The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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He lives with her. I'm sure he gets time to raise her together with Tifa.
Like I said before - he is barely at home.

Cloud and Tifa still have Denzel to raise, thought.
Mostly Tifa since Cloud is absent often.

Tell me where it's stated that he's like a big brother.
Hey, I wasn't the one who said Cloud is like a big brother to Marlene or Denzel.
It isn't stated, so I can't give you evidence for something I dare to claim to be wrong.

That's one-sided.
Indeed, it is one-sided; however, this destroys the idea of Zerith.

Why? You say otherwise, okay - but can you also prove that?

She didn't know the real him already, that's a big difference.
If she has seen through "the essence of Cloud", then this means she has seen through a big part of his essential personality.
I might add that Tifa doesn't know him better since she:
* didn't knew him in his childhood and tried even to pretend that he wasn't there most time
---> the only time they talked was the evening at the Water Tower
* she managed to see him again by accident at a train station without seeing him in seven years
---> the only time she had the opportunity to get Cloud to know better was after Aeriths death; therefore, Tifa had 14-21 days to get to know him better than Aerith did already
So if Aerith has to know the real Cloud to be able to love him, then I guess Tifa has to do this do since the only things he knows about him are that he is from Nibelheim, that he was an ordinary boy and all those other details without the personality stuff.

Where? In Maiden?
No, in Case of Lifestream: White.
"Cloud was her friend, her beloved - he was a symbol for everything that was dear to her, and he had to be protected."
The actual official translation was this:
"Cloud war ihr Freund, ihr Geliebter - er war ein Sinnbild für alles, was ihr wichtig war und es galt, ihn zu beschützen."
So I gues she doesn't love Zacks anymore...?

No. The sword represents Zack for Cloud. What else could it be? At least not Angeal.
Unless it isn't stated, it can represent anything.
You might say that you believe that it represents Zacks, but you can't say that the creators had this in mind, too.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Like I said before - he is barely at home.

He is very literally gone for DAYS, not months on end. There is an official timeline on this, and I believe it's less than 2 weeks that he's out of the house. Before he went off to find a cure for Denzel he was home NIGHTLY around the table with the kids, going over routes and maps and being a family man.

Mostly Tifa since Cloud is absent often.

See above.

If she has seen through "the essence of Cloud", then this means she has seen through a big part of his essential personality.

And she calls him a confused kid. Hardly OMG, you sexy man-beast attraction there. Was she interested? Sure. But she herself recognizes that she doesn't know enough of the REAL Cloud to be in love with him. She loves the idea of him and wants to learn more. She asks him to get to know the real him. Hardly a targeted insight there, no?

I might add that Tifa doesn't know him better since she:
* didn't knew him in his childhood and tried even to pretend that he wasn't there most time

Fucking proof. Now. Nowhere in ANY compilation or supporting materials is it said that Tifa ignored Cloud. EVER. In fact, it was good ole Cloud that refused to go near her because his jealousy was redonkulous. He called the other kids stupid and he picked fights with them. that's right, dear ole Cloudy boy was NOT ever bullied. HE was the bully. That tangent aside, give me some FACTUAL evidence that Tifa pretended he didn't exist, or stfu.

---> the only time they talked was the evening at the Water Tower

Which took place in fall/winter and Cloud didn't leave until spring. I hardly think they NEVER spoke after that. Believing such--in that small town--is ludicrous. And she knew him well enough after 7 years to know something was WRONG with him (aside from the obvious mako poisoning), so yes, she knew him.

---> the only time she had the opportunity to get Cloud to know better was after Aeriths death; therefore, Tifa had 14-21 days to get to know him better than Aerith did already

Are you serious? Cloud was with Avalanche for quite awhile before the game even starts...

So if Aerith has to know the real Cloud to be able to love him, then I guess Tifa has to do this do since the only things he knows about him are that he is from Nibelheim, that he was an ordinary boy and all those other details without the personality stuff.

My forehead hurts from the contact it has made with my palm reading this. Seriously. Did you, you know, PLAY the game? Read the novellas? Watch the movie? Anything? Or do you just like pulling shit out of your ass?

No, in Case of Lifestream: White.
"Cloud was her friend, her beloved - he was a symbol for everything that was dear to her, and he had to be protected."

So I gues she doesn't love Zacks anymore...?


Unless it isn't stated, it can represent anything.

Given that logic, then you have no proof whatsoever that it's even Aerith narrating CoLW. ZIPPO.

Tina Armstrong

Fackbito, RedGloves, Eileen Galvin, Saria, Lady Croft
Like I said before - he is barely at home.
In CoT, right?

Hey, I wasn't the one who said Cloud is like a big brother to Marlene or Denzel.
It isn't stated, so I can't give you evidence for something I dare to claim to be wrong.
Then what is he acting like to you?

Indeed, it is one-sided; however, this destroys the idea of Zerith.
How? She can't have feelings for two guys?

Why? You say otherwise, okay - but can you also prove that?
You were the one that said that he's "barerly present" and that Tifa raises the kids by herself. You can start to prove that.

If she has seen through "the essence of Cloud", then this means she has seen through a big part of his essential personality.
I thought they meant that she saw through his "shell".
Why does Aerith tell Cloud that she WANTS to meet the REAL CLOUD, if she already knew him? She dies shortly after their date.

I might add that Tifa doesn't know him better since she:
* didn't knew him in his childhood and tried even to pretend that he wasn't there most time
---> the only time they talked was the evening at the Water Tower
* she managed to see him again by accident at a train station without seeing him in seven years
---> the only time she had the opportunity to get Cloud to know better was after Aeriths death; therefore, Tifa had 14-21 days to get to know him better than Aerith did already
So if Aerith has to know the real Cloud to be able to love him, then I guess Tifa has to do this do since the only things he knows about him are that he is from Nibelheim, that he was an ordinary boy and all those other details without the personality stuff.

Oh... Is THAT why Tifa helped him in the Lifestream?
"Apart from being Cloud’s childhood friend, she is also the woman who understands him all too well and devotedly supports the mentally-weak side of him." - Tifa's profile, FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania

No, in Case of Lifestream: White.
"Cloud was her friend, her beloved - he was a symbol for everything that was dear to her, and he had to be protected."
The actual official translation was this:
"Cloud war ihr Freund, ihr Geliebter - er war ein Sinnbild für alles, was ihr wichtig war und es galt, ihn zu beschützen."
So I gues she doesn't love Zacks anymore...?
Yes. This does not prove that she doesn't love Zack anymore, however.
Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against the idea of Aerith loving Cloud. But I haven't found any proof that says that Aerith have no feelings left for Zack.

Unless it isn't stated, it can represent anything.
You might say that you believe that it represents Zacks, but you can't say that the creators had this in mind, too.
Are you talking about FFVII or just about Cloud?
The sword is a symbol of Zack, through Cloud's eyes at least.

Anyway. Hey, in the Reminiscence of FFVII Vincent tells Cloud to "Get over to Barret's", which is what Cloud does later. Is Barret still away, or does he actually have his own home now?
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Elisa Maza

Gods, I'm SO going to regret this, but some points rubbed me the wrong way too much...

Like I said before - he is barely at home.

Mostly Tifa since Cloud is absent often.

Excuse me, have you realized that you have just spatted to the face of every living husband/father/wife/mother/parent/person whose job keep them many hours away from their family??? Because this is what Cloud used to be at some point in CoT. Not to mention, once he realizes this and after he finds Denzel, he gets less jobs to spend more time with his family.

Plus, at the end of ACC, in Reminiscence, he tells Tifa to DENY jobs for him, because he wants to take the day off the next day, so he can spend time with the family.

Yeah, tooooooootally being barely at home.

Hey, I wasn't the one who said Cloud is like a big brother to Marlene or Denzel.
It isn't stated, so I can't give you evidence for something I dare to claim to be wrong.

Your claim is baseless, then. And irrelevant in this debate. And lots of quotes describe the Seventh Heaven family as Cloud's family... you know, as if he's the head, the father of a typical, traditional family. Shocking, huh?

Indeed, it is one-sided; however, this destroys the idea of Zerith.

Postmortem, everything is destroyed regarding relationships, kthxb.

Tifa [...] tried even to pretend that he wasn't there most time

WHAT? WTF is this, how on this perfect blue planet did you come to this conclusion??????

the only time they talked was the evening at the Water Tower

Cloud asked her to come to the water tower, so they definitely talked that time. Also, they lived side by side. Not knowing each other that well, doesn't mean they don't know each other at all and they haven't talked at all to each other except during the water tower.

Moreover, your claim implies that Tifa was that much of a moron as to accept the invitation of the town bully to go and meet him AT NIGHT, IN SECRET, when she hadn't talked to him at all prior to this.

Please, think what you're typing.

she managed to see him again by accident at a train station without seeing him in seven years

Karma, destiny...

---> the only time she had the opportunity to get Cloud to know better was after Aeriths death; therefore, Tifa had 14-21 days to get to know him better than Aerith did already

Tifa had been taking care of the same Cloud Aerith knew for WEEKS before Aerith met him.

So if Aerith has to know the real Cloud to be able to love him, then I guess Tifa has to do this do since the only things he knows about him are that he is from Nibelheim, that he was an ordinary boy and all those other details without the personality stuff.

Too bad for Aerith that the real Cloud revolves around Tifa (Lifestream sequence, blah, blah) and Tifa was interested in him since she was thirteen. So much for your claim that she "tried to pretend he wasn't even there most of the time".

