The Sacred Beasts are definitely one of the biggest beefs I have with GX as a whole.
The reason I hate on the wannabe God Cards of GX, is because they didn't really
go anywhere, or explain themselves. They are the epitome Mac Guffin of YGO GX. Who made these cards? Why were they made? What is their overall significance? Where do they get their power from? What ancient lore or power do they draw their mystical energy from? They almost...gave an explanation to them, having Daitokuji-sensei discover a tablet with their likeness on them, but that went absolutely nowhere, just like many other plot threads in GX. We're just left to wonder and scratch our heads.
Also, their power is pretty stupid and insignificant as well. A real let down. These Sacred Demons..who are hyped up as having the potential to destroy the world like the Egyptian Gods...just...steal the pictures..I'm sorry...the "
spirits" of other YGO cards? Really, NAS? That's the best we get this time?
Watch this.
The second intro to YGO GX featured kick ass Kenichi Hara animation of the Sacred Demons, hyping them as some
serious monsters. The opening where each of their profiles are briefly showcased, dead souls ala Kul Elna floating around Duel Academia, the summonings of Raviel bursting forth from the earth with demonic red eyes, Hamon rising out of the water and freezing it..and Uria rising out of a bubbling volcano...THOSE were the Sacred Demons I wanted to see. But alas, no. All we got were some rather weak nomis who's sole purpose was to literally break the card game, and allow Mr. Diaperman to live forever. The worst we see happening is a Black Luster Soldier card going white and a kid crying in a card shop.
No offense to GX or its writers, but...I didn't feel quite so threatened by the Sacred Beasts. all really.
It also didn't help that we literally got no explanation at all as to what the Shadow Charms were, or where the hell they came from either.
So alas, no. The Sacred Beasts failed to hold my interest, or even earn a bit of respect.