The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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Saint of Killers
I'm sorry, but I feel I need to address this:

Then SE tells us that Cloud's Promised Land is Aerith's Church. He said he thought he could meet her there at the end of FFVII - and he did.

Indeed he did. Do you remember the scene?

How does that support Clerith? There are no Clerith undertones in that scene. That scene's whole purpose is the end of Cloud's second journey of finding himself and being free of his guilt.

There is nothing Clerith about that scene, It's all about Cloud's character development. Just like the entiriety of AC/C.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
So, you've been given a sound drumming already, but unlike you, I have the courtesy to respond to people. Even you.


Trouble is, the two people realizing mutual romantic feelings under the stars is completely optional. SE even says it's optional, and has never declared a default or canon outcome for that scene except in your imagination. YOU accept one version as canon, but it is not canon according to the standards of a great many people outside of TLS.

No. It's not optional. It is. You keep saying it is optional, but nothing says confirmation of romantic feelings optional. The closest you can come is a deviation saying that the feelings are shared earnestly in one version, but the quotes are very consistent that feelings are shared, and the quote in question is entirely version agnostic and matter of fact.

Since it is optional, that makes all of your interpretation about their relationship in AC/ACC and afterwards up to speculation.

Nothing of 'moving in with each other, forming a family together, belonging with each other, and having a future together.' is speculation. Please, stop pretending that facts are opinions simply because I am relaying them.

Here's a Clerith friend explaining what I just said in different words:

Why do you think we Cleriths focus so much on the outcome of that scene?

Because you know full well that admitting one outcome kills all hope of your ship being canon, Shroudypoo.
And I note your habit of responding from afar hasn't changed in the what, seven years or so since I first had the displeasure of your company.

Cloud having a separate room?

As has been asked many times, please prove that they have seperate bedrooms. Cloud's office is merely his office. This is no different from my parents having their own home offices.

Tifa wanting to know if Cloud loves her in COT? Them not showing any signs of intimacy despite claims of them having sex on top of a rock?

You say this like rocks are impossible to be comfortable on? Are these the invisible pointy rocks of doom again, Shroudypoo?

These are what you call outcomes that's beyond player control. That's what makes an optional scene canon other than the creators saying so. ~Shrouded

Well said, Shrouded. Everything that happens after the HW scene can be interpreted according to the HA version as well as the LA version. There is absolutely nothing that confirms one version or the other actually happened.

Except Memorial Album, the UO, the U10, etc.
And let me echo that repeating the words of Shroudypoo in a positive light reflects badly on you, not positively on him. Shroudy's pretty much the Tana of your fandom.

You talk about story summaries as validating one version. Please. That's contradicted by the fact that Cloud and Tifa are shown to have separate rooms.

1. You don't know the meaning of the word contradicted. Or fact, apparently.
2. Please, do show us Tifa's room, since we are 'shown' that they have seperate sleeping quarters.

That's contradicted by the fact that we have seen NO hint of behaviors that would confirm them as a couple - for example, a kiss or a hug or an "I love you" - in a non-optional scene.

Which means that everything you're about to argue for in favor of Clerith is a hypocritical double standard, as THEY have never done any of what you claim either, and don't even have the option to express romance.

No, I no longer accept the story summaries as confirming evidence for the things with Shadow and Terra, since I wasn't given a full explanation of it.

Then please, be consistent, and stop using the AC story summary to claim that the church is Cloud's promised land. Not that you were being honest about that quote in the first place.
It is interesting, though, that you are declaring official story summaries- literally, a record of the events contained in a narrative- is insufficient to tell us the contents OF THAT NARRATIVE. Do you realize just how obdurate and asinine you sound, now? You're saying that story summaries are completely inable to inform us about a story, but that deviations, listed as part of a story summary, are completely able to inform us about a story and trump all other summaries.
And you were given a goddamn full explanation of Shadow AND Terra's situation. You just chose not to read it.

Once again, it's only official in your opinion. Your opinion is not shared by many other people outside of this forum.

Not my opinion. High Highwind is listed among three other scenes as the most important in FF7. It's actually the heading of those two pages- important scenes.
And again, that the feelings are confirmed entirely agnostic to a version is not my opinion, that's what's said. Romantic feelings are confirmed, period, end of, no ifs or whens. Even he deviation of p232 does not say anything specifically about romance.

A canon that you created, not SE.

I could play coy here and go with 'But you admit it's still canon, QED' here, but I'll be bigger than that and note, it is not a canon I created. It is a canon that SE has put down in the materials for FF6 by noting him as being recruited in the World of Ruin, and joining the battle against Kefka, WITHOUT needing to explicitly tell us the choice made on the floating continent.
Y'know, Anastar, a question- You've never played FF6. What final fantasies have you played?

