Things that piss you off

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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Coughing uncontrollably. I was going to stay late to work today to make up for the light hours last week but I felt like shit. Hopefully tomorrow I'll feel better.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
my hands have been terminally shaky as of late, and this results in me having a shitty time playing the Wii

Just tried to clear my driveway of all the snow. Didn't have any luck. My arms are super sore and it's barely done.

Gave up, but it needs to be done before my parents get back or my dad's going to be really mad at me.

A guy just came to my door and said he was in the area and would be able to do it for $30. I didn't have enough cash on me and couldn't find any emergency cash in my parent's office.


Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I expect you to instill retribution, Serah/Kanra. No sibling remains unstained for shaming and hurting his/her mother's feelings.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Depression, caused by lack of success at tidying room. T.T (Well, it's tidier...)

But, as has been said, my shit is dwarved by what's going on in other's lives...

Keen, what the others have said: you need me, I'm here for ya. =(

Aud, sucks about you fainting and your mother's reaction to it. =/

Kanra... that's one thing that makes me glad I'm an only child. =/

Celes Chere





@Kanra: I know you know my feelings on this already, but... I never properly delivered you one of these. *hugs* IF I COULD TAKE YOURS AND AUDI'S STRESS AND PLACE IT ON MYSELF, I WOULD IN A HEARTBEAT, LADIES. ;-; I love you both, if you need anything forever here because lol no life.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum




Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
There are liek the trolls who aren't completely fucked in the head

and then there's those two insane faggots, that crazy bitch and the stupid wizard wannabe killing everyone

Damn both of them

Celes Chere




We have come to terms
Only able to find a beanie in this disgusting orange color.

And it was on sale, as if to taunt me further ;.;

Celes Chere

Speaking of that someone is trolling my Tumblr I swear

I lost a follower
then gained one
then lost one
then gained one
then lost one again
in like half an hour



Hello again! 8D
Roxy Lalonde, Black Canary, Princess Vampira, Ah-Choo, Cutie-Aoide
My parents begging me for money once I get my school grant (and this is after I offered them my first check, they immediately turned it down *because it was under a hundred*, but once I got my school refund they quickly ask me for $200), and then guilt tripping me for it when I start talking to them about it. I HATE that! I understand that you need it, because I need a place to live and I am willing to contribute, but don't fucking do it that way to me. Even after I tell them I don't like this time after time, they still continue to do this everytime I earn a big check (especially my dad). It is really fucking annoying. :\
I hate the fact that when I get on my Facebook, the stupid notifications that it's someone's birthday stays up ALL day. Okay, it can go away now. It's the most annoying thing ever. >.>


We have come to terms
This both makes my day and pisses me off (so LOL get ready for it to be posted in both places):

So I get up, shower (mmmm hot water), get ready for work, etc., and walk out my front door, only to see the world covered in about a foot of snow. Including my car. I don't have an ice scraper (lol I live in Texas), so I proceed to use a bit of old mail (from my employer HA) that I have handy for such occasions to get the snow off the windshield and windows, and my car's warming up and all that.

I back up, and then turn around so I can leave the parking lot, when I notice I'm having more trouble getting out than I did yesterday and the day before, when all I had to contend with was a shit-ton of ice on the ground. I make it out of the parking lot (bottoming out as I did so ><), and manage to make it about ten feet up the hill that I live on the middle of...and then I slow down and come to a stop. With my foot still pressing down on the pedal.

I spend maybe thirty seconds with my foot alternating between gas and clutch, hoping that I can "rock" myself out of the tiny bump I'm in or whatever, to no avail. Reverse still works, however, so I manage to turn myself just enough to get into the parking lot of the physical therapy place across the street from me, at which point I gain total control of my vehicle again. Awesome.

So I turn around and try to make my way up the hill again. This time, it's an even bigger failure than before. I barely manage to make it back to the physio parking lot before trying again. This time I get a LITTLE further than the last time, but not as far as the very first time. It's like God's decided that I'm just not going to work today. Sooo I call in for the day and now I'm off. (YAAAAAAY!)

The problem I can't get back into my parking lot. >____________<

I make it about halfway up the incline that leads into my parking lot (the one I bottomed out on earlier), before I lose traction and momentum and pathetically slide back down. >: I try heading back up the hill to get to the other entrance (IT'S ONLY ABOUT FIFTY FEET GUYS SO I CAN DO IT RITE), and fail just as pathetically the next three times I try as the first few. So now I'm wondering if I should just park in the physio parking lot, let them know, and walk across.

Then I get the brilliant idea to try and drive up the hill IN REVERSE, since that's the only gear that's giving me any purchase on the road.

