Things that piss you off

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You know that it's perfectly acceptable to go forth and quoth "You're a fucking racist" at times like that.


unsavory tart
Hi professor, thanks for giving us two 9-10 page papers due in consecutive classes. The first paper having such convoluted questions that the majority of the class had no idea what they were doing, and little time to research and finish it for you. And everyone is scared to complain because you act like a complete douchebag in class. Between my sleep deprivation for that class and my car transmission dying, the world can go fuck itself.
My parents were an interracial couple (and grandparents before them), but I don't know if they suffered any kind of discrimination for it.
*highfives* My parents are interracial too and got shit on from both sides. A friend said once she chewed out a guy for saying that having interracial children is selfish because they have ~*identity issues. What a bunch of shit.

Celes Chere

So you guys with interracial parents (that's also me) have you ever dealt with people asking you "So what ARE you anyway?" I got that all the time in school, and it was REALLY annoying. I remember someone asking me why I had no 'friends of my color' before. Why does it matter? :/ It's sad this kind of thing still exists.


So you guys with interracial parents (that's also me) have you ever dealt with people asking you "So what ARE you anyway?" I got that all the time in school, and it was REALLY annoying. I remember someone asking me why I had no 'friends of my color' before. Why does it matter? :/ It's sad this kind of thing still exists.

My parents weren't an interracial couple but I still get this all the time. Especially since most of my friends are not of my ethnic background. Then there's people automatically assuming that I was born from an interracial couple, which I'm not sure how to take. I'm like no... not at all... sorry?

My uncle married a white woman and he gets a lot of crap from my family. Not only from my grandma, but also my other aunts/uncles/cousins. It makes me upset that people from this generation still believe this type of garbage. I don't really speak to my uncle but I feel bad for him having to deal with all that.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Update on my previous tldr rant.

My fiance's parents have decided that they are coming down for her graduation on Thursday (which is meant to be a good thing) however I came home from work today to find her dad sitting in my living room with his fucking dog (again) so not only is he deciding to come down and stay here for 4 fucking days but he brought his dog which will probably end up being looked after by my fiance (because ya know that's all me and my fiance really do with our time off work, we sit around all day looking after other peoples fucking dogs because they decided to bring 1 out of 3 of them down with him.) So yeah now that I ask him what he is planning to do with his dog when were at the graduation ceremony all I get is "Hmm good question, because me and gillian's stepmom need to get back up the road sharpish on Thursday" now is it just me or does that not A) answer my fucking question about his fucking dog (since I've made arrangements for my puppy to stay with a friend for the day MONTHS AGO) & B) tell me that in no way whatsoever is he caring about his own fucking daughters graduation but instead is more worried about driving back up to skye before it gets too dark.

Fucking annoyed!


Hello again! 8D
Roxy Lalonde, Black Canary, Princess Vampira, Ah-Choo, Cutie-Aoide
So you guys with interracial parents (that's also me) have you ever dealt with people asking you "So what ARE you anyway?" I got that all the time in school, and it was REALLY annoying. I remember someone asking me why I had no 'friends of my color' before. Why does it matter? :/ It's sad this kind of thing still exists.
I never get that question a lot, because mostly people just assume stuff about me. They assume I'm black, hawaiian, or hispanic (or in my sister's and mom's case, asian), and it always throws them off when I say it's none of the above (even though I do have a hispanic last name, my dad also has interracial parents and grandparents). I find it funny.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
I feel more isolated from basically the whole world than I can remember feeling in maybe eight years. Mostly this is because I tend to be so short-tempered with everything right now that I am fairly certain I will end up saying untactful things to people if I am forced to interact with them. Apparently people are starting to be offended by my confrontation-averse behaviour as well. I'm not really sure what I can do to solve this, because I'm reasonably certain that I would have offended them more if I had actually spoken to them. Ugh.

Aaron, I think you should stop reading so many news about politics.

Several years ago I was kinda like that, raging all over how shitty things were, until I realized that, not only it didn't help anything, but it was undermining both my academic life and my state of mind.

I know the world can look like a big pile of manure most of the time, but being so aware of that and not having the power to change anything is a very bad thing.