Sorry, I don't consider a story summary to be enough evidence. It needs to happen in the actual game or movie or novella before I believe it.

So, even though ALL the events discussed- Shadow's recruitment, Terra's expression of love towards the children, and the Highwind scene- ALL happen IN AN ACTUAL GAME, as you demanded they must be, it's not sufficient because we refer to story summaries, quite literally showing these events from the games.
You're grasping at straws here. The story summaries are telling us that which happened IN the game. Many things can happen, the summaries tell us what did.

The trouble with your story summary evidence is that what happens in the game/movie/novella can contradict what you accept as canon, such as Cloud having a separate bedroom.

See, you keep saying this, and on three levels, it keeps making no sense.
Firstly, Cloud having his own bedroom would not CONTRADICT an admission of romance that night. Your use of contradict here is misapplied.
Secondly, Cloud has never said to have a seperate BEDROOM. Merely his own OFFICE.
Thirdly, again, the story summary is showing us which game events actually occurred, using screencaptures from the game itself.

Nope, it isn't enough now that someone has informed me that Shadow doesn't actually appear in the game after the death scene. I was assuming that he was seen in the game. If he doesn't appear in the game, then I don't accept a picture of him in a story summary as evidence that he survives.

You are flatly misunderstanding this then.
We have a divergent path. Shadow can A: DIE or B: LIVE.
If B: Shadow appears later in the game.
Story summary shows us events, with screenshots, of Shadow being recruited and fighting the final boss. Likewise the FF7 summary shows us, with screenshots, which version of the HW scene's divergent path actually happened.

And I find your need to constantly find evidence outside of the Compilation to prove your point ridiculous. Try using evidence from the Compilation for a change.

I'm using examples from outside the compilation to provide examples for the logic presented. The person here who uses outside compilation materials to try and prove her point is YOU, Aly. Or does Kingdom Hearts count as compilation to you?

Personally, I don't give two craps whether Nomura not knowing ruins the idea of canon for Star Wars.

Wow, way to reveal you are not reading for comprehension. My example was to highlight the idea that your argument relies on the idea that canon can't be changed. You apparently missed that. I was trying not to be too insulting and spell it out, but I suppose I must.

It pertains to the Compilation. Nomura wrote a good part of FFVII as well as AC/ACC.

No. Nojima wrote it. Nomura's writing for 7 is as limited as Kitase's- Killing of Aerith and the Lifestream concept, respectively.

If he doesn't know or care what Cloud and Tifa's relationship is or whether they are romantically involved, then that's what the story is supposed to be. Their relationship is up to interpretation, like I've been saying from the start.

One year prior, the man says a profound truth can be seen about their relationship in the movie. A year later, he says Tifa is someone's beloved. Nojima, ACTUAL WRITER, says the two of them being together, was there from day one. Cloud and Tifa have a future together, he opened his heart up only to her. Your argument holds no water.

And it's YOUR assumption that they DON'T have separate bedrooms. That makes my interpretation as valid as yours.

So, there being an invisible teapot in orbit between the earth and sun is JUST AS LIKELY as there not being one? Wait til I tell Russel!
And we have a scene in the novella which most definitely occurs, and most parsimoniously occurs with the two of them sharing a room. The question parsimoniously makes the most sense to ask of someone who you have a relationship with, rather than a roommate whose room you have entered as they slept (Seriously. CREEPY.)

Just because one optional scene has a canon outcome doesn't mean that all optional scenes have a canon outcome. When I see more evidence in the actual games/movies/novellas that can apply to either side, then I think the option is what's canon.[/quote]

That's what you're refusing to to here. In fact, you're making things up simply to avoid seeing the evidence. Nothing, as Tres has said- says you can choose to make Tifa disinterested. In fact, you're even misreading the 'apathetic' quote to allow for it to mean the people in the conversation are apathetic towards each other, instead of reading apathetic as modifying the conversation itself.

IF/THEN means that the outcome diverges according to Tifa's affection level with Cloud.

Which still does not change that there can- and is- an official, IF/THEN irrelevant outcome.
IF I leave early, THEN Shadow dies.
IF I stay, THEN he lives.
Shadow lives.
We know the outcome. IF/THEN is sort of beside the point.

I see you behaving in the exact same way.

I know you do. But I'm not the one mining quotes, calling facts opinions and providing copypasta in response to arguments. You are.

Only in your opinion. In my opinion (and many other people) CloudxAerith is supported better by the evidence than CloudxTifa. Your opinion is not fact.

If it is better supported by the evidence, then support it with EVIDENCE. Not blind supposition, not 'could be', sans special pleading and quote mines.
I'd say I'll be waiting, but I know It won't come.

Only in your opinion. SE has not confirmed your opinion.