What do you know? GREAT SUCCESS! As I'm driving up the hill backwards, this woman is watching me from her back porch, and I just sort of shrug and spread my hands in that "what can you do? >:" way, and she laughs and does the same thing. I have to inch my way up the incline into the main entrance, but I make it and make it back to my parking spot.

I then text my friend, who works for Discount Tire and told me that my tires aren't suited for Canada (aka weather like this), and I tell him to stop laughing at me. I then get out of the car and head in.

I throw my stuff down and get back into my pj's and settle on the couch (where I am now), and then I notice that I didn't actually close out of the text messager on my phone, and, in fact, started writing a new message (it's a smartphone, so touchscreen and blah blah). The new message says (I shit you not):


While absolutely hilarious, it makes me wonder if God is laughing at me >:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
  • The parking lot at one of the local shopping centres I sometimes frequent is seriously designed to punish people who need to go left on one of the side roads as much as possible. There's an outlet on the left side of the shopping centre, but there's a no left turn sign there. There's an outlet closer to the centre, but unfortunately it's right next to the entrance onto that road from U.S. 41. Which basically means that at any given time there will probably be about six people waiting to turn left into the shopping centre who have the right of way there. I seriously waited for at least five minutes before I was able to get out. I think next time I'm just going to turn right from the leftmost entrance and use the shopping centre on the other side of the road to turn around. I'd have been gone at least three minutes earlier if I'd done that.
  • Some dickhead who turned in front of me was going five miles an hour below the speed limit. He turned, of course not using the turn lane to slow down and causing me additional frustration. In the huge amount of time it took him to turn, another dickhead pulled out in front of him going ten miles an hour below the speed limit. I wanted to punch them so hard. This was, of course, on a two-lane divided highway (so no passing), which pisses me off on its own. I'm pretty sure those things must have been designed by Satan. Or at least by the demon Crowley.
  • People who double-park. I hope their cars get dented when people parked next to them can't get out, and those people don't leave a note. Is it seriously that much trouble to double-check your car and make sure it's parked properly, and straighten it if necessary?
  • It seems like we invariably get the biggest shipments on Thursdays and Fridays. Since Fridays and Saturdays are two of our busiest days, I'm pretty sure you can see why that's a problem. I think I got maybe seventeen shelves done today. There were at least five left over.
  • Our company can't make a major product we sell at a large price fast enough. This means that we (and every other retailer) are sold out for at least two weeks, which means two weeks of not selling them. We're therefore down on hours. To the point where I'm four hours down from my normal schedule. I wanted to stay late to finish up the shelving to make up for some of the twenty hours a week that are required for my insurance, but this was not possible today. I'm going to have to talk to the senior manager. I presume there'll be a way to work around this but it's still annoying.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Got to work feeling fine today, halfway through serving breakfast I am suddenly sick as a dog and spent a goodly portion of my morning throwing up. Boss forgot she had the keys to the storerooms when she went home yesterday so I was locked out of everything. Just when I start to feel better, fucking snow out the ass. Barely made it home, jackasses kept slamming on their brakes going downhill on slush and ice and even with four or five car lengths between us I had to overuse my own brakes and wound up slewing all over the road keeping it under control. Some asshole in a plow nearly ran his blade into my car. Car got stuck somehow before I could even park it properly. And finally I find out that my sister, who just had surgery, is not recovering properly somehow, but no idea what is wrong cause mom was driving when I called to ask what was up and couldn't talk. And of course if sis is that poorly off I don't wanna bother her with phone calls. Fuck this day and all its bullshit.


And finally I find out that my sister, who just had surgery, is not recovering properly somehow, but no idea what is wrong cause mom was driving when I called to ask what was up and couldn't talk. And of course if sis is that poorly off I don't wanna bother her with phone calls. Fuck this day and all its bullshit.

Aww shit man, hope your sis is alright, and that day sounds crappy :( Snow can only be fun on days off work.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
This was only my second time driving on the highway in snow. And the first time was pussy little flurries that weren't even sticking. Gotta admit I have some pride in myself for handling it so well in spite of the near panic the plow incident and the jackasses stomping their brakes caused. But seriously, this was a shit day. Glad to be home, and thanks for the well wishes.


Hello again! 8D
Roxy Lalonde, Black Canary, Princess Vampira, Ah-Choo, Cutie-Aoide
I was with my mom today as she worked at this high-end retirement home and she was with three old ladies. One of them was just done and needed help getting out her chair. Two people tried helping her out and the other lady who was under the dryer made an example out of the woman to me. All because she was "overweight". She told me that if I didn't lose weight, I would end up like her, so I better get skinny right now. That just pissed me off, since she acted like I was the fattest person in the room, and I just gave her a blank/don't care for you look.

Screw you woman. I know you're old, but you should try getting some class before you kick it.
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