Aaaand these were the points I wanted to cover. The rest can be taken care of the others. Ja.


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
Are you serious? Cloud was with Avalanche for quite awhile before the game even starts...
Cloud wasn't exactly himself while he was with Avalanche, though. Not that I really believe Tifa didn't know Cloud at all, but they obviously weren't too terribly close during that time.
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Celes Chere

However, FF love is, isn't it?

Have you ever heard of Celes x Locke?

No. The sword represents Zack for Cloud. What else could it be? At least not Angeal.

When Zack gave his sword to Cloud he said "You are my living legacy" and basically passed his honor, dreams, EVERYTHING he ever hoped for TO Cloud. The sword represents Angeal when HE owns it. He passed it on to Zack so now he owns it. It's always been representitive of Zack.

"Cloud was her friend, her beloved - he was a symbol for everything that was dear to her, and he had to be protected."

And yet there are quotes that contradict this very thing. That's why it's being debated afterall. I provided the quotes, and received no counter for them at all (besides this). This is
1. One sided Aerith, when Tifa and Cloud expressed mutual feelings (which apparently means nothing)
2. Considering the other quotes, the affections for Cloud may not be romantic or she at one point loved two people (which isn't that far fetched).

I still believe that Aerith loves Zack. And always will, and not because of my opinion but because that's what the quotes flat out say.

@CR - I'm not going to reply (to the last message) unless you want me to. The other members have beaten me to what I wanted to say, and anything I had in reply to you will just be a repeat of them. Just wanted to let you know I'm not ignoring you, just don't want to post the same thing everyone else did, lol.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Cloud wasn't exactly himself while he was with Avalanche, though. Not that I really believe Tifa didn't know Cloud at all, but they obviously weren't too terribly close during that time.

True, but she knew him well enough to know he wasn't acting like himself, indicating at the very least, she had a familial relationship with him before he jaunted to Midgar.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Like I said before - he is barely at home.
Do you have any evidence of this?

Since Cloud also fakes a smile, it's questionable if this was meant to be true, too.
Do you have any evidence that the smile was fake?

Tell that to Yuna and Edward.
Do you have any evidence that Yuna was having a relationship when Tidus was dead?

If Aerith tries to see him again, then she tries to reunite with him.
Do you have any evidence that she tried to see him again after AC/C?

---> the only time they talked was the evening at the Water Tower
Do you have any evidence of this?


err... I didn't mean to sound like a complete dick here, sorry, I just want you to back up what you say with evidence. And if it's your interpretation, please say so. Thanks.
that's all :monster:
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Tell that to Yuna and Edward.

Regardless of anything else in this thread-

FFIV Shits on the idea of relationships with the dead, in no small part because the dead woman tells him it's impossible and to move on.


LL most of the points you made have been addressed. But I felt the need to highlight a few things.

Fact is, we do not know why. We don't even know who put it on the desk.

So is there a quote saying "Tifa could never place a family phot on the desk because that would be out of character for her"?

So in your mind it's more likely that Tifa forces Cloud to have that family photo on his desk than Cloud simply wanting it there?

Which begs two questions. What gives you the idea that he wouldn't want it there? And what makes you think Tifa would force that upon him? Again how does this jive with anything else the story or the creators have told us?

The way you describe it I think your version of that photo looks more like this.


I don't get the "attacks Cloud like a Smiler"-part, I'm sorry.

She shows up in the credits while Cloud is riding on his bike.

Not in ACC

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Please don't misinterpret that as *completely* ignoring Cloud's grief. I was pointing out the difference in the scene, not the grief. I was pointing out why I thought that Cloud holding Aerith's lifeless body plus his lines made it romantic.
If you interpreted that as me *completely* ignoring things, then that's your interpretation and not mine.

Ok, I think I get what you're trying to say CR. But what others are trying to do is make a counter-point to your statements. People are trying to show you that Cloud's grief at the loss of Zack, and the grief showcased by others such as Tifa and Yuffie at Aerith's death are just as potent and heart-rending. That there is no reason to consider it romantic just because it was different.

He asked the others not to approach them. Why did he do that?

Forgive me, I don't recall Cloud asking everyone else not to approach at Aerith's death. In fact, depending on who is in the party at that point, they DO approach. Tifa even touches Aerith before she runs off crying, hands over eyes bawling as far as I can tell from the primitive models. I always thought she was smoothing her bangs back out of her face myself, but cradling her face is just as likely.

Yuffie's cries? Tifa cradled Aerith's face? When? This is the first time I've seen that in an argument.

This is why you have to watch more than one version of the scenes. Yuffie flat drops to her knees bawling, and I described Tifa's reaction above. Their grief is potent, and in Yuffie's case damn near instantaneous. No pause, she goes from Yuffie's usual over-confident and brash posture to on her knees weeping her eyes out.

I was talking about you claiming that I'm *completely* ignoring things when I'm not. It's the one thing I hate about debates.

You haven't really been doing anything to refute those points though. To some that seems like you're ignoring them.

Do I look like I'm taking it seriously? HAHA!

When you comment on your tolerance level as a warning it seems serious, yeah. Considering how you talked to Vendel it also comes across as a bit hypocritical, which is one of my pet peeves. I'd say your advice to Vendel was good, and you should take your own advice on this one. No reason a silly LTD discussion should push your tolerance levels my friend.

But they don't look right at each other's eyes, either Cloud was facing away of Tifa was. Which is why I find Cloud trying to take a look at Aerith's face even as they were back to back romantic. That's all I'm saying.
I'm not saying they should be lovey dovey when they're having a rough patch.

As for looking someone in the eyes, there are multiple reasons why people do it and multiple reasons not to do it. For instance, I do not like to look people straight in the eye when I am hurting or angry. The eyes are the window to the soul, people see what's going on inside when you look them in the eye. So you're right in a way, eye contact does equate to more sincere communication. But sometimes, especially during a rough patch, it can be very hard to establish that connection for fear of hurting the other person.

too much shyness cause too much misunderstandings, IMO, but it doesn't neglect a relationship.

Agreed 100%. Shyness =/= neglect, but it CAN cause misunderstandings.

No. We were talking about how romantic it was that Cloud tried to look at Aerith during the flowerfield scene.

You are talking about how romantic that is dear. We're talking about how unsupported that claim is and putting up alternate reasons he'd have tried to look at her right then. Shock at her suggestion being my personal interpretation.

We believe otherwise.

And so far you've been unable to support that belief.

Uhm... excuse me, but like I said, we were establishing how the flower field scene could be romantic. :) And it's not only that which can say Cloud and Aerith has romance in it.

You've been trying to establish that. I can see how it could have been romantic, but I do not see that it is at all. Its very touching, for the viewers/players/fans as well as Cloud no doubt, but not romantic. And how else can Cloud/Aerith be shown to be romantic? I'm still waiting to hear about that.

Meh, you're not alone. :)

Most assuredly not, I took a long break from the LTD and aside from being less wacky and random its pretty much identical to what I remember. Except that you're more fun to discuss with than some folks I've talked to CR.

Where is directly stated that Cloud did look up for Aerith because of guilt and surprise?

Where is it directly stated that it is romance? It works both ways, get to supporting your claim that it is romance if you expect us to take that as factual evidence.

And we all know it's best to NOT inform your family about a violent gang who tried to kick your butt because they will be safer this way...

When your family includes a superhumanly strong and fast martial arts master who will probably want to step in and fight the same guys who kicked your own super-strong/fast swordsman ass during a running motorcycle battle, then yeah it actually might be safer to leave them out of it. But that's not what was being said, the exact line you were responding to was "He's trying to protect them from his failure." As in his failure to keep himself safe from Geostigma and his apparently inevitable and painful death. They're already dealing with Denzel's condition, he doesn't think they need his added on. Even when talking to Marlene towards the end he maintains that his pain is NOTHING compared to Denzel's. And that's leaving out his multitude of other guilt and shame related reasons for keeping his family in the dark.

See? It works ;3

No it doesn't, it sounds ridiculous. Which was the entire point. If you look up over your head you might see it.

Marlene likes flowers too and tramples off them. Besides, who said that flowers where most precious to Cloud?

Marlene does not trample the flowers. She stops respectfully at the edge of the flower-bed and gently tends to them while humming to herself while she waits for Cloud. She almost looks like a mini-Aerith in that scene in fact. As far as Cloud goes, no one said they were most precious to him that I know of. We've been pointing out that if they ARE an important symbol of Aerith as is so often claimed, his trampling them underfoot without so much as a notice to get to Tifa is a clear show of how much she means to him.

Also, Cloud is barely there; how would he raise Marlene if he isn't present most time at all?

Did you even read CoT? I don't wanna sound cruel or mean here, I'm honestly asking. Since there are a number of passages therein describing Cloud taking fewer deliveries and coming home earlier specifically to make sure he has time for the kids. Its only when his grief and guilt get the best of him that he distances himself from Tifa and the kids. You can argue that was the wrong way to respond if you like, I have in the past myself, but it does not in any way mean he was never present/barely there for Marlene and Denzel.

And besides, what about Barret? I guess he won't go back to his daughter once he finished his job?

Barret seems to think Marlene is better off with Cloud and Tifa to me, with Denzel as a brother. I personally assume he'll be around plenty, but finding just one oil field is hardly enough for the entire planet. EVERYONE needs to replace Mako Energy. I doubt he's gonna be "finished" with this job for a good long while.

