The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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Pro Adventurer

IMO BB didn't make a good case of Clerith too

- Using Amano art to prove Clerith romance
- White Mage/Hero pattern
- Apparent theme of love beyond death in FF
- Making a case where Tifa's complex feelings are jealously that proves Cloud loves Aerith
- Cloud ignoring Tifa and prefering to go to Aerith's church
- Cloud's undying feelings means love
- Promised land is Aerith
- Emperor and Empress Clerith means official pairing

At the end his position in this thread is a very blurry Clerith is canon/all is up to interpretation/Cloti isn't canon. His standard for Clerith being canon is low while for Cloti it's ridiculous. Apparently Cloti needs a mutual favor arrow or marriage when Clerith don't need any of those. I've given up believing that his stance is that both pairings are up interpretation especially when his posts tell otherwise.


And his anonymous message to me displayed a wonderful double standard:

The word "koibito" means mutual romantic feelings, which means Cloud & Aerith have mutual romantic feelings. Cloud also tells Marlene he hopes Aerith likes him & he goes on two canon dates with Aerith (dates are inherently romantic). Plus, SE included a wedding prediction for Cloud x Aerith in FFVII, they made Cloud x Aerith & Emperor & Empress in Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade, & Cloud x Aerith have a flirtatious cameo in FFIX. That seems proof enough for me! The artwork simply reinforces this.

So to Tifa koibito is not mutual but to Aerith it is. Tifa only loves Cloud and if koibito is mutual then Cloud loves Tifa as well. But nope, because it's Tifa.

As for the MWTTP, whether it's canon or not it doesn't really help the Clerith ship IMO. It even shows that Aerith didn't know the real Cloud without Tifa's help. As for inconsistency MWTTP has this Cloti moment:

In truth, Aerith really wanted to do it herself. But she couldn’t carry out the task. That’s why she entrusted Tifa with it. She entrusted Tifa with all the feelings she had for Cloud in her heart. She entrusted them to the one that was going to “live” together with Cloud…

“You did it, Tifa. Thank you… I’m a little jealous of you but, do take care of Cloud and the upper world.”

Tifa embraced Cloud tightly as he returned to his senses. Aerith watched as both of them returned to the surface while smiling like an affectionate mother.

-Maiden Who Travels the Planet
There was never an embrace in the game.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
"Platonically" is what you're going for.

okay thanks... you're right, I didn't check the spelling of the word before I added ally >_<

also Danseru brings up a good point... why does Cloti need all these validations when Clerith doesn't?


unsavory tart
Anytime someone brings up Airborne Birgade as evidence I want to vomit all over my screen. I actually think things like FFIX and Tactics and Amano do have a solid point.

But ugh at the whole Emperor Empress thing.


Pro Adventurer
Anytime someone brings up Airborne Birgade as evidence I want to vomit all over my screen. I actually think things like FFIX and Tactics and Amano do have a solid point.

But ugh at the whole Emperor Empress thing.

I have no problem with Cleriths thinking cameos/references are significant but I have a problem when Cloti cameos are not regarded with the same standard.

  • Ergheiz - Cloud's title is "Guardian" and Tifa is "summoner" and Cloud will always be fought before Tifa in the arcade mode.
  • Dissidia Duodecim - Cloud dies to save Tifa and becomes a warrior of light because of his sacrifice. Note that in the previous cycles he's a warrior of Chaos
  • KH II - yeah yeah I know it's another debate but here Tifa's presented as Sephiroth's anti-thesis
They may be fewer but the screentime and script are loooooonger
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Anytime someone brings up Airborne Birgade as evidence I want to vomit all over my screen. I actually think things like FFIX and Tactics and Amano do have a solid point.

But ugh at the whole Emperor Empress thing.

Using it as a silver bullet is laughable, but it's not stretching things too much to see it as a nod to Clerith like the FFIX and Tactics stuff. I mean, there's a "Hello Kitty" Hinamatsuri set with Kitty-chan as the Empress and Dear Daniel as the Emperor; a "Sailor Moon" set with Sailor Moon as the Empress and Tuxedo Mask as the Emperor; and a "Lucky Star" set with Konata as the Empress and Kagami as the Emperor (yes, they're both girls; figure it out :awesomonster:).

