Things that piss you off

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"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Having to train someone as cover at work... and everything I tell her, she asks "why?"

If it works, do not ask why!


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
people refusing to build my computer because it's AMD. fucksticks.


What 'bout my star?
Shadow, Nadleeh
its a controversial subject but fur.....not furry; like actual fur.

I recently bought a keychain tail from a friend and im getting grief from another friend because it's real fur.
I oppose animals being farmed for fur and that being their soul reason for being - to provide material for vanity and fashion.

However, the girl i bought it from, her supplier is a taxidermist who only takes his tails from roadkill; whilst i still feel a bit iffy about it being real fox fur, i don't feel so guilty as i know the animal didn't die to provide me with a new puffy tail - it was already dead due to an unfortunate accident.

I don't object to my friend being anti-fur, but there's no need for her to tell me i'm evil and sick :(


--Tamashi no Rufuran
Emiya Shirou, Oz Vessalius, LPod, Belldandy, L-Phone
my religion teacher's annoying. really. not just to me, but all to those classes he attends to. Also, twilight :monster:


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Trying to hang out with two separate groups of friends.

If they got along, things would be SOOOO much easier. Damnit.

Ugh, yeah. I had a friend who was in that kinda position. She could hardly ever hang out with me because she had this group of friends that might decide last minute they wanted to do something, and if she said she had arranged something else, it would be an unforgivable insult.

She never suggested introducing me to them so we could hang en masse. I wonder who she was more embarrassed of? :awesome:

I was gonna say, forgetting to take into account my keep when working out my trip funds. :doh: But, the cover I'm training... :rage: ArrrrrggggGGHHH! Damnit, damnit, damnit!


Just having taken a record dump (biggest one in YEARS), but it being the type that will not move even an inch, so after four big flushes, you have to give it nudges with a brush just to get it to go. Fuck. Shit.

Celes Chere

Ugh, yeah. I had a friend who was in that kinda position. She could hardly ever hang out with me because she had this group of friends that might decide last minute they wanted to do something, and if she said she had arranged something else, it would be an unforgivable insult.

Oh, yeah I know how that feels. D: I would never like, choose one friend over the other if a different group of them made last minute plans, once I make plans I make the plans, lol. But if they both ask me to hang out the same day, I have to divide the day up and really, that gets annoying. One of my two friends that hate eachother (well now it's more one sided) gives the reason that "she smells" and is "unfashionable". . . Really? Those are reasons? Then again, she really does hold grudges no matter how many times you apologize. X_X

She never suggested introducing me to them so we could hang en masse. I wonder who she was more embarrassed of?

Lol, have you ever had a friend that just talks so much shit about everyone even their own friends and boyfriend, that you wonder what they're saying about YOU when you're not around? Maybe I'm too paranoid, but if someone talks like that I'd assume they're talking crap about me as well. xD


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Oh, yeah I know how that feels. D:
Really? Which side? :P
I would never like, choose one friend over the other if a different group of them made last minute plans, once I make plans I make the plans, lol. But if they both ask me to hang out the same day, I have to divide the day up and really, that gets annoying. One of my two friends that hate eachother (well now it's more one sided) gives the reason that "she smells" and is "unfashionable". . . Really? Those are reasons? Then again, she really does hold grudges no matter how many times you apologize. X_X
It wasn't she broke plans with me (well, once, but that was with a week's notice, so fair do's), but she would sometimes err to not making plans. Maybe she saw me as the more reasonable side of the equation.

(And I've had one friend tell me that apologising makes no difference... THREE WEEKS after seeming to accept my apology. :()
Lol, have you ever had a friend that just talks so much shit about everyone even their own friends and boyfriend, that you wonder what they're saying about YOU when you're not around? Maybe I'm too paranoid, but if someone talks like that I'd assume they're talking crap about me as well. xD
XD Seriously? Paranoia is default for me, ever since I started suffering from depression. Yet, I have problems with taking people too much at their word. :monster: People like that, I just take it as read that they must bitch about me somehow. It's the people who always run around telling you that so-and-so said such-and-such about you that I'm suspicious of - one, did the person really say that?, two, how much of what I'm saying are you repeating (probably out of context)?

But if their lives are so boring they have to talk about me to make them more interesting, can't help but feel sorry for 'em. :monster:

Ok, in no particular order...

~bookshop's politics section. Five biographies about Obama, half a dozen on politicians I've never heard of, and three just saying "zomg, we cuver nazis and there relly intrstin", but NO Thomas Paine?!

Really frosts my cookies. :ego:

~train ticket to London costs over TWICE what I expected it to.


~remembering the reason I didn't take my keep into account when working out my spending money was I paid it a month in advance last month! But they still expect me to pay it again for a full month today!



Pro Adventurer
Realizing how incredibly pale I have gotten over the winter.

Also, carrots in my Italian macaroni salad. Who the fuck puts raw carrots in Italian macaroni salad?!


We have come to terms
Getting the sniffles.

Also, waking up alone, and generally lower sleep quality as well.
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