Things that piss you off

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Ghost X

Adding to my post yesterday about facebook, turns out not all facebook's privacy settings are found in the privacy settings menu, which I think is besides the point of having it in the first place, which pisses me off. At least it turns out it wasn't friends leaking shit.

Correction - They can all be found in the privacy settings, its just that some settings are written in a different font and colour, and if you're like me - someone who lacks an eye for detail - you don't pick these things up. Why its written differently to everything else is beyond me.
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--Tamashi no Rufuran
Emiya Shirou, Oz Vessalius, LPod, Belldandy, L-Phone
The best way to lose weight is to get sick. xD

And.. The Cloti Forums not being active. D;

Why do people sign up for Forums, but never post? That makes no sense to me. ;_;

is your admin even active? I think its the reason..xD

Celes Chere

is your admin even active? I think its the reason..xD

Lol. It died even when she was still there. At least, it started to. It's just that we ran out of things to talk about. But I miss the chats and the general section of the site. xD

Also, I wasn't serious about that getting sick thing, lol. Losing weight because of that is the scariest, worst feeling ever so... yeah. xP

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Also, I wasn't serious about that getting sick thing, lol. Losing weight because of that is the scariest, worst feeling ever so... yeah. xP

I realise that, but even then it's a stupid, stupid thing to say.

I knew a lot of girls in high school that destroyed their lives with this bullshit, one of them being my friend and I can't tolerate jokes about this shit that well.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
When people mistreat little kids.

Just the thought of it is enough to actually make me lose my shit.

To emphasize this point;

Jody Plauchet was abducted and raped by his karate instructor. Jody's father Gary planned for 10 days to kill his sons rapist and did so as he was being walked through an airport terminal. Despite a clear cut case of 1st degree murder Gary Plauchet only plead guilty to manslaughter and served 5 years probation.

I mean like, the civilized, logical part of my brain is saying "what kind of justice is killing people/this is what the courts are for proper justice etc" but the primal, instinctual part of my brain is going "Fucking got what's coming to him; do not fuck with someone's kids, ever."

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I can't say there's anything wrong with what he did beyond getting caught.

That's the kind of person I am.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I can't say there's anything wrong with what he did beyond getting caught.

That's the kind of person I am.

Yeah that's pretty much how I feel too when it comes down to it; and considering that he got off with 5 years probation, it's not exactly an unpopular opinion.

Like, I have two little sisters and they're getting older, one being a teenager and one just hitting teenage years, and already I've had to be restrained on account of some dickheads thinking they can get away with shit (thankfully, nothing bad has happened). I'm pretty much...the most overprotective big brother ever, I think.

Like, I talk a lot of shit but I actually dislike major conflict and fighting, I'm a peaceful, easygoing guy, but when it comes to bothering kids or people who can't otherwise defend themselves, and when those people are close to me?

That's when I get violent.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Yeah that's pretty much how I feel too when it comes down to it; and considering that he got off with 5 years probation, it's not exactly an unpopular opinion.

Like, I have two little sisters and they're getting older, one being a teenager and one just hitting teenage years, and already I've had to be restrained on account of some dickheads thinking they can get away with shit (thankfully, nothing bad has happened). I'm pretty much...the most overprotective big brother ever, I think.

Like, I talk a lot of shit but I actually dislike major conflict and fighting, I'm a peaceful, easygoing guy, but when it comes to bothering kids or people who can't otherwise defend themselves, and when those people are close to me?

That's when I get violent.

I have four little sisters. One of them is pretty much an adult and too arrogant and self absorbed to let you help her. She's become a massive bitch too, so meh. She's still my sister and everything, but you can't help someone who doesn't want it.

The other three are pretty much babies with the oldest of them being fourteen. I've had to keep myself from severely harming another kid when she came home crying because the little cocksucker groped her.

Thank god she's not like the other one and has learned well from me not to trust strangers, and she knows the value of self defense. She knows that in a serious confrontation that you make use of whatever you can find in your environment as a weapon, and you strike critical areas like the throat, the inner leg, the crotch(obv), and the back of the head.

She knows you only do these things in very dangerous situations, and she listens well. It helps that she adores me, even though she has her moments :monster:

I don't know what I'd do if something happens to them. Makes my attempts at striking out on my own extra difficult.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I have four little sisters. One of them is pretty much an adult and too arrogant and self absorbed to let you help her. She's become a massive bitch too, so meh. She's still my sister and everything, but you can't help someone who doesn't want it.

