Things that piss you off

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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Nah, I think if you want to argue you'd better know your stuff.
My point is you can know your stuff without having to read the entire book. Just being able to point out that (for example, in Meyer's case) an author's vocabulary is hideously small, or that the plot is almost nonexistent, or (in Rand's case) that the plot contradicts the ideals she claims to uphold in addition to being thoroughly implausible, is a pretty unassailable position I think.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Ⓐaron;218604 said:
Though really, you're doing it wrong. You don't have to read a book to be able to make a good argument about why it's crap. For example, I know many reasons why Atlas Shrugged is a steaming pile of dog shit and the only part of it I've ever read is about two pages of John Galt's speech.
I think a lot of Twilight anti's don't want the implication that they like something only on principle without knowing what exactly is going on ala Laura Mallory.

Not to mention everyone who is in love with it is like 'OH YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT YOU'VE NEVER EVEN READ IT.' Which quickly changes into 'DON'T LIKE IT? DON'T READ IT!', but whatever.


Voss da boss bitch
Nightmare,race driver,steel tormenter
The damn weather can't stay consistent. 50 on Tues,66 on Wed, 80Yesturday and 78 Today. Tomorrow back down to 50's. God I love Spring.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
32fl3oihO23OG29982TRTY6948TROBN DS,JBVK



"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
FUCKING ANNOYING WAITER kept April's Fooling me.
...For a minute I thought you said the water kept April's Fooling you...
When IS April Fools' Day anyway? It's on April 1st, right?

It's April 2nd here now though. Or was that part of the joke?
Time zones, love. :P

*sigh* Cat's still poorly. I don't think she's going to last the week... :(

Also, I forgot to set my alarm last night, so I woke up with 15mins to get ready for the bus, so I didn't have my cuppa before leaving the house this morning. I got one to go from a bakers in town, and it was SHIT.

Also, the library have upped the cost of computer usage. Damnit.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer


We have come to terms
Alex's fucking internet. =/

Also, that this game introduces my favorite character (Fang), drops a huge plot bomb on you, and then shifts to different characters. I'm halfway through the story...I WANT MY INSANELY HOT LESBIAN DAMNIT >=/


just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie
Finding out my dad only has one year left to live.


We have come to terms
Finding out my dad only has one year left to live.
This may not be the right thing to say right now, but as someone who also has a dying parent, you need to hear it from someone.

They could be wrong. They told my mom six months, and that was three years ago. I understand what you're going through (the frustration, the horror, the hopelessness, depression, and despair), and so I'm not saying you should count on it or get your hopes up - just know that sometimes, those time estimates are wrong, and so there is at least a little hope left.

I'm truly very sorry. No one should have to deal with something like that. You ever need to talk to someone, there's a lot of people to listen (including myself).

Son Goku

It's my stomach, I'm hungry.
Finding out my dad only has one year left to live.

I`m sorry... but please don`t give up hope!
Try to make sure he and you enjoy your remaining time, so that there are a lot of fond memories.
It`s much more important how much you "live" everyday, than how many years you live.
Please tell us your feelings, friends are there to listen.


just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie
Thanks you guys. Knowing someone cares means a lot to me.

@Vismund: I don't know... he's been diagnosed with cancer. He also had a heart attack when I was 8. Although he recovered, it's unusual to get one around that young of an age. Not to mention, my dad has had a long history of smoking and drinking, even though the whole family has voiced our opposition against it. He never really gave a shit about his health.

Honestly, I didn't feel as depressed about it as I thought I would when I had initially heard about it, but then again... I think I already had a lot of the sadness out of my system way before then. My dad is a really depressing old man and he worried about my future and my brother's future a lot. He always emphasized good grades, a higher education and a job that didn't involve physical labor, which he never got for himself and he regrets it even today. He always said we had to be independent because "there will be a time when your mom and I will die and we won't be able to support you". I remember hearing those words a lot when I entered high school, and even more when I had hit my senior year. I also remember crying whenever he said them. My dad talks about dying a lot. If there's anything I'm going to remember about him most when he's gone, it'll be this. That he wanted to die before becoming a burden on the family. That he wanted to be cremated and have his ashes scattered. That he didn't want any money spent on his funeral. I also remember him making me promise him, that if any of my relatives were to ask about him, that I lie and tell them that he's "away" or that I don't about his whereabouts. Because he didn't want them to feel sad over him. And he sounded so very sure, when he told me they would eventually stop asking these questions and forget about him. He told me this only once, but I still remember how he said it even today. We used to go to family reunions once a year and he used to bring friends over to our house and talk and have a drink, but he hasn't been doing that since two years ago. I'm pretty sure that his actions are related to the promise. I'm not sure if I am going to honor that promise, or if I do... how I will go about it. Even though he had said many times, "I'm probably going to die soon." I didn't really expect it to be this soon. So while I'm not crying nearly as much as I did back then, I think it's because I'm not actually there in the house, seeing him stumbling and going through the symptoms and doing some of the things my brother told he normally doesn't do, so it hasn't fully hit me yet.

