In the Spanish localization, the dream date world is more explicitly referred to as a place within the lifestream.
From the Japanese, it's more a place between the world of the living and the Lifestream.
It's the first girl that meets the hero syndrome. People like to immediately pair up the protag with the first female lead/character.
This is why they modified Tifa's starting point in Remake, as I have noted after said game: now you have Jessie clearly about Tifa and Cloud's relationship, which happens before you meet even Aerith. The game sets up expectations towards Tifa right in chapter 1, and you get a flashback. So you understand that they've must known each other from childhood but Cloud doesn't really comment, so you're waiting from there on, on the back of your head, to meet with this Tifa.
Also I don’t think the Aerith who smiled at the flower in seventh heaven is our Aerith.
??? Of course she is our Aerith. There's only one different Aerith in Remake and that's in her own resolution, where she already had died and visibly had more knowledge of what went on.
She had her little moments here and there like the Cosmo speech but overall though she didn't feel like she was prominent at all till Temple and everything after that felt rushed to me honestly. I definitely didn't really get a satisfactory Aerith use in this game which was supposed to be her big game.
I agree, I awaited more from Aerith overall but looking back I understand why they wrote her like that - in fact it's Nojima's explanation that made me understand this. And I wish they had followed another path but sadly didn't.
Yo i just heard a new excuse for the Cloti kiss. This time Cloud kissed her couse he wanted her to shut up. Thoughts

I guess what they meant is that Cloud wanted to shut up her insecurities, right? I wonder if one day they'll look back and realise of much mysoginy they poured out in those tweets.
I'm replying as someone who only engages in this forum so please do not be offended. I think what I'm saying is in the same spirit as this post.
I think the thing with Cloud/Aerith is that it is actually super important to the story, which is something the more uh... I want to say psycho C/T shippers often fail consider. It is also engaging to audiences because it relates directly to the thesis statement of the OG. The two are basically the 2 key figures that lead to the planet being saved. Sure, you can argue that Tifa and Zack are part of their individual jouneys. Those character developments give FF7 its own narrative flair. That said, ultimately the lore and the narrative chiefly builds up to the fact that Cloud and Aerith being the saviors of the world.
It makes for a compelling story!
Even though it's not a super complete story at a glance...
Cloud and Aerith do the thing though, ultimately. They had people backing them, sure, but they were the ones who actually did it. For a brief moment, they loved each other, but alas it was not meant to be, because she died. No, in fact, she was murdered! That moment has become more or less, part of the whole FF7 identity.
Cloud and Aerith are pretty much the posterchildren of why the franchise has such a long lasting presence. It's basically why the series has struggled so much with even introducing a new antagonist. None of the sequels have had a great time at introducing a new villain, with Advent Children being the obvious one to point to. If the creators were fully committed to their vision with AC, Sephiroth didn't need to literally show up at all. Obviously the budget needs to justify itself with some dumb extravogent action scene that everyone wants to see. But let's be real, what's even the point of the movie otherwise? The Cloud - Sephiroth drama is so heavily fuelled by the loss of Aerith. The writers are relying so heavily on that pivotal moment, because that's why anyone even wants this dumb Cloud vs. Sephiroth 2.x 7777⁷ power level stupid rematch in the first place. Why else would anyone even care? It becomes so much weird narrative density that the actual emotional core of the story gets completely lost in a sea of ifs and ums of creator statements trying to get across wtf they were even going for.
That... doesn't make for an engaging story now, does it?
Like, listen. I know plenty of normies who love Advent Children much more than I do. This is the same audience who are perfectly capable of understanding something like Noah Bumbach's "Marriage Story," if and when taken on that journey. I just happen to have the dispriveledge of knowing what the fuck the FF7 movie is even about. Try to take to a casual Advent Children watcher, and try to convince them that it was all some big dumbass expensive adventure with the whole point being about Cloud and Tifa working through their relationship problems. Even for people who played the OG and watched Advent Children, there is not a super clear through line to follow, so you end up looking kind of crazy, even though that's the actual literal point of the movie. It's so stupid because I can see how the creators had some humble beginnings, but then it just ballooned, and the budget ballooned, and then some corny exec was like fuck it, we are a zillion dollars in already let's just bring back sephiroth?? so they do, and with him comes all the biggest things he took from the audience, and she's there, but he's there, and...
Look. All I'm saying there's a lot of beauty in the simplicity before so much convolution that is so beyond the expectation for any normal person to follow. Especially when what the expanded story is giving is kinda... lmfao.
I'm not even coming to the discussion as a shipper tbqh. I couldn't really care less, this just happens to be the most active part of the forum lmfao. Sometimes it's really not that much about media literacy. Maybe sometimes we have to be honest about how much depth we allow our media to have. It's something that Rebirth had allowed me embrace in a way that makes me feel happy to talk about FF7 again. These are just my 2 cents I guess. It's a question I really hated how Remake put it. It's something I unironically love about how Rebirth presents itself.
That is a little blindsided and ignoring the big part Tifa has to put her on the same level as Zack. She is NOT on the same level as Zack because she is also an heroine, very much like Aerith. You're basically acting as if Tifa hadn't had a big role too in game.
Without her, you don't save the Planet. Her story and Cloud's story are interwined in such ways that it's impossible to disentangle. This is by design. Because Cloud's character relies on her that much. Which means you can't escape her importance to Cloud, unless you chose to wear blinders, especially during the Lifestream scene, but even Nomura commented how players would feel that the story goes to Tifa before the GS date - most probably the promise scene as well as the little flirt scene in the bar and the way the other NPCs talk about Cloud and Tifa in sector 7 are supposed to lead you to that conclusion.
Sure, Aerith was used as the poster girl in NA. But you seem to think that Tifa's role in the franchise didn't mean anything when it definitely did, and that she too became a huge poster girl for SE in general. At some point, Tifa and CT became more favoured by the fans - a lot of CT
do have
AC/C as an entry point of the Compilation and understood their relationship without prior knowledge of the game, so I think judging AC/C by its bad writing to oversell CA is maybe a bad move there. The yin/yang visual is a very strong visual that leaves very little to imagination re:their relationship for example - if we're talking about AC alone. ACC is even more pro-CT and ZA.
Even on the Cloti side when I see people say “Cloud and Tifa are gonna BANG in the next game” I’m like oh god please stop.
To be fair when CT say that they don't mean graphically or even as obvious as Clive and Jill, they know it's a T rated game lol. But it's definitely going to be
obvious IMHO.
hello all! i’ve been lurking since rebirth, and this is my first post, but i’m afraid i have a lot to say haha.
zack and aerith have always been my favourite characters since the original in 97, and even though they are my ultimate coupling, i was always into cloud x aerith in that game. this is because tifa was my most disliked character, and i accepted that zack was dead and that aerith could move on. however, i did also accept that, when aerith died, cloud could move on with tifa.
rebirth in particular has made me change my mind about everything completely though, and i wanted to get others’ opinions on a few things regarding this love triangle/square. is it okay to write long posts here? is there a character limit? i’ve never posted on a forum before, so i don’t want to instantly annoy everyone
For sure go on

we love long posts here, I have posted some damned long posts in the past!