The Walking Dead: Season 6 Starts October 11th


Pro Adventurer
Lex I think you will like the comic. Robert Kirkman has a tendency to throw curve balls for the characters in the story if he thinks there getting to comfy, often times resulting in many fan favorites not surviving.
Im honestly surprised Glenn survived so long :monster:

@Danseru's thoughts from tumblr.

Final battle is not that good :/ Good tactics by Prison team but :/ Where is Daryl action? Rick action? Michonne action? Where are the badassery?

Thats because it wasnt the final battle :monster:
Lets think logically now, TWD on AMC has to deal with producers and other various AMC staff when working out the script. Im positive that Kirkman cant kill off as many fan favorites as he'd like to (and has been known to in the comic).

When the "War" occurred the prison cast was comprised almost entirely of fan favorites. So how do they fix this? Well with the season finale, now the Prison crew has more then enough "Cannon fodder" for when the war occurs in Season 4 and the Prison is inevitably lost, I expect this to occur at the mid season finale.

I think this is the big issue with TWD though, on the show the fans control to much of who lives and dies so to say. IF the show actually was comprised of all of the characters from the comic from atlanta till prison redux there would be more then enough "cannon fodder" characters and favorites to kill off.

Why does that matter? It makes it easier for character development to happen and they dont have to stretch suspense of disbelief to get more cannon fodder..
Does anyone here really believe a dozen elderly people would willingly leave what they believe is a secure town and warm beds , to go with the same guy who supposedly tried killing them all several days prior? lol.

The other big issues I have with TWD as a whole is they went from showing what its like to survive in that predicament toooo soap opera? Really? Sure the comic follows this through to a certain extent too but I think the comic does a good point of still showing how dire and disgusting the situation is over all.
Like from showing how nice it was for the characters to be able to sleep outside at the farm safely, rather then being crammed in an RV with a dozen people who havent showered in weeks.

Or showing how happy they were simply to find new (albeit prison uniforms) clothes.
Now none of that matters, and it just kinda makes TWD much less awesome.


Pro Adventurer
^ Agree with the shower stuff

the CDC part in season 1 have them rejoicing on little amenities and thosre stuff aren't shown anymore. Just endless "governor is evil" and Rick going nuts. *sigh*

My friend said that they actually reshoot the last episode, if that is true then I think the just want more David Morrissey (it's a fact that he was just supposed to last one season)

The old spoilers are what follows:

Hershel, Beth and Judith die
Milton is Brian Blake, Gov's brother
Michonne cuts Gov's arm and throw him into a pit of walkers
They go to Woodbury then to Alexandria
Martinez backstabs Daryl and his fate is unknown

That actually sounds better than what happened, makes me think if this was the original ending if what my friend said was true. She is able to dig reliable spoilers btw.

I heard they made Beth, Tyreese and Sasha's actors regulars. AND WHY IS MELISSA MCBRIDE NEVER A REGULAR!? *rages*


Pro Adventurer
Yeah it trips me out this Melissa is still not a regular. Carol has so much potential especially considering how much her character has developed over the 3 seasons. It sucks that they keep only giving her like 3 minutes of air time per episode.

I can dig Tyrese and Sasha being regulars. Especially Tyrese he is such an amazing character in the comics. It bothers me that he wasnt introduced earlier though, he could have easily been that moral backbone for the show after Dales death.

Sasha seems like a cool character, Im curious to see how her roles play out in season 4.
Though I would have preferred that the show include Tyrese's daughter and not sasha, it would have made for helping Tyrese become a stronger individual through her loss..
Heres hoping Sasha doesnt die just like her though xD


Btw is anyone else annoyed how they completely brushed off Allen and Donna in the show? They were fairly minor in the comic, but what occurred to both of them (and the twins!) really made for an interesting short subplot in the comics which could have been cool to see on screen :<


Pro Adventurer
False alarm! Melissa Mcbride confirmed on her Twitter she's now a regular. Now I wanna see her name near a Cherokee Rose <3 But I have a strong feeling she would die if they cannot find anything else to add to her character development.

