Wait, really?Naw, you can't *refuse* a Game of Darkness. No matter how badass you are.
The person being challenged doesn't need to accept it - I believe that Ghost Kotsuzuka originally didn't want to duel Bakura, but after he was encouraged by his friends (and Yami Bakura), he did.
But nevertheless, Yugi and the gang assumed at that point they were just playing an innocent game with Bakura - they were (unassumingly) doing that on their own free will. If Bakura could have had just directly forced a Shadow Game onto someone, I can't understand why they would bother with Ryou not wanting to play with anyone at the start of the manga because he was afraid what would happen to Yugi and his friends if he did - implying that the only way Bakura could get around to allow the Game of Darkness to control Yugi and his friends. And Shaadi is a bit different from the rest - his Game of Darkness involves the use of his Millennium Item....Not really. Atem, goads them and plays at their ego, but you really don't have to be a willing participant to a Game of Darkness at all. See Yami Bakura's "Dark RPG" Game of Darkness. Yugi and co. didn't even KNOW they were in a Game of Darkness until he inflicted a Penalty Game on them. Same goes for Shadi inflicting his Games of Darkness on those who he felt disrespected the Egyptian tombs. Games of Darkness can suck you in, regardless.
So again, I go back to my original statement - Yami Malik would be allowed the choice of whether or not he'd want to duel Atem if he were the one to initiate it.
At that point Bandit Keith already accepted the initial game just by entering Duelist Kingdom.And sometimes, you can inflict a Punishment Game on someone even *without* the ritual of a Game of Darkness in the first place. For example, when Pegasus killed Bandit Keith when he tried to rob him for the prize money, and Pegasus "punished" Keith for cheating in the duel with Jounochi.
Hmmm, I'll look at my folders. I'm not sure if I have him pimped out in all the Millennium Items though, I'll check; do you want Atem (the Non-Egyptian version) or just Yugi?Speaking of, resident fangirls, is there any fanart of Yugi completely decked out in all the items? By the end of the show he's got all of them, but he still only wears the Puzzle (the rest are in a freaking duffel bag, lol). I don't remember him even using any of the others besides that one vision from the Necklace. Always thought he'd look pretty neat sportin' all of them (except maybe the Scale). And I guess no one can use the Eye without shoving it into their head
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