Winter is coming...


Fire and Blood
He'll either grow up not knowing he's a Stark - to hide is to protect - and will learn the truth one day and make his come back all pissy and shitty OR he'll grow up knowing the truth and will make his come back all pissy and shitty...
Wait :monster:

As for Bran, I agree that his chapters are really great. Martin thinks he makes a bad job at writing kids, but I think that a lot could actually learn from that. Me the first :wacky:

@Cthulhu: me think it'd take a life, easily, to make a proper fan-based site on ASOIAF :monster:

BTW, I'm amazed at this thread: we're like, 3 to 5 talking here and already at p4 :wacky: I sense some dedication :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
That's because ASoIaF is awesome and there's generally a lot to talk about :monster:


It's a proper subject for discussion, really :monster:. Much to talk about - moreso than the Compilation, I'd even say, although don't quote me on that - I fear Mako's wrath now, :monster:. A forum on the subject - if managed and executed properly - would do the trick very nicely.

Then again, ASoIaF isn't translated shitty (that I know of) or very vague like Japs, nor does it leave as much unexplained and mysterious stuff in it like FFVII or Lost or whatnot.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
True enough on the lack of as much vague stuff, but character development has all kinds of grey which leads to nice arguments between fans about which character is moar in the right. And the forum is actually awesome, I just don't post much there because by the time I get around to posting someone's already said what I think needs to be said anyway. Too damn active rly.


Pro Adventurer
Still, a proper forum would be excellent.

As for Rickon, I see him growing up into a little bitch, to be honest.


Fire and Blood
Well, the French translations kind of suck - it's not that they're mistranslated, or that Martin's style isn't there anymore. From that point of view, it's really good. But names translations, with some awful French errors that are ugly and jump right at me when I read - I'm sorta nazi when it comes to grammar and spelling in French :wacky: - really make me wish to have bought them in English from the start. I should buy them in English and reread - at that time, maybe the 5th book will be out :wacky:

Also, I think that definitely, Martin leaves definitely grey areas to make people suppose. For example, about Cersei's prophecies
but for me, since I read that, I thought 'it must be Jaime' because he's the one she didn't expect to let her down. And seeing how Jaime grew, I'd say that it's definitely a huge possibility. At the same time, she fears all the younger and pretty girls around her - Margaery and Sansa - but isn't aware of the real danger, i.e. Dany.

In the same fashion, I suspect that Dany is wrong about her prophecies :D


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Jaime is almost certainly Cersei's valonquar. Martin loves irony like that so much that I can't really imagine it being anyone else.

as for Dany's prophecies, what're your thoughts regarding those?


I suspect / am quote confident that maybe the fifth, but probably the sixth / seventh book will involve Westeros getting totally pwned from both the north and the east at the same time, and
. :nod:

Also, what were Dany's prophecies again?


Fire and Blood
I guess you're talking about the treasons?

. . . three heads has the dragon . . .
. . . three fires must you light . . . one for life and one for death and one to love . . .
. . . three mounts must you ride . . . one to bed and one to dread and one to love . . .
. . . three treasons will you know . . . once for blood and once for gold and once for love . . .
That one, right?

Edit: There's also
"Remember. To go north, you must journey south. To reach the west, you must go east. To go forward you must go back, and to touch the light you must pass beneath the shadow."

A corpse stood at the prow of a ship, eyes bright in his dead face, grey lips smiling sadly.

A blue flower grew from a chink in a wall of ice, and filled the air with sweetness.
This girl has too many prophecies :wacky:
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Oh, yeah now I remember, :monster:. I forgot what the fulfillments of some of those were though, as I said, re-reading which will take a few years, probably :monster:.


Pro Adventurer
I suspect / am quote confident that maybe the fifth, but probably the sixth / seventh book will involve Westeros getting totally pwned from both the north and the east at the same time, and
. :nod:

Martin said that the book will have a bittersweet ending. I suspect something like that may happen
But I don't think everyone will die

As for Rickon, he'll definitely grow up to be a total cunt.