See, you keep calling everything I say an opinion, even when it is quite simply a reporting of the facts. You are trying to say here, that it is merely my opinion that the FTOIL page contains text saying Cloud and Tifa confirmed mutual feelings. Or maybe you're saying it's my opinion that the word 'if' or any reference to version cannot be found in their entry.
Or maybe, you're just trying to say that you cannot actually argue against this fact, and so it must be my opinion.

Shows how well you know my thoughts on the subject. Ask Quex if I think CxA is canon. She knows I don't.

See, that MIGHT be more believable if A: Your essay still wasn't trying to argue that they were together post-morten with certainty and B: slipping up even in this response.

Both pictures have a page number at the top:


See page 232 at the top? If you go to page 232, it says:

Deviation - Two versions of the conversation before the final battle
Prior to the final battle, the contents of the conversation between Cloud and Tifa can change depending on the degree of Tifa's affection. If the degree of affection is high, the contents of the two's conversation will involve deep subject matter and strong feelings for each other. As well, the sight of the two seen by their companions the next morning will lead to an embarrassing scene for Tifa, and she blushes greatly. ~page 232, Final Fantasy 20th Anniversary Ultimania

The CloudxAerith Date scene picture also has a page number at the top. If you turn to that page, you will get an explanation about the divergences.

Therefore, the Divergence is actually listed on the FTOIL page since it gives you the page number where the Divergence is discussed. The Divergence is actually part of the information provided about the scene.

No. It's not. It's on a different page entirely, AND EVEN THAT page does not say 'If the feelings are low, the feelings confirmed are different', it says 'If... High... The conversation will involve deep subject matter and strong feelings for each other'
And the main body of the text tells us that Cloud and Tifa do what? Confirm their feelings for each other. You keep seeing the IF/THEN and completely focus on the IF, forgetting we are told which THEN.
But that's beside the point that you're arguing that content which is LOCATED ON A DIFFERENT PAGE is located ON THIS ONE.
Incidentally, Anastar, p232 is a story summary. Why can we trust the deviation in the summary, but not confirmation of outcomes, again?

But the page number is given at the top of the picture, so it is clearly intended as information that should be included - not ignored.

No one's ignoring it. But it's A: Not ON the page, and so not what the creators wish to emphasize here, and B: the page does not say what you wish it does.

Depends entirely on your interpretation. I think Cloud declares romance for Aerith several times during the game, and that Cloud's love and devotion for Aerith is more than clear in AC/ACC.

But it's NOT canon, right?
So please, show us where Cloud declares romance. Tell us where the creators have said it's even POSSIBLE to do so. Try not to expose your blatant double standard.

I'm using it as a last resort to get through to you.

You've been employing them from the first, Anastar. The only difference is you admitted it this time.

Heh... so you use an insult to try and distract people from what I've actually said.

Nein, Fraulein. I want people to see EXACTLY what you said. I want them to see you kept repeating it in response to several distinct points trying to outline a thought process, that you responded to genuine argumentation with canned responses. And I want them to realize why you did it.

LOL... you didn't even understand what I said or the point I was making.

Apparently you didn't either, because unless you're arguing here that 'They showed a picture of Shadow after his demise to indicate he's alive and did so for a reason,' your argument makes no sense, but this runs counter to your expressed stance about story summaries earlier in this same response.

Look very carefully:

During their holiday, Tifa and Marlene were cleaning the room that was now Cloud's office. There were many slips that laid scattered about unsorted. One of them caught Tifa's eye.

Client Name - Elmyra Gainsborough
Delivery Item - Bouquet
Destination - The Forgotten City

Tifa put the slip away with the others as if nothing happened, but she was trembling severely. Transporting mail around the world meant he was traveling around his past too. She knew that Cloud was in great pain because he couldn't protect Aerith. Cloud was trying to overcome that and live on. But, going back to the place where he parted from Aerith might mean that his sorrow and regret was going to tear his heart again.

It was night, and they had closed the bar. Cloud was drinking alcohol even though he rarely did. He drained his glass. Tifa thought about it before going over and filling his glass.

"Shall I join you?" There was something she wanted to talk to him about.

"I want to drink alone."

Hearing that, Tifa lost control and said, "Then drink in your room."

Tifa is still calling it "your room" after the story referred to it as Cloud's office. That means Tifa considers it "Cloud's room", which means it's not a room that she shares with him. There's a bed and further evidence that it's Cloud's room, so it's not unreasonable to assume that he sleeps there.

1. Japanese does not contain 'your'
2. That it is his room no more makes it his bedroom than my father's office or my mother's room are their bedrooms. Both are their rooms.
3. That's a cot. Not a bed. And there's no dresser, no closet, no anything in that bedroom.
My father's offices have more indications that they were bedrooms than that room.

