The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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AI Researcher
Forbidden Date?
If his degree of affection for Cloud is higher than that of the female party memebers, Barret will go on the date with him at the Gold Saucer. He issues Cloud a forbiddance ... wildly misunderstanding and jumping to a hasty conclusion, he asks whether it isn't the women but, rather, Marlene that Cloud is concerned with.

Japanese text:
Bolded bits that weren't quite right in the transcript. Accordingly:

"He reveals his forbidden love... or rather, asks if there's any woman he has his eye on, and when he jumps to the conclusion that it's Marlene he flies off the handle."


Angry Lesbian
...I unfortunately haven't had time to catch up on the last couple of pages. I might have something substantial to contribute tomorrow, who knows! I didn't even expect I'd be posting here again before, like. Autumn. So. Uh. Here's my shipping-neutral thought from a few pages ago:

If I start posting in a thread arguing about a translation and the other guy calls く a "particle," do I actually have to address anything else s/he says? Because I kind of feel like that's an automatic forfeit. I kind of feel like I could break out my premodern textbook and transcribe a few pages on the etymology of く and that would be a lot more productive for all involved.


Angry Lesbian
LTDの新しいマスコットだね? ク様は。

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Yep. :monster:

We have really been coming up short on our angry lesbian quota for a while now, by the way. You really can't expect hito to field batting for the other team ... for both teams.

Ah, puns.
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Angry Lesbian
hito is far too even-tempered and patient to fill your angry lesbian quota anyway, pretending for a moment that he is at all interested in filling anything lesbian. :monster:

Can we just start responding to translation criticism IN Japanese? Or would that be too obnoxious? Or does a level of obnoxious actually exist that surpasses the capacity of the LTD?

Important questions.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Jay, wanna translate this for us? Im curious as to what your opinion would be without having heard any info on it so far:

幼いころのクラウドは、同年代の者たちから孤立し、自分は特別だと思いこもうとする、ひねくれた子どもだった。そんな彼にとって大切だったのがティファ——淡く幼い恋心が、 精神世界にて明かされる。


AI Researcher
Can we just start responding to translation criticism IN Japanese? Or would that be too obnoxious? Or does a level of obnoxious actually exist that surpasses the capacity of the LTD?

Important questions.


The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
ク様「クククク! すべて我が 手中にあり 。 クククク! 」
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Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Hmmm... I don't think I thought this through before supporting it. We'd better get some hilarious translation-fail responses to make this funny otherwise I'll feel a right tit :monster:

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer

? :reptar:

(I'll try and make an on topic post this weekend or something, maybe tommorow or I might just post in the other relationship thread since it's kind of Clerithy though this is kind of on topic as a sort of belated response to something Hawkeye said about a pairing earlier :monster:)
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Pro Adventurer
Yeah that's right gaiz, speak in Japanese all the time, and paste these responses to Quex's tumblr responses. Now things will be interesting >: D



Yes, I'm sure this is the will of our network :neo:

ク様「クククク! すべて我が 手中にあり 。 クククク! 」

Yes kukuku to our network! :joy:


Google: "Who may love without sex"

I dunno, love doesn't need sex but sex is nice... I suppose.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Hmmm... I don't think I thought this through before supporting it. We'd better get some hilarious translation-fail responses to make this funny otherwise I'll feel a right tit :monster:

Even if it's just the right one, you're getting to feel a tit. Stop complaining. :monster:

Oh, all right. My last post:

I said:
ク様「クククク! すべて我が 手中にあり 。

What you probably mistook for Japanese villain laughter ("Kukukuku!") was actually Ku-sama saying "And also and also and also and also!" He's just got so many points to make on the LTD, he can't slow his mind down enough for his tongue to catch up.


AI Researcher
ク様「クククク! すべて我が 手中にあり 。 クククク! 」
ク様の笑い声が「ククク」って優れた発想だなー、さすがトレス! 貴様こそク様の寵児!


Angry Lesbian
Jay, wanna translate this for us? Im curious as to what your opinion would be without having heard any info on it so far:

幼いころのクラウドは、同年代の者たちから孤立し、自分は特別だと思いこもうとする、ひねくれた子どもだった。そんな彼にとって大切だったのがティファ——淡く幼い恋心が、 精神世界にて明かされる。


"Young Cloud's isolation from his peers caused him to set himself apart from them even in his mind. He was a rebellious child. The only one who was important to him was Tifa - faint stirrings of love are revealed in the Lifestream."

Questions/comments/crit welcome. I tried to do what's been discussed a bit, to make the translation sound more like how it'd actually be written in English, so I took liberties but not, I think, too many?

