon outcome, because the latter is not dependent on the former.

Your focus on his wording is ridiculous. It's like you're trying to "win" a political debate by making "Oh, snap!" comebacks instead of getting to the heart of the matter, where the facts are the facts independent of who said what and how right or wrong their specific choice of phrasing is.

This is like when a creationist goes after the concept of evolution by trying to attack Darwin or by spreading the lie that he had recanted his findings on his deathbed. Even if Darwin's personal research was faulty or if he had made such a deathbed change of mind it wouldn't reflect on the validity of the concept of evolution. It's not held as a truth in the field of science because Darwin said it; it's held as a truth because that's what the evidence independent of anyone (including Darwin) has demonstrated.

Anastar said:
Fair enough - but what it says has direct impact on your "For the One I Love" article, and it was omitted from there.

It has as direct an impact on the statements on the "For the One I Love" page as the "Deviation" sidebars related to Shadow dying on the Floating Continent have on FFVI's story summary including him reuniting with the Returners in the World of Ruin or being present for the final battle with Kefka, and as much impact as the optional nature of Terra's scene of revelation about motherly love has on the canonicity of that scene.

For the record, the script of both that scene with Terra and the scene of the Returners confronting Kefka before the final battle with him (Shadow among them, his own line from that moment included) are two of FFVI's own four selected "Impressive Scenes" in the U20 Scenario guide (pg. 161).

Now, seriously, you can continue with this bullshit, truth obscuring focus on a misreading of Ryu's comments from almost two years ago (in which case you will also have to make the plainly absurd claim that the scene with Terra lacks a canon outcome, and that Shadow's death or survival on the Floating Continent lacks a canon outcome, and that FFX-2's story does not have a canon sequence of events; and I'm inflating the length of this sentence, underlining it and including bold and italics tags around the most vital words herein to emphasize that this is the most important sentence in this entire post and that I expect you to address it if you post a response -- or just not bother replying at all; for real) or you can discuss something constructive like what criteria should be used for deciding which optional scenes are canon and which are not.

Anastar said:
And I think that's merely your opinion. Yes, some scenes have a canon outcome, but not all scenes.

Seriously, what am I supposed to think when you post a reply like this to me saying "Many things in the game, such as recruiting Vincent and Yuffie, are under player control, but still have canon outcomes"? "Many" = "all"? "Many" and "some" are mutually exclusive?

Double-you to the tee to the eff, woman.

Anastar said:
I never said that scenes with optional outcomes can't have a canon outcome. I said that the Highwind scene having a canon outcome is pure assumption, especially since SE has never said it has a canon outcome.

Assumption is something taken to be true without vetting or comparing it against a set of criteria. Do you really think that's what is being done here? When a determination reached through reasoning (a process that is the opposite of assumption) has been constantly given to you? Really?

How fucking insulting.

Anastar said:
SE is quite familiar with the whole issue of the Love Triangle. IF a scene like the Highwind scene had a canon outcome that determined the Love Triangle, SE would say so. They've essentially said that the Date scene has a default outcome. If SE is willing to say that the Date has a default outcome, then why wouldn't they say that the Highwind scene has a canon outcome - IF a canon outcome truly exists?

Default/more easily achieved is equivalent to canon? So we're back to Shadow dying on the Floating Continent and FFX-2 not having a canon sequence of events?

Anastar said:
That's not what I see on page 232. That sounds like what it says on page 394 (the "For the One I Love" page).

If you don't see it on pg. 232 then you're reading it as diligently/selectively as you read my previous post. Now READ:


"And when Cloud and Tifa remain behind alone, in their final hours, they disclose that their feelings for each other match."

Anastar said:
And if you think that means "that's what happened anyway", then I think you're just seeing what you want to see - to put it frankly. Sorry if that seems rude.

No worries. It's not nearly as rude as your backhanded way of constantly calling me a liar without ever substantiating your position. =)

Anastar said:
I'm sure I've seen this at some point, but please link me to the translation? I'd like to make sure it's the same one I'm thinking it is.

Pg. 199:

Tifa's "Words aren't the only way" line (クラウド……想いを伝えられるのは言葉だけじゃないよ……) is clearly visible there in the top screenshot under the bottom heading and also the line right before the last one in the accompanying script. But, again, you know all this and have known so for nearly two years now.

