What makes your day

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wangxian married
w/e w/e


Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Rage has been getting some pretty disappointing reviews.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Rage has been getting some good reviews too. 9/10 from Gametrailers for one.


Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
I watched Star Trek in class today. Patrick Stewart makes everything awesome.


I wish I were clever/bold enough to do things like that.

The whole lot in front of it was the guy's previous fraudulous activities, which is rather funnay too:

* Forging his mom's signature at age 6 (for whatever reason)
* Writing a message on the wall but with a false name, age 14
* Responding to said message on the wall with another false name
* Registering on a website with a false name, age 16. The horror. I am shame.
* Clicking the 'Yes, I am 18 years or older' on a site with dirty pictures, age 16.
* Using a VPN to watch a football stream only available in the Netherlands (from abroad)
* Using his neighbour's wifi.
* Lying about the size of his dick on an online research thing. Also using a fake e-mail address.

* Using remote desktop to play poker through his home PC in the hospital ('cause poker's not allowed. And he played with fireworks.)
* Telling the hot nurse he feels a lot better (which he lies about). Nurse writes down his false statement.
* Attempting to hack the hospital network, connecting his laptop to a wall socket.
* Gaining access to a server with medical records. Reads his own.
* Hacks his way into an administrator account and gains access to the whole hospital network.
* Still bored, he screws around with the meal preferences of other patients. The mood of patients on strict diets raises dramatically.
* Impresses a girl with some form or another with cancer by predicting what patient will get which meal next.
* Gets discharged from the hospital.
* Starts his new job as a sysadmin at the hospital.

* Gives a guy in the hospital porn, 'cause the only thing he really misses from home is his porn.
* Said guy distributes porn to everyone else.
* From all rooms of male patients with a laptop and no headphones and something of a libido comes the noise of moaning girls (and from one room that of a moaning boy. orly?)
* Gets discharged from the hospital again. :monster:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Rage has been getting some good reviews too. 9/10 from Gametrailers for one.

That's the problem.

Which means it's a love it or hate it game, which means that it's a really uncertain buy for someone like me.

So will prob gamefly. Not because I'm poor or anything ;_;

oh and got borderlands in the mail today


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Hey I have Borderlands on Steam!

wait, oh.

hmm. Never mind.


We have come to terms
@Dacon: Borderlands is a game that you (like everyone else) will find extremely dull and boring after a short while, unless you're playing with friends, when it gets more hilarious and difficult and just lol.

I can picture you enjoying playing as Brick...looooooooool.

How can you be more excited over a crap game like Rage instead of Gears. ):

you lose


We have come to terms
Just played a solid game of League as Kassadin against a team that included a first time Kassadin that was building *hybrid AS Kass* and a Kayle that just...didn't play for giant stretches of time.

They also had an Olaf.

Olaf is one of my favorite characters.

This particular Olaf played in lane instead of jungle, and had a finished build of:
1. Sheen
2. Wriggle's
3. Frozen Mallet
4. Black Cleaver
5. Berserker's Greaves
6. Force of Nature

This is against a team of Garen, Shaco, Riven, and Nidalee (AP), and me (Kassadin).

When I tried to give him some postgame advice (namely, wondering why he built Cleaver instead of Triforce, and zerker's when he was bitching about us dealing mostly magic damage), he got all pissy and told me I was a bad player.

so many lols

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
@Dacon: Borderlands is a game that you (like everyone else) will find extremely dull and boring after a short while, unless you're playing with friends, when it gets more hilarious and difficult and just lol.

I know, played it on PC.

Lol beat waves 1-16 alone, and Keen shows up and we beat all of them up to 30 alone, and we beat four berserkers, two for two.


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
Listening to the same song for two days in a row...I'm too lazy to plug in my iPod. Still I love it, so I don't really mind.
Also, Rol-Playing on tumblr has become quite an adventure.

ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD TGS trailer of Type 0!! In better Quality <3

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
NDP wins/maintains majority in the Manitoba election.

fuck yes take that you conservative bastards and your stupid fucking crime stance now gtfo

edit: should disclaimer and say not all the seats are finalized yet but the majority is guaranteed
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