Things that piss you off

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Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
Not finding the laptop I wanted today. NOW I HAVE TO WAIT EVEN LONGER TO SEE IF I CAN'T FIND A DEAL. D:


fresh to death
It's cold and I have a hangover that makes my body feel like I've been hit by a truck.
Which in turn, makes me feel ridiculously old.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
My pants are itchy

This either means that there is a problem with the fabric of my only working trousers or the skin on my legs

Either way this is a very bad thing

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Couldn't go to school for my exam today because Queen is visitin the country </3 No game time for mumble.

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer
Readers that are far too lazy to review fanfiction stories that ought to receive much more attention and recognition. I'm not speaking necessarily about my own work, but I feel there's a lot of this going on today. I find it pretty sad. Some authors spend a lot of time and effort writing up some pretty damn good stories...yet they hardly get much feedback on them.


I Am the Darkness, I'm the Monster
I agree with your post Xavier.

Also, warning people. Don't ever use Safari browser. Ever. I decided to use it for the last week cuz Firefox was being a bitch and all laggy and Safari seemed pretty cool, even loaded rather well... but last night I got slammed, out of nowhere, with a fake program (WinHDD) and got over a hundred nasty malware and spyware shit dropped into my pc... all when I was watching a movie on Safari.

That never happened before, so I knew it was Safari's fault, especially when it was clarified by my bf that even Safari is riddled with huge security holes. Thanks for nothing Apple >_> yet again your products prove how much you hate me. Damn Apple curse. Anyway, I managed to get all that nasty malware out finally. So just a warning to windows users, Safari's no good, even if it runs faster. A lot of you prolly know, but I'm just backing it up. Fucking Safari *downloads Opera*.

~ Raz


I Am the Darkness, I'm the Monster
well the only Apple product that has EVER worked for me and still does is my iTouch. everything else Apple fucks up around me like i'm a detonator. Also, yes I use Windows, Safari came with iTunes, but highly recommend people not to use it.

~ Raz
The 'i' on their shit stands for 'inferior' or any other negative word starting with 'i' you can think of.

As for the thread, customers. I know customers can always be stupid, but when you say things like 'I should be able to play your used DS games in your store to see if I like them at first, they are USED afterall!' or 'If I scratch my disk and it stops working I should be able to come back and get another one for free.' you need to be punched in the face, hard. Different customers, but come on it's not even December.

I'm afraid for my sanity.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
The amount of crap I'm dragging around with me shopping-wise.

And the amount of crap in my room -_-

Also, still waiting on my copy of BlazBlue: Continuum Shift.
Readers that are far too lazy to review fanfiction stories that ought to receive much more attention and recognition. I'm not speaking necessarily about my own work, but I feel there's a lot of this going on today. I find it pretty sad. Some authors spend a lot of time and effort writing up some pretty damn good stories...yet they hardly get much feedback on them.
...I'll get on it ASAP, sir. o_o

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer
I agree with your post Xavier.

Thanks, Strife. Just to add, it sometimes feels like a majority of readers (especially on are hogging all their time reading teen crap like High School Musical, Camp Rock or that g*ddamn Twilight. Ugh. Seriously...


On another note, yes, I'll look out for Safari next time. :)


I Am the Darkness, I'm the Monster
Another thing that pisses me off is fake friends. I'm having to go through my friend list on IMVU again (as well as other places) cuz people friend you, talk once and then never speak again. Then when you try talking to them, they've completely forgotten who you are when they friended you in the first damn place :@. I actually get this more with female-"friends" too online and in RL.

People need to grow the fuck up and stop taking others for granted. Life is not a fucking popularity contest to have as many friends as they can when they don't even speak to most of them. I fucking hate shallow peeps, never considerate to others and break the words and promises they give, just cuz "oh I barely met this person, they won't mind".

Even worse is when someone friends you and then they spend all their time chatting away to friends they've had longer, never speaking to the ones they just added. Personally, if peeps are too busy with prior friends, don't go running around making more if you can't make any time for them >_>. Sheesh.

Lastly, they need to make more of an effort to get to know the new friends they make, not just ask a few questions and then shove them off to the wayside. If they have prior work, college stuff or lose access to a computer, that's understandable, but if you have a lot of free time, then it's no excuse.

That's what pisses me off.

~ Raz
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The commercials that seem to make The Last Airbender movie seem like the Holy Grail. Pretty much adds to my desire to punch the Nick executives.