Anastar said:
Face it, if SE wanted to confirm either Clerith or Cloti in AC/ACC, all they had to do was put a kissing scene in between Cloud and one of the girls.

You may want to sit down for this: kissing scenes aren't the only way to convey romance. Are you going to be alright?

Anastar said:
I'm not absolutely positive about this, but I believe that the picture of the HW scene on the "For the One I Love" could actually be from either version of the scene. When it says that their feelings match in the caption, that could also be a reference to either version.

Yeah, let's focus on a screenshot instead of the words actually in the caption describing it and the context established for it on a page that's specifically talking about moments that romantic love was expressed.

What a crock of shit.

So, Annie, how soon can I expect a response from you in which you don't address the above bolded, italicized and underlined portions of this post, or just refuse to address anything at all because your delicate nature insists I'm not being civil enough?
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undercover Clerith evangelist
Discord said:
What are you looking for exactly? I mean do you want them to actually say in those words, "Cloti is canon"
Yes. So far, SE hasn't done anything like that.

All they said is that Cloud and Tifa confirm their feelings for one another in an optional scene. ONLY the High Affection version of that scene is supposed to be romantic (although, if you ask me, the hand reach scene is far more romantic than the HA HW scene, and it's also non-optional).

So Cloti's conveniently decide that the HA HW scene must be canon even though SE has never said that it is. Sounds to me like Cloti's are deciding things for SE.

Discord said:
I know you are basing your answer to the mutual feelings thing based on the affection value, but did the affection value effect the outcome in FFX? Tidus always felt the same about Yuna no matter which girl the affection value catered to. In other words, it's simply a gimmick for replay value, but not to be used to determine who loves who (at least IMO)
Yes, that's merely in your opinion. Where does SE say that?

According to SE, the version of the Highwind scene you get is determined by the affection rating:

Deviation - Two versions of the conversation before the final battle
Prior to the final battle, the contents of the conversation between Cloud and Tifa can change depending on the degree of Tifa's affection. If the degree of affection is high, the contents of the two's conversation will involve deep subject matter and strong feelings for each other. As well, the sight of the two seen by their companions the next morning will lead to an embarrassing scene for Tifa, and she blushes greatly. ~page 232, Final Fantasy 20th Anniversary Ultimania

That sounds optional to me. The same thing is repeated in the FFVII Ultimania Omega:

Before the Final Battle (divergence):
After stopping Hojo from going amuck, the conversation with Tifa before they rush into the Northern Crater diverges into two conditions, according to Tifa's affection rating with Cloud. When it gets low, the conversation in the scene that they spend the night will be apathetic and ends short. Next morning in the cockpit, Tifa says “Were you listening?” and stamps on tiptoe. On the other hand, when degree gets higher, the conversation of the scene that they spend the night will have strong emotions. Next morning in the cockpit, Tifa will say “Were you watching?” and feels terribly shy.
~page198, FFVII Ultimania Omega

Once again, that sounds optional to me. Yet, Cloti's decide that one version is canon - specifically, the version that coincides with their interpretation of the story. Yet, SE has never said that one version is canon.

Sounds to me like Cloti's are deciding things for themselves instead of letting SE decide what's canon and what's not canon.

Discord said:
So here's my question, I posted a quote for you that said that Cloud and Tifa revealed they had romantic feelings for one another in the Lifestream. IMO that invalids the use of affection values in this case, and at that point in the game, there is no more chance to change the affection values. If you're saying that they did not in fact share their mutual feelings of romance under the highwind, that would require evidence that sometime between the Lifestream event and the Highwind scene, that their feelings changed. When did this happen?
In the first place, your quote about the Lifestream event does not say that they revealed their romantic feelings for one another in the Lifestream. I've already responded to you about that quote more than once, but let's review it again:

Even though Cloud was holding feelings for Tifa from some time ago, Tifa's interest in Cloud did not start until the time when the promised was exchanged. It might have been her loneliness due to her surrounding friends leaving one after another, but more than that, it seems largely in part to him making the promise to become her hero.