Rather than that, I'm more pissed off about the fact that my dad is fucking dying, and he's spending his last moments in life trying to find and keep a job. When really, he should be getting some sort of treatment. Or, at the very least, relaxing and doing the things he wants before he leaves this world. But I'm incapable of providing either of that because of my lack of income. I know I shouldn't feel irritated at myself, that he would want me to continue my schooling (Ironically, I am pursuing a medical career yet what I've learned would do jack shit in alleviating his symptoms.), but he really deservers better. He shouldn't have to work to death like his father before him. I want to go see him, I want to stay by his side but I have to hold off on that until summer break. I'm thinking about going to a university closer to home, going to school part time, and getting a job for the next school year. Or maybe temporarily taking a break from college until my brother finishes his education. Maybe even change my degree because the route I'm going would take me about 5-6 more years from where I'm at until I get a decent job. My brother is graduating high school this year. Paying tuition for two children would be a strain and my mom is going to need all the support she can get.


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
Oh Mira I'm so, so sorry to hear that.

A few years ago my best friend's father died of cancer. A lot of the things she said echoes what you're saying now, and it makes me really hurt for you.

I wish I could be more helpful. ;; You have my deepest condolences.


Thanks you guys. Knowing someone cares means a lot to me.

@Vismund: I don't know... he's been diagnosed with cancer. He also had a heart attack when I was 8. Although he recovered, it's unusual to get one around that young of an age. Not to mention, my dad has had a long history of smoking and drinking, even though the whole family has voiced our opposition against it. He never really gave a shit about his health.

Honestly, I didn't feel as depressed about it as I thought I would when I had initially heard about it, but then again... I think I already had a lot of the sadness out of my system way before then. My dad is a really depressing old man and he worried about my future and my brother's future a lot. He always emphasized good grades, a higher education and a job that didn't involve physical labor, which he never got for himself and he regrets it even today. He always said we had to be independent because "there will be a time when your mom and I will die and we won't be able to support you". I remember hearing those words a lot when I entered high school, and even more when I had hit my senior year. I also remember crying whenever he said them. My dad talks about dying a lot. If there's anything I'm going to remember about him most when he's gone, it'll be this. That he wanted to die before becoming a burden on the family. That he wanted to be cremated and have his ashes scattered. That he didn't want any money spent on his funeral. I also remember him making me promise him, that if any of my relatives were to ask about him, that I lie and tell them that he's "away" or that I don't about his whereabouts. Because he didn't want them to feel sad over him. And he sounded so very sure, when he told me they would eventually stop asking these questions and forget about him. He told me this only once, but I still remember how he said it even today. We used to go to family reunions once a year and he used to bring friends over to our house and talk and have a drink, but he hasn't been doing that since two years ago. I'm pretty sure that his actions are related to the promise. I'm not sure if I am going to honor that promise, or if I do... how I will go about it. Even though he had said many times, "I'm probably going to die soon." I didn't really expect it to be this soon. So while I'm not crying nearly as much as I did back then, I think it's because I'm not actually there in the house, seeing him stumbling and going through the symptoms and doing some of the things my brother told he normally doesn't do, so it hasn't fully hit me yet.

Rather than that, I'm more pissed off about the fact that my dad is fucking dying, and he's spending his last moments in life trying to find and keep a job. When really, he should be getting some sort of treatment. Or, at the very least, relaxing and doing the things he wants before he leaves this world. But I'm incapable of providing either of that because of my lack of income. I know I shouldn't feel irritated at myself, that he would want me to continue my schooling (Ironically, I am pursuing a medical career yet what I've learned would do jack shit in alleviating his symptoms.), but he really deservers better. He shouldn't have to work to death like his father before him. I want to go see him, I want to stay by his side but I have to hold off on that until summer break. I'm thinking about going to a university closer to home, going to school part time, and getting a job for the next school year. Or maybe temporarily taking a break from college until my brother finishes his education. Maybe even change my degree because the route I'm going would take me about 5-6 more years from where I'm at until I get a decent job. My brother is graduating high school this year. Paying tuition for two children would be a strain and my mom is going to need all the support she can get.
If we can be of any help, rather it be from listening or just needing to talk to someone, you have your support group here. Again, I really am sorry.