Tell me where it's stated that he acts like a father to Marlene.

Case of Tifa has direct quotes stating Cloud acts like a young father to both of the children. Multiple quotes from other sources describe him as being the equivalent of the father in their small family.

Since we all know that Tifa isn't from time to time telling herself things that aren't true...?

To parrot your own lines back at you: When/where was that stated? When has Tifa ever been shown to lie to herself?

Since Cloud also fakes a smile, it's questionable if this was meant to be true, too.

And what exactly makes you believe his smile there was fake? I agree that if it was a fake smile it would put the agreement that Aerith sent Denzel to the family as a whole rather than just to Cloud in a questionable light. But the smile was not fake, if anything it was merely hesitant as Cloud mulled over the idea to himself and then found he approved and agreed.

However, he is called her father though.

Barret is her father, he has been ever since Corel was destroyed by Shinra. Kids can have more than one father you know. My kid has three different father figures. She doesn't live with me and someone else is raising her. Does that change my status as her dad? Not in the least.

Tifa raises them alone since Cloud is barely present.

I already responded to the "barely present" nonsense above. Scroll up to see how invalid this point is. Yes Tifa does a lot of the work alone during the time Cloud is distant from them, but that is a finite portion of their relationship.

Indeed - friends who are like family.

This claim has already been debunked. Tifa does indeed see her friends as family. But not a direct part of THE family, which consists of just four people: Tifa, Cloud, Marlene, and Denzel. I cba to find the exact post with the exact quotes (and there were more than one) that showed this, but feel free to roll back through the thread and find them, or ask for them to be reposted by the OP.

Fact is, we do not know why. We don't even know who put it on the desk.

But we can make reasonable deductions. It is Cloud's business, and his office. We can reasonably presume he chose the few decorations in there for himself. If Tifa had been the one to decorate his office I would assume it would be at least a BIT less Spartan in there. So, working on that deduction, why would Cloud bother to keep that photo around unless its because he's fond of his family?

So is there a quote saying "Tifa could never place a family phot on the desk because that would be out of character for her"?

See my above paragraph.

I don't get the "attacks Cloud like a Smiler"-part, I'm sorry.
She shows up in the credits while Cloud is riding on his bike.

Slimer, not Smiler. Its a Ghost Buster's joke based on the ghost of a fat, slimy glutton who "slimes" people with his disgusting ectoplasmic body :monster: And no, she showed up in the credits back in AC, and there is no reason she shouldn't. She was vital to the plot and everyone, fans and party alike, misses her. But she was removed from ACC, so the credits focus soley on Cloud.

His original name is Zacks.
I like 'Zacks' more than 'Zack'.

Is this really something we need to debate? We can all tell who she was referring to after all, so it doesn't particularly matter. Sure it irks me too a bit, but so long as I can tell who she means fuck it, let her add an S to the end of the sentence.

I'm not going to call him something different because the English translators weren't able to translate properly.

Dude, they called him "Zack" because that's a common name among English speakers. With an S added, it looks goddamn ridiculous to a large number of Westerners. Call him Zacks if you must, but don't insult one of the few sensible decisions made for the translation.

On a similar note, I see you don't insist on calling Cloud by the name "Cloudo" or "Cloudu" or however that pronunciation would be spelled :monster:

Tell that to Yuna and Edward.

I can't speak for Edward, but Tidus came back to life. He wasn't on the Farplane anymore, he wasn't dead. Aerith, she is still lifestream goo.

I don't care about your opinions of the Gongaga scene since it doesn't matter anyway if Aerith states that she loves Cloud in Case of Lifestream.

Working under the assumption that it is possible to love more than one person, it can still matter. The Gongaga scene isn't as important as some things, but it DOES have a place in this discussion.

Ahh, this discussion again.

Yes, this discussion again. Because you're not getting the point, willfully or not.

"Aerith detected that the present Cloud is not the real him during their encounters."
"Her meaningful lines like, "I'm searching for you" and "I want to meet you" all mean that she has discovered the existence of the real Cloud, although he's not aware of it himself. "
"This line can infer that Aerith has seen through to the essence of Cloud. "
"Even though Aerith perceived that Cloud had lost sight of his true self, she still has great affection for him."
"Although in the beginning, Aerith felt close to Cloud is because he behaves like Zack, her interest in Cloud himself grows and is attracted to him. "
Case Closed.

Aerith has become aware of the fact that Cloud is not himself. She is aware that there is something wrong with him. this =/= her actually knowing the real him. Even if she has seen through to his essence, that doesn't mean she understands him and knows what he's really like. She just knows he is acting contrary to how he should. Tifa knows as much before Cloud even meets Aerith, though she questions her own sanity for a time in relation to such. And a growing affection for Cloud can occur as she learns he is NOT just a copy of Zack without her knowing what's up with him.

Case closed indeed :awesome:

So standing next to a person is equalling a romantic affection? ...Are you serious...?

It has as much weight as "Cloud tried to look at Aerith OMG SO ROMANTIC!" The fact remains, Aerith leaves with Zack. Maybe its romantic, maybe its not, but either way they returned to the Planet where the dead belong.

Also, where is it said that she wished to see him more than anything after the events of FFVII?

Where is it said that Cloud's greatest wish is to see Aerith again after the events of anything? At least the Zerith quote has a basis in CC. Seriously, I recommend once again you stop trying to tear down the "competiting" pairings and try to support your own. And not just because that's just better debate procedure, but because you're kinda bad at tearing down.

If Aerith tries to see him again, then she tries to reunite with him.

Seeing =/= permanent reunion. Whereas we're straight up told that Cloud and Tifa are back together after AC/C. You're inferring, we have actual quotes backing our conclusion up.

I wonder why she never faces him.
Also, do you have a quote for that? Or some arguments why she "tries to stop Sephy" without even mentioning him once? Or why she did always talk about CLOUD instead of SEPHY?

You quoted CoLSW earlier. That means you should already know that she TRIED to face Sephiroth directly. And that he sent her packing with a flea in her ear for her trouble. Up until Cloud's victory, assisting and speaking to Cloud is all she could do.

Are you really sure you watched the movie? Talking to Cloud in the Forgotten City, healing their wounds, helping him defeat Bahamut, messaging his mobile phone, healing his geostigma, healing his remaining wounds, saying encouraging words to him and watching him riding his motorcycle - no, she doesn't even think about Cloud.

Are you sure you did? Sure she thinks about Cloud. She's integral to him recovering from his guilt, she's vital to him defeating Kadaj and Sephiroth. She spends most of her time on screen trying to get Cloud to stop dragging his guilt and shame around. Exactly what Tifa tries to do, I might add. And since even in the AC's credits Cloud and Aerith are never on screen at the same time there is no telling that she is watching him ride Fenrir around and not just tending flowers. She IS still a flower girl from the slums at heart I am sure. But either way it makes little difference, she is not in the ACC credits whatsoever.

And I would like to know how you depict Aerith. First saying this, then that, then again this, and again that?

I haven't seen Aerith depicted all willy-nilly by anyone in this thread in a good long while. Even when such things were regularly done, it was done in jest in lieu of actual debate. What are you talking about exactly?

It's that thing that has actually happened. Since Aerith stated that she loves Cloud in an official novel.

Aerith loving Cloud =/= Cloud loving Aerith over Tifa. That's half a pairing at best. And Aerith loving Cloud also =/= Aerith not loving Zack. No matter how much some people wish it did.

What? I was sure you meant the Forgotten City since you basically said Cloud avoids the church.

I'm only going to touch on this lightly since I do not remember the context in which this was mentioned, but its pretty clear Cloud does not avoid the church. He found Denzel there after all. The Forgotten Capital, on the other hand, is where he delivered flowers for Elmyra just before his depression starts kicking in again in CoT. That seems likely to have made him avoid going back to me.

Show me evidence.

NO U :awesome: Seriously how do you ask this with a straight face when people keep asking your side to support your position with factual evidence rather than assumptions and interpretations?

As for evidence, Cloud never knew Angeal. As far as he's concerned the Buster Sword is Zack's, the symbol of his dreams and honor. Hence Zack saying (paraphrased) "My honor, my dreams... they're yours now..." on his death-bed.

I know this quote.

Good. Then why are you asking for more again?

But that wasn't what I asked for. I know that Denzel sees Cloud like a father, but I want to see a quote where it's stated that Cloud feels the same about any of the kids.

Ahhhh I see. So Cloud making time to spend with the kids, even shortening his work hours just for that, and teaching them, and all around ACTING like a father isn't enough for you? Then I doubt anything will be.

He was already mentioned to still be her father in the novel, so don't worry.

See above within this post. You can have more than one father, and be part of more than one family.

I'm sure he would have done this with any of his friends, with maybe a few things different.

Thank you! Yes, Cloud would have reacted much the same with any of his friends if Sephiroth had skewered them, with some minimal changes to make his words about them instead of her. Glad to finally see some agreement on that one. IE yes, it was special that he reacted as he did, but no more special or romantic than it would have been if Barret had taken the Masamune in the back instead (as he almost did, according to creator interviews).

Indeed, I did them. I'll post them when I've got the time.

Sweet, not expecting any differences of consequence myself but it'll be nice to compare.

And I'm sure I didn't say that.

