SPOILERS Ways to ruin part 2 and beyond


astray ay-ay-ay
Glad to throw in my two cents!

The best (worst?) way to ruin Part 2 for me is to follow the OG to 100%. Including all those weird mini-games. Including a fancy tiny high-res Cloud running on the world map. Including all those plot inconsistencies. OG is like a vintage Coke bottle. Looks way too funny to be used today.

Nah, the worst thing Nomura-sama can do is to bring out Genesis. Imagine him flying around Gaia, falling sideways, quoting Loveless like a madman. Our party doesn't deserve that.


Rookie Adventurer
So for me, it’s an obvious one but one of the amazing aspects of the the OG is how they handled the theme of life and death (the vulnerability of life, the finality of death, and the unfairness that you can experience when bereaved etc)....I think you all may know where I’m going with this one, but I have this nagging feeling this may be tweaked/changed or cheapened in Part 2 - I hope not.


Pro Adventurer
Who will not die next?

The whispers themselves. Like "lulz we're back, you didn't actually defeat us. You defeated the version of us in the future, but this version of us from the past is trying to change that. Since some of you asked for it, we're sticking to the events of the OG! Did you think the ff7 fanbase will be so easily defeated?!"

And then the main party teams up with good guy Sephy to get rid of the whispers for good. Repeat for however many parts there are.


Pro Adventurer
If they do the follow the yellow brick road design for traveling through the world like in FFX/FFXIII. I don't expect this to be open world, but at least give me something similar to FFXII/DQXI in terms of representing it.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Whispers still show up. Weather that be in the present day or in flashbacks.

Story gets taken over by references to the Compilation rather than trying to stay consistent with itself.

General feeling from the series is that the devs are trying to stroke their own egos rather than make a good story.
So for me, it’s an obvious one but one of the amazing aspects of the the OG is how they handled the theme of life and death (the vulnerability of life, the finality of death, and the unfairness that you can experience when bereaved etc)....I think you all may know where I’m going with this one, but I have this nagging feeling this may be tweaked/changed or cheapened in Part 2 - I hope not.

If you're living in a world where time loops are a thing, then death has no real meaning since you just keep coming back again and again and again.... The stakes are the opposite of high. Got it wrong first time around? Have another million tries. Your dear friend has just been killed? So long for now, friend, see you again in the next go-around.


Ninja Potato
The way to escape the time-loop is to do your summer homework, there's no other way!

god, nobody's gonna get that one.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Haruhi is one of the last characters I hated, she just abuses all her friends, who have no choice but to tolerate it.

If you're living in a world where time loops are a thing, then death has no real meaning since you just keep coming back again and again and again.... The stakes are the opposite of high. Got it wrong first time around? Have another million tries. Your dear friend has just been killed? So long for now, friend, see you again in the next go-around.

I don't think I agree. The pain and trauma are still real, especially if the friend isn't in on the concept of loops.

Right now what I'm looking at is how they treat Shinra Inc as a threat going forward. If we end up with Rufus as the effective counterpart to Heidegger's bumbling, I will not be on board. What happens in Junon will be the test.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Is intended as ancillary to OG, not as Remake ✔️
Shoehorned Compilation characters and references ✔️
Time travel shenanigans ✔️
Fake-out deaths ✔️
Literal death and resurrection ✔️
People speaking in Kingdom Hearts ✔️
Falling in a hole and waking up at the dungeon entrance ✔️
Aeris having a Tinkerbell sidekick ✔️
Major mysteries completely spoiled with zero payoff ✔️
Killing God before catching a chocobo ✔️

Guys, it’s over, FF7 Remake already sucks. The only thing that can ruin Part 2 is if it’s a sequel to Part 1.
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Lv. 25 Adventurer
I was watching The Last Kingdom yesterday, and it struck me if the making of Remake might be similar: basing the story loosely on the recorded "history" (compilation in this case). At least that's what I am prepared for as a worst case. I expect it will retain a lot of existing canon and I'll enjoy the subsequent instalments of Remake, and I can still enjoy the OG and prior compilation.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Fake-out deaths ✔️
If I recall correctly, the OG didn't itself indulge in fake-out deaths, and the story was so memorable partly because of the shocking finality of
Aerith's death
, but the wider compilation was completely littered with them, off the top of my head,

Veld, Elfe, and player turk (BC)
Genesis (CC)
Corneo (alive in OTWTAS)
Rufus (and arguably Tseng though that was more inferred) (alive in all POST-OG works)
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