I'm at Las Vegas right now, and I got to watch the Phantom of the Opera. There weren't any tickets for the front section, so I ended up sitting in the front-middle rows. During the middle of the show, I really had to go to the bathroom, so all the people in the right section of the row ended up having to stand up. It was pretty humiliating to say the least, even more so after I came back, because I unintentionally bonked my bag on the people in the front row. Urrrrrrrrrrrgh.

Son Goku

It's my stomach, I'm hungry.
Thanks you guys. Knowing someone cares means a lot to me.

@Vismund: I don't know... he's been diagnosed with cancer. He also had a heart attack when I was 8. Although he recovered, it's unusual to get one around that young of an age. Not to mention, my dad has had a long history of smoking and drinking, even though the whole family has voiced our opposition against it. He never really gave a shit about his health.

Honestly, I didn't feel as depressed about it as I thought I would when I had initially heard about it, but then again... I think I already had a lot of the sadness out of my system way before then. My dad is a really depressing old man and he worried about my future and my brother's future a lot. He always emphasized good grades, a higher education and a job that didn't involve physical labor, which he never got for himself and he regrets it even today. He always said we had to be independent because "there will be a time when your mom and I will die and we won't be able to support you". I remember hearing those words a lot when I entered high school, and even more when I had hit my senior year. I also remember crying whenever he said them. My dad talks about dying a lot. If there's anything I'm going to remember about him most when he's gone, it'll be this. That he wanted to die before becoming a burden on the family. That he wanted to be cremated and have his ashes scattered. That he didn't want any money spent on his funeral. I also remember him making me promise him, that if any of my relatives were to ask about him, that I lie and tell them that he's "away" or that I don't about his whereabouts. Because he didn't want them to feel sad over him. And he sounded so very sure, when he told me they would eventually stop asking these questions and forget about him. He told me this only once, but I still remember how he said it even today. We used to go to family reunions once a year and he used to bring friends over to our house and talk and have a drink, but he hasn't been doing that since two years ago. I'm pretty sure that his actions are related to the promise. I'm not sure if I am going to honor that promise, or if I do... how I will go about it. Even though he had said many times, "I'm probably going to die soon." I didn't really expect it to be this soon. So while I'm not crying nearly as much as I did back then, I think it's because I'm not actually there in the house, seeing him stumbling and going through the symptoms and doing some of the things my brother told he normally doesn't do, so it hasn't fully hit me yet.

Rather than that, I'm more pissed off about the fact that my dad is fucking dying, and he's spending his last moments in life trying to find and keep a job. When really, he should be getting some sort of treatment. Or, at the very least, relaxing and doing the things he wants before he leaves this world. But I'm incapable of providing either of that because of my lack of income. I know I shouldn't feel irritated at myself, that he would want me to continue my schooling (Ironically, I am pursuing a medical career yet what I've learned would do jack shit in alleviating his symptoms.), but he really deservers better. He shouldn't have to work to death like his father before him. I want to go see him, I want to stay by his side but I have to hold off on that until summer break. I'm thinking about going to a university closer to home, going to school part time, and getting a job for the next school year. Or maybe temporarily taking a break from college until my brother finishes his education. Maybe even change my degree because the route I'm going would take me about 5-6 more years from where I'm at until I get a decent job. My brother is graduating high school this year. Paying tuition for two children would be a strain and my mom is going to need all the support she can get.

He cares much more about your future and the feelings of his loved ones than his own well being. That sounds like a really honorable person.
You can be proud of your dad! :)
Not everyone can say things like that from his father.

I think the most important is, the love that is shared.
I believe that every call you make, every email or letter you send
and every minute you can be togheter is enough to make him happy.
But i also believe what would make him happy the most is, that you build yourself a great future.
You can be really proud of him and you make him proud by pursuing your medical career.

I agree with pikachu and hope there will be good news in the future.
So please Cheer up! :)
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