No one said you did, but we're not asking for interpretations and opinions. We're asking for factual support for your position, and we're getting interpretations instead.

I want to remember that you can only see things as canon that are already proven.

But by all evidence from the Ultimanias, OtWtaS, Creator Interviews, etc it HAS been proven canon.

Maybe I just want to have a good day enjoying myself writing here...? ;3

Tis a good enough reason for me. I don't understand how you can still hold your position regarding canon or the lack thereof, but I love debating for the pure sake of the debate myself.

So I don't post facts in my post?

I see mostly unsupported interpretations and opinions. Emotional reactions to how you saw things. I don't see anyone equaling the wealth of quotes Cloti has going for it. Look up Q's lengthy post a page or so back for a very well cited list of such.

Where was this said?

Well, at least its worded a little different this time.

This would - if meant in a romantic way - contradict Aerith saying she loves Cloud.

How so? Really, people can have romantic feelings or even interest in more than a single person at once.

I didn't say anything about facts, I just said it could be a hint.
As for me, I won't take this seriously because he seems to repeat himself over and over again in certain times.

Ok, you said it could be a hint, and never claimed it for fact. Got any actual facts to work with? And you repeat yourself plenty in this very thrad, should we refuse to take you seriously until you stop parroting yourself too?

I don't.
I would would answer this question in full, it would too likely develop into my own opinion, and that's something nobody (haha) cares for.

Has never stopped anyone in this debate before :monster: But if I can be so bold, let me rephrase the question. Can you prove that Cloti is not comparable to other canon FF pairings?

Isn't this referring to the time where Barret is already gone?

The family was fully referenced before Barret left, actually. But even if it is just after Barret is gone... so what? Its on Marlene's profile and thus canon either way.

Because it was originally his sword.

Yes, it was his sword once upon a time. Then Zack's, then Cloud's. It's clear that Cloud associates it with Zack and the symbolism he gave it. During the time he carried it (after getting his memory back that is) the only symbolism Cloud seems to put into it... is Zack. Angeal doesn't really come into it, so far as Cloud is concerned.

My point is: since you don't know what it shall represent, it could represent anything.

But we do know what the Buster Sword has represented to each person who has held it. Angeal, Zack, then Cloud. We know their feelings about the sword. We can look them up with ease. Hell, Dead!Zack mentions what it symbolized to him during ACC! So no, it cannot represent ANYTHING.

Since Aerith did already tell that she loves Cloud, the hint towards Zerith should be out of discussion.

Same song, same dance, still silly and untrue.

Good point. However, in both quotes, it wasn't stated what kind of feelings are expressed/Cloud feels towards Aerith.
So both quotes are ambiguous.

Very much so. Ambiguous, and not nearly as concrete as what is said about Cloud's feelings regarding Tifa and vice versa.

However, FF love is, isn't it?

Is it? Would you refer to the repeated pains Tidus and Yuna went through before they got their happy ending as gentle or soft? Yes, they were tender with each other, but they were ripped apart inside repeatedly by the knowledge that Yuna had to die for them to win, then again when it became known that Tidus wasn't real and victory would instead kill him. Similarly, Cloud and Tifa's relationship is rocky. Cloud has issues, Tifa has issues, and they do not always react perfectly to the pain and difficulty that causes. That sounds like love that is not always tender and soft to me.

Wait, aren't you then claiming that Edward couldn't have a relationship with Anna despite her being a ghost?

Different stories within the FF series have different rules. Ghosts rarely linger on Gaia, the Gi Tribe are shown to be an unusual occurrence and Sephiroth has to give up the majority of his sense of self to stay apart from the Lifestream. Even the Cetra seem to not stick around without a specific task to keep them apart from the Lifestream, and even then they lose themselves over time. Aerith would be no different, except it might be even harder for her since she's half vanilla-human.

Also, it was said that this crush was "in the past", so you don't know if he still lasts.

I no longer see this part in your post (working with two tabs open to keep everything straight, I am). Edits can play hell on a reply that way. So that in mind, I can't be totally sure of context, but assume you are talking about Cloud and Tifa as children. See Quex's post for a discussion of the "Dim love" translation. Either way, even if it were just a crush you don't know that it faded either. Your comment cuts both ways and proves absolutely nothing. And as far as I can tell, the quote in question does not comment on a "crush" and is much deeper than that. It involves dim feelings of love. As in love that has yet to grow to maturity, not a simple crush.

Wasn't it said that both heroines have feelings for Cloud? So - at least - it would be a one-sided romance story since we don't know how Cloud feels.

You are misunderstanding, and I suspect willfully so. The FFVII story and Compilation as a whole do not revolve around romance. Romance is but a single facet of the overall story, not even close to the whole thing.

There is more still to reply to below, and I have been working on this post FOREVER. But, I see LOTS of repetition in the things I have yet to reply to, so I shall let this post stand for now. I'm sure anything I'm missing will be repeated yet again later, so I'll have opportunity to reply then :awesomonster:

Celes Chere

FFIV Shits on the idea of relationships with the dead, in no small part because the dead woman tells him it's impossible and to move on.

Exactly. It's the same thing Rachel also told Locke.
"Move on with the one that is now in your heart"


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
One little comment I just have to make:

He asked the others not to approach them. Why did he do that?

When did this happen? No, seriously, I don't remember that at all. Am I the only one who got totally thrown off by this? :huh:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Regardless of anything else in this thread-

FFIV Shits on the idea of relationships with the dead, in no small part because the dead woman tells him it's impossible and to move on.

Ironically, she also goes to join the Lifestream of her planet. She speaks of "becoming one with the great spirit," and the U20 Scenario guide also confirmed IV's world to have a Lifestream.

Are there deviation for the conversations that Tidus can have with Lulu or Rikku on the Snowmobile? What about at Guadosalam? BTW I'm asking cause I honestly don't know. If those are in there, I don't think it's ever been said or proven which of those is canon.

There are "Deviation" sidebars for those, yes, as well as the death/survival of Luzzu and Gatta, and a number of other things in FFX. For all those scenes from FFX, there isn't really any indication of which is canon within FFX's summary. The "Deviation" event about influencing what Clasko chooses to do with his life does seem to have a canon outcome shown in FFX-2, though, since he goes on to breed chocobos.

If the conversation has two versions, then the conversation is optional.

So, you're really just going to ignore the whole thing about Shadow, huh? And Terra? And X-2's canon ending?

Even though I could not have stressed more that I wanted a response about it? And even though Ryu and Quexinos have also asked you for a response about it?

Ryu was right when he said "You keep ignoring it because you don't want to face it," wasn't he?

What else with a canon outcome despite multiple versions can we ignore? There are multiple versions of FFV's ending, but the U20 Scenario shows the one where everyone survives (what it calls the Happy Ending) under its "Ending" header, even though it mentions that other versions are available.

You know, I read your apology and I really wanted to believe you meant it. The reason I've been so upset in my responses to you is that I always respected you and expected more from you than to misrepresent others' arguments, attack their credibility on unfounded grounds, or blatantly ignore the points they emphasized to you they wanted responses to most while claiming you had come for good faith debate.

But you just found another way to slap me in the face. You may have said that you wanted you, Ryu, Que and I to be able to have a polite and honest discussion, but you couldn't have shown less respect to us if you tried.

Ariadne said:
My forehead is literally in my palm, sweetness. In the post to which you replied here I already said that a scene being under player control can have an official version.

And where did I say you didn't say that?

When you opened your response with this:

You said:
My point is that what it says on page 232 totally undermines your claim of Cloti being canon, especially when your article also says this under the Clerith date scene:

nothing so amazing, no, all it tells us is that the date itself is up to player control, so no one version is ‘official,’

So if a scene under player control can't have an official version, then the Highwind scene (which is also under player control because it has optional versions), also can't have an official version. Your entire article is undermined and contradicted.

Why even repeat that again when I had already said that neither Ryu nor I have ever put forward any such claim that "a scene under player control can't have an official version"? Why say that again when I had already said that to read the article as claiming that is a misreading of the line in question?

For that matter, how would it have ever made sense for us to say that given that we were -- as the purpose of the article(!) -- putting forth that a canon outcome existed for a scene subject to player control??

Again, for you to respond in that manner means you either didn't read all of my initial post, or that you were deliberately trying to misrepresent what Ryu and I had said.

Anastar said:
And it sounds to me like you're only reading part of MY post, because what I said is that the statement under the Clerith date scene having no official outcome contradicts the rest of your article as well as undermining the main point.


Then the statement should be clarified, because it says that a scene under player control can't have an official outcome.

Again, it doesn't say any such thing. While Ryu's wording may not have been perfect, it can only be read as undermining the main point of the article if one is trying to nitpick the shit out of it for no goddamn reason other than to be difficult.

Once more, the purpose of the article was to put forth a canon outcome was established for a scene subject to player control -- so why would anyone writing it say that scenes subject to player control can't have canon outcomes? And -- other than the possibility I suggested in my previous paragraph -- why would anyone read it as meaning such a thing?

I'm going to explain this one more time, and I hope you won't ignore it this time: Ryu's line does not say that scenes subject to player control can't have canon outcomes. It says that the U20 Scenario puts for that a specific scene subject to player control (the Gold Saucer date) does not have a canon outcome because of the book's own focus on the outcome being subject to player control.

Here's his line again: "... all it tells us is that the date itself is up to player control, so no one scene is 'official' ..."