So because your father doesn't sleep in the room that he uses as his office means that all men don't sleep in a room that they use as their office? My father's desk was in the master bedroom, so his "office" was also his bedroom. The master bedroom had a double bed, though - unlike the single bed in Cloud's room.

Holy converse error of logic, Batman! My father uses as his office a room which has a bed in it. His office has had a single bed, two single beds, and a queen bed in it. It also has had dressers, amoires, and closests. It has never been HIS bedroom. Having a bed in an office DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY MAKE that office the bedroom of the person whose office it is.

Yes - they formed a family of friends, according to Tifa. When she wonders if it's a "real family" later on, then she's obviously wondering if it's different in some way than it was when she and Marlene created it:

Tifa wondered if they became a real family after Denzel appeared. Cloud was clearly taking less jobs. At night, he would always make sure he had time to spend with the children. The silly little conversations he had with Tifa were also back.

Funny how you say when 'she and Marlene created it' when the U10 tells us that Cloud and Tifa formed it.

First, Tifa wonders this after Denzel appeared - so any change in Cloud's behavior was apparently motivated by the fact that Cloud had taken in a child whom Aerith had brought to him.

Tifa wonders if they're a real family now because Cloud is taking less jobs, apparently to spend more time with the children. Again, it seems motivated by Denzel.

So, by "real family", Tifa seems to be evaluating the family dynamics in comparison to other families, and seems to think it's different because Cloud is spending more time with the kids.

Yes, fathers should spend time with their kids and chat with their SOs. That's what families do. They spend time with each other. What's your point? Cloud's trying to patch his family life up and be better with Tifa because Aerith told him to by sending Denzel?

Yes, Cloud is the one who grows increasingly insular, but that's not the point.

The point is that Tifa's the only one wondering whether they've become a "real family." Cloud never wonders whether they've become a "real family."

So he does consider him a real family then, since he never wonders. And since you so helpfully outlined above, that's just as valid as your idea since neither has proof (Hint: The logic I employed here is not valid and I was mocking it, but the entire idea is irrelevant anyways.)

It's shown in the original game during the hand reach scene when Cloud looks at Aerith.

You mean when he stares blankly forward as a hand reaches towards him, and he just sorted reaches back, before we jump Cut to TIFA'S hand?
Once again, Aerith the C/T shipper strikes.

It's shown in the original game when Cloud talks about meeting Aerith in the Promised Land at the end of the game.

So... Aeti! Cloud only talking about it being possible. Tifa wanted to do it.

It's shown in AC/ACC when Sephiroth asks Cloud what he cherishes most, and Aerith is the first thing that Cloud thinks of,

Firstly, being first in a sequence building to a climax does not indicate that you're the most important. If anything, it's the opposite. Secondly, Please, stop omitting that Sephypoo had asked to take his most precious thing away which makes no fuckdamn sense with Aerith, or that he crescendo of the sequence was Zack, or that Cloud says there's nothing he doesn't Cherish.

followed by the hand reach scene (or Cloud meeting Aerith).

You mean the part after ALL the other hand reaches that's described as her giving him assistance?

Okay, you say these things show 'Aerith and Cloud's relationship with Aerith is shown to be more important to Cloud than Tifa.' So how do these things show us anything about a relationship or its importance in relation to Tifa?
I also asked you, BTW, to give us places it had been SAID. I will not allow you to demand official declarations and then get by without providing some yourself.

It's shown in AC/ACC when Cloud leaves the Seventh Heaven to go live in Aerith's Church.

Leaving for penance and to face death.

It's shown at the end of AC/ACC when Cloud goes out riding on Fenrir beside flower fields said by Nomura to represent Aerith instead of returning to the Seventh Heaven.

Except he IS returning to 7th heaven.

It's shown at the end of AC/ACC when Cloud says he's no longer alone, which means he WAS alone before being reunited with Aerith.

Even though Aerith is officially LEAVING in that scene.

It's shown in Tifa's profile in the 10th AU when it says:

The thing which she is unable to hide in her irritation towards Cloud is the fact that he isn’t merely dragging the past around, but because that reason might perhaps be related to Aerith. ~Tifa's character profile, 10th Anniversary Ultimania

So even Tifa seems to realize that Aerith's more important to Cloud.

You quote mine AGAIN. No, that's not what that quote is trying to say, since it's talking about Cloud beating himself up over his failures and having Aerith be baggage, not about any 'relationship' between then.

Oh, I scored a serious point there folks. Ryu's evading it.

As I keep telling to people who try and toss my words back at me, it can't simply be parroting. It just makes you look foolish when you toss them back without rhyme or reason. It also lets me know I got under your skin.
I also note you neglected to actually respond to "I'm sorry, when did the date of this interview change again? And even IF it was post AC's release, A: He's not saying what you think he's saying and B: we still have all the even more recent quotes. We have both the most up to date evidence and the preponderance of it." instead skipping over my glib response to another of your copypastas and responding to that instead.

