The Wanderer of Time
That's what confused the shit out of me too! It wasn't Yubel though, it was Martin. Even before Martin became possessed by Yubel, he said his favorite card in his deck was "Phantasmal Martyrs." A Sacred Beasts support card. HOW THE HELL DOES HE HAVE SUPPORT CARDS FOR A GROUP OF CARDS THAT AREN'T EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE KNOWN ABOUT AND HIDDEN? That just was fucking stupid.
I know right?
My idea was that the Beasts were born from TKB's Diabound, using the power of the Gods it had absorbed during his battle with Atem.I always figured that the Sacred Beasts could represent fallen angels from Heaven who raised hell on Earth and in order to defeat them, they had to be sealed away in said Emerald Tablet and good ole' Pegasus decided that it'd be a nifty idea to make THEM into cards too. I mean, the names of each of the Sacred Beasts corresponds to Judeo-Christian angels or figures:
Raviel = a romanization of Raziel, an archangel associated with the Sephira Chokmah.
Hamon = a prince of Heaven, mentioned in the Book of Enoch.
Uria = Uriah, the name of a Biblical Prophet in the Book of Jeremiah.
Armityle = Armisael an angel who's supposed to be called on to assist in childbirth, from the Talmund.
I mean, the creators had SOMETHING mythological/religious in mind, when they named these monsters, but they never actually did anything with it. Which pisses me off, cause it could've been so cool.
I liked Eltanin, except for Emergency Cyber. I hate cards that single-handedly create infinate combos (glares at Fucking Crow). BTW, I've renamed Crow in my mind. His last name is Crow, his first name is now "Fucking." So as far as I'm concerned, he's not Crow Hogan, he's Fucking Crow. And Fucking Crow fucking sucks.The GX manga is so fucking good and better written than the anime, it's not even funny. Manjoume is a fucking badass in the manga. And Kaiser Ryo is just...amazingly badass. The way he pwned him was fucking epic. And Cyber Eltanin is truly my all time favorite Cyber monster. It's just fucking amazing. I like that the manga let Ryo keep his deck, essentially the same, except gave him new monsters and support. The Cyber archetype was always really cool.
EDIT - should we maybe rename the thread? How about "Generic Thread For Children's Card Games. They're Srs bzns!"