Is the wording poor? Sure. The man himself said he didn't give it a second thought and that he wrote it in a hurry (he's not kidding about 10 of those 25 minutes having been spent looking for a good picture of Ted Koppel; I helped him find that one).

Could it be read to mean what you're saying it says, though? Not when one remembers that the purpose of the article's existence is to say that another scene up to player control has an official result.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I think it refers to when Cloud is about to start jumping over the pillars to get to Aerith, he makes a small motion for the others to stay. Or I could be completely wrong.

Oh IF that's what we're talking about, I thought something was wrong with him when he did that on my first play through. Like Sephiroth wanted them to stay back, too far away to stop Cloud from chopping Aerith. Luckily their shouts and Cloud himself managed to stop it.
Last edited:


undercover Clerith evangelist
Okay - it seems that I'm just pissing off Ryushikaze and Ariadne, even though I'm not trying to. So I'm going to try talking to someone else for a change. I'd be more than glad to talk with Ryu and Ariadne if they knock it off with the accusations and slander.

Gym Leader Devil

Hey Chantara, I know you're not speaking to me at present but I gotta weigh in here. You still seem to be ignoring the point being made, that being that just because there are optional variations on the Highwind scene does not preclude there being a canon version. That, being as how there can in fact be a canon outcome despite the divergence available in the game, the content of page 232 does not invalidate the point made in the article.

Yes, I understand that you think there is a canon version of the Highwind scene even though there are optional versions of the scene.

My response to your point is that SE doesn't seem to agree with your point because SE specifies that which version of the HW scene you get is determined by Tifa's affection value. They say so on page 232:

Deviation - Two versions of the conversation before the final battle
Prior to the final battle, the contents of the conversation between Cloud and Tifa can change depending on the degree of Tifa's affection. If the degree of affection is high, the contents of the two's conversation will involve deep subject matter and strong feelings for each other. As well, the sight of the two seen by their companions the next morning will lead to an embarrassing scene for Tifa, and she blushes greatly. ~page 232, Final Fantasy 20th Anniversary Ultimania

If SE thought that there was a canon version of the scene, they wouldn't be talking about how you get the two versions. Nor would SE be talking about how the High Affection version is different from the Low Affection version.

Gym Leader Devil said:
I made this comparison a while back, but it seemed illustrative to me so I make it again. I don't know if you've ever played a fighting game before, but even if not you probably are aware of the many, many divergences in various scenes that take place within them. Most common and obvious are the endings, in that every single character will generally have their own ending scene showing what happens when they win the tournament or whatever. The many optional variations, however, do not preclude just one version of the ending from being canonical when further works or information come out. The Highwind scene is like that, there are two versions, but that does not in any way prevent us from seeing which one really happened.
Yes, that is true for SOME optional scenes. However, I do not think that is true for ALL optional scenes.

For example, it is optional whether Cloud buys the flower from Aerith or not. It is optional whether Cloud gives the flower to Marlene or Tifa. It is optional who Don Corneo picks for his date. It doesn't matter which option you pick because it does not seem to change the course of events in the game. None of those scenes (and I could name more) have a canon ending.

I say the same is true of the Highwind scene. It does not matter if you get the High Affection or the Low Affection version. Cloud will still move in with Tifa and Barret. They will still start a Seventh Heaven in Edge. Marlene will still invite Cloud into the family. Tifa will still say that the family is made up of friends. Cloud will still start a delivery service. Cloud will still bring Denzel home from the Church. Cloud will still disappear and move into the Church. Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo will still appear in AC/ACC.
of what happens in FFVII after the Highwind scene, in the novella's, in AC/ACC, or DoC is affected by whether or not you get the Low Affection or the High Affection scene. Everything that happens can happen regardless of which version you get.

NOTHING in the story depends on whether or not Cloud and Tifa are in love, or whether Cloud and Aerith are in love. If something did depend on that, then there would be reason to think there is a canon version. But there is not a single thing in the story that is dependent on whether Cloud loves Tifa or Aerith.

Because of that, your whole theory about there being a canon version to the Highwind scene is invalidated.

Gym Leader Devil said:
In what way does a comment that one scene has no official outcome contradict the rest of the article and undermine its point? One scene has no official outcome so no scene can? Is that what you're saying? Because that's clearly not the case with regards to the compilation. The frequently made comparison between the HA/LA Highwind scene and the Dead/Living Shadow bits in FFVI seem apt as ever. Shadow's continuing to live past the Floating continent in FFVI was entirely optional, yet the Ultimania clearly presents the scenario in which he survived to confront Kefka as official.
I hope I just answered your question in the last part of my post.

I say that there is no clear statement from SE that the High Affection HW scene is canon. It is merely your opinion that there's a canon version. Therefore, it should not be stated as fact until SE says that it's fact.

I've heard all kinds of reasons that you THINK the High Affection version is canon. But SE has never actually said that that the HA version is canon. That's only your opinion.

Gym Leader Devil said:
I'm mildly confused by this. Where did anything ever say that the scene we're discussing can't have an official outcome?

Ryu said that as part of the argument against Clerith in the article on "The Love Triangle is Over". I was merely pointing out that it was contradictory to say that a scene under player control can't have an official version when he's also saying that the HW scene, which is specified as being optional in two places by SE, does have an official version. I haven't checked the article recently, though, so he may have changed it by now. However, here's a screenshot of what he said originally:


Gym Leader Devil said:
The Highwind scene is in no way optional. You cannot get through the game without seeing it. You can effect which of its two versions you see if you wish, but that's about it.
And that's what I meant - that which version you get is optional.

Gym Leader Devil said:
And its pretty clear, reading the information provided, that either the HA version of the scene is officially what happened, or that even in the LA version events still took place that led to Cloud and Tifa confirming their feelings and forming their family together. Nothing else makes sense, going on what SE have given us.

I do not agree after reading the information that the HA version of the scene is officially what happened. SE merely says in several places that Cloud and Tifa confirmed their feelings. SE did not say WHAT feelings were confirmed.

That's what I was trying to explain to Tres - that SE says Cloud and Tifa confirmed their feelings. Well, the feelings they confirm in the Low Affection version are platonic feelings. The feelings they confirm in the High Affection version are romantic feelings. Whether they confirm platonic feelings or romantic feelings, it's still possible for them to move in together and starting a family of friends together. Tifa describes the family several times in CoT as a "family of friends" - nothing more.

Gym Leader Devil said:
Where are your supporting facts that have been requested? Like supporting that a relationship between the living Cloud and the departed Aerith being feasible? Your supporting facts for the romance between Cloud and Aerith existing in the first place?
I posted a link to an essay of over 8500 words giving evidence for CloudxAerith at the bottom of my post here:

Here's the link again:



Thank you very much for your response to me, and for your attempts to listen instead of criticize. I'm afraid I'm out of time for tonight, but I intend to respond to you tomorrow.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
So, Annie, how soon can I expect a response from you in which you don't address the above bolded, italicized and underlined portions of this post, or just refuse to address anything at all because your delicate nature insists I'm not being civil enough?

Tres has already responded to the bulk of what was addressed to him specifically. I'll let his response stand.

Did he? I'll have to go back and look for his response.


[No response to the previously emphasized, bolded, italicized and underlined portions of my post]

Also, because I know Tres really wanted you to see this and respond, I repeat this here now.

Now, seriously, you can continue with this bullshit, truth obscuring focus on a misreading of Ryu's comments from almost two years ago (in which case you will also have to make the plainly absurd claim that the scene with Terra lacks a canon outcome, and that Shadow's death or survival on the Floating Continent lacks a canon outcome, and that FFX-2's story does not have a canon sequence of events; and I'm inflating the length of this sentence, underlining it and including bold and italics tags around the most vital words herein to emphasize that this is the most important sentence in this entire post and that I expect you to address it if you post a response -- or just not bother replying at all; for real) or you can discuss something constructive like what criteria should be used for deciding which optional scenes are canon and which are not.


I think these are the most important things you need to reply to:

Now, seriously, you can continue with this bullshit, truth obscuring focus on a misreading of Ryu's comments from almost two years ago (in which case you will also have to make the plainly absurd claim that the scene with Terra lacks a canon outcome, and that Shadow's death or survival on the Floating Continent lacks a canon outcome, and that FFX-2's story does not have a canon sequence of events; and I'm inflating the length of this sentence, underlining it and including bold and italics tags around the most vital words herein to emphasize that this is the most important sentence in this entire post and that I expect you to address it if you post a response -- or just not bother replying at all; for real) or you can discuss something constructive like what criteria should be used for deciding which optional scenes are canon and which are not.

Okay - it seems that I'm just pissing off Ryushikaze and Ariadne, even though I'm not trying to. So I'm going to try talking to someone else for a change. I'd be more than glad to talk with Ryu and Ariadne if they knock it off with the accusations and slander.


What the fuck ever. I'm done with this horseshit.

Seacrest out, bitches.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Accusations and slander? Please do substantiate these accusations of accusations and slander.
Because it's really coming off like you're trying to make excuses to avoid responding to our arguments.

And you wouldn't do that, would you? That would be willfully dishonest. And incredibly rude.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Okay, my turn to play.

Therefore, it should not be stated as fact until SE says that it's fact.

SE has never stated for fact that Cloud has any emotional feelings towards Aerith aside from friendship and guilt.So by your own logic, any romance between Cloud and Aerith is purely conjecture on your part and in no way canon. Period.