Once again, all of the "preponderance of evidence" that you keep talking about is all in your opinion. It has not been validated by SE.

You don't know what preponderance means, do you? That there is a preponderance of evidence is not my opinion, and the evidence itself is what has been given to us by Square Enix.

The whole point is that it's NOT blinking in neon when it doesn't say who she's a koibito to.

All the arrows pointing to who are effectively blinking in neon, even if the man's name isn't.

And the point this sensei was making is more important than the spelling of it. She was saying that it makes no sense for the word "koibito" to be used without saying who the person is a "koibito" to.

Then the sensei is mistaken or misunderstood. The word can be used without specifying who someone is a koibito to. Now, if the teacher means that someone cannot BE a koibito without someone to be a koibito of, then that's different, and exactly what I've been saying for the past, oh, 5 years, long before your own personal flip flop.
Regardless, it WAS used without reference to a specific person, so take it up with Square-Enix and the Japanese language.

But he says the nature of the relationship is unknown. That's pretty clear when he says that he has no clue whether or not Cloud and Tifa are in a romantic relationship between FFVII and AC/ACC.

You're trying to equivocate between two readings of the same quote and use both here. Regardless, he can have no clue and there can still be an official version because HE'S NOT THE GUY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTENT.

The context says nothing about the nature of the relationship. And once again, you're evading my point, which is saying that people belong together doesn't necessarily mean they're in a romance. You want it to mean that, but it doesn't.

Anastar, your entire ARGUMENT is based on wanting things to mean certain things they've got no business doing.
And really, in a narrative, when was the last time a grown man and woman were said to belong together in a sincere manner that wasn't considering romance at all?
And yes, the context does inform us of the nature of the relationship. Because we don't need our hands held the entire way. The way you don't seem to need for C/A, but do seem to need for C/T. Strange that.



No response to It is not my opinion that SE have been " talking about the one they find more important, including it in their story summary, in the official game script, using it as one of the four most important scenes in the game, having it be an example of romantic confessions alongside other games".


"I know. And they're wrong too. I'm informed of their opinions because I keep getting told about them by someone who quite frankly finds you all absolutely hilarious."

Then? I mean, I know you don't, I just want to make it official.

Look who's talking.

Look who's refusing to look in that very shiny mirror of hers.

I think this is... the fifth time you've brought up the same point? Go back and look at my other responses to the same point before I start copying and pasting again.

Aly, you keep contradicting yourself and using words like contradiction to describe things which are quite simply not contradictions. My point here is that YOU are the one doing the contradicting, and of yourself. The things you listed do not CONTRADICT what you claim they contradict. But the things you argue DO contradict other things you argue, often within a single post.

Nope. Most scenes have yellow and white flowers in them, and Nomura said they went to Hawaii to film that sequence because the flowers are the same color as the flowers in Aerith's church.

BECAUSE the flowers are the same as the church? Funny, I don't recall the word BECAUSE used. I don't SEE the word because used. I DO see Nomura saying he wanted a sea lying beyond the horizon, but nothing about BECAUSE Aerith.

The point you are missing is that we do not see Cloud arriving back at the Seventh Heaven. IF SE wanted to imply that Cloud and Tifa will now have a romantic relationship following AC/ACC, they would show Cloud arriving back at the Seventh Heaven, taking Tifa into his arms, and kissing her. We never see that. Instead, we just see him riding around in the flower fields that represent Aerith.

They represent Aerith, now, huh?
So, they represent Aerith at Zack's grave?
And we don't need to SEE Cloud back at 7th Heaven. We have been told he returns living there, that there is where he is meant to live, we know he calls Tifa to shut down the bar, heads home after a day of deliveries- reminiscence- and that he and Denzel visit Zack's grave, now devoid of Sword, but added Flowers, with the sword moved into the church.

Then SE tells us that Cloud's Promised Land is Aerith's Church. He said he thought he could meet her there at the end of FFVII - and he did.

And it wasn't his promised land prior to his guilt vanishing and was his promised land before she showed up. And then she left for the lifestream where SHE belongs.

I know plenty of people giving Aerith her due. You are merely an exception to that.

Oh, thank you for proving my point, Aly, you have NO IDEA just how badly you've walked into the trap here by confirming 'Aerith's due' is in your eyes, getting with Cloud.
Unless, you know, you want to admit not reading my posts for comprehension.

And you say that Cloud ignores Aerith as though it is fact. Once again, that's only your opinion and your interpretation.

Absolutely nothing indicates that Aerith is acknowledged and she's even stated to be a spectre lacking in substance. You wish to claim Cloud noticed her or did anything with her, get to proving it.