I dunno in the comics Tyreese seems cool (from what read) from the TV show I find him utterly boring along with his sister. He's like just... being there. Yeah he's a nice, calm dude but he barely contributed anything in the whole plot of Season 3

I want more Morgan, but I doubt he'll show up again. I heard before that we might see Morales and his family again, but I wonder what happened.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah regarding morgan I had kind of hoped that he would make a surprise return during the season finale if the war actually happened and would assist in a flank and save the day or something lol.

About Tyrese, thats the best part about him is that he can be a gentle giant if he wants to be but at the same time is more then capable of getting work done. He is just completely against hurting humans, its why his character is a bit boring in a Woodbury setting.

In season 4 if Zombies become more of a real presence and adventuring out of the prison to other locations actually becomes a thing again I think Tyrese will really be able to shine.


I'm looking forward to seeing more of Melissa McBride. I've come to love Carol as a character in the show when I thought she was pretty meh to begin with, verging on annoying at the start of season 2. But I think she's a great actress and I love the relationship between her and Daryl.

I just want them to stop getting stuck in one place for so long. I feel like one of the only reasons is budget. It must be cheaper to stay on one set for many episodes >_>


Kaiju Member
I just want them to stop getting stuck in one place for so long. I feel like one of the only reasons is budget. It must be cheaper to stay on one set for many episodes >_>

Actually the staying in one place for a long time might being more reflective of source material, the comic stayed in the prison setting for quite a while.


Pro Adventurer
^ For The Prison this may be the case, considering they were there like 6 or 7 months in the comic and it was well over 30 issues long too.

The same cant be said for The Farm though, which was about 3-4 issues long (optimistically) in the comics.

The issue is definitely budgeting, AMC is notorious in the TV industry for basically being cheapskates. Heck after TWD season 1 being a commercial and critical success they decided to reduce the budget.

Furthermore they even reduced Mad Men's budget significantly multiple times and tried to fit in an additional 7-10 minutes of commercials into it resulting in the actor strike that took Mad Men off air for over a year.

Theres a reason why AMC (almost mostly commercials :reptar: ) has a bad rap in the industry.





Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.


Pro Adventurer
I hear Kirkman has been really trying to get the show back on track with this season. I hope its true, Season 3 was alright and helped redeem the series and bring it up back to Season 1 quality TWD.. Lets just not talk about season 2 though lol.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Only got a few words from that trailer: MY BODY IS READY.

But in all seriousness, I was a bit disappointed slightly with season three. It looks like season four may get it back on track. That's yet to be seen, but I like what I see so far.


Pro Adventurer

First half of Season 3 is the best for me, while the second half is the worst in TWD and has the weakest season finale. I wasn't very excited for the 4th season but the trailer looks interesting enough. What I like:

- Mommy Carol
- Michonne on a horse
- farming and fortifying
- New redshirts


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
First half of Season 3 is the best for me, while the second half is the worst in TWD and has the weakest season finale.
You nailed it there. :monster:

The first half definitely had some of those intense moments, but then it crashed down like a pile of crap towards the end. I was expecting a more epic showdown between Rick and the Governor. But at least he's back next season, I found him to be the most intriguing of the new characters,
especially keeping his "daughter" locked up and his creepy obsession with Andrea. Well, at least I saw the latter part that way.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Is it just me or does, "fortify and eventually leave" and "a traitor or saboteur" sound like Season 2's "the farm & Shane" all over again to anyone else?

I'll be honest, Season 2 made me hate the show, and Season 3 started to bring me back, but the finale was so boring, I didn't even finish watching it. It's gonna take a goddamn miracle to make me care about this show again.

X :neo:



I'm afraid I'm getting bored with this show lately. Right now the only thing that's keeping me interested is
Daryl's reaction to Carol's banishment


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
*casts Revive*

Holy shit, the latest episode. That's some really dark, but brilliant stuff. I was genuinely speechless by Lizzie.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I read about it, but haven't watched any of the season since I quit half-way through the Season 3 finale. Is it worth getting back into, and if so, when?

X :neo:

trash panda

*casts Revive*

Holy shit, the latest episode. That's some really dark, but brilliant stuff. I was genuinely speechless by Lizzie.

I thought it was really unexpected; like perhaps those two characters just wouldn't fit into the upcoming episodes and they had to be gotten rid of very quickly. Maybe the cast is about to expand and they need room for new characters...

I was also under the impression that Lizzie did kill the others at the prison and that carol was covering for her...


