Things that piss you off

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a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
Oh dear bus driver I'm killing you in my mind right now. I payed you ( And you werent kind enough to get your ass off the chair) I'm saying I'm going to the mini market in the front.... You say that if the bus fills up you will leave me behind yet you don't want to return my money. Fucktard!!!! Like... Seriously?! You'd like make a complete fraud with me.
Also lost something important on this stupid bus. And there is a woman talking her problems so all of us can hear... Like I care. The water hasn't come back. Life sucks.
I am really optimistic. And i'm really hoping it will turn better... That AT LEAST I can get to my test on fucking time.

Thanks I think. I sound like a disc on repeat but its my first big loss, so I don't know how to deal with it.


God I hate in-class presentations.

For someone as awkward and shy as I am, speaking to people has always been an issue. The idea of public speaking fills me with so much anxiety - I've been basically dreading over it the entire term. Did not sleep a wink last night I was so nervous.

When I do get to class I'm basically shaking. I'm chosen last to go so it's this awful build-up to my turn. The first two people speak and the class responds energetically. What they say promotes substantial discussion among the class, which is pretty much the point of the assignment.

Finally it's my turn. I go up and say my piece without trying to mutter or stumble or shake too hard. Somehow I almost miraculously manage finish without breaking down in tears and what happens?

No one responds to anything I've said.

It's dead silent.



The lack of response is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand it means I don't have to respond to the class, on the other hand what did I do wrong why isn't anyone saying anything oh god I am so stupid.

Suffice to say yeah I'm relieved that I can go back to keeping quietly to myself in the back corner of the class for the rest of the term...

Well at least class is out early now because no one... decided to... respond...

Tina Armstrong

Fackbito, RedGloves, Eileen Galvin, Saria, Lady Croft
My parents and their prejudices;
A person having tattoos and piercings = OMG MUST BE A CRIMINAL WHO'S MENTALLY ILL

I'm so glad I'm not like them. :monster:


Double Growth
People that freakin bum rush grocery stores at the mere mention of snow. And they're all buying tons of milk and bread. I wouldn't care if people just went in to pick up some hot chocolate or something with which to watch the snow fall. But no, we're preparing to climb in the damn vaults.

1) What the hell good is buying a lot of milk and bread going to do you when they all go bad around the same time anyway? As if that's an issue because:

2) HOW LONG DO YOU REALLY EXPECT TO BE SNOWED IN?! It's fucking Pennsylvania. The longest amount of time I have ever been snowed in in my life was the blizzard of '96 when there was like 4 feet of the snow on the ground and we were snowed in for MAYBE two days. TWO DAYS! FOR 4 FEET! We're supposed to get like 3 or 4 inches you tools. But nope, gotta buy 6 gallons of milk.

Blargh, I don't even know why it annoys me so much, but it does.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
People that freakin bum rush grocery stores at the mere mention of snow. And they're all buying tons of milk and bread. I wouldn't care if people just went in to pick up some hot chocolate or something with which to watch the snow fall. But no, we're preparing to climb in the damn vaults.

1) What the hell good is buying a lot of milk and bread going to do you when they all go bad around the same time anyway? As if that's an issue because:

2) HOW LONG DO YOU REALLY EXPECT TO BE SNOWED IN?! It's fucking Pennsylvania. The longest amount of time I have ever been snowed in in my life was the blizzard of '96 when there was like 4 feet of the snow on the ground and we were snowed in for MAYBE two days. TWO DAYS! FOR 4 FEET! We're supposed to get like 3 or 4 inches you tools. But nope, gotta buy 6 gallons of milk.

Blargh, I don't even know why it annoys me so much, but it does.

Hahaha as a fellow PAer I know what you mean only too well; imagine what is like when you're stationed somewhere where a lot of people are from Cali, Arizona, or the South and the fact that its getting cold out terrifies them.


We have come to terms

its why I'm moving to canada dammit I WANT MOST COLD 8[


Mr. Thou
No worse than northerners complaining when it gets over 80F in July.