[qutoe]Fact is, Aerith is always with Cloud. That was explained in Distance, when Nomura said that Aerith's consciousness lives on inside of Cloud.[/quote]

And was ACTUALLY contradicted as a literal statement in Case of Lifestream white AND the AC story summary saying she was going back to the lifestream around the planet where SHE BELONGED. The bit you keep trying to ingore, remember?

What that means is that Cloud and Aerith are inseparable.

Then so to are Aerith and Tifa, Barret, Yuffie, Cid, Vincent, and Cait Sith/Reeve, whose hearts she also lives on in, as per her U10 profile.

They are like soul mates, a fact which is also demonstrated in FFVII when Cloud is able to sense Aerith's presence in the Forgotten City.

And Sephiroth's too!
And how Marlene can sense Aerith in FF7 and AC! And Tifa can sense her too!
Also, they're 'soul mates' but you're NOT arguing they're canon? Interesting distinction you've made there, Aly.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Okay let's take a look at Tres' repl-


I'm surprised this came up again... Honoka does not mean secretly here. That's a different word entirely. The statement is "For whom he had slight/some feelings for." I think several Japanese dictionaries actually use "faint feelings of attraction" as an example.

For the record, though the sentence itself uses no kanji, the more common usage of honoka is仄か, which has 'be seen dimly' as its first entry. The same kanji is also used in 'to insinuate.'
So while 'secret' may not be literal, it captures the essence of the word well enough.

She's saying she thinks you guys told her there was a scene of Shadow showing up regardless of if he dies or not... you didn't but.. she read it as such apparently :monster:

Thus proving Anastar is not reading our posts.

You have to know what the answer to this will be. You HAVE to.

Knwoing and answer and HAVING it for the record are two distinct things.

She's going to tell you that the affection rating determines Tifa's affection rating and it could be as low as zero. In which case she has zero romantic interest in Cloud and he has zero in her and so on...

Something which she again bases on no evidence, and which she subjects to multiple standards.

Does Shroudy know that the "Do you love me" scene can go both ways? I'm pretty sure a few pages back you were repeating it again and again to Ryu as proof the HW scene didn't happen. So what is it? Can it go both ways or not?

It goes the way she needs it to go at the moment. Same with Shroudy. And please, let's not even pretend Shroudy's being remotely honest here.

Dear Anastar,

Due to your disavowing the consideration of any material that isn't within a Compilation game, movie or novella, I accept your formal concession of defeat in the LTD.

In the event that you again take up your now tattered banner at a future date, so long as you hold to this policy, it is expected that you will no longer refer to interviews (e.g. anything Nomura has said, including notions of Aerith's consciousness living on in Cloud, as well as past claims that he has no idea if Cloud and Tifa were in a romantic relationship between the events of FFVII and AC) or just the parts of Ultimanias that you like to acknowledge (e.g. "love rival" quotes in Tifa's 10th AU profile; that same book whose story summary you said means "jackshit"; and whose story summary for AC/C you readily point to as referring to Aerith's church as Cloud's Promised Land, even though you ignore those parts of the same passage that say Aerith's spirit has returned to the Lifestream flowing around the planet, and those that differentiate between Cloud's friends and the three other people who it identifies as his family).

It is also expected that you will personally deliver your sword. No messengers.

I would also like to say it's been a pleasure. Really would like to.

Tres/Ariadne/Squall/Glenn/teh winnah

Additionally signed Tim Jewett/ Ryushikaze.

Because I was curious, I had a friend of mine--who yes, is in Japan, and yes is Japanese, and yes, happens to be a Cloti (biased bitch that she is) and I don't usually bug her for this shit, BUUUUT, because I can, I asked and she said that 'hard to perceive' is the best translation. She even went so far to say that 'hard to perceive, doesn't really mean secret either. Just not something easily noticed, which makes sense, because Cloud is a panty-sniffing stalker. You don't broadcast that. :awesome:

Hard to perceive is an excellent method of phrasing that, yes.

Some of these have shallow implications, like how you can choose some of Squalls dialogue options (usually between "..." and "whatever (moron).") but he will always be an unlikable douchebag whos character development is hinged on his romance with Rinoa (I'M SORRY TRES).

I think even Tres agrees he starts off like that. He just grows out of it.

ADDENDUM: Given the length of the post, I am letting my double post here stand, so folks can skip the whargharble if they wish. Will be splitting Quex's response into this one.


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
Quick question: Why doesn't this "Shroudy" person come here and debate his points himself?

At least Chantara has been decent enough to be posting here but...come on. :T Am I the only one bothered by this?

Celes Chere

Yeah it's like... debating for someone else. It's just weird. And Chantara isn't REALLY even debating here, she's doing it through PM? I guess I don't really get that but whatever floats your boat I guess.


