Things that piss you off

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We have come to terms
Immature people in school are acting immature. Honestly, they should act like they're in high school, not middle school.
O the sweet irony.

It's high school - you don't learn to be mature until you're an adult.

Sometimes, not even then.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
It's high school - you don't learn to be mature until you're an adult.

Sometimes, not even then.

Adults that act like high schoolers are the worst! Also a bit sad. I've worked with a few people like that. I hated high school when I was in it. I don't want to deal with that shit as an adult.


We have come to terms

Honestly, even as adults, we all act a bit immature sometimes. But then there are people who don't act mature AT ALL. And in the past...I dunno, year, two years?...I've come to the realization that I just don't feel like putting up with it anymore. Enough's enough.

Celes Chere

It's high school - you don't learn to be mature until you're an adult.

It's still annoying, though. Gosh, I agree Tifabelle. I get more 'teenage drama' from my Mother more than anyone else it seems, lately. Some people never learn to grow up, I guess. My Father especially likes to act like a five year old, pulling hair, calling names, stupid things like that.

I hate it when people can never be serious about something, especially when you want to go to them for support.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Growing up is for willies @ this page

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
Where the fuck did I get all these drama whoring, immature friends?
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"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
ZING! You beat me to it. XD (Although, I was gonna say the internet in general.)

Back to work tomorrow. Didn't get half the stuff done I was wanting to with my time off. :( *sigh*
Adults that act like high schoolers are the worst! Also a bit sad. I've worked with a few people like that. I hated high school when I was in it. I don't want to deal with that shit as an adult.

I know quite a few people like that. I can't say I've worked with them...but, still. It does get annoying when they act a lot younger than they actually are. Makes me wonder.

Saw my ex-boyfriend last night. Fuck. I'm still pissed at him. My friend invited me to her youth group last night. Little did I know if I went, I would see James. He needs to die - his attitude when I came in was so immature, considering he was 17; he acted like I didn't even exist. Good thing he did, though. I wanted to kill him. He looked at me the moment I walked in, looked back at Sarah and said "Are you serious?"


We have come to terms
Is this where I point out how immature "he needs to die" is?

He's an ex for a reason - did you expect him to jump for joy when you walked in the door? Even you admit that it was for the best that he ignored you - shy be angry, then?

Call me crazy, but I'm sensing unresolved issues.

Celes Chere

he acted like I didn't even exist.

Probably for the best. Saves the heart ache, saves the pain, saves the drama, saves the arguments. I think exes can get along, but when you don't I've learned it's best to just let go, no matter how hard. Because nothing is ever going to change if you just keep trying and worrying. It will only backfire on you..


We have come to terms

Exes can absolutely be friends, but it's not always easy. Both people have to be willing to make it work, because it will never work without that. And yeah, sometimes it's awkward or hard at first, but when you deal with those feelings on your own end, get closure, whatever, it's really easy. The trouble comes from the other person. If they can't deal (lolorena), or be an adult, it won't work.

I have no hard feelings toward any of my exes, and I wish them nothing but happiness. I still care about them a lot - that's part of who I am - and the olive branch of friendship is always there. Whether they choose to take it up and do something about it - whether they choose to remain friends - is up to them.

Celes Chere

I certainly have a lot of hard feelings towards some of mine. xD But that's because almost everyone has had a 'crazy' ex. I think it's easy to tell the difference between reasonable and psycho though, and Kels, this boy seems like an unreasonable sort. It's no use fretting over someone like that, because it's just more agony. If you see the possibility of being friends again, maybe wait awhile before speaking again, try working it out - or if you're speaking of maturity, step down and say,
"Hey, can we talk? I really don't like the way things are between us."
Instead of "I want you to die." xD

How he reacts to you actually trying to be nice, will determine if he's worth it or not. (If he even is in your current situation ;P) If you truly feel that he should 'die' then why bother worrying about it? Why notice that he doesn't notice you? There are better things out there for you. c:

and I wish them nothing but happiness.

I agree. Even if I clash with them now, I still wish that same thing. It just means they're happier without me, which is just as fine. xP


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Cany anybody else read between the lines of the last few posts?

