Things that piss you off

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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
A mutant centipede just crawled past me and into a crevice.

And now I'll be up all night ;.;
i read this as 'a mutant centipede just crawled into my crevice' and i was all 'oh god crack do you really have centipedes in your vagina' 8[


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
i read this as 'a mutant centipede just crawled into my crevice' and i was all 'oh god crack do you really have centipedes in your vagina' 8[

SO DID I. I was very concerned for a moment.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Actually theres another bit to that saying 'You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family, but you CAN murder them and dissolve their corpses in a bath of acid' :monster:

A mutant centipede just crawled past me and into a crevice.

And now I'll be up all night ;.;

I read this as 'human centipede'


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
FFFUUUU. I just suggested to my boss to change my hours, so that I work the same time everyday instead of different hours everyday. Because I'm having trouble forming a daily routine. Which for some weird reason is contributing to some of my issues.

And she came up with hours that I do not like. I suggest 10:30am and she tells me 11:30am. NO! That means I have to work until 7pm every night! Do not want!

Why the fuck did I open my mouth?? GRR, goddamn it! I'll try it for a week, then tell her I prefer my old crazy hours.

On a totally unrelated note, I'm now looking for other employment.


Waiting for something
m about to do a very long rant about several things that have pissed me off today

So the snow in Belfast has been pretty bad today but I managed to make into work (but not without difficulty. I asked about being able to leave early because trying to get home after 11pm to my street in those conditions was just very dangerous and I was worried my taxi wouldn't be able to drop me off to my house (I was right about that one)

Well first I got no response to that, then I got told our store was closing at 8pm (just so you know most shops in Belfast are open until 10pm around the xmas period) then 9pm because nearly all the other shops in town were closing either then or had already closed. THEN our regional manager who is in for this weekend decides despite the fact that all the other shops are closed, despite the fact Belfast city centre is fucking deserted she insisted we stay open, leading to very angry managers and members of staff in the store. Needless to say we didn't close until 9.45pm (15 minutes before normal closing time) and leave the store until 10.20pm

Managed to get a taxi but had to get off at the slip road leading towards my street meaning trudging about through very dark streets at 11.30pm in snow up to my shins. It's like, thats fucking great I'm so glad the company cares so much about the health and safety of their staff when all the other workers in the town have gone home or left early and also won't pay for the private taxis to get their members of staff home, wow well done you lot.

I wouldn't normally be thins angry about it but its the fact that we stayed open 45 minutes longer than anyone else in town, had no customers and were standing about doing fuck all from 8pm and the fact the company wouldn't even pay our cab fares home considering it was the only way to get home at that time for the majority of us.

And finally customers are fucking insane and stupid. What part of severe snow, stay indoors unless necessary to go out (I.e to work) do people not get? Was there some reason that so many people needed to be in town on a day like today, because if'd had had my way I'd be at home making huge snowmen or curled up all warm and cozy in my house, not pissing about doing xmas shopping!!!

So yeah very angry.


We have come to terms
^ amen to that. Customers are fracking ridiculous. =/

What's pissing me off: being made out to be a bad guy when all I do is give and swallow 9/10ths of what I have to say. I don't rock the boat unnecessarily, and I let a lot of shit just go without a word, even though it bothers me or hurts my feelings or whatever. But it's extremely...vexing, I guess?... to be painted as some sort of horrible, monstrous person for being a nice guy. =/ I'm not conceited (lol I think very little of myself most of the time), but there are two things I take distinct pride in: my intellect, and the fact that I am genuinely one of the nicest fucking people anyone is ever going to meet.

So having that twisted and tossed in my face is very aggravating.

Case in point: I'm talking to a friend, and we're just making small talk - nothing really going on for either of us, yadda yadda. And then it turns out that, even though I *specifically* asked some questions about her day, she lied to me and said nothing interesting had happened, and it was just another day, etc. Yes, yes, it's not really a big thing to lie about, but when you know (as she does) that I really, REALLY hate being lied to, and then lie about it anyway, only to go on to another friend about how crappy our friendship is, it's like...really? =/ It can't possibly be because of the way you've been acting lately, huh? It's just GOT to be me, right?

It's just really frustrating to be treated like shit by someone who then makes themselves the martyr in the situation. -__-

Just another reminder of why I hate this time of year.