Also, in this part of the country, it's not the one bad night of weather that makes people clean out stores, it's the shitty power infrastructure. Bad weather of any kind can knock power out for days on end.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
People pick the shelves clean at the first mention of snow here too, and I'm in fucking Arkansas. We rarely get six inches of snow, let alone enough to actually snow anyone in. That and the tobacco and liquor stores get cleaned out too. Really makes it hard on anyone who is legit out of fucking milk.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
People that freakin bum rush grocery stores at the mere mention of snow. And they're all buying tons of milk and bread. I wouldn't care if people just went in to pick up some hot chocolate or something with which to watch the snow fall. But no, we're preparing to climb in the damn vaults.

1) What the hell good is buying a lot of milk and bread going to do you when they all go bad around the same time anyway? As if that's an issue because:

2) HOW LONG DO YOU REALLY EXPECT TO BE SNOWED IN?! It's fucking Pennsylvania. The longest amount of time I have ever been snowed in in my life was the blizzard of '96 when there was like 4 feet of the snow on the ground and we were snowed in for MAYBE two days. TWO DAYS! FOR 4 FEET! We're supposed to get like 3 or 4 inches you tools. But nope, gotta buy 6 gallons of milk.

Blargh, I don't even know why it annoys me so much, but it does.

Stupid SHOULD offend you. It's one thing you should never tolerate.


Happens all the time where I'm at. Even when they it's a slight chance, everyone rushes to the store. You're lucky if you find anything left. Last time my mom went shopping when it happened, she said all the canned goods were sold completely out. It's craycray. And this is NC... we're lucky to get snow that sticks to the ground for more than a few hours....

It's aggravating :P

Granted, if we do, it's typically here for a week. But still, nothing worth the store Zerg rush for. I can't tell you how surprised I am when folks actually shut down during the snows.

Hahaha as a fellow PAer I know what you mean only too well; imagine what is like when you're stationed somewhere where a lot of people are from Cali, Arizona, or the South and the fact that its getting cold out terrifies them.

Seriously? It's just cold weather. You can always warm yourself up.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
so like... I was asked to babysit my niece, which I am all for. I didn't really ask why though.

Apparently my brother and his wife were going out to dinner and drinks with people. oh ok... I totally didn't want to be invited or anything. I'll just sit here. alone. watching your baby sleep.

it's cool :sadpanda:


Higher Further Faster
Awww :(

If it makes you feel better my brother never invites me places, either. :( *hugs*

People that freakin bum rush grocery stores at the mere mention of snow. And they're all buying tons of milk and bread. I wouldn't care if people just went in to pick up some hot chocolate or something with which to watch the snow fall. But no, we're preparing to climb in the damn vaults.

1) What the hell good is buying a lot of milk and bread going to do you when they all go bad around the same time anyway? As if that's an issue because:

2) HOW LONG DO YOU REALLY EXPECT TO BE SNOWED IN?! It's fucking Pennsylvania. The longest amount of time I have ever been snowed in in my life was the blizzard of '96 when there was like 4 feet of the snow on the ground and we were snowed in for MAYBE two days. TWO DAYS! FOR 4 FEET! We're supposed to get like 3 or 4 inches you tools. But nope, gotta buy 6 gallons of milk.

Blargh, I don't even know why it annoys me so much, but it does.

You should make them come to Minnesota, to see what it's really like.

Because you know what happens when we get three or four inches of snow?

We wake up early to shovel out because we are still expected to be to work on time the next morning.



Pro Adventurer
Heartburn u___u

Hmmm Snow.... I wish I could head to America and miss all the hot days, big bugs and just summer all together right now *sigh*

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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Less than 90 minutes into my shift I was so full of uncontrollable rage that I basically HAD to go on break early. Expect a rant later when I have a proper keyboard.