I've heard all kinds of reasons that you THINK the High Affection version is canon. But SE has never actually said that that the HA version is canon. That's only your opinion.

As much as it is opinion that Juliette killed herself out of love for Romeo.

I do not agree after reading the information that the HA version of the scene is officially what happened. SE merely says in several places that Cloud and Tifa confirmed their feelings. SE did not say WHAT feelings were confirmed.

SE never specifically says who the frikking female narrator is in CoLW, either. Common sense goes a long way.

That's what I was trying to explain to Tres - that SE says Cloud and Tifa confirmed their feelings. Well, the feelings they confirm in the Low Affection version are platonic feelings.

And here's where I call bullshit. Tifa's feelings are the ONLY variable. So, regardless of whether or not you think either version is canon, one constant remains between them and that's CLOUD's affections. And even if Tifa's affection hasn't reached 'ankles in my suspenders' love, her feelings have been more than once confirmed by SE to be romantic in nature in regards to Cloud. So, in either case, Cloud loves Tifa. Your only variable is how long it takes her to catch up.

I'm afraid I'm out of time for tonight, but I intend to respond to you tomorrow.

**baited breath**

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Okay - it seems that I'm just pissing off Ryushikaze and Ariadne, even though I'm not trying to. So I'm going to try talking to someone else for a change. I'd be more than glad to talk with Ryu and Ariadne if they knock it off with the accusations and slander.

For it to be slander, doesn't it have to be false?

Gym Leader Devil

Yes, I understand that you think there is a canon version of the Highwind scene even though there are optional versions of the scene.

I should hope you understand that much. I'm still not getting how you can deny the body of posts explaining that, though. I'm with Tres and Ryu, why will you not respond to all that?

My response to your point is that SE doesn't seem to agree with your point because SE specifies that which version of the HW scene you get is determined by Tifa's affection value. They say so on page 232:

Yes, I have seen this response. I have commented on it, as have many others. No amount of repetition and emphatic bolding of words is going to make it more true than it was the first time you said it.

Deviation - Two versions of the conversation before the final battle
Prior to the final battle, the contents of the conversation between Cloud and Tifa can change depending on the degree of Tifa's affection. If the degree of affection is high, the contents of the two's conversation will involve deep subject matter and strong feelings for each other. As well, the sight of the two seen by their companions the next morning will lead to an embarrassing scene for Tifa, and she blushes greatly. ~page 232, Final Fantasy 20th Anniversary Ultimania

Yep, read that already. Several times now. Simply repeating and selectively emphasizing bits of the same paragraph do not a decent point make. You are not addressing the rebuttals of your attempted point beyond doing just that.

If SE thought that there was a canon version of the scene, they wouldn't be talking about how you get the two versions. Nor would SE be talking about how the High Affection version is different from the Low Affection version.

Why not? There are two scenes, if one is the canon version and one is not, why would they not make mention of both? Why would they NOT discuss how the non-canon version is different? Simply discussing that there are two versions does not change which is featured on the For the One I Love page and is considered one of FFVII's most important scenes. It does not change its continual referencing as what DID happen in creator interviews. It does not change the narrative events of the Compilation that stem from that and other scenes in FFVII. It is just what it is, a mention that in the game, certain mechanics can lead to a deviation of that scene.

Yes, that is true for SOME optional scenes. However, I do not think that is true for ALL optional scenes.

Neither do I. I doubt anyone else does either. It'd be silly to throw all optional scenes into the same bag of "Either they're all official or nothing is!" This scene however has a clear distinction, with multiple quotes and references that have been quoted in this very thread to showcase said distinction.

For example, it is optional whether Cloud buys the flower from Aerith or not. It is optional whether Cloud gives the flower to Marlene or Tifa. It is optional who Don Corneo picks for his date. It doesn't matter which option you pick because it does not seem to change the course of events in the game. None of those scenes (and I could name more) have a canon ending.

Nope, and just as you said none of them greatly change the course of events in any way. That is exactly why there is no canon version, they don't NEED one or the other to be called official. The Highwind Scene changes how things progress. It is when Cloud and Tifa share their feelings for each other, and this leads directly to them living together as a father and mother to two young children. The comparison to the Wall Market Sequence or Flower Buying/Giving options is rather lacking, when you consider that fact.

I say the same is true of the Highwind scene. It does not matter if you get the High Affection or the Low Affection version. Cloud will still move in with Tifa and Barret will shortly leave them to raise his kid and eventually their own.

I fixed that for ya.

They will still start a Seventh Heaven in Edge. Marlene will still invite Cloud into the family. Tifa will still say that the family is made up of friends. Cloud will still start a delivery service. Cloud will still bring Denzel home from the Church. Cloud will still disappear and move into the Church. Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo will still appear in AC/ACC. of what happens in FFVII after the Highwind scene, in the novella's, in AC/ACC, or DoC is affected by whether or not you get the Low Affection or the High Affection scene. Everything that happens can happen regardless of which version you get.

Which, if anything, supports my hypothesis that it doesn't matter which happened, HA or LA. That the difference is more in how their feelings are shared, as opposed to whether they were shared or not. After all, you cannot deny that creator interviews and the Ultimanias we are discussing RIGHT NOW say that they DO share their mutual feelings. So if you agree that there is no difference in events based on whether HA or LA happened, then what are we debating exactly? Either way, it leads to Cloud and Tifa, living together, raising kids, having problems during which Cloud isolates himself like a moron, and eventually getting over all that and coming back even stronger for the experience.

NOTHING in the story depends on whether or not Cloud and Tifa are in love, or whether Cloud and Aerith are in love.

Not 100% true, but close enough. This is why we have repeatedly pointed out that FFVII is not a love story over the course of this and other LTD threads.

If something did depend on that, then there would be reason to think there is a canon version. But there is not a single thing in the story that is dependent on whether Cloud loves Tifa or Aerith.

Nope, except for the Lifestream event of course. You remember that bit where Cloud's important memories of Tifa, locked deep inside his heart where he will allow only Tifa to venture, are the key to restoring his sanity? That part pretty much depends, at the least, on him having had feelings for her in the past. And hey, I can see how those memories would still be the key even if that was no longer the case. But, and this is important here, if those feelings were gone why would he still let her into his secret heart?

Because of that, your whole theory about there being a canon version to the Highwind scene is invalidated.

I'm confused, did I skip a paragraph that successfully disproved the idea that a canon version could exist? Nope, just scrolled up and checked and I see nothing of the sort. My replies to what I DID find in your post should show why I do not find your reasoning sufficient to disprove that concept entirely. But as I said earlier, if it supports any theory at all it supports the concept that it doesn't matter if there is a canon scene at all. Cloti happens either way.

I hope I just answered your question in the last part of my post.

What you've said here is... a thing. Its kind of like an answer, I suppose. But no, I'm still waiting to see someone validate Clerith with factual statements over impressions. I'm still waiting to see you respond to the extremely important part of Tres' posts that you've been ignoring despite repeated, emphasized requests and reminders that it exists. I am not finding your answers satisfactory, no. Though I have enjoyed responding to what you've given me, so there is that.

I say that there is no clear statement from SE that the High Affection HW scene is canon. It is merely your opinion that there's a canon version. Therefore, it should not be stated as fact until SE says that it's fact.

Which is why we have so much to go on, from the Ultimania page in question, to creator interviews referencing only the HA version's events, to comparisons with similar situations. I'm beginning to think you really do believe Shadow died, end of story, or that Tidus never got sent back to the world of the real in the end. But keep right on ignoring, if that's what it takes to stay happy. Just don't expect me to take your arguments seriously while you keep that shield of willfully ignoring that which damns your opinion in place.

I've heard all kinds of reasons that you THINK the High Affection version is canon. But SE has never actually said that that the HA version is canon. That's only your opinion.

Aside from more bolded and capitalized text, is there any real difference between this paragraph and the last one? As stated, many times, we CAN clearly show that the HA version is canon/it doesn't matter if it is.

Oh wait, there's the difference. You acknowledge that there ARE reasons behind our reasoning, and that you just don't care. You are aware of those reasons. You just cannot face them. You have no means of countering them. And THAT is why you haven't responded to Tres, or Ryu/Quex/etc when they remind you of his words. Because you have nothing to offer up aside from the very fact that SE acknowledges a deviation occurs and a lot of "Nu-uh!" Which, since it has been heard many, many, many times already, and has been shot down as hard evidence of your own theory each time one of us bothered to acknowledge you parroting it out yet again, it holds very little weight here. It may, in fact, be air-buoyant by now.

So, not to repeat our stance yet again, but a repetition must sometimes be met with more repetitions. Support your claim. Give us, or since you're not talking to Tres and Ryu for the time being, give ME some quotes, creator statements, etc that reference the consequences of the LA version not only being at all different from the HA version AND actually happening, or concede already. Or, if you like Quex and many others are tired of going round and round the HW carousel, support Clerith existing at all with the same requirements. Creator statements, Ultimania quotes, etc. Give us something, anything, other than your by-now traditional spiel, if you can.