Can't think of any other ones.


unsavory tart
Using it as a silver bullet is laughable, but it's not stretching things too much to see it as a nod to Clerith like the FFIX and Tactics stuff. I mean, there's a "Hello Kitty" Hinamatsuri set with Kitty-chan as the Empress and Dear Daniel as the Emperor; a "Sailor Moon" set with Sailor Moon as the Empress and Tuxedo Mask as the Emperor; and a "Lucky Star" set with Konata as the Empress and Kagami as the Emperor (yes, they're both girls; figure it out :awesomonster:).

Can't think of any other ones.
The difference is IX, Tactics, they all had some thought put into it. It was developed with care and obviously put in later to say something. Amano has something to say and show in his art.

Airborne Brigane is a symptom of a particularly foul disease in Squeenix of producing absolute shit by a team who obviously don't care about the franchise. I already went on length with what I thought about their mobile gaming (and kickstarter idea) but it's still infuriating whenever people bring it up.

AB is a leech on the franchise, which only purpose is to suck more money out of actually really loyal fans until they lose all their trust. On some level, all games and marketing is the same thing, but AB is such a flagrant representation of incompetence and lack of care.

You know why people bring up Tifa and Zack as school kids? Not because they ship em, but because it hilariously brings up the point of how little thought they put into it.

Enjoy the fanservice, that's fine. But fuck if people actually expect me to respect any part of that enough for me to take a second into debating it. I wouldn't wipe the shit off my shoes with it. Yeah I know it's a digital game but the point still stands. They don't care about it, I don't either.

I have no problem with Cleriths thinking cameos/references are significant but I have a problem when Cloti cameos are not regarded with the same standard.
Neither do I. I just don't like with whatever they pulling are here.

I complain about Dissidia story and characterization all the time, but it's obvious there's a time and effort put into it. It's coming from somewhere, if they had a better writer it would work.

Ergeiz is a harder sell. I haven't played the game in probably over a decade, but it's kind of obvious that the Final Fantasy characters are just slapped in there. I don't even remember where the Guardian and Summoner thing came in. But I always sucked at fighting games like that.

Are you sure X was out by then? Because I do know those shit ass graphics weren't as good as X's. I thought it was a PS1 title. It's been a long time.


Pro Adventurer
Ergeiz is a harder sell. I haven't played the game in probably over a decade, but it's kind of obvious that the Final Fantasy characters are just slapped in there. I don't even remember where the Guardian and Summoner thing came in. But I always sucked at fighting games like that.

Are you sure X was out by then? Because I do know those shit ass graphics weren't as good as X's. I thought it was a PS1 title. It's been a long time.

Ah I stand corrected, but the Guardian and Summoner thing is true:


Pro Adventurer
The Emperor/Empress dedication is significant to me because it tells me how SE feels about Cloud and Aerith. It lets me know that they, too, view them as a romantic couple.

Obviously the merchandise, artwork, and cameo appearances are not the *only* evidence we Clerith's use to support our ship. But when official SE artwork, merchandise, and cameo appearances compliment and portray our ship, I hardly think it&#8217;s a random coincidence.

Why would SE create artwork, merchandise, and cameos that portray Cloud and Aerith romantically if there was no evidence of them being romantically involved in Final Fantasy VII? That would be like saying SE decided to randomly start portraying two platonic friends in a romantic way.

By SE creating and approving Clerith artwork, merchandise, and cameo appearances, it verifies that a Clerith interpretation to Final Fantasy VII and Advent Children is valid according to the creators.

The artwork, merchandise, and cameo appearances gives us insight into how SE views Cloud and Aerith. If SE did not believe Cloud and Aerith were a romantic couple in Final Fantasy VII, they would not portray them romantically in their artwork, merchandise, and cameo appearances.

Most Clerith's believe that the artwork, merchandise, and cameo apperances simply support and reinforce what we already believe &#8212; that Cloud loves Aerith. SE simply verifies that this is a valid opinion by creating and sanctioning Clerith artwork, merchandise, and cameo appearances.

