Things that piss you off

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Ghost X

No volleyball practice. Sucks arse. We've had a losing streak of late, and I think my team mates and myself could sure do with some practice to improve.


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
Pre ordering Dragon Age II on PC thinking I only have to wait 2 weeks to play it. But I have to wait 2 months. :(


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Receiving an e-mail of the "Be able to spy on your friends' MSN and Facebook!" kind. How can still people fall for it? Wasn't it enough that 10.000 accounts from Hotmail were hacked several months ago? How people can be still this stupid as to input their password just to read other's mails?

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We have come to terms
What's the difference?


Celes Chere

It takes forever to convince my Dad to take me to the doctor. At least to give me my health insurance card, so I can go myself. Because since my last visit to the doctor I've officially gotten worse. .____. I can't afford to pay for it, though

And because I'm like this, I can't sleep. If I do it's in the morning for like half an hour. And since I can't sleep I'm extremely irritable and emotional. I don't even know what to do and it's frustrating and I feel like I'm losing my mind or something. U___U It's gotten so bad that I can't stand being alone.

But my friends have lives.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
It takes forever to convince my Dad to take me to the doctor. At least to give me my health insurance card, so I can go myself. Because since my last visit to the doctor I've officially gotten worse. .____. I can't afford to pay for it, though

And because I'm like this, I can't sleep. If I do it's in the morning for like half an hour. And since I can't sleep I'm extremely irritable and emotional. I don't even know what to do and it's frustrating and I feel like I'm losing my mind or something. U___U It's gotten so bad that I can't stand being alone.

But my friends have lives.
I don't :monster:

And I'm moving closer to you soon. Hell if it wasn't for this snow I'd come visit sooner :(

I hope you get better, I know Acid reflux or whatever you have that's like it can be a bitch. I deal with it a lot. Just last night my stomach was really upset for no reason and I didn't eat all day and now it's upset again and I can't tell if it's because I'm hungry or because something else is wrong :shifty:

And I hear you on going to the doctor but my problem is I HAVE no insurance right now since I'm not working. I applied to a few places about a year ago and got rejected -_-

So my issue is, I have to wait and see if it gets better on its own because I can't afford to go to the doctor every time something comes up. But then I also get worried that it's something serious and I'll end up spending more money having to cure something that I waited on... And how long do I wait? I waited 3 days on something that seemed like a UTI that didn't get better, so I went to the doctor and had all these tests done that came back negative and a couple days later I was fine -_- Rob usually tries to convince me to just wait it out but sometimes it can be so hard :(

Anyway, tldr, I really do hope you get better. Maybe you have an infection or something. I know there's some kind of infection you can get in your stomach that acts like acid reflux. In fact that's what I thought I had until it tested negative.

fun times at the doctor man. nothing like taking a stool sample :awesome:

Celes Chere

I hope you feel better soon, I wish there was something I could do. D:

Thanks, dear. <3

I've honestly considered sleeping pills before because it feels like there's no other way for me to get to sleep. But I really don't want to have to take pills for that.

I'm just plain afraid to sleep, lol. If there's a solution to one thing, another problem arises. I keep having nightmares as well whenever I sleep, which probably is the reason why I keep waking up too. .__.

endoscopy months ago but I keep putting it off because I'm afraid, I sound so lame when I say that but it's so true. D:

This is what I might have to get as well, but don't feel bad. I'm afraid of that as well. While I find comfort in seeing a doctor, the procedures make me extremely nervous. I was so nervous and paranoid about being put to sleep getting my wisdom teeth pulled out. I thought: "What if I don't wake up". X_x
And same thing for an eye surgery I was going to go through with because one of my eyes is a bit lazy. There was literally a 1% chance of going blind because of a mistake, so I said no.

Right now I'm paranoid I'm starting to turn into an anorexic again. I mean I'm not completey yet, since I'm still eating somewhat but it's not very much.

I lost weight, not because of that but because of being sick. :c You've had this problem in the past then I assume, right? If you don't mind me asking, how did you get over it if you ever did? Maybe that's a bit too personal to be asking... Maybe a user note if you feel like responding. XD Does your family support you, hun? ;-;

And how long do I wait? I waited 3 days on something that seemed like a UTI that didn't get better, so I went to the doctor and had all these tests done that came back negative and a couple days later I was fine

Ouch! This shit has been going on for three weeks now, and it seems WORSE when it felt better about three days ago or so. And now this crap with my eyes? It's driving me absolutely crazy. ._.


fresh to death
Had a seriously fucked up dream that scared the shit out of me.
Which is sort of weird, because it's really quite difficult to shake me up.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I lost weight, not because of that but because of being sick.
Yeah I lost around 10 lbs when it happened to me... then I tried to gain it back and I got used to eating whatever and whenever I wanted and ended up going overboard... I'm at about 115 now though so I'm happy with that.

