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  1. Catherine

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    The Chocolina thingy is a novel, not a DLC lol I would love a DLC with her though, omg Regarding Lightning's DLC, that could be amazing, but I hope we actually get to play as her in her XIII-2 outfit.
  2. Catherine

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

  3. Catherine

    Soulcalibur V

    Found this on Tumblr.
  4. Catherine

    Assassin's Creed (series)

    How do you live?
  5. Catherine

    Final Fantasy Type-0/XIII Agito

    I don't see this happening, but I have to admit I would probably die and come back to life again if it did. But yeah, I'll be more than happy with just a Vita release.
  6. Catherine

    TES V: Skyrim

    Kind of want, ngl.
  7. Catherine

    Your Favourite FFXIII character

    FFXIII's cast is always a controversial subject.
  8. Catherine

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    My Crystal edition + official guide pre-orders remain unbothered. What's a regret?
  9. Catherine

    Your Favourite FFXIII character

    Serah Farron, because of a lot reasons that I'm too lazy to put into text now. Vanille is a really close second though :awesome:
  10. Catherine

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    So played the demo for 70 hours and managed to max all the roles except Medic. Then fought Atlas. Gotta give him props for the dedication lol.
  11. Catherine

    Game of Thrones

    7p5ItWizs08& This looks so freaking amazing. I just can't even.
  12. Catherine

    What games are you currently playing?

    The game of thrones. I had to.
  13. Catherine

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    Lightning and Yeul look so weird lol I need to get this program that allows you to modify videogame models...
  14. Catherine

    The Noerah Army

    WTF THAT WAS SO SAD ;______; I absolutely loved it though. Amazing job! I WANT MOAR.
  15. Catherine

    Post your PSN/360 handle and stats!

    Yup. Feel free to add btw :awesome:
  16. Catherine

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    Being able to manually save anywhere > Save points, imho.
  17. Catherine

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    Yes, FFX's save points were really well distributed. They were always there exactly when you needed them. But then again you can manually save anywhere in this game right? I'm okay with that, even though the thought of an RPG with automatic saves is still weird.
  18. Catherine

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    I don't mind automatic saving but if the game has manual saving I will always use that instead. Sometimes I'm just not sure when the game is still saving or not...
  19. Catherine

    The Noerah Army

    I think it's pretty obvious SE intended to cause a love triangle between those three anyway. We really can't be blamed for shipping Noerah. It's like the most natural thing to do :awesome:
  20. Catherine

    The Noerah Army

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