I have no problem with Cleriths thinking cameos/references are significant but I have a problem when Cloti cameos are not regarded with the same standard.

  • Ergheiz - Cloud's title is "Guardian" and Tifa is "summoner" and Cloud will always be fought before Tifa in the arcade mode.
  • Dissidia Duodecim - Cloud dies to save Tifa and becomes a warrior of light because of his sacrifice. Note that in the previous cycles he's a warrior of Chaos
  • KH II - yeah yeah I know it's another debate but here Tifa's presented as Sephiroth's anti-thesis
They may be fewer but the screentime and script are loooooonger
Do you honestly think that the Cloti cameos are as significant as the Clerith cameos?

SE decided to re-create Cloud and Aerith's initial meeting in FF Tactics. Cloud also searches for the Promised Land in FF Tactics, and he is the only character able to equip Aerith's ribbon. The symbolism and significance of this should be obvious.

SE also decided to create a blatantly romantic cameo between Cloud and Aerith in FFIX.

Then, Nomura states that the ending of KH might provide some answers about Cloud and Aerith's relationship. Although you can argue that the ending of KH is not romantic in nature, the fact that Nomura decided to point out that the end of KH might provide some "answers" about the "nature" of Cloud and Aerith's relationship, suggests that the ending of KH is meant to highlight their romantic bond. Why else would he have said what he said? we come to the conclusion that Cloud and Aerith's relationship is platonic?


IMO BB didn't make a good case of Clerith too

- Using Amano art to prove Clerith romance
- White Mage/Hero pattern
- Apparent theme of love beyond death in FF
- Making a case where Tifa's complex feelings are jealously that proves Cloud loves Aerith
- Cloud ignoring Tifa and prefering to go to Aerith's church
- Cloud's undying feelings means love
- Promised land is Aerith
- Emperor and Empress Clerith means official pairing
Those are not all the reasons I've provided.

Apparently you missed THIS post and THIS post.

He HAS made a pretty good case for Cloud having feelings for Aerith though, which is, IMO a lot more than other debaters have done.
Thank you :)

I guess I'm still unclear on what Blankbeat thinks happened... Cloud and Tifa shared mutual feelings of... what exactly? And if it was romance... then it just gets kinda weird... what two people love each other romantically then decide to live together platonicly? (which is apparently not a word)
I think that Cloud and Tifa shared mutual romantic feelings (the night before they thought they were going to die) but that the complicated world of Final Fantasy VII, in combination with Cloud being...Cloud, prevented them from ever having a permanent romantic relationship. We see at the end of CoT and during AC that their relationship is in trouble, which is part of the reason why Tifa asks Cloud if he loves her. Tifa asking Cloud if he loves her is a clear signal that whatever romantic feelings were expressed during the HAHW are dissipating quickly.

I also must point out (again) that Cloud and Tifa decide to live together at Seventh Heaven with Barret and Barret's daughter. Although Cloud and Tifa end up living at Seventh Heaven without Barret, that was not their intention from the beginning. It's not as though Cloud and Tifa go buy a house in the suburbs with a white picket fence and pop out two children.

IMO, nothing in CoT or AC contradicts Nomura's quote where he says he has no clue if they are in a romantic relationship.

Also -- do you not think it is at all strange that SE decided to include a place to sleep in Cloud's room?

Ryushikaze said:
No scene or piece of dialogue? Scenes and Pieces, kiddo. Mounds and Piles.

Of the love triangles on SE&#8217;s &#8220;For The One I Love Page&#8221; (FTOIL), Cloud Strife is the only hero involved in a love triangle pictured with both of his romantic love interests in two canon scenes of romance (see the first row of images). Since Cloud is pictured with both Aerith and Tifa on a page discussing romantic love, the FFVII love triangle is the only unsolved Final Fantasy love triangle.

