Winter is coming...


Fire and Blood
Well, when I think about writing, I definitely think how awesome it is to torture the readers :joy: *may really be a tiny bit sadistic :wacky:*

Also, this:
"Remember. To go north, you must journey south. To reach the west, you must go east. To go forward you must go back, and to touch the light you must pass beneath the shadow."​
Looks like she's bound to travel some more. Her destination is obviously the Wall and she'll have to follow a maze in order to go there :wacky:

And, let's not forget that:
A blue flower grew from a chink in a wall of ice, and filled the air with sweetness.
I think that, if there is a strong hint for JonxDany, it should be that one.
The blue flower is very reminiscent of Jon - through Lyanna, of course - the Wall is his location and the sweetness makes it romantic, somewhat.
I should add that I'm more looking forwards their interactions for the growth as both characters, rather than a couple. I will never ship in ASOIAF, for that Martin would break my heart when he'll
make everyone die :wacky:

As for that one:
A corpse stood at the prow of a ship, eyes bright in his dead face, grey lips smiling sadly.​
I can't help but think: why does it reminds me of Euron? :monster: I associate the ship with him, maybe that's why :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Euron is technically an undead right? What with their drowning ritual and all. I can't remember if he was the one who underwent it or it was his brother. Or both.

speaking of which, the Drowned God seems highly reminiscent of Cthulhu, :monster:.


Fire and Blood

Cool, an undead prow :wacky: I can see it doing the whole "I'm the King of the world!" thing now :wacky:

*iz okay, always haz a fireball learnt, just in case :wacky:*

As for your question, I think it was only his brother - because it's the priest.


Fire and Blood
Did this thread die? XD

Anyway, I think to me ATM the most curious prophecy concerning Dany is that one:
"Remember. To go north, you must journey south. To reach the west, you must go east. To go forward you must go back, and to touch the light you must pass beneath the shadow.
WHat do you think it'll mean, when it comes to travel and such? What has she to discover at the opposite of her goal? Is this only metaphoric, or has she to reach a goal before her 'ultimate' goal?


Syn said:
I will never ship in ASOIAF, for that Martin would break my heart when he'll (SPOILER) make everyone die

He already did so, remember? One of my favorite characters (and whom I erroneously presumed to be the main character) in the first book got killed rather bluntly and unexpectedly, imho :monster:.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
That came as rather a shock to me as well and I think it pretty much prepared people for the fact that really, anyone can die in this series :monster:


And, resultingly, everyone will, :monster:.

But yeah, 'the things I do for love' at the start of the first book were already a pretty good indication of how much of a cunt GRRM can be, really :monster:.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Yeah after that I should've known to expect anything really :monster:


Fire and Blood
I didn't ship in the first book - I actually take a long time before being connected to the ship, although I can usually see/guess them pretty well long before that - so that character dying only had a WTF NO WAY T________T from me... but for the character itself, not so much for the pairing :monster: I still don't ship and I hope it'll stay this way :wacky:

And yeah, after that, more and more characters died :monster: I will always remember - the French edition cuts the original volumes in several books - the most shocking book is from vol3 A Storm of Swords. In French, that special volume is the 8th and is called Les noces pourpres - the Red Wedding(s) <-- it's a pun, since you can say it plural with it being actually singular - and you have both wedding ending like well.. we all know how :wacky: So yeah, this volume was rather intense :D

I always tell my friends, when they begin the serie, to not get too much attached to the characters XD But then even then, we still have our favourites and we hope to see them making it until the last book before dying - and have a good death too. XD


For best emotional damage, do promote them to get attached to the characters a lot, fgj :monster:. The best books are those that leave you mentally scarred for years.

Like this kiddie book I read when I was like 11, it was hardly suitable for kids, with some kid running away from home, living with a whore who tries to kill herself multiple times. It was a terribly shocking book for me at the time, and if I knew that was in it before I started it, I wouldn't have. It had a mis-matched kid's drawing cover thingy as well, whilst in the book itself there's graphic descriptions of a prostitute ODing and vomiting and shit on drugs. Fuck.


Fire and Blood
OMG *_______________*
Maybe I just found the reason to upgrade my computer :wacky: I hope it'll be awesomesauce, for it's really easy to fail with a computer game - the reason why I only play online nowadays >_>

Oh yeah, I was thinking, about Jon and Dany
do you think Jon and Dany will have to make up the shit that was made because of Raeghar and Lyanna?
Everything that happened and still happens right now is because of their love. Somehow, I feel like they have to atone for it, save the cheerleader Wall from the Others, save the world thingie you know? And then die.
I also think that if there was one pairing that I'd ship, it'd be Raeghar and Lyanna. Since they're long dead, I'd feel safer. :wacky:


Just looked the studio up, they're most famous for 'Pro Cycling Manager'. :/ @ that.

