SPOILERS Ways to ruin part 2 and beyond

Erotic Materia

Midgar zolom is gonna work at the chocobo ranch.
YOOOOO. This is a bad thing? Midgar Zolom working as like a giant sheepdog for chocobos? Sign me the fuck up.
The whispers themselves. Like "lulz we're back, you didn't actually defeat us. You defeated the version of us in the future, but this version of us from the past is trying to change that. Since some of you asked for it, we're sticking to the events of the OG! Did you think the ff7 fanbase will be so easily defeated?!"
No no no no no! If I detect even so much as a whisper of a Whisper in part II, I swear I'll...well, I'll still play the game, and fume silently to myself.

But I will fume SO HARD.
Adding a jump button
Huh. That would probably at least double the amount of time it takes me to get through the game, because I'd constantly be trying to hop into secret/hidden areas everywhere I went. Yeah, fuck jumping.
Honestly I never knew you could do that in the original
Wait, you can do that?!

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Yeah, none of that troubles me as much as everyone else. I've separated my love of the original from this new version and I'm interested in seeing all the butterfly effects spiraling out of control withing this new version. There's a lot of exciting things that can be done with that concept alone.
This is me too.

Claymore said:
But Genesis ... oh boy. That is my one thing that I personally can not stand.
I'm not completely opposed to him showing up, but what I think would make it problematic for me is if he ended up being the final villain while Sephiroth ends up a semi-good guy helping stop him because they have opposing views on what to do with the planet (e.g. Sephiroth "would not have it end" while Genesis wants to see the Omega effect carried out and the planet rejoin the cosmic Lifestream).


Barring Shademp's wild theory, I can't really imagine why he WOULD show up anyway. He's supposed to be asleep in an underground cave through this whole story.

Well, there's always the flashback he showed up to ruin in Crisis Core. We're all excited to have Genesis thrown unceremoniously into the Nibel reactor scene to tell Sephiroth the things he's about to spend a week reading about in a basement.

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
What if, because the arbiters of fate are gone, in this new, unpredictable timeline, Genesis goes to kick the football to the kid in Costa Del Sol and it explodes and kills him and he's never really spoken of again aside from being an afterthought in conversations.

Like, "Hey, remember that SOLDIER poet guy? Man, noughties celebrities were so lame" and so on and so forth.

I can dream


Ninja Potato
Maybe the same way as NewGame+ Seph?
If I recall, Shademp's theory was that the destruction of Omega at the end of Dirge caused some space-time distortion, which Sephiroth would have used to go back in time, Genesis then awakened to pursue him. So yeah, I guess. I don't think square would have the plot of the remake hinge on Dirge of Cerberus though, that was the lowest selling compilation entry so not as many people would be aware of any of those plot point. I think it'd be convoluted even for them anyway, but who knows.


Ergo, V
The fact they actively hinted at deepground in the remake seriously has me questioning whether we won't see the rise of the clampits in later installments.
My money would be on after you clobber shit out of sister ray or hojo pushing the mako cannon to the brink and somehow blowing a big enough hole in the ground it opens up well deepground....



Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Like...Nobody gives a fuck about Genesis lol

At this point the people who are afraid or hate him think of Genesis more than Square does. Gackt is washed out, he's no longer widely popular, and Square doesn't need the publicity (or neg publicity at this point) to sell the Remake. He's between superfluous to active liability.

It's 2020, no one cares about Genesis/Gackt.

Nanaki Skywalker

Kate Lord of the Sith
Tarkatan Trash
I don't care about Gackt. That much is true, but Genesis still has Blast Processing!

And PLEASE get Steve Blum back for the voice of Vincent! His recent role as Sub-Zero convinced me that he's still a great VA.
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