Things that piss you off

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- People talking about their shit, and taking photographs of their shit.

I deny the latter. :awesome:

Also, waking up alone, and generally lower sleep quality as well.

I have been doing this for 8 months. :(

psh, try doing it all the time. For the record, sleeping alone / in a single bed has been proven to be better for your sleep cycle. A lack of sleep has other reasons, in this case.

My case being some dude I live with getting up at 8 AM on sunday morning, blowing his nose audibly, snorting, farting, showering, in an echoy bathroom just two inches next to my head. DIE!


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
I deny the latter. :awesome:

psh, try doing it all the time. For the record, sleeping alone / in a single bed has been proven to be better for your sleep cycle. A lack of sleep has other reasons, in this case.

You see though you've never had it I have. It's like a drug addiction. Once you have it you don't wanna be without them drugs.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
When some little shit interrupts your 15 man kill streak


We have come to terms
Fucking Destroyer. Ate up all the pistol, SMG, AND sniper ammo on one character, plus almost all the shotgun, sniper, and launcher ammo for the other character. wtf


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Play a real FPS you fucking pansy.

Celes Chere

^^How come?

Was this towards me? xD

He's always telling me to shut up and saying how jealous I am of his relationship since my bf lives far away. :'( He makes everything about sex- yeah okay, sometimes you can be funny with it but seriously... EVERYTHING. You cannot have a conversation without him making it about sex. I mean for Gods sake, he turned a conversation about beef stew and icecream wrappers into something sexual. He's always saying things like that to my best friend too, and she even seems annoyed by it since when he's not in the room she kind of rolls her eyes and says that he always does it. xDD And he's really good at making someone feel like a third wheel. My best friend always tries to include me when I'm there, but he will try and get her full attention 24/7 so I'm stuck doing nothing really.


--Tamashi no Rufuran
Emiya Shirou, Oz Vessalius, LPod, Belldandy, L-Phone
tell your best friend to break up with him. The child needs to learn some manners. My ex-boyfriend annoys me. He always needs my attention when i'm around. throws chalks at me. Sometimes, when he sits behind me and i have to look at the wall clock behind, he would always say "why are you looking at me?" for fucking sake..why, why why, is he that annoying?! :aah:
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Celes Chere

LOL I would never do that, despite how he acts she does seem to like him a lot. She's always saying that he is a nice guy and treats her well, and hey that's all I want for her. And it's not like he's exactly CRUEL to me either, he just pisses me off with a lot of the things that he does. >_>; But as long as she likes him I'm going to support her so... if he ever mistreats HER then I will get in his face, but he actually seems to really be attached to her so... of course I worry he only sees her pretty face and not her. I don't know how they act together alone though, so I have no right to feel that way, just by the way he acts that I see makes me draw that conclusion. =P

LOL I have a douche-cake ex that acts like that too... everything has to revolve around him. Next time, tell him not to flatter himself, Phones. =)


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer

Curse their existence. :rage:
They're certainly annoying. What's more annoying is my constant complaint - home PC won't load without a lot of what my mum and her boyfriend call "sakes" (the beginning of the utterance is always too low for them to hear :monster: ).
They're certainly annoying. What's more annoying is my constant complaint - home PC won't load without a lot of what my mum and her boyfriend call "sakes" (the beginning of the utterance is always too low for them to hear :monster: ).

Screw the ghost pages.

I know the feeling. Half the time my own home PC doesn't load. We think there's a virus problem ot something.

Argh... I'm going to shoot the next Computer Forensics project I get. They're getting to be quite stupid and lengthy.


Pro Adventurer
My grandmother is in the hospital.

This pisses me off because now I cannot be openly, righteously angry about her screwing one of my aunts out of her bill money for the year and must silently boil over it instead.


sweet dee
Bun, Academic
I really hate it when someone tells me they want to get food and then doesn't bother to give even an estimate of when that's going to happen only to tell you 4 hours later that they're just going to eat at home.

Thanks a lot. Really. I appreciate that.
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