My grandmother also refuses to wear her hearing aid so there is much screaming in Chinese going on right now. :c


Double Growth
My parents being less mature than I am.

I know some of you here have really awful family situations and I know that mine, by comparison, is incredibly fortunate. Just wanna say that first because I'm not trying to sound all woe is me here.

My dad has very outgoing, sometimes overbearing personality, my mom is exactly the opposite. When my mom angers my dad, she knows immediately. When he angers her, she just sits on it, often complaining about it to my sister. To the point that it sometimes sounds like, if it were convenient, she'd leave, but because of how complicated it would be, she doesn't. (I'm not sure if that's true, since there are plenty of times that they are getting along, I just mean that's the way she complains. But maybe its jsut because my sister is her only outlet, I dunno). Which is not to say I think he's always in the right, he's definitely not, but because she just sits on this stuff, it gets to the point where she'll be set off (which to her is just becoming silent) by the most insignificant crap. My dad is also guilty of this, really, sure he'll complain when she angers him, but he still never actually talks about the problem. They've been married for...26 years or something you'd think they'd have figured this out to have remained together.

It came to a head once when I was at school but alcohol was involved so I don't think any of it stuck, my dad didn't appear to remember any of it (my sister was there, and by "came to a head" I'm talking all verbal here, don't worry).

Well, just now, it did again, with me in the basement. Honestly I had been hoping for them to finally freaking talk about it so I thought MAYBE it'd be good. But my dad starts off screaming, so we set a good starting tone, right? Well then my mom unfurls the list of things she's been steaming on for the past 3 years and excoriates him. She made some good points that might have actually spurred, oh I dunno, and apology and some real discussion. But after each one she had to lay on condescending sarcasm so thick that by the time it got back to him, he was to the point of screaming again.

And that was how it went for...I dunno, 10 minutes or so. Now I guess he went for a walk. Like I said, I wanted them to finally get this out so I didn't interrupt, at the same time I wanted to go up, yell at them to sit down and have a civil freaking conversation. But it's also not technically my business, so I just waited. So...who knows what'll happen, but I'll tell you what I think will happen. They'll both cool down, and then go back to pretending it didn't happen and just let it stew some more until the next the time it boils over. Idiots.

And once again, I really am aware how lucky I am and do not seek to describe myself in a situation the likes of which I have heard some of you describe. It just pissed me off so it belonged in the thread.
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Readers that are far too lazy to review fanfiction stories that ought to receive much more attention and recognition. I'm not speaking necessarily about my own work, but I feel there's a lot of this going on today. I find it pretty sad. Some authors spend a lot of time and effort writing up some pretty damn good stories...yet they hardly get much feedback on them.

That's because there's far, far too much of it. Not just fanfiction, fiction in general. You have to be both really good at it and be able to promote your own work for it to get attention.

I personally have never read fanfiction, ever. Not in the mood for people's fangasming and subconsciously placing themselves in such novels. Try doing original stories or non-fiction instead, fgj.

Cloud Strife said:
Another thing that pisses me off is fake friends. I'm having to go through my friend list on IMVU again (as well as other places) cuz people friend you, talk once and then never speak again. Then when you try talking to them, they've completely forgotten who you are when they friended you in the first damn place . I actually get this more with female-"friends" too online and in RL.

You call random people you 'meet' in a 3D chat program 'friends'? Work on that first.

1. People you meet or talk to are just that, people you meet or talk to. These get forgotten after 0.5 seconds.
2. People you talk with or meet more regularly for extended periods are time can be considered 'acquaintances'. You can talk to these.
3. Only after that can you consider people 'friends', when you spend lots of time with them and can trust them with stuff and hang with etc.
4. A separate category is colleagues. These can belong to all three categories, but since they work at the same place or for the same company, interaction is much easier because you have something in common.

The problem isn't those people, it's your low standards for friends and your high expectations of those.


ForceStealer said:
My parents being less mature than I am.

Remember that when you have kids your age and you're your parents current age, :monster:.

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
As a fanfic writer, I have a problem with pretty much your entire statement about fanfiction. :awesome:

That's because there's far, far too much of it. Not just fanfiction, fiction in general.

Yes, there's a butt load of fanfiction, but for goodness sakes, you aren't reading every one out there. It only takes a couple of minutes to leave feedback and authors really do appreciate it... whether it's positive or not. As someone who reads fanfiction, I can tell you that it's not that hard. Just leave a note that says you liked it/didn't like it and why you did/didn't.

