Things that piss you off

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Hello again! 8D
Roxy Lalonde, Black Canary, Princess Vampira, Ah-Choo, Cutie-Aoide
The Disciple said:
I registered for my culinary/pastry classes on the first day of registration. I was told that I couldn't add another class because apparently they didn't have a certain document. Usually I didn't have a problem with this in the past since once they saw my previous transcripts from a university, they let me clean through. Thanks to my shitty school's track record of documentation though, they didn't. Once I brought it up to the people in charge of the filing system, they immediately took all my classes off without telling me I even told them I was going to get my records right after, and I did. I called my highschool, I finally found my ACT scores, and my highschool was nice enough to fax and call them about it. Nope, apparently they didn't give a shit and just wiped all my records. Keep in mind this was on the same day too. I hate their bloody system so much, because they really don't care if you can't physically make it over there. I am just a tiny speck to their large corrupted school. Fuck you Delgado.

Remember when I talked about Delgado screwing me over? Well my mom and I finally showed them our records, and they are apparently too old for them to use (2004 is now too old :sadpanda: ). I have to now take placement tests for three subjects if I still want to continue my pastry arts degree. I know I'm not going to test high on those, and they are probably gonna put me in the bottom classes until I am good enough to go to the regular subject classes. This is exactly what my mom went through and it costed her almost 2 years to complete. I only took this degree because it was fast and I wanted something stable while I go for my librarian science degree. But if I'm gonna go through 4 years in a 2 year college, I might as well just start on my librarian science degree now. Thanks for screwing me over once again Delgado!

Celes Chere

My skin did NOT react well to bubbles in a bubble bath, so now it's all broken out and sore and red and itchy. *creys* My back was almost completely clear and now it looks hideous, I refuse to wear anything that doesn't cover it.

*stares longingly at dresses*

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I've been there. Sometimes there's just nothing that you can do immediately to make you feel better, and it's fine to feel stressed or overwhelmed. Just remember, when you're going through hell, keep going.


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
I don't know what is worse: people with cigarrette breath or those who tried to hide the smell with menthol....




OT: Kitty is still not getting the idea to sleep at night and not cry for attention all the way through it. She will even climb on the bed and we'll start petting her, and run off and cry in the living room. Serious problem is serious because Stephen wakes up early and needs a good sleep. I'll need it for my early school classes next week. Blah!


Pro Adventurer

Missed my first class thanks to it never showing up -- this fucking always happens on the first day too. :L

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I passed out while camping and checked myself up after having the worst headaches ever. Recurring headaches, moodswings, etc etc. I found out I have a weak ass heart and a blood pressure level over 9000. Soooooo they made me stay a day and made me take meds and advised me what to do to lower it.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Jesus, hope you feel better Mumble. If it's any consolation, I'm staying at my parents and sleeping on a lumpy matress covered in dog hair and soil :/

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I passed out while camping and checked myself up after having the worst headaches ever. Recurring headaches, moodswings, etc etc. I found out I have a weak ass heart and a blood pressure level over 9000. Soooooo they made me stay a day and made me take meds and advised me what to do to lower it.

This sounds about right.


We have come to terms
I passed out while camping and checked myself up after having the worst headaches ever. Recurring headaches, moodswings, etc etc. I found out I have a weak ass heart and a blood pressure level over 9000. Soooooo they made me stay a day and made me take meds and advised me what to do to lower it.
please take better care of yourself >:

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Ahh don't worry about it, I'm sure I have 40 more years before I'm dead ahahaha! Well at least we know now why I'm acting like an asshole these days :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
how the fuck is it 10:30 already

@mumble, hope you'll be ok. you too, crack

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
They took far cry down before I could gift it to kat D :

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
My fucking mood is ruined. I just found out of one of my old friends buys into all of that truther nonsense, alien conspiracies, free masonry, the illuminati, Aleister Crowley magic, and all of that shit.

I feel like someone stabbed me in the gut.
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Tossed and turned for several hours last night which culminated in throwing up. I really don't want to go into work today but on the other hand there is no way to call in ahead of time and let them know I won't be there because I have the goddamn morning shift so I'm probably going to go in. However, I still feel like if I eat a single thing I will throw up, so I'll be going in on an empty stomach. What makes this particularly irritating is I only had a bunch of stuff I regularly have last night. I'm fairly sure I just had too much of it but it's annoying because it probably means I'm going to have to eliminate something from my diet and I'm not even sure what.
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