By the way, Tifa did not realize that Cloud was holding feelings for her until he informed her in the Lifestream. Even though she was called and it was just the two of them, she can be quite clueless. (page 25)

As I've said to you before, this quote isn't talking about the Lifestream event. This quote is talking about the Promise. The part you have in bold:

By the way, Tifa did not realize that Cloud was holding feelings for her until he informed her in the Lifestream.

is saying that Tifa did not realize at the time of the Promise that Cloud was holding feelings for her at the time of the Promise until he told her about it during the Lifesttream event. Cloud told Tifa during the Lifestream event that he was holding feelings (a crush) for her at that time of the Promise:

Tifa "But it's different from a memory locked deep within your heart......"
"That's why it must be a fake. If he could recall up that memory......"
"That's it! What about some memory that has to do with me?"

(She turns to the Cloud of the well.) Tifa "I say something and you don't remember it......"
"But you say something, and I remember it, too... Then we'll know that's our memory......"

(She nods)

Tifa "Talk to me. About anything, some important memory to you..."
"Now that you mention it, why did you want to join SOLDIER in the first place?"
"I always thought it was a sudden decision you made......"
(Suddenly, the transparent Cloud high above speaks. Tifa doesn't hear.)
"......I was devastated. ......I wanted to be noticed."
(The Cloud of the well echoes these same words.)
"......I was devastated. ......I wanted to be noticed."
(The next words come only from the Cloud of the well.)
"I thought if I got stronger I could get someone to notice........."
(Tifa nods.)
Tifa "Someone has to notice you...? ......who?"
(The Cloud above speaks again.)
"Who.........? ......You know who! ......You, that's who."
(The Cloud of the well speaks differently.)
Tifa "......Me? Why!?"
"Tifa...... did you forget...... about those days?"
(She turns away)
Tifa "Look...... I......"
(She shakes her head)
Tifa "I'm sorry...... But what are you talking about?"
(For the first time, we see Cloud, as a teenager, leap down from a high stone column near the place where Nibelheim once could be seen.)
"No...... it's all right. You were having a hard time back then."
(Teenage Cloud looks down.)
"You were so busy with your own things, it's only natural you don't remember me back then."
(Tifa walks over to him.)
Tifa "'Back then'?"
"It's important to me...... I hate to say it but...... It's a very important memory......" "Do you want to see it?"
(Teenage Cloud runs over to stand next to the third and final Cloud. Past him can be seen a window, without a building past it to look into. Tifa speaks to the Cloud seated there.)
"......a sealed up secret...... wish......" "Tender memories...... no one can ever know........."

Cloud makes it clear that he had a crush on her at the time of the Promise. He does NOT say that he has feelings for her now. That's what your passage is talking about.

That becomes obvious when you stop to think about the fact that they supposedly confirm their feelings for one another during the HA HW scene. If they had already told one another that they love one another during the Lifestream event, then they wouldn't have to confirm it to one another during the HA HW scene. They'd already know about it.

What they confirmed to one another during the Lifestream event is that Cloud had a crush on Tifa as a kid - nothing about he feels as an adult.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Tres has already responded to the bulk of what was addressed to him specifically. I'll let his response stand.

Thank you, I will. I didn't get a mod preview message after I posted today, though. Guess I had to make a certain number of posts first or something.

That is the case.

If you mean your question about explaining how Cloud and Aerith could have a romantic relationship after she died, I think that was fully explained in AC/ACC. AC/ACC shows that they can see one another, speak to one another, and touch one another. Cloud felt the touch of Aerith's hand on his arm in the back to back scene, and Aerith boosted Cloud up to fight Bahamut Shin in the hand reach scene. So if they're able to communicate, see one another, and touch one another, why wouldn't a continuing romance be possible? So SE's already explained it for you.

It's interesting that you think THIS is SE 'explaining that a continuing romance is possible' but deny that C/T revealing feelings for each other, living with each other, belonging with each other, and having a future together isn't 'Se explaining that a continuing romance is.'

As for cutting down CxT, I think you should re-read my post, since I acknowledge that who Cloud loves is left up to the interpretation of the player. If it's possible for the player to interpret that Cloud loves Tifa, then I'm not cutting it down. I'm saying it's possible.

You ARE cutting it down. Your arguments have focused on throwing quite frankly absurd arguments out to try and cast doubts on the case for C/T. That's been your strategy from the first.

CloudxAerith makes a helluva lot more sense to me, and I find their story to be way better developed than Cloud and Tifa. However, it's each according to their own taste, IMO. The only argument I have is your claim that CloudxTifa is canon when CloudxAerith is just as possible an interpretation.

No. You have other claims. I don't know why don't recognize them, but they are there.