Some say that because the caption under Cloud and Aerith&#8217;s date doesn&#8217;t directly mention Aerith by name, it somehow invalidates Cloud and Aerith&#8217;s presence on the FTOIL page. However, the Cloud x Aerith date *IS* canon. Therefore, the caption is irrelevant. The caption under Cloud and Aerith&#8217;s was there to represent *ALL* the dates on the FTOIL page because *ALL* the dates are romantic (ie: because they are *DATES*). However, SE pictured Cloud and Aerith&#8217;s date because it is the *canon* date, and because we are meant to apply the FTOIL page directly to their canon date. The reason we only see the HA Highwind scene on the FTOIL page is because it would have been inappropriate to discuss or include the LA Highwind scene on a page titled &#8220;For The One I Love&#8221;. But if you could get different characters for the HA Highwind scene like you can for the date, that would have also been included on the FTOIL page. SE lists a reference page above Cloud and Tifa&#8217;s image on the FTOIL page so readers can find out that the HA version is not the *only* version, the HA version is simply the only appropriate version of the Highwind scene to include on the FTOIL page. Since Cloud is pictured with both of his love interests in two canon scenes of romance on a page titled, &#8220;For The One I Love,&#8221; Cloud can love either Aerith or Tifa. In other words, all the other love triangles have been solved *EXCEPT* for Final Fantasy VII because Cloud Strife is the only hero involved in a love triangle pictured with *BOTH* of his romantic love interests.


Umm yeah, I think Tifa being the opposite of Sephiroth, an embodiment of Cloud's light, is far more significant than anything Cleris, ever. She's the only one who can help im fight Sephiroth, they all leave together to go to "their world" at the end. Etc. Etc.

Then there's Dissidia which pretty much shits on Cleris.

But apparently, 3 seconds of Aeris looking at Cloud at the end of KH is clearly proof of romance. Carry on.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I think that Cloud and Tifa shared mutual romantic feelings (the night before they thought they were going to die) but that the complicated world of Final Fantasy VII, in combination with Cloud being...Cloud, prevented them from ever having a permanent romantic relationship. We see at the end of CoT and during AC that their relationship is in trouble, which is part of the reason why Tifa asks Cloud if he loves her. Tifa asking Cloud if he loves her is a clear signal that whatever romantic feelings were expressed during the HAHW are dissipating quickly.
So you agree that there was romantic interest... wouldn't that mean he loves both?

Also -- do you not think it is at all strange that SE decided to include a place to sleep in Cloud's room?
.. well not really, me and my BF don't share a bed... or a room even... or a hotel room if we vacation due to his heavy snoring... it's just... loud as fuck XD

So i'm the wrong person to ask :monster:
Cloud might snore


Cloud also searches for the Promised Land in FF Tactics,

Cloud is searching for a battlefield in FFT. He says this outright as soon as he appears.
and he is the only character able to equip Aerith's ribbon.
The item is not named "Aerith's ribbon", simply Ribbon an item that far predates Aerith, and something everyone in FF7 was able to equip.

Then, Nomura states that the ending of KH might provide some answers about Cloud and Aerith's relationship. Although you can argue that the ending of KH is not romantic in nature, the fact that Nomura decided to point out that the end of KH might provide some "answers" about the "nature" of Cloud and Aerith's relationship, suggests that the ending of KH is meant to highlight their romantic bond. Why else would he have said what he said? we come to the conclusion that Cloud and Aerith's relationship is platonic?
You assume that is a confirmation of Cloud and Aerith's romantic relationship because why else would Nomura have said it, even though you have repeatedly quoted Nomura saying he doesn't know or care if Cloud is in a romantic relationship. That's rich.

I think that Cloud and Tifa shared mutual romantic feelings (the night before they thought they were going to die) but that the complicated world of Final Fantasy VII, in combination with Cloud being...Cloud, prevented them from ever having a permanent romantic relationship. We see at the end of CoT and during AC that their relationship is in trouble, which is part of the reason why Tifa asks Cloud if he loves her. Tifa asking Cloud if he loves her is a clear signal that whatever romantic feelings were expressed during the HAHW are dissipating quickly.
Yeah THEIR relationship. Cloud is drinking heavily because he was off delivering flowers to Aeriths grave for Elmyra and later is leaving the home that has four other people living in it. But it's Cloud and Tifa's relationship that this is a problem for, why not Cloud and Marlene, or Cloud and Barret. Surely they care too?