Fuck Christmas.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Completely broke, have no job, still have to buy christmas presents.

Also *joins the unsocial butterfly bandwagon*


We have come to terms
I'm an unsocial butterfly that evolved into a totally awesome semi-social butterfly.

I think that means I can't join.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
I'm a beautiful butterfly.


We have come to terms
I need some fucking ice cream right now.

It's been a very bad day.

I have no ice cream.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I need some fucking ice cream right now.

It's been a very bad day.

I have no ice cream.



Ghost X

- Having relatives turn up at my home without being warned prior to their arrival, and apparently they're staying for the foreseeable future. Not my house, so I don't make the rules, of course.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
- Having relatives turn up at my home without being warned prior to their arrival, and apparently they're staying for the foreseeable future. Not my house, so I don't make the rules, of course.

My uncle has this shit bad. Never wants to call before randomly popping up.

We tried to ignore him once, and he started throwing rocks at the back window. Yes. Rocks.

I wanted to call the cops on him but my dad wouldn't let me

Ghost X

Sounds like you got it worse. At least in my case the relatives that are visiting aren't the drug-fucked loud-mouthed drama-whore variety.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Sounds like you got it worse. At least in my case the relatives that are visiting aren't the drug-fucked loud-mouthed drama-whore variety.

Yeah. This is the man who wailed like a banshee, fell on my one good relative's coffin, screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DON'T GOOOOOOOO" and had to be carried out of the funeral because he would not stop lying on the ground crying.

I don't think I've ever been so embarrassed in my life.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
A thought occurs.

Maybe we could all solve our respective family problems a la Strangers on a Train? Obviously it would have to be arranged in a similar way to the secret Santa? :wacky:


--Tamashi no Rufuran
Emiya Shirou, Oz Vessalius, LPod, Belldandy, L-Phone
xD I feel worthless today.. No wait, I always do.

Celes Chere

xD I feel worthless today.. No wait, I always do.

Same. </3 Also, my ear is fucking ringing! And it won't stfu. But just for the record Phones, you're not worthless. In fact, I can't imagine life without an amazing gal like you, there's only one type of sweet heart like you, you're really genuinely kind and that's the best type of person to be.

Ghost X

I'm going to the beach tomorrow, an activity that was planned well in advance, since its like an annual tradition to do it around this time of year for my friends and myself... and rain is forecast. I wouldn't mind so much except we're going to a different beach this year. One I haven't been to before.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
The fact that a stupid bit of snow that was fucking forecast means that I get metaphorically raped in the ass by fucking family making an UNAUTHORISED VISIT two days ahead of schedule and basically pissing all over my plans for the weekend: eating junk food and playing Donkey Kong :rage:

Fuck you Chirstmas, fuck you relatives, fuck you weather, fuck you public transport, and fuck you Universe!!!!!

Ahh, I feel so much better now! :)


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Getting snowed in. D: I still have Christmas shopping to do! Damnit... DX
I actually get the opposite. I stay in my room too much apparently and should come down stairs and socialize. And when I come down stairs I get yelled at more for not being 'nice'. Because not being a social butterfly means you aren't nice.
THIS. Except my mum pretty much accepts that I'm introverted and a little *convoluted Fantastic Mr Fox hand gesture* different. I do get teased about it by her bf and any relatives who visit, though. Greatest time was when my mum's oldest sister and her daughter popped in for a while, after my mum had gone to visit my grandfather's grave (if anyone thinks I'm a little cold in not going myself, I'm afraid he died before I was born, so I never met him). I made them all a cup of tea, and then headed to my room.

My cousin called after me, "what's the matter, do we stink?" My reply was a cheerful (and somewhat David Mitchell-esque), "no, I do". This left my mum and aunt in stitches, and my cousin saying "...not a lot I can say to that, is there?"
Isn't it ironic that all us unsocial butterflies come together here and have no problems socializing. If you can call it socializing, I suppose. :monster:
For a given value of socialising, yes. :monster: The first time I spoke to a friend from online over the phone, we hit the immediate problem that we're both quite taciturn IRL. This lead to what can only be described as a role-play of Vincent and Squall talking to each other: "..." "..."
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