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  1. cmXT

    bringing back the tags

    thanks, now for some more generic ones xD ryco collab
  2. cmXT

    bringing back the tags

    wow wheres everyone gone?
  3. cmXT

    bringing back the tags

  4. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    wow we all suck, im making tag right now for sotw 10 i suggest you faggots do aswel
  5. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    yeah, yor both the same so if dna can still make fucking kick-ass tags so can you :D:D
  6. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    eh... no one sent stuff i guess?
  7. cmXT

    Naruto Anime/Manga (Manga Spoilers Not Tagged) [WSJ]

    no, yeah.
  8. cmXT

    Naruto Anime/Manga (Manga Spoilers Not Tagged) [WSJ]

    guys, sakura had the most fucking badass fight to date, her fight with sasori is easily the best so far (not including raikage fight, since the fight isnt over/dont know where its heading) if i hear a single 'itachi and sasuke owns that' or 'the nagato fight was so much more epic' im going to...
  9. cmXT

    tags of the ancients

    sweet : D
  10. cmXT

    Things that piss you off

  11. cmXT

    tumblr thread :0

    really creative stuff mikey :D
  12. cmXT

    tags of the ancients this is really intresting, is it traditional?
  13. cmXT

    Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

    shes aight, she has some nice pics ( ) but in others her makeup just fucks her over big time ;_; cute blondes with like, those big glasses are up my street too
  14. cmXT

    Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

    i have a fetish for french girls ...
  15. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    i think ex and alice should make tags for the sotws again, and everyone else >=(
  16. cmXT

    Sig of the week Discussion Thread

    hmm movies, techno, noir, grunge, monotone, 10 layers
  17. cmXT

    SOTW 9 Voting Thread

    =/ them niggerz should be participating dayumn voted dee enn aye
  18. cmXT

    Things that piss you off

    are you obese or something and they're trying to make fun of you for it? because normally after the kids are born i believe alot of the pregnant people dont stay fat... i could possibly be wrong though if not and its because you have bags under your eyes (although they could of came up with...
  19. cmXT

    Things that piss you off

    being asked how are the kids whilst in school? the fuck? whipped people, fucking annoy the shit out of me, and unfortunetly some of my closest friends are currently under the thumb ;_; also people who just sit there saying 'ughh i need to get laid' im like, stfu who gives a shit, we're...
  20. cmXT

    Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

    /jk most teens cut themselves/go into life sucks mode because they were being naughty little pricks and their parents take away their laptops/console priviledges
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