Things that piss you off

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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
What you guys see:

What Celes sees :

I wouldn't kill a slug, they're easy enough to pick up (with a bit of cardboard - I'm not crazy!) The only things I kill are ticks and fleas because they are assholes. Oh and wasps if they're being 'uncooperative'

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
It really pisses me off how some artists are all about ego.

They think all of their accomplishments and prestige entitle them to be arrogant holier than thou douchebags.

Guess what cunts, you're people just like the rest of us.


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
Dreaming with my grandfather again.... Its not that I don't like it is because is just plain disturbing.
Its like I'm feeling great, amazing and moving on...and this kind of stuff just puts me back into a blackhole which I can't get out easily.... Especially when that dream reminded me how much he loved one of my "ghost" cousins (Those who you barely see) over the rest of us.


Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
My fears about getting a cold have come true. I miss being able to breathe out of my nose.

/biggest baby ever


My uni timetable this semester. I'm in at 9am every morning for one hour, then I've got 3 hours to wait until the next lecture. Such bull. I smell me failing immunology. /insomniacomplainer.


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
I'm getting scared about how much despise I'm feeling towards my grandfather and two stupid cousins...... I can't even. Why ? I mean two of them I don't even care but my Grandfather is dead...feeling anything like this is just plain stupid.
And I hate myself for feeling this...


I say feeling that way is totally natural, and worrying yourself about it is only going to make you go batshit crazy.

For example, I had a friend with cancer that died in January. We were close, but he was a bit delusional and thought he was... well, he was a bit delusional. He really pissed me off. (which is why this post is almost on topic).

So when he died I felt ever so slightly guilty, then realised that I felt the way I felt for a reason and the fact that he died doesn't change him. Respect the good memories you have and fuck the rest. No regrets.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
When the folks at the platelet donation center can't find the usual vein in my left arm. It honestly hurts when they try and find it, and it makes me feel bad for wasting their time.

Plus, it makes me really worry about what's gonna happen if I ever need a transfusion.

Celes Chere

It didn't really piss me off, but there's no thread for when you're feelings get hurt. And they weren't even hurt over something important, only something stupid. It's only happening because I'm too sensitive. And I'll never talk about it ever because it's so trivial. So yeah.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Another Sims 3 rant:

It's just.. ugh when the game works, it's so fun, but when it doesn't work, it's annoying as hell. I mean I'm honestly starting to think there was no bug testing on this game at all. If you sim is an Architect, they go to other Sims houses and redesign rooms and buy them new items and stuff... the stupid part is, your Sim will get a bad review for things that he/she had nothing to do with.

I spent a while resigning a room for this dude, and he gave me a bad review because he "Couldn't get to his new items." which is something they say if they... well can't get to a new item. Like it's facing a wall or something. I tried redesigning it several times, and I finally figured out whatever he couldn't get to wasn't part of my design. Also the stairs only worked sometimes, so that might have been another problem.

I finally just accepted the bad review... then had Cloud come over and blow up a bunch of items which ended up killing the guy eventually... which was funny at first... but then his wife cried and I felt bad D:

So because I had saved right before turning in the redesign, I re loaded, and this time tore down the house in edit town mode. Then I did the same design for Zack in his house and ZACK liked it :monster:

Thank you Zack :D

But anyway, it's just annoying that things like that happen. Granted it's not like I spend all day designing these things, it sucks to spend time on it at all, only to get a bad review for something that's not your fault. Your sim will also get yelled at if there isn't enough beds in the house, regardless of if there was enough when you got there or not. I mean this is stuff that really should have been found out by testing. It's really like they didn't test it at all. And this isn't mentioning that sometimes when you're designing a home items will somehow disappear and end up in a void or something...

yes Tifa i KNOW you can't get to the new toilet I put in... how do you ever know it's there? O_o

Tina Armstrong

Fackbito, RedGloves, Eileen Galvin, Saria, Lady Croft
"Friends" who can't be honest with you.
People who pretend to be someone they're not. They are annoying as fuck, and you just want to punch them in the face.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
nearly 2am here

Pharmacology exam in 7 hours



a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
You know what pisses me so fucking much? People who say "Oh i don't have any friends" or "I'm so lonelyyy no one talks to mee". And i feel like telling them "Fuck you!"
Because these are people I've tried to approach a thousand times, always they never write me e en though I have done everything in my power to approach them. Still the play the martyrs saying how much they hate their lives etc etc. And I'm like "Bitch I tried to approach you but you don't even care!" so yeah. I hate it when people say these stuff because I feel like I'm completely approachable (There's a reason why I approached you first). So please... PLEASE if you haven't made the first move stop saying you don't have any friends... Because its completely stupid...