Ouch! This shit has been going on for three weeks now, and it seems WORSE when it felt better about three days ago or so. And now this crap with my eyes? It's driving me absolutely crazy. ._.
Oh I know I went through the same thing... well except the eye thing >_<
It sounds worse with you though so I can't even imagine what it's like. I just hope they can find what's wrong. Make sure they do all the tests, don't let them give you a "Well try this and if it doesn't work, come back and we'll do this or that." Tell them to do this or that now. That's what I did and in the end it cost us almost $800... BUT... I got better :monster:

I think it was worth it.

Celes Chere

lol well honestly I can understand that, I've had that fear ever since I was a kid. I try really hard not to think about that though. Thankfully by the time I lay down I'm so tired I don't have to think about it. I'm sorry about your nightmares. D: I know how that is. I get them all the time when I'm sick or have a fever.
Last summer I had really bad nightmares and it was the same one every night for a month. I always woke up sweating and crying, it was pretty awful and graphic.

God, same here, lmao. I'm not sure why... I was never afraid of needles, or getting my blood drawn, but the fear of sicknesses, diseases, being on medication, pills, etc frightens me. Yeah, usually I get so tired that my body just plain shuts down, even if not for long. xD Wow... that does sound awful. T__T Did they eventually just stop, or was there something you did? I'd love to know. X_X

Glad I'm not the only one D: I hate being afraid. I was like that when I had to get my teeth pulled at the hospital. Worst thing? The nurses didn't listen to my doctor that I didn't need the IV they were going to give me- whatever he gave me was going to knock me out just fine. So basically I had too much medicine, and I didn't wake up until around 5 PM when I was supposed to wake up 2 hours* after taking the medicine (since I'd be done by then). My parents didn't think I was going to wake up. I was still out of it for the next day though.

OH GOD. That is an awful mistake of them to make. >_> I'm always afraid of a mistake happening to me, like I'm that one patient that's going to have a freak accident or something. For me though, I woke up and nothing happened except while I was out of it I spilled some secrets to my parents... ooops. ;P I also hate when they have a new nurse giving you a shot and they fuck it up... I understand they're learning, but not on me please!

Oh man I can't even imagine doing something like that. Anything with the eyes I just cannot deal D: It's a fear.

Yeah, I once had a small sliver of wood stuck in my eye (hilariously I was treated by Dr. Wood) that was irritating it, and he got frustrated and mad at me when I kept blinking when he told me not to.... SORRY BUT YOU'RE KINDA USING A TINY FORM OF PLIERS THAT BASICALLY LOOKS LIKE A NEEDLE GOING INTO MY EYE, I'M GONNA FREAK.

yeah, I first had the problem after Christmas about 3-4 years ago. what started it was the fact after Christmas my dad's dad was rushed to the hospital and he stayed in there for.. a month and a half. he was sent home with a hospital bed and that's when everything went downhill. they said he was getting better but I knew it was a lie, I stopped getting hungry so I just stopped eating completely. when he died before my 19th birthday (2 days before my birthday in fact) I just didn't care anymore. we had the service on my birthday idk i just couldn't handle it.
I did get over it but not until about 6 months later. I was eventually eating, but it was like maybe once or twice a day. Don't worry I don't mind XD Yeah they do, though in the end, as silly as it sounds, it was my boyfriend that helped me get over it and stop doing it to myself.
I was very close to being put in the hospital and once it got that bad I knew I had to knock it off.

Oh my gosh... I know it's not much, but I truly am sorry to hear about your Grand father, and on your birthday... sounds extremely rough and painful for you. I'm glad your boyfriend was there to support you at least, and that you broke the habit from the reality wake-up call. I can't even imagine what that's like, and it's no wonder you were that way for as long as you were... *hugs*

Yeah I lost around 10 lbs when it happened to me..

Ah, same here. I lost ten pounds and it really freaked me the hell out, lol. I haven't really gained it back, rather I'm remaining at one weight now, which is good. Then again, I haven't checked my weight in a week or so, so I should.

It sounds worse with you though so I can't even imagine what it's like. I just hope they can find what's wrong. Make sure they do all the tests, don't let them give you a "Well try this and if it doesn't work, come back and we'll do this or that." Tell them to do this or that now. That's what I did and in the end it cost us almost $800... BUT... I got better

I think it was worth it.

Yeah, when I went in the doctor didn't even test me, he gave me the medicine for what he thought it sounded like, and said I should see if it helps and if not to come back. But my thought is - why the fuck would I take something to see if it helps? Doesn't the wrong medication have the possibility of making it worse? Ah, well. Doctors orders so I did it. X_X
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Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
My nasal meatuses are swollen up

I can't breathe through my nose


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
I've burnt the inside of my mouth.

There are also loud people abusing my roof.
But at least there isn't a hole in it anymore.


AI Researcher
if you didn't want me to scratch at these things you stuck to my back, then maybe you should have tried to make it less irritating.

I don't know if itching means that there's an allergic reaction going on now :sadpanda:

Elisa Maza

1: That the system has given up on autistic children, like my sister.

2: That I'm 23 and yet I'm taking as many pills as my grandfather to go through the day. What the hell, body? Can't you cope on your own just for a while?
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