My superior pulled me aside and said he'd seriously recommend me for Officer training.
Watch our for fal'Cie then
@thread: Intolerance when asking for tolerance for yourself. And lies.
These days the World Youth Day is being held in Madrid. Pilgrims from all over the world have come here to see their spiritual leader and listen to his words. The whole event is being financed by the Church itself and private enterprises (no public money at all, even our Government has
reluctantly admited so). Tonight, anti-system and anarchist groups have bursted into a pilgrim gathering place and they are attacking those pilgrims on the basis that they are "offending" and "provoking" them with their public displays, and that the visit of the Pope was going to cost a fortune (which is false, for the reasons I just exposed).
The worst thing is that the police, having to follow the direct orders from the office of the government in Madrid, cannot do anything, because the Delegate refuses to give any order to dissolve the anti-system.
These anti-system have been around since May and, no matter how illegal their acupation of public places have been, no matter how many complains about the stentch and filth they leave behind have been received from people living there, they haven't been dissolved. Not only that, but police sindicates dennounced that they had strict orders no to touch any of those junkies, or a file would be made on the case.
What infuriates me is that, if those pilgrims wore some other religious simbols aside from the cross, they would be well protected and those who are now insulting and attacking them would demand respect for
cultural diversity and whatnot. And, should the pilgrims retaliated, they would be held as a violent, ultra-religious mob.
Such are things in my country. So please, bear with me if I get a little jumpy with the religion thing :/ I live in a place where you can and will be insulted if you wear a cross around your neck or called a "fascist" if you happen to put together red and yellow in any pattern that resemples the Spanish flag.
Sorry for the rant, I'm too upset and even my hands are trembling while I write this.