Pro Adventurer
I thought it was really unexpected; like perhaps those two characters just wouldn't fit into the upcoming episodes and they had to be gotten rid of very quickly. Maybe the cast is about to expand and they need room for new characters...

I was also under the impression that Lizzie did kill the others at the prison and that carol was covering for her...

Nah theres just no way she could have dragged the bodies. I mean maybe given enough time she could have but it would probably take for ever.

Not to mention given how quick Carol is with her decisions and actions it really is clear (to me) that it was carol who did it. Especially with how sure she was that killing Lizzie was the right choice.

I kinda saww Lizzie and Mica's death coming. There are two very similar sibling characters in the comic who had a very similar fate at around this time frame in the comic. So it was tough to not draw lines and connect them.

Personally I felt better about how the show handled it then the comic. In the comic it felt cold and it was really underplayed, it felt like the group didnt really learn from it and that it was just another bad thing that happened.

I really liked the parallel between Rick and Carol in this episode. Because in a way Carol was forced to make the same decision as Rick, except in a much more extreme fashion (Bar in mind Comic Rick would have killed Carol if she had burned people in the comic).

So I think when/if they ever cross paths in Terminus Carol will be more understanding of Rick because she was forced to do the same thing Rick had done to her.

I read about it, but haven't watched any of the season since I quit half-way through the Season 3 finale. Is it worth getting back into, and if so, when?

I would say it is. S4 has done a good job of bringing the show back after S2 and part of S3 almost ruined it.
They are fleshing out more ideas and learning to appropriately take there time with the show. Before (S2) nothing would happen in the show and it just felt like filler. Because it was, they hedged all of there bets on the mid season and end of season Finales.

Take for instance the episode that came before this sundays. Literally nothing happened. But everything happened to.

They took there time to develop the characters and gave great insight into the past while giving a glimpse of the future. S2-S3 TWD would take this time to just have them do some arguing or sitting around.

Though you have to understand that TWD like its Comic source is a slow moving show. I can compare it to Attack on Titan at times. They play the long game and sometimes they fall short with the filler, other times they absolutely nail it.

But at the least they got better at making filler Episodes and learned how to add some much needed suspense to them
Beth! :<
Last edited:


Harbinger O Great Justice
I would say it is. S4 has done a good job of bringing the show back after S2 and part of S3 almost ruined it.
They are fleshing out more ideas and learning to appropriately take there time with the show. Before (S2) nothing would happen in the show and it just felt like filler. Because it was, they hedged all of there bets on the mid season and end of season Finales.

Take for instance the episode that came before this sundays. Literally nothing happened. But everything happened to.

They took there time to develop the characters and gave great insight into the past while giving a glimpse of the future. S2-S3 TWD would take this time to just have them do some arguing or sitting around.

Though you have to understand that TWD like its Comic source is a slow moving show. I can compare it to Attack on Titan at times. They play the long game and sometimes they fall short with the filler, other times they absolutely nail it.

But at the least they got better at making filler Episodes and learned how to add some much needed suspense to them
Beth! :<

Ok, I can dig it. I was just getting tired of there being to much unbelievably petty human drama being the source of larger issues than real survival in the apocalypse. I caught a few minutes of an episode with Carl & his dad that made it look like the show is actually making it feel like living in a zombie apocalypse again (i.e. everything felt more like the episode "Clear" from Season 3, and less like "Triggerfinger" from Season 2).

If that's the case I might be inclined to try and give it another shot at some point.

X :neo:


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Definitely give it a shot, the second half of this current season has been brilliant so far.

I pretty much knew it was Carol from the start, but the thing with Lizzie did throw me off for a little while and made me think it could be her with Carol actually covering her instead. Also Lizzie's fate was pretty much sealed when she was standing over Mika's body, that was the most disturbing sight of the entire show for me. But it was still so powerful.

Now I can't help feeling that Terminus might not be the haven everyone thinks it could be, as there's always something sinister about anywhere in this post-apocalyptic world.

It's nice to recently focus on the younger actors like Lizzie, Mika and Beth for a change. They don't really get much chance to shine with so many adults in the show.


Chloe Frazer
I think it's pretty much a given that things aren't going to go as well as they hope. To put it simply if you think The Governor was bad just wait until Negan arrives.
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