Saint of Killers
Erm, how can there be a debate if the opposition is not present? That's not a debate, just very annoying mail exchange. I don't get this, but It's off-topic anyway.
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Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
@Tres: I sorta wish I'd been around longer, having not put up with this crap nearly as long as you folks I don't have a right to it, but I'd love to have my name added as well. Too bad for me :awesome:

@Ryu & Tres: It seems pointless to even reply beyond what I did earlier. Everything I want to say, you've already said. Seriously.

@Raven Roth: I've never met this Shroudy, and from what I've heard that is for the best. I do in fact give props to Chantara/Anastar for posting here directly, no matter the issues I have both with her methods of deciding who/what to respond to, and the multiple issues that have been exhaustively outlined with the responses themselves. But if Shroudy comes to debate in person, and it goes as badly as I've heard it probably would, then be it on your head :monster:


@Quex: Why are you making replies for Anastar, exactly? I mean the "ask Q to PM her when we want a reply" thing is irritating enough, but why are you independently trying to explain her points, such as they are, for her?
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Some of these have shallow implications, like how you can choose some of Squalls dialogue options (usually between "..." and "whatever (moron).") but he will always be an unlikable douchebag whos character development is hinged on his romance with Rinoa (I'M SORRY TRES).
I think even Tres agrees he starts off like that. He just grows out of it.

Yeah, you're correct, señor.

And so this post is on-topic: Cloti's canon lawl


unsavory tart
No. Nojima wrote it. Nomura's writing for 7 is as limited as Kitase's- Killing of Aerith and the Lifestream concept, respectively.
Backtracking a bit, I always thought it was Sakaguchi that thought of the lifestream, you know with the whole mess with his mother dying pre production and it being an inspiration for a number of the concepts.

Still, I am hesitant for people knocking Nomura's role. I mean if he "only" created the concept of the lifestream and the death of Aerith, that's hardly a limited role. In fact, those are huge plot points, leading right to the salvation of the planet. So Nojima might be the writer, but it sounds like a collaborative effort to me.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Anything like game or movie or play is a collaborative effort to an extent. Nomura is the director--ultimately he has final say on the product, however, the main scenario writer (in this case Nojima) is the hands on 'character' developer and weaves together all the collaborative ideas. Nojima is ultimately responsible for the character development and motivation and reasons behind the plot. So, yes, it's collaborative, but that's like saying Baz Luhrmann has the same understanding of Romeo and Juliette as Shakespeare did. (NOT saying FFVII is even in that realm of storytelling, but you get the point)


Anything like game or movie or play is a collaborative effort to an extent. Nomura is the director--ultimately he has final say on the product, however, the main scenario writer (in this case Nojima) is the hands on 'character' developer and weaves together all the collaborative ideas. Nojima is ultimately responsible for the character development and motivation and reasons behind the plot. So, yes, it's collaborative, but that's like saying Baz Luhrmann has the same understanding of Romeo and Juliette as Shakespeare did. (NOT saying FFVII is even in that realm of storytelling, but you get the point)

Baz Luhrmann could probably answer the question of whether Romeo and Juliette were into each other quite definitely.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Baz Luhrmann could probably answer the question of whether Romeo and Juliette were into each other quite definitely.

Based on the fact that it's a love story, yes. Probably a bad example in terms of main character's romantic interests. It's a pretty heavy plot point.

Nomura could very easily tell you the greatest threats facing Cloud, Gaia, and the overall story. Probably a great many details to the story of survival that he wanted to create. My point was, and is, that he isn't responsible for creating the character's personalities or delving into their relationships or inner workings. Nojima is. So if Nomura says he doesn't care who's fucking who, it's because he doesn't. He wasn't responsible for creating it. Doesn't change the fact that the person who DID create it could tell us, and does--repeatedly.

So, no, the director is not as insightful to the characters as the writer. Period.


undercover Clerith evangelist
Since I noticed these comments when I came to post:

Filia Ul Copt said:
Yeah it's like... debating for someone else. It's just weird. And Chantara isn't REALLY even debating here, she's doing it through PM? I guess I don't really get that but whatever floats your boat I guess.
The deal is that I'm working with 10 year old technology and it's a total pain in the ass for me to load these pages. I'd buy better technology if I could afford it, but I've been out of a job for the last two years. I'm working with a 56K modem, a hardwire phone connection to the internet, and Windows XP. Since everyone was griping that I was missing their points, Quex offered to PM them to me.

It's all I can manage, and it's still a pain in the ass, and it still takes me about 2-3 hours each night to get this done and posted. I can't do any better. So which is it? Do you want me to continue replying or not? It's up to you.

Raven Roth said:
Quick question: Why doesn't this "Shroudy" person come here and debate his points himself?
I quoted him once because I thought he expressed something well. Does that mean he has to come here and debate?