Also -- do you not think it is at all strange that SE decided to include a place to sleep in Cloud's room?
I don't. For godsakes, these are the people that made, taking a random example, FFVII. Is there a reason there is a fighter jet crashed in Bone Village, no. Is there are reason for [everything Golden Saucer architechure related]? no.

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
Ehhh, as someone said earlier (Minato?) Kingdom Hearts isn't over yet.

What about Cloud's promise to Aerith to come back to her, what about Aerith waiting for Cloud at the end?

Also how can Tifa leave for anywhere with Cloud and Sephiroth when Tifa isn't even a real person in KH? :monster:
Isn't KH Cloud originally from Hollow Bastion along with Aerith, Yuffie, Leon, Cid, anyone I might be forgetting, or did I get that wrong? ;o


Pro Adventurer
Umm yeah, I think Tifa being the opposite of Sephiroth, an embodiment of Cloud's light, is far more significant than anything Cleris, ever. She's the only one who can help im fight Sephiroth, they all leave together to go to "their world" at the end. Etc. Etc.
Sora: So why did you go along with [Hades], anyway?
Cloud: I'm looking for someone. Hades promised to help.
Cloud: I tried to exploit the power of darkness, but it backfired.
Cloud: I fell into darkness, and couldn't find the light.
Sora: You'll find it. I'm searching, too.
Cloud: For your light? Don't lose sight of it.

This question set love triangle debates ablaze with discussion after the release of Kingdom Hearts I and II - who is Cloud's light? After all, the only motivation that we see for all of Cloud's actions in the first Kingdom Hearts, since he fights both Sora and Hercules in the name of the darkness, is that Cloud is searching for a person who is his light. When Cloud and Aerith are shown being reunited in the ending scene of Kingdom Hearts I, the answer seemed obvious: Cloud's light is Aerith, his castmate from Final Fantasy VII. This conclusion is logical, given Aerith's symbolic potential in Final Fantasy VII as a bringer of "light" and carrier of "Holy," as well as the special connection maintained between Cloud and Aerith in both the original game and Kingdom Hearts I.


However, with the introduction of Tifa and a new story for Cloud in Kingdom Hearts II, an alternate interpretation was presented - that Cloud's light may be Tifa, rather than Aerith. Although the creators have given no definite answer for fear of alienating potential fans, and any conclusion can only be based on circumstantial evidence, the most reasonable conclusion to draw is that Cloud's guiding light is, in fact, Aerith.

Three potential motivations hurl Cloud along his path during Kingdom Hearts, and all of them center around three different people: Aerith, Tifa, and Sephiroth. Although Sephiroth seems like an odd candidate as Cloud's light, since he is also symbolically known as Cloud's "darkness", there are indications that Cloud is searching for him. After all, Sephiroth himself says to Cloud, "I was searching for you, too". However, it must be remembered that Sephiroth was never included in the original Japanese game. The scene where Sephiroth says that he was searching for Cloud only appears in the Final Mix version of the game, never in the North American release. While the scene is therefore canon, Cloud's quote about searching for a mysterious 'someone' occurs in all versions of Kingdom Hearts I, while Sephiroth's statement does not. This makes it very unlikely that Sephiroth could be Cloud's light, since he doesn't even appear in one version of the game.

This leaves two viable candidates in the fray, namely Aerith and Tifa. Perhaps the strongest and most compelling argument in favor of Aerith over Tifa for the role of "Cloud's Light," is the simple fact that Tifa was never featured, mentioned, or otherwise shown in Kingdom Hearts I, where the quote that started it all appears. There is neither a mention of a "martial artist" nor a whisper of a "childhood friend" in Kingdom Hearts I, only the conversation between Cloud and Sora about searching for one's light, followed by Cloud and Aerith's reunion. The game where Cloud and Aerith's reunion takes place is also set with reunions between other character pairings, such as AladdinxJasmine and BeastxBeauty. Although the scene between Cloud and Aerith contains other characters, the focus on Cloud and Aerith is undeniable.


Material in Kingdom Hearts II does provide at least some basis for the argument that Tifa is, perhaps, Cloud's light. For one thing, Aerith's interaction with Cloud during Kingdom Hearts II is minimal, focusing mostly around one short, but pivotal conversation. In this conversation, Aerith confronts Cloud about his possible departure. At the end of the conversation, Aerith tells Cloud that everything will be alright if he leaves by saying this:

Aerith: "No matter how far away you are... once you find your light.. I'm sure it will lead you back here again."

