Things that piss you off

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We have come to terms
Geez, I know how it feels about having bad knews from family members.
Be strong man, keep on fightning and never give up.
Don't take this personally - I've had an exceptionally bad day, even for me - but there's no way to "keep on fighting" when the subject is someone else's cancer. I'm sure I'm being a dick, though - my apologies, and the sentiment is appreciated.

Relevant: guess who has multiple cancerous tumors inside his ears?

Also, a private issue is upsetting me greatly and it is making me feel very...strange.


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
My aunt was diagnosed as a Diabetic. Great, now my chances of NOT being a diabetic have turned 90% out of a %100.


@ tiff: just suggesting. she IS posting her personal stuffs publicly, so there's no guarantee that people are going to listen.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
*hugs* all around.

Nothing compared to the rest of you, but:

My left ear is flaring up again. :(

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
@Sami and anyone else who feels that way: I been there, it sucks, my sympathies. Here's hoping for a nice upward swing in your mood soon.

On topic: Its been a long week. Old friends are reporting some pretty nasty health issues, I been having to drive all over the place to get shit done, tomorrow is my beloved's surgery, etc. And sure, a gallbladder removal is one of the safest/easiest operations there is, but surgery in general makes me nervous.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
>finally make a good rip of drudkh's latest two releases
>clickrepair comes up with false positives on drums

As if the drum sound on those albums wasn't already weird enough. The sad thing is I can't even tell whether I can actually tell a difference on the pre-and-post-repaired versions or whether I'm just imagining it.

Ghost X

- Went to the Grand Final of the SANFL (as a spectator :P), and my team lost. They played shit, and they almost won even still. If they kicked a goal instead of a behind in the dying seconds, they would've won. If they returned to kindergarten and learned how to kick and catch a ball properly, they would've won also. So frustrating!


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
My mom reallly pisses me off. She has a PH.D in pushig my buttons... In a way that ruins my wonderful day. And this comes from a really pacific person that was bullied in her childhood.
She has somethig to fight for EVERYDAY. I get it I'm lazy an I hate cleaning. She got that granted. But really?
If I don't pick up my nephew on time (Which is stupid since my dad picked me up two hours after school ended...when I was his age), if I go to bed late, if I don't hear when she calls my name from the house below, if I don't pick up her phone, if I don't rush everything to finish college early or if I study at night. Fuck this!!!!
Woman I pick my nephew if I want, you don't pay my tuition OR bring/pick me up to school, and you said yourself I had to work if I didn't finish college. Fucking shit no wonder I'm so fucked up. YOU FUCK ME UP.

Okay, I get it, you guys hate me. I was just trying to be cheerful and friendly...

Girl no one hates you. It was just bad timing at the wrong place. Next time jut go to their personal message and that's it. Its a better option. Take it as advice and for future references.

Also I don't see how bashing her makes it any more in topic to the post.
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fresh to death
i'm so tired and i have to read a novel for tomorrow and write another proposal for monday then write two 2k essays for next week omg how can i do this

Celes Chere

I feel extremely sick today... and miserable. -.-
Also someone called me really early in the morning, but when I answered all I heard was really weird noises and shit... wtf.
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