I tried installing my copy of
Dawn of War II over the weekend (I wanna swamp arrogant space pixies with bugs!). DoW2 needs both Steam and Games for Windows installed. Five frickin' hours later, Steam's just about set-up and Games for Windows is struggling arthritically.
So; fuck Steam, fuck Valve, fuck Games for Windows, fuck THQ, and fuck the horse they came in on! Waaagh! Blood for the Blood God! etc., etc.
i'm so bored, my dad has the tv, and all i've got to pass the time are books.
sad face
If you're bored with books, you have the wrong books. Recommend:
Good Omens. SIR Terry "Discworld" Pratchett + Neil "the Sandman" Gaiman = WIN.
I told my mom (lol at all the mom complaints) today that I'm going to set up an appointment with a new doctor to see about getting help for my depression, and she wasn't very understanding at all. Which kind of pisses me off because she's the one who suggested that in the first place. She told me that I can't handle things well and I'm just reacting to my circumstances right now.
My mom has never been very understanding of me as I've struggled with depression throughout my life. She's always thought that I should be able to snap out of it and all that that depression is truly is self pity. Whether that's the case or not, I really wish that she would stop making me feel weak or crazy because I've gone through it and she hasn't.
I just want a little support from my family as I'm struggling. Is that too much to ask?

*hugs* Some people just don't understand depression. I'm somewhat lucky with mine as it's part hereditary (sp??), so my mum understands what I'm going through. Her boyfriend on the other hand is so stupid, he thinks migraines are the same as periods.