Nevertheless, I'd play 'The Things I Do For Love: The Video Game', :monster:.

Or 'Incestuous Rape'. Or 'Everybody Dies'. Or 'Pown You With An Axe In The Knee'.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
GRRM's involvement leads me to think at least the design of it won't be shit. My main concern is the gameplay.


Fire and Blood
Yeah, solo games nowadays... I remember how fantastic some games were, all of that is lost in the dust lol XD Even online games are just for newbies most of the time - so simplistic it makes me want to cry XD

Getting back on track, with Cersei this time :wacky: I just remembered her prophecy said that all her kids would die before her... any theory in how it may happen? I'm a littlesad for the two left, they're nice D:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
At this point, ASoIaF is like Lost in that I'm not really willing to make much in the way of predictions.


Although I don't think that game studio would be a good choice for a (set of) ASoIaF games, I remembered Triumph Studio, a Dutch studio that made a pair of 2d turn-based RPG strategy games that were very much niche-games (although I was addicted to the second for a while, and probably should get back into it and finish it), then nothing for five years, and then the much-praised next-gen 3D adventure/action/puzzle game(s) Overlord. Point is, a studio's previous games are not necessarily an indication of their future games.

But I dunno about this one, srsly. Also, yeah, I'm also seeing similarities with Lost, and also with those strategy/RPG game(s) I posted about in the GBA roms thread (forgot the name again), as well as some I think I forgot.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
There are a lot of similarities with Lost - for instance, anyone can die, layers upon layers of intrigue, and various other similar points.


Fire and Blood
Aw man, don't compare Lost with ASOIAF DX You're making me cry dudes, with that story that the writers didn't know where those hints lead :D

Difference between Lost and ASOIAF? Martin actually knows where he goes :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
The writers of Lost weren't 100% sure about all their details when they started, but by the end of the fifth season it's become pretty clear that most of the details were worked out in advance. The writers just take delight in subverting expectations by providing Big Reveals that completely alter the viewer's understanding of the story thus far, as was done in one of their acknowledged influences, Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea's Illuminatus! trilogy. The effect of this is that people who aren't familiar with the storytelling format will think they're just making stuff up as they go along, but really, it's more complicated than that - the deliberate intention is to bring about a state of confusion and reflection on the part of audiences, to the point of making them question pretty much everything they know about the show (and hopefully, more so in reality). It definitely does look sloppy if you don't follow through with it to the end, and makes a huge demand on the viewers in terms of attention span and such, but it's pretty clear now that unless they had a lot of the mythology planned out in advance, the show simply would not work.

Anyway yeah, Martin doesn't do the subverting expectations thing anywhere near as much as the writers of Lost do, but he still does it a fair amount.


Fire and Blood
Well, that'd be good and dandy if I didn't read an actual article stating that by the end of S4, they forced the writers to find where those clues lead lol XD No clue if it's right or wrong - I actually dislike Lost for several reasons, most having to do with how I handle this kind of serie - I fear that I'm extremly ironic and the vibe of 'we're doing whatever, just try to make up shit from what we throw at you' was too strong for me to like it :monster: Besides, I wanted to punch nearly all the characters, so that certainly didn't help :monster:

Martin does it, I sometimes see his tropes, sometimes not, but I like coherent worlds with a rich background and awesome characters. Which is actually why I love Martin's books. As for predicting stuff, of course sometimes we hit the ball and sometimes we're far off, but that's also part of the fun to me. I love to try to predict, because I love to be able to decipher the characters and what's being presented to us ^^' I think that with what Martin presented, we should be able to guess a lot - and yet still be surprised a lot. Moreover, his writing is awesome :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I think it was much earlier in the series when they finished plotting everything out - the middle of season two or something. Though to be fair they didn't entirely get their act together until near the end of season three; there were some slow-paced episodes in seasons two and three. But meh, shit happens. :monster:

I do understand the storytelling format not being for everyone though :wacky:


It still looked like they were making shit up randomly - start of season 4, for example, was a complete clusterfuck imho, with too much new stuff getting introduced too quickly.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Probably because of the pace of the show increased radically at that point as well :monster:
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