Ryu said that as part of the argument against Clerith in the article on "The Love Triangle is Over". I was merely pointing out that it was contradictory to say that a scene under player control can't have an official version when he's also saying that the HW scene, which is specified as being optional in two places by SE, does have an official version. I haven't checked the article recently, though, so he may have changed it by now. However, here's a screenshot of what he said originally:

(screenshot goes here)

This is the most repetitive song and dance I have EVER seen. Seriously, throw in a little soft shoe or some tap, maybe some street or something. Mix it up some, cause the crowd is getting bored with the line dance you're pulling on us. We ACCEPT that scenes with optional outcomes do not always have a canonical outcome. We never denied that. You have in no way supported the idea that THIS scene has no official outcome. You have utterly failed or refused, after multiple opportunities, to explain in any way how the repeated references to the HA scene and the HA scene ONLY (or, as I've stated, to the outcome being identical either way) do not represent SE's position on the matter. You ignore or willfully forget examples of highly similar situations regarding scenes with optional outcomes having canon outcomes.

If Ryu changed his wording, as other posts say he has (I haven't gone to check myself and I have faith that such was done) then it was only to make things more clear I am sure. The factual declarations on the page are just as damning to your position. The canonicity of the Highwind scene's outcome, even if not the version that occurred, are just as intact. And you are still doing nothing to actually disprove that fact.

And that's what I meant - that which version you get is optional.

Polly want a cracker?

I do not agree after reading the information that the HA version of the scene is officially what happened. SE merely says in several places that Cloud and Tifa confirmed their feelings. SE did not say WHAT feelings were confirmed.

And we get to this again. Ok, so SE has not directly said "Tifa and Cloud confirmed they are in love!" What else did they confirm? Friendship has already been discussed, and frankly sounds ridiculous as hell in context. You can come out with the most convoluted excuses you want as to how they rejected each other, or declared their friendship, or whatever. Your side of the debate can claim Tifa puts up pictures Cloud doesn't want around in his office, or that he was NEVER THERE for Tifa and the kids. You can flat out make shit up, twist the facts, etc. But you seem incapable of providing direct, factual support for this.

If nothing else (and there is plenty else) we have Occam's BLOODY Razor on our side.

That's what I was trying to explain to Tres - that SE says Cloud and Tifa confirmed their feelings. Well, the feelings they confirm in the Low Affection version are platonic feelings. The feelings they confirm in the High Affection version are romantic feelings. Whether they confirm platonic feelings or romantic feelings, it's still possible for them to move in together and starting a family of friends together. Tifa describes the family several times in CoT as a "family of friends" - nothing more

To steal lines from your side: Where is THAT one said? Platonic feelings in one version, romantic in another? Where do you get this idea?

And Tifa most certainly does not describe their family as "friends and nothing more." See multiple posts in this thread pointing out she considers Cloud, herself, Marlene and Denzel a "REAL family." That's most certainly not "nothing more." Better yet, see CoT, and the other places this fact is referenced.

I posted a link to an essay of over 8500 words giving evidence for CloudxAerith at the bottom of my post here:

Wasn't this expressly forbidden? This thread is supposed to be a no-fly zone for references to and links to anywhere else. Weren't you asked to, on the spot, provide said evidence HERE, not link us to somewhere else entirely? Cause I am sure I read that. I am sure I thanked that post, in fact.

So why is that so difficult to actually DO? Shit, I am sure no one would mind you even cut and pasting your "evidence" into this very thread. I for one will not be clicking your link. Put it in this thread if you want me to pay attention to it, I don't take the LTD out of here for personal preference even if such was within the confines of the rules.
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Ren, ClerithRaven, Lunafresca's Raven
She surprised him. It's hardly romantic. He's asking for forgiveness and she asks him "from who". It's not a romantic "I must see her" it's more of a "WTF" because for him, he blames himself, and she doesn't. Really, i shouldn't have to spell that out. If it was Cloud having to see her, he would have turned around to begin with--but he doesn't. She even touches his arm and that doesn't bring him around. The only thing that gets his attention is that she might not blame him.

I watched the scene again. I get it that he was surprised that Aerith might not blame him. But I didn't see any change whatsoever in his expression before he tried to turn around and look at Aerith.
I think he was surprised to be in that white space, wondering what was happening. He was even more surprised to hear Aerith's voice speaking to him, telling him it was a good sign that he came to the Forgotten City for the children. He may not have turned around at that time itself, he did incline his head though. For touching his arm, it was weird actually. Aerith would have to have been facing Cloud that time, but the next scene shows her still back to back with him. Haha. Anyways, she touched his affected arm. Maybe he was surprised that Aerith somehow might have known that he had Geostigma. I wouldn't want to show my face to the person if that were true.
The creators did say they kind of wanted to save Aerith's full appearance for the end. So that scene was nicely manipulated.

My 4 year old believes in the tooth fairy. Doesn't make it true.

Don't you also believe in your side?

By what standards? Because there's a LOT of things in the compilation that COULD be romantic between a NUMBER of characters. Tseng and Aerith, Sephiroth and his sword, Barret and Cloud, Cid and Tiny Bronco...and honestly Zack and Cloud's back to back was way sexier.

I don't know abut standards. I've no specifics.

Well, feel free to educate me on the more obvious ones I'm apparently missing.

Here we go again. LOL.

I've never said you did. And you're still missing the point, but I give up :sigh:

Sorry. :(

What about the difference before that scene? Take a look at the full picture, Aerith died in front of Cloud while he was fully rational. He raged at Sephiroth, he felt useless for not being able to stop him. Now, Zack died in front of Cloud while he was suffering from mako-poisoning, and in the game, it's clearly shown how bad it is. He was filled with anguish when he finally was coherent enough. Aerith wasn't shot by some random grunts either, she was killed by Cloud's greatest enemy. Cloud and Aerith's love doesn't make that scene important, it's the sudden loss of someone dear to everyone -including the player- and Sephiroth archieving one of his goals. As someone said before, FF7's main plot isn't about love and that scene wasn't intented to be taken as such. (I'm pretty sure there's interviews mentioning the meaning of Aerith's death, but I can't find them right now, so I won't quote)

Why is it that people always say I'm not looking at the full picture? It's driving me nuts already. Haha! Anyways...
Fully rational? Uhm... Didn't Sephy try to control Cloud to kill Aerith himself that time, while she wa spraying? Or was it another time? If it was that time, then he wasn't *fully* rational since Sephy tried to control his mind. If not, I stand corrected. :)
I didn't say that he wasn't sad or affected with both deaths. There was a montage for Zack and Cloud, their firendship. But looking at Cloud's lines, it seems that the death of Aerith affected him more. He didn't even want to pay attention to Sephy that time. Or did I misunderstand things?
I do wonder, why did Sephy wait for Cloud to be there? I mean, it enabled Aerith to summon Holy, the very threat to his Meteor Spell... It would only foil his plans.
Let me clarify this, if FF7 is not about love, then no romance can be depicted out of Aerith's death, Cloud letting Aerith's body go in the lake by himself, and him saying that he didn't care about Sephy's plan anymore because Aerith's dead... So, can I say the same for the HW scene?
I think I know what quote that is, but I'm not sure myself. Was it about making the players feel sadness of losing Aerith?

Cloud trembling = Cloud's shoulders were heaving as if he were crying, then?
Since Sephiroth is still there and talking, I took it meant he was raging at his enemy.

Kind of? Well, looking at the video and the script, it did seem so. Oh well.
Speaking of raging for his enemy..
MotP said:
She watched Cloud's face which looked as if his heart was going to fall apart from the sadness of losing
her, the anger and hate he had for her being taken from him.

MotP said:
But a cry came through to her.

It wasn't the sound of her cry. If it was then she would have felt the blood gushing up through her throat and the fury that forced its way out from the depths of her soul - It was the sound of Cloud's heart cracking. It was the cry of his heart that could never be healed of the grief he had towards Aerith's death, the blame towards himself and the hatred he had for Sephiroth.

So much anger and hate... why? :)

And I linked the script because it's useful to research the exact words said in the game, since mine is in Spanish. Not to understand a scene. So no, it's not really useful in this situation.

I agree. Haha!

Actually, I'm here to learn more about those details, so I can't give a clear asnwer about that one. I can say that Aerith only appeared in dreams to Cloud as far as we know, so it makes sense for him to want to go first. I doubt it's the only instance he goes first somewhere though. I'd like to read your point of view about it.

We're talking about why he was the only one there when Aerith died, I guess? For my view, I think I'm not alone in this, Cloud wanted to be alone with Aerith at that time. Selfish boy. LOL. And he did do the same for Aerith's burial, I guess it can be called that. I mean, I didn't see anyone else near the lake when Cloud lowered her body to the water.
It's just that it could be interpreted as being romantic. If she was just a friend, I would think having others by your side who are also friends with her is all right. But he was alone.
What do you think?

Aaaand this is why a script is useless without having played the game. @4:30.

Oooh. That one.

I'm here to listen to both sides and try to understand them, and I'm trying to post quotes or facts and try to help clear out misunderstandings like the family or destiny ones, I don't think you should take me as the enemy/other side/whatever.

That's great to hear. Sorry. It's become a habit. :)

Alright, I'm trying to be open-minded here. All the Canon!Clerith supporters who read this, explain to me exactly why you think C/A is canon.


I've already seen the quotes that ClerithRaven posted (But you know what? You guys can post it again if you want to), and they show that Aerith affected Cloud, yes. And Cloud felt attracted to her, YES.

Thank you. :)




Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I'm laughing so hard right now XD

I love you guys.