Of course,
EVERYONE dies. No exception. It's in line with the vibe of the book, :wacky:


Fire and Blood
I only copied those ones because I think that those ones are yet to fulfill, for most. About the others, some were clearly in the past, and some I'm not too sure (I meant, the quotes earlier).
. . . three heads has the dragon . . .
. . . three fires must you light . . . one for life and one for death and one to love . . .
. . . three mounts must you ride . . . one to bed and one to dread and one to love . . .
. . . three treasons will you know . . . once for blood and once for gold and once for love . . .
The fires she must light:
-the first, IMHO, is something that already happened - it is how she woke the dragons after all.
a death she'll mourne/she mourned. So me think about either Drogo's - but it was the same fire she lit for the dragons - or someone else entirely.
-the third, I have no clue about that. A fire she must lit to love? Maybe that's metaphoric, or maybe not XD If not
then my guess is that it mayyyyyyyyy be about Jon. The fire would be the one she has to light against the Others to force him to quit the Night Watch or something. I'll come back on that one later on, because I'm really not sure about that pairing at all, although it does seem to be hinted.

The mounts she must ride:
-the first
is iffy: maybe it already happened so that's her marrying Drogo, or it didn't happen yet and that's her next marriage. The 'to bed' is definitely a hint about a wedding though - because loveless weddings are commons in Westeros.
-the second
is obviously one of the dragons. What else is there? XD
-the third
I guess is that someone she'll love. I tend to see the first as a 'to come' mainly because I think those three mounts are all set in the future - she did love and marry Drogo, but she'll definitely marry and love again.

The treasons:
-the first errr I have no clue?
-the second, although she thinks it already happened, I see it as not happened yet. Who? No real clue on that XD
-the third
although it seems that many people think about Jorah - I think the real answer will lie in who is her next husband. It could easily be Euron or the prince of Dorne's son, whose name escapes me for now. SOmehow, I always thought that this treason should be fit to be her husband. I'm not sure why though :wacky: Probably because I expect him to be the one who'll stab her the more deeply if he loves another woman.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I definitely wouldn't expect any major characters to survive the end of the series. Most of them will probably end up dead. :monster: Though some of them probably will, but it's impossible for an optimist to be pleasantly surprised :awesomonster:

As for the prophecies, I was always under the impression that they all referred to events that would occur after each prophecy was made.


Pro Adventurer
I definitely wouldn't expect any major characters to survive the end of the series. Most of them will probably end up dead. :monster: Though some of them probably will, but it's impossible for an optimist to be pleasantly surprised :awesomonster:

Yeah, I'm expecting a majority, if not maybe all, of the POV characters to die by the end of the series.

As for the prophecies, I was always under the impression that they all referred to events that would occur after each prophecy was made.

Same here, I think all of the prophecies were for the future. The fact that Dany thinks some may have already happened is just something to throw the reader off maybe?


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Well most of the ones Dany thinks have already happened still happened after the prophecies were made, iirc. Then again it's been awhile since I read the series so I could be mistaken.


Fire and Blood
Interesting, that would mean that the first fire to lit for life has yet to happen? Maybe it's a metaphor to her war against the Others then. I think we can talk about it spoiler-free, since it's all speculation? The spoiler thing does get old fast when it's about theories that are far from verified :reptar: I mean, for the
I can understand, because it's almost a given, but for these? XD

And yeah, I think many characters will die too; I'm trying to be strong for my favourites, but alas, I have little to no hope :scared:


Pro Adventurer
Well most of the ones Dany thinks have already happened still happened after the prophecies were made, iirc. Then again it's been awhile since I read the series so I could be mistaken.

Yeah its been a while for me, but IIRC, the first betrayal was the Maegi woman whatever her name was clearly happened way before the prophecy.

And honestly I feel at this point that
Dany will never reach Westeros, and probably die somewhere else


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Ah, good call on the Maegi, I'd forgotten about that. I do think
she probably will reach Westeros though, since the prophecy strongly implies that she'll be at the Wall for the fight against the others, which she'll probably die in.
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Fire and Blood
Nah, I disagree, crevaxa. I think that, even though Martin loves to torture us, there is a reason why he threw in hints about the Wall into Dany's prophecies. I mean, after all, this is her Song of Ice and Fire, isn't it? So, one of the most logical things would be to interpret that as her fight agains the Others - ice - with her Dragons - fire.

But yeah, I'm hopeless when it comes to have her reigning on Westeros. DX


Pro Adventurer
Or you could interpret that as something else completely
The Blue Rose at the Tower of Joy was one of the images Ned linked to Lyanna. Could the Blue Rose in the wall mean that Lyanna's son, Jon, is fighting at the wall against the others

I do agree though, GRRM loves to torture us =[
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I always got the impression that it just implied Dany was going to meet Jon at the Wall. But who knows for certain.


Pro Adventurer
That's quite possible too. The theory I posted above only works if you believe in
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