I don't think I"m making any extraordinary claims. On the contrary, I think you and Tres are making extraordinary claims by saying that Cloti is canon even though SE has never said such a thing.

First off, YES, YOU ARE. You are claiming that a realized romantic relationship is possible between the living and the dead. You are doing more than claiming it is possible, you are claiming it is there. You are claiming this without even demonstrating a romance between these two parties while alive. You are also claiming that a man deciding to have a relationship with the woman he's had a crush on since he was EIGHT and STILL HAS THOSE FEELINGS FOR is a more outrageous claim than having a romance with a ghost.
And people wonder why I keep comparing this to religious debates.

You claim that saying C/T is canon is an extraordinary claim. Even if it were, more than sufficient evidence exists to call it so. But the thing is, it's actually an entirely reasonable claim. Cloud's crush on Tifa is an established fact. That he still holds feelings for her is an established fact. That he shares mutual feelings for Tifa is an established fact. And even though you think that the notation of a deviation is a crushing argument, these feelings being romantic IS an established fact. Deviations listed don't change the course of the story.
You keep trying to argue that we can't be sure that they did because there are two versions and they might have shared lesser feelings in the other one, but nothing on 232 actually contradicts what we see in the FTOIL page. The FTOIL page says 'X happens' p232 says 'If y happens, X happens'. That means that y happens, not that we cannot be certain if X happened or not.
You argue that the low highwind shares lesser feelings. Well, logically and by context, the mutually confirmed feelings mentioned on the FTOIL page are romantic ones. This scene is presented as fact, just as the dates being dependant on player choice is presented as fact. Just as Cecil and Rosa's revelation is presented as fact. Once again, the deviation doesn't negate this fact. It adds detail. It tells us how this fact comes about, just as how in FFVI the deviation about Shadow's death tells us how he comes to be on the floating continent. It does not mean his is canonically neither alive nor dead. Likewise with the High Highwind scene. It's one of the four most notable scenes in the game. It is the version consistently recognized and detailed by the creators. Even when the low version is noted, most times the content of the high version is discussed. It even made its way into interviews.

Now then, I will ask you again. Please present a case for Clerith. If you insist that the LTD is not over, first you should make sure that your competing explanation has merit. You should support it from first principles. You should not assume your consequent. You should provide evidence for your claims and extraordinary claims should be supported with extraordinary evidence. You have chosen to evade this request once by assuming the romance is true and by asserting based on the fact that Aerith can interact with Cloud for a three day period after a time of two years where she could not, capped off by her leaving for the lifestream where she belongs to say a further romance is possible.
I'm saying empirically support the existence of a romance from Cloud from the beginning. You insist that we do when discussing C/T. I insist that you do for your own claims. Fair is fair.
Thus far, you've asserted that Clerith makes more sense to you and that its story is better developed than C/T's story. Well, hop to it. Demonstrate that this story makes sense and is well developed.
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If easier to get = canon, then the HA is EASIER to get. It's actually harder to get the low affection version, you have to deliberately try and lower Tifa's score and not use her in battles.


If I'd stopped playing FFVII before reaching Corel I would still think Barret was Marlenes biological father.

...but... she's white...


Also for the sake of simplicity, I always took the easiest versions to get as canon. In other words, Aeris' date is canon and the high affection Highwind scene is canon. They make most sense in congruity with the overall plot. So. Yeah.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
...but... she's white...


It's possible to have a dark skinned parent have a very light skinned child, especially if the other parent is very light skinned as well.

Also for the sake of simplicity, I always took the easiest versions to get as canon. In other words, Aeris' date is canon and the high affection Highwind scene is canon. They make most sense in congruity with the overall plot. So. Yeah.

That's not always the case, though. It works in those instances, but it's easier not to get Vinny, and he's canon. Likewise leaving Shadow for dead or the 'bad' end of 10-2 are easier, but the other way is canon.


It's possible to have a dark skinned parent have a very light skinned child, especially if the other parent is very light skinned as well.

but I thought once you black you can't go back

That's not always the case, though. It works in those instances, but it's easier not to get Vinny, and he's canon. Likewise leaving Shadow for dead or the 'bad' end of 10-2 are easier, but the other way is canon.

Scratch "easier" and replace "emotionally rewarding to the audience and/or characters."

Though I kind of liked the "bad" end of FFX-2 better in some ways.......
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