I didn't really know what to do with 思いこもう, though; I know 思い and 思いこむ, am I just blanking on a verb form here? I have a vague recollection of とする ganking weird verb forms but I am so terribly out of practice.

Also after actually seeing the full passage and breaking it down I'm surprised that 淡く was the thing that had people so up in arms. I'd've predicted 恋心 would be the new 恋人.

K now to actually catch up on the thread like a good Jay. :neo:


AI Researcher

ようとする is to attempt or try to do something, and takes that form of the verb that you use to make suggestions about what to do. Like:


And so on like that. In this case he is trying to convince himself that he's special. I might look at a more official and professional explanation because of nerdy interests :sadpanda: also i need sleep now

I like the "set him apart" rendition of 自分は特別だと…, that's an interesting way to phrase it. Obviously totally wrong because you've not been literal enough, though.


Angry Lesbian
Ahhhhh yup. I should've known that. Thank you for the explanation. :D

I'm fully expecting to be jumped on for the non-literal stuff. Debating whether it is worth the shitstorm to go and post this, er, elsewhere.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
"Young Cloud's isolation from his peers caused him to set himself apart from them even in his mind. He was a rebellious child. The only one who was important to him was Tifa - faint stirrings of love are revealed in the Lifestream."

lol you didn't acknowledge the ku either, way to go :monster:

and "stirrings of love"...
... what made you chose that? Even though I know you're just as biased as the rest of us now, I'd like an answer :monster:


Angry Lesbian
lol you didn't acknowledge the ku either, way to go :monster:

and "stirrings of love"...
... what made you chose that? Even though I know you're just as biased as the rest of us now, I'd like an answer :monster:

Heheh. I was hoping somebody would ask. :)

From what I read in the earlier pages I'm gonna get some shit for this, because it doesn't look like Tres and hito agree with me on this one but AHWELL. I didn't take 幼い to be a reference to Cloud's youth, but rather to the immaturity of the love itself (and the two interpretations aren't mutually exclusive, I suppose, now that I type it out). I actually went way over the top and said "pale dawn of love" originally but that is terrible. I like "stirrings" because it makes me think of a chrysalis just starting to break open.

Ugh I'm sorry that is also terrible


but I also like it because there is no implicit end. Because there isn't in the Japanese; we're just told there's this love, you know, when he's young, and it's revealed, and it's never said that it is ONLY when he's young, so it would be kind of disingenuous to imply that in a translation I mean it'd almost be like adding your own interpretation to the exclusion of the actual text - not that anyone would ever do that. :monster:

Edit: you're right, that line should be "faint AND ALSO stirrings of love" :quote:
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I didn't take 幼い to be a reference to Cloud's youth, but rather to the immaturity of the love itself (and the two interpretations aren't mutually exclusive, I suppose, now that I type it out).

OMG THANK YOU! This is what I thought as well =D
Thanks so much for your explanation!

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I actually went way over the top and said "pale dawn of love" originally but that is terrible. I like "stirrings" because it makes me think of a chrysalis just starting to break open.

Ugh I'm sorry that is also terrible

I like "stirrings" as well, and almost went with it myself. :monster: I settled on "awakening" because it actually showed up with that word in some dictionaries' definitions for "koigokoro," and because -- at the time -- I thought "childhood awakening of love" sounded more elegant and fancy somehow.

I'm not so sure now, but it may just be that all the bitching about "fleeting" and "ku" have tainted the taste of the whole damn thing.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I'm not so sure now, but it may just be that all the bitching about "fleeting" and "ku" have tainted the taste of the whole damn thing.

Yeah jokes about ku are kinda funny cause it's all pretty silly... even jokes about being biased and such.... but if I'm being completely honest, I do feel like I started this whole mess. Even if I hadn't said anything on tumblr, I was the first to blow up over all these translations :wallbanger:

I even told some of my Cleriths friends that I would try not to let the Clotis get carried away with all this "CLOTI IS CANON!" stuff... I was the first to echo Tres' statements about being mature... and then I go and start a huge war on tumblr. >_< Granted I didn't mean to, but geeze, I think it's still going on :scared:

I guess I forgot just how vicious this all was and it's like I'm hitting myself in the head for forgetting. Deep inside I know if I hadn't called Cali out on tumblr, I never would have been labled as unreliable. But at least that I can fix that by translation various other things. Not sure if I can fix anything else or even if I should try to at this point

the LTD is just a vicious cycle of anger, backstab and vengeance and I really hate the day I stumbled upon it. :sigh:


AI Researcher


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