Notice that Aerith refers to Cloud's light in the second person, rather than as herself. This immediately led some people to question how Aerith could be Cloud's light when she speaks of his light as something other than herself? The solution to this puzzle is surprisingly simple.

One must remember that Cloud actually sold his soul to darkness in Kingdom Hearts I. In that game, Cloud even bore artifacts of darkness, such as a bat wing. It is is acknowledged several times during Kingdom Hearts II that Cloud continues to be plagued by darkness, such as in the following passages from Cloud's confrontation with Sephiroth:

Sephiroth: Cloud&#8230; you&#8217;ll never let go of the darkness.
Sephiroth: Defeating me is meaningless. You know that more than anyone, Cloud.
Cloud: No matter how many times I fall, your darkness keeps calling me back.
Tifa: Wrong!
Cloud: Tifa! Stay back!
Tifa: How can I? I wanna help you.
Sephiroth: You can&#8217;t. He&#8217;ll never let go of the darkness.
Tifa: He doesn&#8217;t have to. He just needs someone to surround him with light.
Tifa: The darkness will be there, Sephiroth - but in a place you can&#8217;t reach.

These lines clearly indicate that Cloud is battling against the darkness inside of himself. Since Sephiroth is essentially the embodiment of Cloud's darkness, then Cloud feels he must defeat Sephiroth in order to defeat his own personal and inner darkness. This conclusion is reinforced by Tifa herself after Cloud and Sephiroth fly away to finish their battle:

Goofy: Where&#8217;d they go? Do ya think they made it back to their own world?
Sora: They went somewhere else.
Tifa: Cloud went to fight a great battle to defeat the darkness inside him.

Tifa clearly states that Cloud is battling Sephiroth in order to defeat the darkness inside of himself. Therefore, the light that Cloud seems to be searching for in Kingdom Hearts II is his own personal light, rather than for another person who is his light. When Aerith refers to "finding your light" in her earlier conversation with Cloud, she is speaking of Cloud finding his own inner light by defeating his inner darkness.

There are several other indications that Tifa is not depicted as Cloud's light in Kingdom Hearts II. In the first place, Cloud never searches for Tifa during the game. If anything, Cloud actually seems to be avoiding her. Tifa spends a great deal of time in Kingdom Hearts II trying to locate Cloud by punching down walls, looking under desks, and so on. Yet, when Tifa finally finds Cloud and calls out to him, he actually runs away and leaves her to battle a horde of Heartless all by herself.

In the second place, when Tifa appears during the confrontation between Cloud and Sephiroth, something happens when she is challenged by Sephiroth. Tifa's own light flashes brightly as she dodges Sephiroth's attacks, since he lunges at her several times with the masamune. Each time that Tifa's own light flashes, Cloud winces and shields his eyes, as shown in the screenshots below:



Tifa's light almost seems to blind Cloud, as if her light is actually harmful to him. Furthermore, Cloud seems very hesitant and almost reluctant to accept Tifa's light when she offers it to him:

Tifa: Cloud, you can have my light.
Sephiroth: The light doesn't suit you.
Cloud: I just...don't know.

Notice that Sephiroth even points out that Tifa's light isn't suitable for Cloud. Immediately after this, Cloud starts to glow with a light that seems to emanate from his own body. Although the light could arguably come from Tifa, there is no indication whatsoever that she transfers the light to Cloud - no hand gesture, no physical contact, nothing. Tifa is merely standing absolutely still several feet behind Cloud when a golden light suddenly begins to emanate from his own body. Compare the diffuse white light coming from Tifa in the screenshots above with the glow emanating from Cloud's own self in the screenshots below:



Therefore, when Aerith used the term "your light" to Cloud in their earlier conversation, what she really meant was Cloud's own personal and inner light. Since there is still darkness within Cloud, it is necessary for him to defeat his personal darkness before he can find his inner light, and Aerith seems to understand his struggle. This is the reason Cloud searches for Sephiroth - to defeat his own personal darkness.