The other three are pretty much babies with the oldest of them being fourteen. I've had to keep myself from severely harming another kid when she came home crying because the little cocksucker groped her.

Thank god she's not like the other one and has learned well from me not to trust strangers, and she knows the value of self defense. She knows that in a serious confrontation that you make use of whatever you can find in your environment as a weapon, and you strike critical areas like the throat, the inner leg, the crotch(obv), and the back of the head.

She knows you only do these things in very dangerous situations, and she listens well. It helps that she adores me, even though she has her moments :monster:

I don't know what I'd do if something happens to them. Makes my attempts at striking out on my own extra difficult.

Yeah like, it's kinda funny that way. My two little sisters get on my nerves (as siblings are naturally to do) but it's becoming more and more evident how much we value each other as family as me leaving looms closer and closer.

I too warn my sisters about the dangers of the world and the fucked up people in it and how to take care of yourself; one of them has a natural instinct for danger, and the other, she's intelligent but a bit airheaded, so I have to be extra vigilant for her, especially since she's into the whole social butterfly thing.

But they both know they have two big brothers for insurance, with me being the oldest (and, while my younger/their older brother is also a bro, he's more lax and I'm...pretty fanatical about protecting the family).

I too am a bit worried how my family'll fare once I leave for the Navy, but I made them a promise that I'm always gonna be there them, and I have no qualms about flying across the country to slam some fucker against the wall. Ironically I also told my mom to be careful if she decides to date anyone because I made the same assurance that I'm just as willing to put any boyfriend who doesn't know his place into the wall; I don't play that shit, either.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I'm about at my limit of tolerance for my sister's husband. My father keeps blocking me every time I try to confront the both of them, but that shit is gonna end soon too.
One of them is pretty much an adult and too arrogant and self absorbed to let you help her. She's become a massive bitch too, so meh. She's still my sister and everything, but you can't help someone who doesn't want it.

Sounds like mine. Luckily I think if something ever happened she'd come to my parents for help, or me depending on the situation... I just wish I could help to try and stop something before it got bad.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I'm about at my limit of tolerance for my sister's husband. My father keeps blocking me every time I try to confront the both of them, but that shit is gonna end soon too.

Yeah well, from one brother to another, if you decide to take the golf club to his face (or merely call him out on whatever he's doing), I for one will be rooting for you.

If you're anything like me you've probably already concocted several fantasies on how to best beat his face in.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I'm a big boxing fan so you're right there :monster:


We have come to terms
I can't condone it, but I understand where it's coming from.

But I don't believe in "eye for an eye" judgment, you know? Circle never ends and all that. Then again, I don't think capital punishment is right to begin with - particularly when the offense itself isn't a murder/serial murder situation. =/

Stuff like that just seems *to me* to justify vigilante justice.

If you're anything like me you've probably already concocted several fantasies on how to best beat his face in.
This was so me around my sister's (now ex-)husband. :oscar:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I don't believe it's eye for an eye at all.

I sincerely believe some people don't deserve to live in this world because of the threat they pose. Sending them to prison where they get free food and shelter at the expense of the general populous hardly seems like justice to me.

Not to mention some of these bastards fool so called "authorities" and get out on a parole and go right back to their wicked ways.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I can't condone it, but I understand where it's coming from.

But I don't believe in "eye for an eye" judgment, you know? Circle never ends and all that. Then again, I don't think capital punishment is right to begin with - particularly when the offense itself isn't a murder/serial murder situation. =/

Stuff like that just seems *to me* to justify vigilante justice.

Me neither in theory, but when you mess with little kids, especially little kids who look up to you and trust you, rules go right out the window.

If anything I'd be a hypocrite since I'm very emotionally willing to actually kill someone if someone, god forbid, did anything horrific like that to my siblings.

I want to agree with you on a logical level, like, so bad, but I get so defensive over children and people who can't defend themselves, like, boiling justice rage just takes over and well, when it gets to that point the aggressor gets whats coming to him.

I don't agree with taking shit into your own hands and eye for an eye across the board for all crimes ('yo dawg did you jaywalk?' *pulls out baseball bat*), but, no quarter should be drawn for people who purposefully and maliciously hurt innocents, especially children and the defenseless.
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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
If it were eye for an eye he would have raped that guys kid or relative in attempt to make him suffer. No matter what he woulda done there's no undoing the damage done to the kid, so it's not really an equal punishment nor doing it fix anything.

Taking monsters out of this world is a kindness. There are worse fates they can suffer and prison isn't one of them.
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