Welcome to the internet.People asking me stupid questions. Jesus.
To expand on what Meggy said: I'm pissed at life right now.
My mom found out today that she has stage two uterine and cervical cancer. The University of Washington is going to call in the next couple days and set up an appointment for her within the week. Her doctor thinks she going to have to have surgery again and then get radiation.
Also, my brother will be coming around a lot more because of Mom's diagnosis. Mom wants him around, though, so there's not much I can do. I can't complain or leave until he goes away either. I'm just going to have to suck it up this time... for how ever long that is.
Life sucks. BLEH. /rant
Ditto this.I'll keep you in my prayers.
When I tell one of my friends about my day and ask for advice about something, and said person just blows me off. .___. Not entirely, but giving responses like "how should I know" or short answers like that that push you away... it makes me feel really awful. I hate being excited to see a friend and talk to them, and they just make excuses about not having time to listen or "Well you could come and see me but... I don't really see the point" just kills my excitement. And when it's something you've been looking forward to and you're a sensitive person... it kinda stings.
I know what that's like, but a bit worse: I was in love with the girl in question.Soo the friend I posted about earlier? Didn't show their face until later today, 6 or so and cancelled our meeting due to it being 'too late'. However, it wasn't too late for said person to invite others over minus myself, of course, and even had the nerve to tell me how fun it was.
Makes me feel so good about myself.
It's times like these I wish I could just get smashed.
Incidently, I'm in the middle of watching Zeitgeist, the Movie. Its actually pretty shocking how angry I get at this stupid thing. Its actually pretty terrifying just how many people believe this shit and take it's word as gospel.
This will be my life for the next few months.
Well, fuck.When people you care about die.