Things that piss you off

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Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Why do some people insist that an FF7 remake would ruin FF7? Its not like a remake will cause the PS1 discs to vanish into thin air, or remove the PSN version.

Celes Chere

Otacon: SNAKE! Go in there and gather evidence for the Cloti side!


Celes Chere

My family eating dinner without me because they didn't notice I was home again. =/ My Dad decides to come and say,
"I saw your light on, but I decided to turn it off after dinner."

If you saw my light on... wouldn't you assume I WAS HOME?

Well, dur dur dur. At least this helps me, because that means I can go out to eat. ^_^


We have come to terms
I started reading Twilight.

I couldn't help roooolling my eyes at certain parts. And also at a grammatical error (there was a word missing from a sentence), and how Meyer never actually spells the word ochre correctly. And while I'm aware that spellcheck is saying that I'm crazy and I spelled that wrong, that is a lie.

Poor, pathetic girl, ensorcelled by his eyes that magically change color from time to time, bawwing because she just KNEW she wasn't going to fit in ANYWHERE, yet had three separate guys who have shown obvious interest to her, and a crew of friends from day one. Poor thing has TWO WHOLE GIRLS that don't like her (so far).

On the other hand, I do like that Edward seems to be a sarcastic ass, and the large amounts of reference to things like body language/psychology. Granted, I hate that so much of it is just fucking spelled out so plainly, but the fact that something's there is still nice. Then again, there are very few things in the world that are totally bad, so there's pretty much always at least ONE nice thing you can say about anything. So. =/

On yet another hand, I started reading at work today, meaning I didn't have much time to read, and yet cranked out over a fifth of the book, because the writing is simple and the typeface is rather large. It's ~550 pages, and yet if it were using, say, HP font, might only be 200. It also pisses me off that half a page is likely to be made up of single sentence paragraphs =/

Also, the writing, while simplistic, has a tendency to make you go back and re-read what you read from about three sentences ago, because you're like "wait a second, that didn't make sense", thus artificially extending the reading time.

Also, this whole delay with The Passing is really starting to annoy the fuck out of me, and I need to buy a GotY copy of Gears for awesome multiplayer actionz now that Delta is reassembled. >:

Celes Chere

Lol, did you get to the part where she says her Dad stared into his cereal bowl, when a sentence before that it said that she made him pancakes?

Biggest fail ever in her books. As far as typos go. :monster: But I don't think that was a typo, I think she was on crack.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
It's amazing how, within the timespan of one day your mood can go from relatively pleasant and hopeful, to utter shit and massive depression.

Fuck I feel terrible.


My favorite Manga site freaking out and blocking any series that could be labeled as 'mature'.

There goes 7 of the 10 series I was following.


We have come to terms
Twilight has gotten to the point where certain things make me nauseous.

Today was also a very *headdesk* day at work.

I'd use the HURR I'M A DURR macro, except I dun has >;


Mr. Thou
Twilight doesn't piss me off tbh.

However, it does piss my wife off when I mix up Twilight guy with Vampire Diaries guy.


Drunk bitch deciding my truck was a nice place to take a nap. I don't know how I managed to keep from killing this fat old bitch. Probably the knowledge that she wasn't worth going to jail over.

What sent me from extremely pissed to a barely suppressed fury was her attitude. Like she had a fucking right to be there.

The cops were not of much help. After she stumbled off (before they arrived) they had no real interest in follow up. Thanks fellas.

And I can't even relax at home because all (well most of) the damn manga I was reading has been banished off the internet because manga sites are in a panic over advertiser threats. Who are worried about some asshole suing them. Or the Government...or something. Of course our old friends loli and shota are the cause of all this.

They are really taking an axe to the problem. When a knife would do. It would be the same as banning Family Guy or South Park because someone took a picture of some girl without a shirt.

I guess...I'm not sure where that last one was going.


We have come to terms
My left hand is REALLY hurting. It's at the joint where my ring finger meets the actual hand. And I've no idea why.

Also, want more money from 401k but cannae get. So I just need about 100 hours of overtime to make up the difference. Which wouldn't be TOO bad, spread over time, except there's about eight people at work who suck up ALL the OT by signing up for three shifts at once, then calling their mates to see if they want in. Therefore I've only done OT maybe three times in the two years I've been working here ;.;


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
It's amazing how, within the timespan of one day your mood can go from relatively pleasant and hopeful, to utter shit and massive depression.

Fuck I feel terrible.
*pats arm* I know what you mean, man. Been there a few times myself.

And sorry to hear about your aunt. :(
I couldn't help roooolling my eyes at certain parts. And also at a grammatical error (there was a word missing from a sentence), and how Meyer never actually spells the word ochre correctly. And while I'm aware that spellcheck is saying that I'm crazy and I spelled that wrong, that is a lie.
Unfortunately, that's a common problem with published literature. Sometimes words are missed, sometimes repeated (seeing "the the" is a common complaint), sometimes a letter is missed out giving the word a non-sequiter meaning... Sometimes it's the author's fault, sometimes the printer's.

Ugh, someone on my MSN network said a really dumbass thing in a note... Really expected better of her than that. :( So what's pissing me off is how crap a judge of character I am.

Alex Strife

Life in general, also the fact that half my "home family" hates me, my aunt is going through pretty much the same thing as Dacon's (I feel you there, mate. Hope she gets well).

And finally, the fact that my brother, being 16 years old, is able to outfight me, yet later go crying to my family to make me seem the bad guy. Oh, and them believeing him, of course.

Honestly, I don't really know what do I live for.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Life in general, also the fact that half my "home family" hates me, my aunt is going through pretty much the same thing as Dacon's (I feel you there, mate. Hope she gets well).

And finally, the fact that my brother, being 16 years old, is able to outfight me, yet later go crying to my family to make me seem the bad guy. Oh, and them believeing him, of course.

Honestly, I don't really know what do I live for.

I hope your aunt gets better :(

But yeah, cowardly brats also piss me off.
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