thank you everyone for being so welcoming! i guess this post will contain spoilers for rebirth btw.
so! when i played remake and aerith said to cloud “you can’t fall in love with me. even if you think you have, it’s not real”, i thought at the time that she was saying that because cloud was actually mistaking zack’s feelings for his own. so i ended up believing that cloud had picked up some of zack’s feelings in the same way that he picked up some of his abilities and memories. i actually thought this line also killed the love triangle straight away (i chose to ignore that when it came to dialogue choices though because i still didn’t care for tifa, and i didn’t know their plans for zack). when i read later that aerith was also partly speaking to herself, it still made sense because it seemed that, while she thought she was in love with cloud, it was actually just her feelings for zack being stirred up because of their similarities.
if aerith knew that cloud was simply just in love with tifa instead or that he had overestimated his feelings, why would she specifically say that his feelings aren’t “real” rather than that he’s just mistaken or wrong? it just feels a bit too specific. is it possible that, at this point, cloud has feelings for aerith but maybe doesn’t understand them and that this aerith from the future knows this and also knows that theyre not real because of the zack situation? we all know that zack spoke about nothing else on the way back to midgar haha (“not interested? imma tell you anyway”) so why can’t cloud pick up his feelings if he can pick up everything else?
it also makes sense with aerith wondering what kind of feelings she has for cloud at the end of rebirth. she already said in remake that they’re not real, so the end of rebirth is when she realises that, surely? to me, it seemed as though she was realising they’re not romantic when they were talking in the church. but, regardless of zack, she’s already said they’re not real, so is there really ambiguity anyway about how she feels towards cloud?
overall, i was wondering whether it could be that cloud has feelings, or thinks he does, for both tifa and aerith in remake and rebirth but that, in part three, he realises (like aerith already has) that his feelings for aerith aren’t real and are a manifestation of zack’s feelings and that he only has feelings for tifa? this could also mean that if players showed a preference towards aerith in the first two games, it still makes sense in terms of the story because cloud had those thoughts and feelings at that time, even though they were misguided? this could explain why he was jealous about aerith finding another date in the gold saucer and why barrett told him to pick one. if he only has feelings for aerith because of zack, then it also means that he can’t be accused of simply settling for tifa after aerith dies because they were never his feelings to begin with, whereas his feelings for tifa were always his own. hope i make sense haha.
has anyone discussed before whether cloud’s feelings for aerith are only a manifestation of zack’s feelings?
it is possible though that i’m now just trying to convince myself to make myself feel better because zack……
i loved how every time zack or aerith looked at the sky, it showed the other looking back, and i loved how their lines mirrored each other. i didn’t really think too much about the zack x aerith x cloud triangle i created for myself until that marlene scene though… safe to say that marlene has now replaced tifa as my most disliked character haha (only joking)
my heart broke in two when i saw that scene, not to mention the next one where he has her bow wrapped around his hand and tries to save cloud because of aerith’s feelings towards him (would’ve been funny if he picked biggs after recalling that memory though

). it dawned on me then that zack was back now in some sort of capacity and, as he is my favourite, i NEED him to be with aerith haha.
the final date that aerith had with cloud made me uncomfortable. i didn’t really get all the zack references, but when she mentioned “our place”, i was so surprised that she would say that to cloud. hasn’t he only been there with her like once or something? zack practically lived there. i’ve seen people deny that this date has any significance to the crisis core date, but when zack and biggs walk from near the church to sector 5, someone says in the background “a lot of good dates started right here…”, so i feel like the developers definitely had the crisis core date in mind.
in rebirth, i still gave all the preferable responses to aerith and the non-preferable responses to tifa because that’s how i’ve always played ff7 (and i didn’t consider zack since he wasn’t in the game much until the end). quite early on though, i found my 27-year dislike for tifa starting to change, and aerith even started to annoy me a bit, which really surprised me.
it seems more obvious to me than ever in remake and rebirth that cloud and tifa fit much better than cloud and aerith… zack and aerith also fit better than cloud and aerith (i bet cloud resents the day zack offered aerith that one date since she hasn’t stopped making everything a date since haha).
even though i supported cloud x aerith for 27 years and disliked tifa for the same amount of time, i just don’t think that i can deny that, in rebirth, cloud has clear feelings for tifa and that his feelings for aerith are more ambiguous. i think it’s a big deal that tifa and cloud kissed regardless of whether it was canon because final fantasy don’t hand out kisses too lightly. cloud also had the perfect opportunity to kiss aerith and didn’t take it (he initiated the kiss with tifa so i don’t think confidence was at play here, and why not kiss her if it’s not canon anyway? this was a very deliberate choice). i was upset for aerith when cloud wouldn’t sit next to her in the GS date, and i thought it was a bit odd for tifa and cloud to hold hands while aerith was singing if the song was meant to be about aerith’s romantic feelings for cloud (as some people have said).
does anyone else think that the song is about both cloud and zack in particular? i think that all the lines about the cobbled street could refer to cloud and that all the lines about promises and meeting again someday could refer to zack. cloud is literally stood right next to her when she writes the song, why does she need to wait for the day to meet him again? i also think cloud only made a promise to aerith at the end of the game and not before writing the song? i could be wrong about that, but i know for sure that, in the last conversation zack and aerith ever had, zack promised that he would see her again, and we know shes been waiting for at least 5 years since she never stopped writing letters. the flowers on the church floor surround aerith on stage when she sings the lines “Till the day that we meet again. At our place, just let me believe. In the chance that you'll come.” it’s in the developers interest not to be direct about it referring to zack if they intend to create suspense for part three regarding whether they’ll reunite.
i think (hope) aerith will walk/fall into the church in part three while zack is sitting there.. and i just hope for her sake that he sees her from the right angle
(i have a theory for what cloud says in the GS date to aerith, which i’ll post next!)