You have to be both really good at it and be able to promote your own work for it to get attention.
Bah, you don't have to be a good writer to be popular. I've come across fanfic writers that have horrible grammar and do a really shoty job on characterization, but are extremely popular because they write teh pron. People leave reviews for that and tend to skip over the fanfics that are well written, but aren't M rated. (I'm not saying this happens all the time, but it's pretty common.)

And, how do you promote fanfiction? Yeah, you can post it to as many sites or communities as you want, but a lot of times, promoting yourself comes across as attention whoring. It's more like people promote it by suggesting it to others and putting it on rec lists.

I personally have never read fanfiction, ever. Not in the mood for people's fangasming and subconsciously placing themselves in such novels. Try doing original stories or non-fiction instead, fgj.
Not every fanfic is a self insert. There are so pretty awesome fics out there. And there are a lot of good writer's out there that write fanfiction because that's what they like to write.
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Personally, I just write stories for my friends and then hear their criticisms directly from them. I don't really care to hear what some 12 year old in Alabama feels about my Silent Hill fanfics, I guess. :P


wangxian married
Speaking of fanfiction, goddamit, can I get some fucking gen!fic over here?

I'm tired of sorting through pages of yaoi/mary sue crap (the YYH fandom is nearly devoid of yuri and het) just to find a general story or adventure fic with the gang. AND I HAVE TRIED NEARLY ALL CATEGORIES

> Traped togther after a mission gos wrong Hiei and oc Dante have to live NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

> This story is about a young girl who slowly looses everything but quickly NOOOOOOOOOO

> "Why don't we just ransom the princess NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum


wangxian married




wangxian married
Also, am I the only one that dislikes fucking Yukina and Kuwabara? =/

As a pairing or as characters?

Cause yeah, I never got them as a pairing. Yukina comes from a village of all women, I don't think she really understands human relationships (much less male/female ones). Kuwabara just sort of decided he loved her at first sight, too. Meh.

Shizuru/Botan exists but it's sooooo rare. ;o;

Celes Chere

I personally have never read fanfiction, ever. Not in the mood for people's fangasming and subconsciously placing themselves in such novels.

Surprisingly, I don't read a lot of fanfictions for this very reason. A lot of people make annoying OCs, or go out of character, or make a really shitty plot. I have given fanfiction a fair chance, and to be honest, not much of it impresses me. I also feel it's not worth it to wade through a crap load of horrible stories, just to fine that ONE good story that someone writes. I've done it often times and have enjoyed the few stories that I find but... it's just not worth it to go through all the trash. ;P

Not trying to bash your work Chi or Raz, I'm just saying that most fics I read are just as described. It gets old, tiresome, and sometimes there are a lot of recycled plots that are just plain boring. I don't doubt that there are good fics out there, it's just finding them that's the problem... and I'm really not dedicated enough. ;P If I want to read something inspiring, I'll pick up a book. It's fun to read stories about characters I like but, I don't care enough to actually find the well done ones. It just gets disappointing. Like for instance, my friend told me about this UliquiHime fic she really liked, and had me read it. When I read it, I was like "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK." It was based off of some romance movie (which I HATE when writers do this, find your own plot kthnx),
and Ulqui~ was like so OOC it hurt my brain.

I'm more of a fanart person. xD

Personally, I just write stories for my friends and then hear their criticisms directly from them. I don't really care to hear what some 12 year old in Alabama feels about my Silent Hill fanfics, I guess.

This! &#9829; I've written fics for my friends, because I know they're not going to judge me for it, and because we have fun writing with one another. I have no desire to become famous, popular, or anything special... if you have fun writing, I think that's the best option. If you seriously want to grow as a writer, I wouldn't be taking the advice from people on that's just my experience, since I used once before long ago back in the day. xD Most comments you get aren't very helpful, either.
"omgz so gud lol"
"I didnt like it."

(the YYH fandom is nearly devoid of yuri and het)

I KNOW! CAN I HAS SOME FUCKING KURAMA X BOTON FFUUUUU. Being a Yaoi fan, even I don't like Hiei x Kurama, but that pairing is EVERYWHERE... like a freaking plague. xD I think they're cute with bromance//friendship so meeh, no one agrees. :awesome: If I shipped him with someone male it'd have to be.. Koronoe (sp). >=D

Yukina and Kuwabara? =/

I hate it too, and not even because Kuwabara is annoying as fuck. .__. It's just blah. I love Yukina, though. XD
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