Try to stay away from news for a time, and see what happens.

there were these two black girls that came through my line at work talking about how "white people shouldn't be allowed to adopt black babies because they aren't black they can't teach them about their culture"

Oh, and here I was, thinking that culture had more to do with the country or region you are raised in rather than your skin color. How stupid of me! [/sarcasm]

For all I know, Spanish people come down from a LOT of racial mingling, especially on the Mediterranean coast, where the first colonies of Phoenicians arrived many centuries ago. They say that's why Mediterranean women tend to be the most beautiful here. I don't know, but as long as two people have the same cultural background, skin color shouldn't be a problem (culture shouldn't be a problem either, but it helps a lot to have someone who has been raised more or less like you).
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Celes Chere


Also have been asked if I was mexican too

Ugh, I hate when people ask if you're a race you are CLEARLY not. Like for instance I've been asked if I'm Chinese, people have also called me a 'chink' before. It's like... not okay in so many ways. People are such idiots. I'm not even close to Chinese. >_>

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Ugh, I hate when people ask if you're a race you are CLEARLY not. Like for instance I've been asked if I'm Chinese, people have also called me a 'chink' before. It's like... not okay in so many ways. People are such idiots. I'm not even close to Chinese. >_>

but you're so yellow


Ugh, I hate when people ask if you're a race you are CLEARLY not. Like for instance I've been asked if I'm Chinese, people have also called me a 'chink' before. It's like... not okay in so many ways. People are such idiots. I'm not even close to Chinese. >_>

One girl asked me if I was Japanese once.

I was like




People only guess where I come from based on my Frisian accent. And usually guess it wrong, pointing somewhere east like I'm some tukker or drent or something, :monster:.

Everyone else is a boring white male though. And we have a couple of Indian dudes, but they're obviously different (culturally) and have trouble being 'one of the guys'. Perhaps also because they're geeks :monster:.


We have come to terms
I get tired of people using the phrase "so what are you". I'm not Samoan, Mexican, Filipino, Hawaiian, South American, or a fucking eskimo.

And I swear to god if you call me an oreo I will fucking slit your throat.

Call me an Uncle Tom all you like - might as well be true - but dear god does oreo drive me up a fucking wall.

I also hate it when people (and by that I mean black people) saying that I'm "bright" or "yellowboned". No, you stupid motherfucker, I'm not.

people disgust me


Oracle said:
One girl asked me if I was Japanese once.

I was like


that's nothing, i once was asked if i was from NORTH or south korea. :awesome:

i always feel so awkwardly out of place when i'm at asia. it's a bit of a culture shock when you realize you won't fit in because you don't "look" asian enough. like in korea when people are shocked that i can eat KIMCHI of all things, "isn't too spicy for a white person like you?" uh no i eat it almost literally every day. also it's really fucking annoying being called a weeaboo.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I get tired of people using the phrase "so what are you". I'm not Samoan, Mexican, Filipino, Hawaiian, South American, or a fucking eskimo.

And I swear to god if you call me an oreo I will fucking slit your throat.

Call me an Uncle Tom all you like - might as well be true - but dear god does oreo drive me up a fucking wall.

I also hate it when people (and by that I mean black people) saying that I'm "bright" or "yellowboned". No, you stupid motherfucker, I'm not.

people disgust me

I prefer half and half


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
I date outside my 'race'. Best decision I've ever made. :D All my friends are much the same way.

I also hate stereotypes.

Just because I hang out with my friends, who happen to be black, does not mean I'm trying to be 'gangsta' or whatever this bullshit is. I hang out with my friends because, oh I dunno, we have a lot in common and I genuinely care about them as individuals? Might have something to do with it.

I don't care what the color of your skin is or where you're from. I know it's corny but it's true; so many of my friends come from so many varieties of cultures and religions, it's really awesome. Thanks to them, I can say that I'm less ignorant of other people's cultures and backgrounds and less likely to believe in dumb, pointless, untrue stereotypes.

Cookie Monster

Everyone just thinks I'm Italian. :monster:

I actually get more pissed off when people cannot pronounce my first name, especially when I was in High School. Motherfuckers kept calling me Christina or Christia. It's CHRISTIAN. FFS, there's 2.2 billion people practicing the goddamn religion, and the name is giving you that much trouble? And, I went to Catholic High School, btw.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
omega is a squid i don't understand how people can't see that


AI Researcher
So you guys with interracial parents (that's also me) have you ever dealt with people asking you "So what ARE you anyway?" I got that all the time in school, and it was REALLY annoying. I remember someone asking me why I had no 'friends of my color' before. Why does it matter? :/ It's sad this kind of thing still exists.
At first glance, I just look white. Apparently you can see it in my facial structure, but based on skin it's not too noticible. I got someone saying that after I'd mentioned it to him, and someone once said I looked Mediterranian. My brother gets that though, or gets people thinking that since he looks Middle-Eastern that he's a Muslim so they keep asking him about religious stuff. Or people not thinking we're actually related.

I'm not even close to Chinese. >_>
One girl asked me if I was Japanese once.

I was like


I have gotten both of these. And not by people online (even though I've got that before but that's different). By people who were looking right at my face. By people who I assume knew nothing about what people from China or Japan look like.

To carry on with this family stuff, I was hoping to spend an evening with my dear old dad, just me and him. And then my brother decides that we're leaving him out and he should have the right to come along, get in the way, be annoying, drink too much/offer people drinks they didn't want, and then piss off somewhere without telling anyone.

We left him there.
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