When interpreted this way, there is no contradiction to Aerith being Cloud's light in Kingdom Hearts I. Cloud and Aerith's connection is depicted in Kingdom Hearts I as the 'light' which guided Cloud 'home', just as Beast searched for Belle, and Aladdin searched for Jasmine. In Kingdom Hearts I and II, Advent Children, and even in Final Fantasy VII, Cloud ultimately faces Sephiroth alone. When Cloud finally defeats the darkness of Sephiroth by finding his own inner strength, the light of Aerith will always be there... waiting to guide Cloud home.

By Materia Thief


When Kingdom Hearts I was released, it was strongly hinted that the light the characters spoke of symbolized the person&#8217;s romantic love interest or a person of great importance. This was demonstrated between Kairi and Sora, Jasmine and Aladdin, and Beast and Belle, among others. Cloud and Aerith also fit into the pattern of the other romantic couples within the game. In the credites, they are shown reuniting along with the other couples who had been separated. As a result, it was concluded that when speaking of searching for his light, Cloud had been referring to Aerith.

However, with the inclusion of Tifa in Kingdom Hearts II, many CloudxTifa supporters argued that Aerith was not Cloud&#8217;s light after all. Due to a conversation Cloud and Aerith have where she talks about Cloud finding his light, and a bright white light that appears when Tifa is around, CloudxTifa supporters started claiming that Cloud's romantic light is Tifa rather than Aerith. Yet, what many have overlooked is that the symbolism of light has taken on a second meaning in this installment of the game: finding the inner light to combat inner darkness. It&#8217;s clear that Cloud is struggling with facing his inner darkness and needs to find his own inner light to combat it. But this is not unique to Cloud alone - many of the other characters in Kingdom Hearts II are also seeking their inner light to combat the darkness within them.

Sora himself struggles with understanding his own inner light and darkness as he learns about his other self, the Nobody Roxas. Also of note is that Sora is not said to be searching for his light as in his romantic love interest Kairi. This is a clear indication that the theme is different this time around, though it does not change Kairi's importance to Sora. There&#8217;s no need for Sora to search for Kairi, as he knows quite well where she is for the majority of the game. He parted with her at Destiny Islands and up until he is told of her kidnapping by Organization XIII he believed her to still be there. Even once he learns that she has been taken, he knows where she is to be found. Instead of seeking Kairi, he deals with questions regarding his dark self Roxas, memories that don&#8217;t belong to him, and understanding that hearts are made up of both light and darkness.

Hercules, after making a huge mistake regarding the Hydra that Hades left for him to fight, looses confidence. He falls into a depression, believing that he&#8217;s worthless, refusing to believe that he&#8217;s still a hero despite the support of his friends and loved one, Meg. However, Hercules is seen overcoming that darkness and finding the light within himself once again in time to help Sora find a way to help Auron and to rescue Meg from Hades.

Simba, too, has to deal with similar issues in the Pride Lands. Tormented by the guilt of believing that he&#8217;s responsible for his father&#8217;s death, Simba refuses to return home until he recovers his own courage to confront his uncle, Scar, and take his rightful place as King. Later on, Simba is haunted by the dark ghost of Scar and his own doubts about his ability to be King. This causes Simba to run away again until Sora encourages him to conquer his fears. Once Simba regains his confidence and finds his own inner light, he&#8217;s able to banish Scar&#8217;s ghost and cleanse the Pride Lands.

Similar problems also occur with Beast. Xaldin evokes Beast&#8217;s anger, encouraging him to seep himself in darkness and send away anything that might bring him back to himself. He locks his servants in the dungeons and even keeps Belle confined to her rooms. Sora and the others however help Beast to find the good within him again, allowing him to conquer the darkness of his anger and defeat Xaldin.

Cloud follows this same pattern and theme, struggling to defeat darkness and find his own inner light to combat it. He speaks of having to conquer his darkness, a person who is no other than Sephiroth.