Guess correctly and you'll win a gold star!

Incidently, what pisses me off? The lack of fucking snow today. Everywhere else in the country is getting it, so why not here ;.;


We have come to terms
Gold star for paranoia? :monster:

On the subject of pissing me off (loltiming): my love life. Seems I have a knack for fancying girls that are either taken, or a bad idea - the latter, in this case.

Also on my tits: I am experiencing significant joint pain in my hand, specifically the one of my knuckles. Dislike >:


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
There's no such thing as a girl that's a good idea XD We're always trouble.

I saw an ex recently at a parade. We pretended like we didn't see each other. That's how I like my ex's.

Celes Chere


What pisses me off is when I'm talking on MSN and if I don't respond like, instantly people are like,



I Am the Darkness, I'm the Monster
Microsoft's new MSN 2011, that's what pisses me off. I read up on it and they removed alot of stuff, including fucking DISPLAY NAMES!! What the hell is that crap :@?! Fuck you, MSN 2011, 2009 FTW!!! No way am I using 2011 when I get my new PC, especially after my bf and many others have run into so many bugs with it. Microsoft is a big fat MEANIE :rage:!

I like display names... :sadpanda:

~ Raz
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Microsoft's new MSN 2011, that's what pisses me off. I read up on it and they removed alot of stuff, including fucking DISPLAY NAMES!! What the hell is that crap :@?! Fuck you, MSN 2011, 2009 FTW!!! No way am I using 2011 when I get my new PC, especially after my bf and many others have run into so many bugs with it. Microsoft is a big fat MEANIE :rage:!

I like display names... :sadpanda:

~ Raz

Yeah it's pretty terrible. I had it, realized how awful it was, then downgraded as soon as I could.
Though there might be hope if something like a Plus! add-on was created for it to allow customizable names. >>

On the topic of MSN, for the past week no links that either my contacts or I send will parse. It's one of the most goddamn annoying things it's done, we think it's to get people to upgrade. Which...probably isn't too far off from the truth.

Celes Chere

Microsoft's new MSN 2011, that's what pisses me off. I read up on it and they removed alot of stuff, including fucking DISPLAY NAMES!! What the hell is that crap :@?! Fuck you, MSN 2011, 2009 FTW!!! No way am I using 2011 when I get my new PC, especially after my bf and many others have run into so many bugs with it. Microsoft is a big fat MEANIE :rage:!

I like display names... :sadpanda:

~ Raz

Lol, my MSN is constantly telling me to update and I just keep on refusing. Everyone else has upgraded apparently, but I don't see the point. Oooo~ You can change your display name colors, who cares? <XD

And removing display names IS stupid. It's how I recognize everyone. O_O;;

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
tvtropes reminding me of why i hated hana yori dango so much

  • Hana Yori Dango, Tsukasa sends some boys to rape Tsukushi, who is saved by Rui. Later Tsukasa develops feelings for Tsukushi and he is shown a recording of Tsukushi talking to Rui and obviously in love with him. This causes him to go into a jealous rage and he forces himself on Tsukushi, but comes to his senses before finishing the deed.


Speaking of MSN - the fact that links aren't clickable on my dialogue window is really pissing me off. Is it doing this because I refuse to update? Or should I say, update again after I downgraded >_>

tvtropes reminding me of why i hated hana yori dango so much

  • Hana Yori Dango, Tsukasa sends some boys to rape Tsukushi, who is saved by Rui. Later Tsukasa develops feelings for Tsukushi and he is shown a recording of Tsukushi talking to Rui and obviously in love with him. This causes him to go into a jealous rage and he forces himself on Tsukushi, but comes to his senses before finishing the deed.


I am so ashamed to admit this was my most intense guilty pleasure a few years ago. Oh god this manga is so bad .____.


Speaking of MSN - the fact that links aren't clickable on my dialogue window is really pissing me off. Is it doing this because I refuse to update? Or should I say, update again after I downgraded >_>

That's the exact problem me and my friends have been having. And yeah, that's also what we suspect. >>
I'm sure sooner or later Microsoft will say fuck it and force everyone to upgrade like they did a year or two ago. :monster:
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