And my fucking phone decided to click on mark all forums read when I very clearly tapped today's posts. I hate that option. It should ask for confirmation before resetting a bunch of data you probably don't have saved anywhere.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
  • Computers still being down means that I basically cannot answer questions I do not have the answer to. I had to redirect several people to customer service because I would have had to walk all that way just to answer the question anyway.
  • The huge restructuring means that there are several kinds of items (Children's DVDs, for example) I do not know the location of even if I were to look them up. It would be nice if management would tell us these things so I don't have to respond to questions with "I have absolutely no idea." That really reflects great on us, but what the fuck else can I do?
  • "I'm looking for a book." No you're not, you're looking for a bookseller to tell you where the book is. The section you are looking for is five feet away from where you're standing. If you were even remotely aware of your surroundings, you would have found it.
  • Computer books. This department has moved... five feet from where it was previously - it is literally right across the aisle from its old location. And no one can find it. These books are almost entirely full of information that can be found for free on the internet, they are hideously overpriced, and they are some of the most frequently shoplifted items in the store. Every single one of them is supposed to be EAS tagged so that they set off our alarm, but I routinely encounter books without tags. Their only saving grace is that when we actually do sell them we make a gigantic profit off them, but it feels pretty useless making so much money off information that can be found for free on the internet. We're profiting off people's ignorance, basically.
  • Speaking of items without EAS tags, there were six shrink-wrapped copies of a $200 art book on one of my carts today. This is a violation of store policy in three ways: All items over $50 are supposed to be EAS tagged. All art books are supposed to be EAS tagged. All shrink-wrapped books are supposed to be EAS tagged. How the hell receiving missed this for all six books is beyond me. And it's too fucking big to fit in the section anyway. Not to mention that they were stacked so high on the cart that I couldn't see over the damn things.
  • We have several dozen copies of a gigantic Star Wars book that is wasting half a shelf on the fiction cart. What is especially stupid about this is that Timothy Zahn came in to sign his new Star Wars book and his annotated reissue of his first Star Wars book a couple of weeks ago, and we did not have a table for this stuff despite the fact that we have had more than enough to build at least a small table for it. That's a gigantic missed sales opportunity if I ever saw one.
  • Holiday shit is starting to come in. One especially retarded item is a copy of The Christmas Jar that is packaged with an actual jar. It is absolutely gigantic to the point where three copies of this shit take up half a shelf. There are two extra copies that will not fit. I am sure this is supposed to be on a table somewhere in the future, but thanks to the change in store policy future list items are now stored in backlist, where there is quite frequently no place to shelve them. The worst offender is a book about unlikely friendships in the animal kingdom, of which we have 44 copies. Even if there were room to shelve all of these, it would be against store policy to do so, because store policy is to put no more than two sets of face-out titles on the shelf. There are way more than that. So they have to waste space on the shelving cart. We have had these books for two weeks and the table they are supposed to go on does not go up for another two weeks. Why we get copies of books a month before we need them is anybody's guess. It's not like we have space for all this shit, especially during a store remodel.
  • It would be nice if they could get their messaging straight about the closure of the music department. We were basically told to tell customers if they asked why it was closed about the fact that we were adapting to changing market conditions and going with what was profitable. So, when I responded to a customer's question with something roughly akin to that, I was told that wasn't good enough. Great job guys. Seriously, people wondering about music aren't going to give a shit that we're going to expand our toys and games department. The demographics those two departments appeal to do not have much overlap.
  • Corporate told us they were going to give us enough hours this week to function normally, so management didn't plan to have hours cut and scheduled hours a bit more liberally than we probably needed. So what was the first thing corporate did later this week? They cut hours. Most of those problems I mentioned? Wouldn't have been so bad if corporate had done what they fucking told us they were going to do. It's not even like sales were particularly bad this week. We weren't going to lose money from scheduling people more this week. If anything we probably would have made more money because booksellers would have been more available to help people and wouldn't have been as short-tempered.

I fucking hate working Saturdays. Even after the remodel is finished, it's only going to get worse from here. Just in time for the holidays, we're going to have a gigantic influx of customers who haven't been in the store for a year, have no idea where anything is anymore, and are far too lazy to look for anything themselves. It's not even that large a store. Yes, it's larger than 90% of other book stores, but there still isn't all that much actual shelf space. It doesn't take more than a couple of minutes to walk through the store and get a general idea of what goes where.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
The water pipe has been broken for three days. DLKFAJDFAEHJ WHY THE FUCK DO WE PAY YOU ?! So you can rest your ass WHILE WE HAVE THAT PIPE throwing away gallons and gallons of WATER?!

But don't worry. We don't mind taking showers, and cleaning kitchens like our ancestors. Its just too nice.

Celes Chere

Today is going to be a shit day, I can just feel it. I threw up this morning, I've got work, and I have to deal with my Dad and Grandma before and after work. *sigh*
The problem is they're trying to take me AWAY from my Mom's house because they're jackasses. So anyway, I hope everything goes well tonight... please let it be slow at work I can't even handle my shit right now. .__.


We have come to terms
People and their double standards.

It's funny how convenient those always are, isn't it?


We have come to terms

dickheads on lol, both on my team and the other side


Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
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