Thank you very much for your response to me, and for your attempts to listen instead of criticize. I'm afraid I'm out of time for tonight, but I intend to respond to you tomorrow.
If you need to take a couple days to reply please do so. I feel like you're rushing right now and you shouldn't be doing that. Take your time and come up with a good case for Clerith and post when ready. We won't mind if it takes a few days.


There are "Deviation" sidebars for those, yes, as well as the death/survival of Luzzu and Gatta, and a number of other things in FFX. For all those scenes from FFX, there isn't really any indication of which is canon within FFX's summary. The "Deviation" event about influencing what Clasko chooses to do with his life does seem to have a canon outcome shown in FFX-2, though, since he goes on to breed chocobos.

Luzzu can survive? Really? I did not know this.
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Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
I don't know abut standards. I've no specifics.

Hey gal, I think I know your standards. It's called "double". :monster:

I can dig your posts and cite many examples of you doing so but I can't be arsed so I'll just cite this one example (because I don't have the luxury of time):

So you say Cloud unable to face Tifa is not romantic and is negative to their relationship despite Cloud's obvious reason for not doing so yet you say this about Cloud and Aerith and implies it's okay so long as it helps their case:

Anyways, she touched his affected arm. Maybe he was surprised that Aerith somehow might have known that he had Geostigma. I wouldn't want to show my face to the person if that were true.

I won't comment on your other points because I don't think I can manage without choking from my saliva. But I'll still tell you one thing though: It seems you still don't grasp the concept of "misinterpretation".

K, bowing out. :awesome:


Don't you also believe in your side?


Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I watched the scene again. I get it that he was surprised that Aerith might not blame him. But I didn't see any change whatsoever in his expression before he tried to turn around and look at Aerith.
I think he was surprised to be in that white space, wondering what was happening. He was even more surprised to hear Aerith's voice speaking to him, telling him it was a good sign that he came to the Forgotten City for the children. He may not have turned around at that time itself, he did incline his head though. For touching his arm, it was weird actually. Aerith would have to have been facing Cloud that time, but the next scene shows her still back to back with him. Haha. Anyways, she touched his affected arm. Maybe he was surprised that Aerith somehow might have known that he had Geostigma. I wouldn't want to show my face to the person if that were true.
The creators did say they kind of wanted to save Aerith's full appearance for the end. So that scene was nicely manipulated.

Lots of surprise in that scene, this is true. Lots of surprise and nothing that I'd really call romantic. Just sad and shocking.

Don't you also believe in your side?

I wasn't gonna comment on this, since its not directed at me. Well the whole post was directed elsewhere, this one line was a bit different to me. But I just can't help but say, yes we believe in our side. But we have more than belief, we're not just taking "Cloti is canon" on faith. There's a lot of stuff to back that up. What I believe was being said with that tooth fairy line was a request for you to give us something other than belief, feelings, and faith in your chosen pairing to support your side. But of course, I'm sure if I am right the proper person will say so :monster:

I don't know abut standards. I've no specifics.

Standards really help in a debate. They give you something to hold yourself to, so that you can see when something is actually a supporting fact for your side, or if its just a feeling or wishful thinking. Very useful things, standards :awesome:

Why is it that people always say I'm not looking at the full picture? It's driving me nuts already. Haha! Anyways...

Because it really does seem like you're working off partial information at times. Like your lack of knowledge about Yuffie and Tifa's responses to Aerith's death scene earlier in the thread, just as an example.

Fully rational? Uhm... Didn't Sephy try to control Cloud to kill Aerith himself that time, while she wa spraying? Or was it another time? If it was that time, then he wasn't *fully* rational since Sephy tried to control his mind. If not, I stand corrected. :)

Agreed that Cloud was not in his right mind at the time of Aerith's death. He had yet to regain his true memories and personality for one thing. He'd also, as you pointed out, just had Sephiroth crawling around inside his head trying (and nearly succeeding) at making him do things. So no, he is not in his right might at all. But is he being rational within his assumed personality? Yes, yes he was. Despite being wrong-headed, he was still thinking clearly enough within that false personality he'd taken on. Even if he was a bit off, he's still much more capable of speaking and reacting than he was at Zack's death scene, wherein he was just beginning to recover from his mako induced delirium and catatonia.

I didn't say that he wasn't sad or affected with both deaths. There was a montage for Zack and Cloud, their firendship. But looking at Cloud's lines, it seems that the death of Aerith affected him more. He didn't even want to pay attention to Sephy that time.

But again, when Zack died Sephiroth wasn't there. He wasn't the cause of Zack's death, and as far as Cloud knew (if he'd been able to think clearly at the time) the silver haired prick was probably dead from his tumble down into the reactor. And of course, as has been pointed out, Cloud is coherent during the death of Aerith. He may have had his pieces put back together wrong, but they were together. When Zack died, that was the first time Cloud had been aware of outside stimuli and able to respond in who knows how long since Hojo took him for the Reunion experiment. So its not that Aerith's death affected him more, its that he had a very personal target to vent what he felt at combined with actually being able to process what just happened.

I do wonder, why did Sephy wait for Cloud to be there? I mean, it enabled Aerith to summon Holy, the very threat to his Meteor Spell... It would only foil his plans.

This is a wee bit off topic, but I think I can explain it quickly enough to not matter. And it is a good question. Ever since the day some low level weakling, a mere Shinra Grunt by the name of Cloud Strife, kicked his ass in and threw him into the Lifestream, Sephiroth has had one fuck of a grudge. He continually allows his plans to be ruined, from the OG through AC/C, because he wants revenge on Cloud and is too arrogant to see how it jeopardizes his aims. He wants Cloud to feel like nothing and no one. A puppet, just as he says. So he tries to kill two birds with one stone. Show Cloud he can make him kill someone he has sworn to protect as his bodyguard, and remove the meddling Ancient. He could have killed her the moment she knelt down to pray in all likelihood, but that wouldn't have fucked with Cloud NEARLY as much as making the little shit who beat him once do it.

Let me clarify this, if FF7 is not about love, then no romance can be depicted out of Aerith's death, Cloud letting Aerith's body go in the lake by himself, and him saying that he didn't care about Sephy's plan anymore because Aerith's dead... So, can I say the same for the HW scene?

No, for a simple reason. FFVII is not about romance, no, but there is romance present or this entire discussion wouldn't be happening. The Highwind scene is a romantic scene. FFVII isn't a romance story, but the Highwind scene is a big part of the romance that is a part of the story.

We're talking about why he was the only one there when Aerith died, I guess? For my view, I think I'm not alone in this, Cloud wanted to be alone with Aerith at that time. Selfish boy. LOL. And he did do the same for Aerith's burial, I guess it can be called that. I mean, I didn't see anyone else near the lake when Cloud lowered her body to the water.

I didn't see Cloud either when Aerith's body is viewed from underwater. I guess that means he literally disappeared? Don't put too much meaning into the cinematic choices used for that scene. As for Cloud waving the others back before hopping over to the altar, I maintain that Sephiroth was already controlling him then. He wanted them too far back to quickly intervene when he forced Cloud to cleave Aerith's skull. Too bad for Sephy they could still yell at him to stop, and more too bad for him Cloud was just strong enough to listen.

It's just that it could be interpreted as being romantic. If she was just a friend, I would think having others by your side who are also friends with her is all right. But he was alone.

I could make a joke about Cloud wanting to be alone with Aerith's corpse, but you're being sincere so that seems in poor taste. Instead I'll point out that Cloud was already holding her, so it makes the most practical sense for him to carry her out into the water. Further, he no doubt already felt that he'd failed her at that point. And as CoT and AC/C show us, he's very much the type to shoulder his failures for himself. Hell, the OG shows us that when Aerith leaves the party and he wakes up in Gongaga. I'm sure everyone else was up on the shore attending the burial, but Cloud thought he had to wade out and release her to the water alone.

Some decent thoughts in this post CR. I'm glad you're here. You debate with your heart over your head at times, but that's something I've done myself in the past.


The Wanderer of Time
Ah, it's nice to see that even with all the time town, the LTD thread brings just as many backhand insults and hypocracy as ever. Good thing I brought my popcorn.

To post something relevant here, going by the handful I've read (I have distaste for walls of text), someone made the point that Anastar/Chantara (that is you right?) is just repeating the same points without actually countering your arguments. Really, this is what, the sixth, seventh version of the thread? What could anyone here say that hasn't already been said thirty-eight times already? I look at a couple posts and see the familiar arguments, so I'll say with certainty without reading through the back pages that Chantara and CR are giving the same arguments I gave when I first came here and that the many Cleriths before them gave, and you provide the same counterpoints you or some other posters responded with at that time.

This is why I lost my taste for the LTD and found this thread far more entertaining when it was a thinly-veiled spam/troll thread. Of course you're talking in circles, both sides have already heard everything the other side has to say and nothing said here will change anyone's mind. It's an excercise in futility until the people get bored and it dies, neither side accomplishing anything but wasting their time. And both sides acting just as self-righteous and hypocritical as the other, the same stealth insults, little personal jabs, both sides twisting facts and confusing their own personal interpretation of vague statements for canon confirmations. Only difference is that Team Cloti is being much more snide and bitter during it all, but given the usernames I'm seeing here, that's to be expected.

The only question I have now is what GLD's name used to be so I can figure out who they were in the old threads, if they were around at such times.

And to the rest of you, Clerith or Cloti, I respond to whatever the hell you're saying with this, just because I've been waiting for a chance to use it here.

(Original link was broken, proper pic has been added)

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