She wasn't talking, though.
Yet again we find Tifa communicating without words. It's almost like it's a theme or something.
Man, they're reaching for basically anything at this point.
Tell 'em the self destruct lever is further to the left then, get it over with already.
Oh, I see it's just a kiss on the cheek now. Yeah. It definitely wasn't.
My head spun a little for this. The cheek. Someone honestly said that. Well, not honestly.
Yeah, it fits the evidence we have, anyways.
It could definitely track. So in theory his shitkickery causes Mako poisoning to have a more rapid onset than most, while his relatively weak sense of self makes it more severe?
They slap me on the knees.
You're right, if being made up of hot air was sufficient they'd already be flying high.
I know that's a typo, but an in universe rival to Mann co calling itself Manner co is something absolutely could see.
Can their mercs wear pink? I want their merc teams to wear pink and have oddly polite domination lines.
So... Hulk or Thor physically, MJ or May mentally?
Funny enough, it's often Daredevil. Sin Eater, Kingpin, some generic mooks who went too far, Matt was there to... get wrecked by Spider-Man while Peter's conscience caught up with his fists

It hurts less when May or MJ does it.
Oh yes.
Watch Marvel Editorial put fingers firmly in ears as the fans do cry "it is ok for Peter to be happy damn it!"
Naturally. But
nice pipe dreams.
A series of bad writers and editorial mandate will do that to you.
The sad thing is, several of those writers are in fact quite good. Just... not while they were on that specific book.
That should be 29 years, not 39, but typos happen. We all know this.
These are things happen to us all. Typos unite us as a people.
You cannot beat Cyke at Billards. The man sees all the angles.
I love that that's actually part of his mutation. X-Men remains the best at giving out complimentary secondary aspects to big boomy powers.
Like, if someone told me Cykes was secretly a Destiny style pre-cog playing an extreme long game, I'd believe it.
I mean, if someone told me that was his gig all along I'd call bullshit... but with a finessed retcons I'd buy that it's his gig now.
The panic lit a fire under everyone's ass.
I contend that season six was the weakest because they knew seven was already green lit. It's the only season with a cliffhanger for a reason.
Pre-copernican astronomy used epicycles to explain away problems in the geocentric, circular model they assumed was how the stars worksed.
Yeah I
was am far too tired to work that out or remember it for myself, so thank you.
Fair enough. Someone else will.
Someone with the power of being arsed. The greatest power.
Except Zero and maybe Caim, and the plan there is the same as it is with everyone else.
Murder. The cause of, and solution to all life's problems.
But only on alternating weekends.
Also I do think asking why Aerith likes Cloud and to what extent she likes Cloud Cloud as opposed to Zack is an entirely valid question.
Seems germane to this thread to me.
"Sephiroth didn't take away Cloud's mother,
Who he openly talks about directly killing in Remake but sure, go on...
hometown, sense of self directly.
Are they actually arguing that burning the entire ground to ashes while cutting down multiple people is indirect? Really?
I'll grant them that Cloud losing his sense of self is on Hojo, but Sephiroth gleefully contributes to Cloud's mental decline so even there no.
He took Aerith away directly." is a take I had to see today, to explain why "Sephiroth took away Cloud's precious thing" must refer to Aerith and she is thus his beloved because a precious thing could theoretically be your beloved.
I know you explained that's not how drawing conclusions works. You're Ryushikaze, the stars shall fall from the heavens before you fail at that. And yet, it still annoys me.
Ladies and gentlemen, that is a perfect example of assuming the consequent/ begging the question. This mention of a "precious thing" must be referring to a romantic beloved and thus be Aerith? Why? Because they want anything to mention Aerith as Cloud's beloved.

Pipe dreams indeed, with this reality.