Cloud: I'll get him. This time we settle it. Me, and the one who embodies all the darkness in me.
Donald: I thought you looked kinda different, Cloud.
Cloud: If I do, it's his fault.
Sora: Whose?
Cloud: Sephiroth. Tell me if you see him.
Sora: Okay. What's he look like?
Cloud: Silver hair. Carries a long sword.
Sora: Sure. Well, be seeing you, Cloud.
Cloud: Be careful. He messes with your head, makes you think darkness is the only way.
~Kingdom Hearts II

This indicates that Cloud is struggling to deal with his darkness, while a conversation between Cloud and Aerith while Sora looks on further makes it clear that Cloud must also find his inner light.

Aerith: Is something wrong?
Sora: Uhh...
Cloud: It's nothing. I don't want you involved.
Aerith: You mean you don't want me there when you go away again?
Cloud: I just--- Listen, even if I go far away, I'll come back.
Aerith: Do you mean it?
Cloud: Yeah.
Aerith: See? You don't look so sure. Well, okay, I understand. Go---get things
Cloud: Huh?
Aerith: No matter how far away you are...once you find your light...I'm sure it
will lead you back here again. Right?
Cloud: I suppose.
Aerith: So I'll stay here---and I'll cheer for you--- Okay, Cloud?
Cloud: Okay. *walks away*
Aerith: Wonder if he'll be okay.
Sora: He'll be fine. I'm sure there's some light in him somewhere.
Aerith: You're right.
~Kingdom Hearts II

Cloud has to come to terms with himself and his own darkness to find the light within. It&#8217;s not something someone else like Tifa can do for him, no matter how much she may want to. This is a battle that he must fight on his own, with the support of his loved ones at his back. A warm golden glow emanates from his body, and he springs upward to finish his battle with Sephiroth alone, a sure sign that Cloud has somehow found his own inner light.

The emphasis this time around is finding inner light, rather than searching for a special person. Sora, Hercules, Simba, Beast, and Cloud all struggle with finding the light within themselves to balance out the darkness, a clear indication that this is the theme for Kingdom Hearts II.

By Alantie

Then there's Dissidia which pretty much shits on Cleris.
How so?

But apparently, 3 seconds of Aeris looking at Cloud at the end of KH is clearly proof of romance. Carry on.
What you are forgetting is that Nomura clearly thinks the ending of KH *IS* significant to Cloud and Aerith's relationship as it pertains to FFVII. Therefore, to dismiss the ending of KH would be to go against one of FFVII's creators.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Question: Why do they call her Flower Girl and not Aerith?... I mean it's obviously Aerith

That would be like calling Cloud, "Spikey haired dude with sword"


Pro Adventurer
Question: Why do they call her Flower Girl and not Aerith?... I mean it's obviously Aerith

That would be like calling Cloud, "Spikey haired dude with sword"

Because its not aerith :monster:

Different clothing, only her hair is similar, the face maybe but that was kind of a generic face used in FFT.

Sure. Shes an analog and reference to aerith, but that doesnt mean she really is aerith. Especially when we have to take into account she doesnt recognize cloud and is treating him just like any other potential customer i.e.

"Want a flower for 1 gil" Isnt proof or a declaration of love.

and after that Cloud disregards the familiarity and goes along his merry way. You'd think if it really was Aerith he'd you know... take her with him?


What you are forgetting is that Nomura clearly thinks the ending of KH *IS* significant to Cloud and Aerith's relationship as it pertains to FFVII. Therefore, to dismiss the ending of KH would be to go against one of FFVII's creators.

Nomura outright says that what Cloud is searching for in KH1 is open to interpretation, that Sephiroth is a possible answer. So you are guilty of that too saying Aerith is the only answer.


Pro Adventurer
Question: Why do they call her Flower Girl and not Aerith?... I mean it's obviously Aerith

That would be like calling Cloud, "Spikey haired dude with sword"
The scene in FFT is paying homage to when Cloud and Aerith first met:


Notice how Aerith is called "Flower Girl" when Cloud and Aerith first met in FFVII? Therefore, when Cloud first meets Aerith in FFT, she is again referred to as "Flower Girl":


SE even uses some of the exact same lines for both scenes.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
oooh, okay, thanks Blankbeat and Link.

and for the record on that snoring thing, my brother and his ex-wife used to sleep in separate rooms too :monster:
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