We have come to terms
You know what pisses me so fucking much? People who say "Oh i don't have any friends" or "I'm so lonelyyy no one talks to mee". And i feel like telling them "Fuck you!"
Because these are people I've tried to approach a thousand times, always they never write me e en though I have done everything in my power to approach them. Still the play the martyrs saying how much they hate their lives etc etc. And I'm like "Bitch I tried to approach you but you don't even care!" so yeah. I hate it when people say these stuff because I feel like I'm completely approachable (There's a reason why I approached you first). So please... PLEASE if you haven't made the first move stop saying you don't have any friends... Because its completely stupid...



alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
You know what pisses me so fucking much? People who say "Oh i don't have any friends" or "I'm so lonelyyy no one talks to mee". And i feel like telling them "Fuck you!"
Because these are people I've tried to approach a thousand times, always they never write me e en though I have done everything in my power to approach them. Still the play the martyrs saying how much they hate their lives etc etc. And I'm like "Bitch I tried to approach you but you don't even care!" so yeah. I hate it when people say these stuff because I feel like I'm completely approachable (There's a reason why I approached you first). So please... PLEASE if you haven't made the first move stop saying you don't have any friends... Because its completely stupid...

Yeah, you might want to consider the fact that some people don't want to talk about their problems, dude.

Granted, that doesn't excuse them from coming online and playing the martyr, but still, sometimes people just don't want to talk no matter how approachable you make yourself.

Unless of course, their self-pity is done entirely to get attention. In which case feel free to give them a big slap.


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
Yeah, you might want to consider the fact that some people don't want to talk about their problems, dude.

Granted, that doesn't excuse them from coming online and playing the martyr, but still, sometimes people just don't want to talk no matter how approachable you make yourself.

Unless of course, their self-pity is done entirely to get attention. In which case feel free to give them a big slap.

Dude----> lady JK but yeah xD
An that's not what I mean. Is like saying Hello or IDK talk about random things. I don't plan on being a super hero or anything. Like Cloud, she didn't told me her personal problems but we talked pretty random stuff.

And lol maybe I'll just leave them alone in the end :)


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Dude is pretty genderless imo :(


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Double post but ughh.

Retarded retards conducting a 'mating ritual' right outside our flats. This consisits of a betracksuited chimp throwing an empty lucozade bottle at a female who then makes noises like a velociraptor. I don't know whether to call the police or throw some used teabags at them....or both.

I'll probably just sit here and seethe. :@


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Double post but ughh.

Retarded retards conducting a 'mating ritual' right outside our flats. This consisits of a betracksuited chimp throwing an empty lucozade bottle at a female who then makes noises like a velociraptor. I don't know whether to call the police or throw some used teabags at them....or both.

I'll probably just sit here and seethe. :@

I'd call the police, sit and enjoy the show when they arrive.
Feeling uncomfortable at work now because I accidentally saw an older woman's top. Hear me out.

I am a cleaner and recently my working environment has expanded. I have to clean one of the locker rooms intended for females. Today I was starting to clean it when I heard that somebody entered. In my panic I figured "If I just run out quickly then there won't be any embarrassing moments". But alas, the woman had removed her blouse quick as lightning and she had no shirt beneath hence why I saw her bra.

It all happened so bloody fast. She didn't yell at me or anything. She started putting her blouse back on but I was out even before she had finished that motion.

Now I feel uncomfortable knowing that I might run into her again. I feel guilty but honestly I had no plan for what to do if anyone entered the locker room while I was cleaning. This is not one of those rooms where people typically strip down naked, probably why there is no rule against male cleaners in female locker rooms, so at least that danger is pretty much non-existant.

My plan if it happens again is that I will shout "Cleaner in the room" if anyone walks in while I'm working. That's all I can do really. They might be startled by hearing a male voice, but hey I have to do my job but still avoid any more embarrassing events.

...Goddammit. Too much guilt, frustration and fear associated with that ONE female locker room I have to clean. This is what happens when you are the sole male cleaner in the entire company and the work environment is not adapted for it.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I'd call the police, sit and enjoy the show when they arrive.

I'm tempted, but the thing is, If I called the police everytime some scratters are making a nuisance of themselves I'd probably get done myself for wasting police time :lol: Theres been occasions before where I've had to call the police because of 'serious business' going on out there. I don't want to jeopordise that.

Fortunately they seem to have scuttled off now *phew* :lol:
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