What makes your day

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Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
We used to play games together, or -- he used to play mostly and I used to watch. He always wanted me to play, and I did a little bit -- but I mostly watcehd and got into it. But then I played and wanted to decide what to do in the games myself (and that would be all the stupid things you could do as I was unexperienced with JRPG's -- let's use som fire on this fire caster, peeps!) and he was always telling me what to do, and then I got mad :lol: So now we play separate games :P

Yeah, she likes it when I help out with RPGs and such that I've played, and asks for help now and then even with stuff I haven't. I do my best not to get frustrated if she tries something different from what I suggest and mostly succeed unless its a "Go left... that's not left!" Got a good laugh out of the last time she didn't listen to me, since my instructions were "That's a Witch hold your fire!" and she squeezed off ONE round from her default handgun :muhaha:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
So, after getting all discouraged about driving the other day. I had a lesson today, and I drove 4.64 miles into the city on a saturday all the way back to my road :D <shit eating grin.

We we're meant to just be going around this quiet residential area on the outskirts of Liverpool, practicing turns and that, and then she said 'we'll drive back towards town but not all the way because it will be really busy' but I guess she decided I was up to the job.

Yeah I stalled a couple of times, but fortunately it was when the traffic was at a standstill. It was just really weird, I still don't feel completely in tune with the car but its like I was possessed overnight by the spirit of 'a not shit driver' :lol:

I can't wait to get a full licence, I'm already listing where I'm going to go, I want to go to Scotland, and Monkey World in Devon, and Wales, and Cornwall and....well you get the idea there :lol:

Onward and upward! :joy:


Great Old One
Yeah, she likes it when I help out with RPGs and such that I've played, and asks for help now and then even with stuff I haven't. I do my best not to get frustrated if she tries something different from what I suggest and mostly succeed unless its a "Go left... that's not left!" Got a good laugh out of the last time she didn't listen to me, since my instructions were "That's a Witch hold your fire!" and she squeezed off ONE round from her default handgun :muhaha:
:lol: Yeah that sounds familiar :P

I find that it's easier to agree when we've been playing most of the game together. Then simple instructions during battle sounds more like suggestions and not commands :P I remember I got mad when he always wanted to try when I was KO'ed in battle 3-4 times - because I knew he would get it at the first try - and he should know that I would be thinking that and therefore not asking that and you know how girls can be :lol: He explained it that that's how he used to do things with his mates, they would have 3 tries each, but it still made me all girly and mad and I felt like a loser. (It's no fun that he's so good at these games and I suck :lol:) But it's also because I have a lot of the same interests as him, I've just been doing it for a shorter period of time (programming, games...) so he ALWAYS knows more than me and it can just make me so mad sometimes ;)

Oh well at least I'm more fit than him :P


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
Pills finally kicked in so I don't feel like i'm going to suffocate now. :)

Ghost X

- I visited my doctor last week, and he told me I had to stop masturbating. I asked him why, surely it&#8217;s not dangerous. He said it was distracting him. <-- lol, joke I read.


wangxian married
seeing the 60s batman movie at the local theater

omg catwoman's cat
someone give that thing an oscar


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
Went to a concert last night. Man, there are so many times when I wish I was a guy. That man is hawtt. I could barely catch my breath.

Celes Chere

Got a early birthday gift !

Blazblue on the X- Box 360 !

Squeeee !

BLAZBLUE IS THE BEST AGDSFHADGFFGH. I might throw that game in tonight.

Also what makes my day~
I left my book behind and now I get to go and get it today which is great because I am DYING to finish it. OMG THREE MORE DAYS UNTIL REVELATIONS BTW I CAN'T EVEN HANDLE IT.


Great Old One
Watching a few minutes of the south park movie. See the 'Canada's economy' pie chart. See one of the pieces is 'X-files filming'. lol
I remember this song so well from when I saw the movie at the theater for the first time when it came out :lol:

Btw, I LOVE French Canadian. It's so rough but elegant at the same time. Edit - I think the French Canadian I'm referring to is specifically Quebecian/ Québécoise accent.
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Look out! It's Hairy-Behemoth!

Celes Chere

One of my very close friends called me today when we haven't spoken in months. :) Said friend also offered for me to come to a con in June all expenses paid ticket and hotel. If I have enough money to travel to that state, that's freaking awesome. The same friend is also buying me a PS3 for Christmas. O_o

Really made me happy LOL. I mean I tried to talk them out of the PS3 thing at least but to no avail. :monster:


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
if i were oprah rich i would move to canada and live in a giant house with hito and our 20 cats

and then i would buy all of my friends ps3s


AI Researcher
don't be hatin' now, you can visit for like

poutine and video games

that's what normal people do when living with lesbians and owning 20 cats, right?
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