Tres said:
Anastar wrote: And it's only logical that SE wouldn't show his picture after his demise unless it happened in the game.
-And it isn't logical that SE would show only the high affection Highwind scene in the 10th AU's story summary unless it happened? Or that only it would be included on the Impressive Scenes page unless it happened? That it alone would be in the Memorial Album script? On the "For the One I Love" page?
You're obviously missing the point.

The point is that you are claiming that something is established as canon without it ever being backed up by what happened in the games/movies/novellas. IF something is made canon, it will be established as canon in the games/movie/novella FIRST and then mentioned in the book(s). If something has NOT been established as canon in the games/movies/novellas first, then I will not accept that it is canon because it's mentioned in the book.

I accepted Shadow surviving the death scene as canon because I thought you were saying that he appeared in the game after the optional death scene. If he only appears in the book but not in the game, then screw it. I don't buy it.

What I am saying is that SE knows damn well that the LTD has been very controversial and that it's been debated strenuously since 1997. IF they are going to canonize Cloud with either girl, they will do it in full view of everyone and in beautiful graphics. Their perfect opportunity was to show Cloud making out with one of the girls in AC/ACC, but they didn't do it. Instead, they left it up to speculation as to who Cloud loves.

They showed nothing definite about Cloud's relationship with Tifa in AC/ACC and they showed nothing definite about Cloud's relationship with Aerith in AC/ACC. It's up to the player to decide, and that's what they were showing on the FTOIL page. That's why both girls are shown with Cloud on the FTOIL page. That's why both scenes are designated as optional on the FTOIL page by showing page numbers that are meant to be included as supplementary information about each scene.

The FTOIL page does not designate either couple as canon. It's saying that the game makes it possible to interpret either couple as canon on an optional basis. That's why Cloud is the only protagonist shown with two different women.

IF SE wanted to make Cloti canon, there would be no picture of the CloudxAerith date under a title saying that love develops between the protagonists of each game. The title obviously applies to the CloudxAerith date scene, too.

Tres said:
Anastar wrote: So being shown as an important scene in ONE book out of how many books in the Compilation means it's canon?
-The 10th AU, the U20 Scenario, and the Memorial Album are more than one book.
And the FFVII UO and U20 also say that the Highwind scene has two optional versions, and that which one you get depends on Tifa's affection level with Cloud. Then we have Nomura saying that he doesn't know and doesn't care if Cloud and Tifa have a romantic relationship between FFVII and AC/ACC, which also means it's up to player interpretation. So I have three sources saying that it's up to interpretation, too. If three sources are enough to prove your point, then three sources are enough to prove my point.

Tres said:
Anastar wrote: No, Tifa calls it "your room" in CoT - not "your office" - when she tells him to go "drink in your room". Sounds like he sleeps there to me.
-Tifa tells him to go drink in another room. She does not say "your room." There is no possessive particle. You know this. You've been told this countless times.
Actually, no I haven't - this is the first time I've been told that. I'm beginning to think you've got me confused with someone else, especially since we always got along just fine before I came here.

At any rate, there must be some indication that "your room" is what she means, since it's always translated that way.

Tres said:
And, yes, the narrative voice of the story itself refers to the room only as "Cloud's office" on one occasion, and "the room Cloud used as an office" on another. Never "Cloud's room."
Yes, but as I pointed out to Ryu last night, Tifa says the bit about "drink in your room" AFTER Cloud's room is called his office in the story. So apparently, Tifa thinks of it as Cloud's room if that's what she calls it.

And yes, that's presuming that there's some indication that it's the room where he sleeps.

Even if there is no indication in the story that Cloud's office is actually where he sleeps, there's no confirmation that he has a bedroom with Tifa, either. Rude and Reno carry Cloud and Tifa back to the kids' bedroom after they fall unconscious in the Church. Why didn't Rude and Reno take them back to their own bedroom IF they have one? Why do we never see a bedroom in the Seventh Heaven with anything but a single bed? Why did SE show a bed in Cloud's office if that's not where he sleeps? Why does Tifa go to that room after Cloud disappears to look at his belongings? Wouldn't he keep any in their bedroom IF they had one?

There's absolutely no confirmation that Cloud and Tifa have a bedroom together, yet that's what you want to assume. The only thing shown for sure is a single bed in Cloud's room.

Tres said:
Anastar said:
Without saying who. Furthermore, the sensai of one of our CloudxAerith forum members says that it makes no sense to use the word "koibito" without saying who the relationship is with.
-The word "koibito" on its own does not indicate that a relationship is established, and one can identify someone as a koibito without having to say whose they are.
Look at what I've highlighted. If the word "koibito" on its own does not indicate that a relationship has been established, then why do you think its use in RF means that Tifa is in a relationship?

Tres said:
In any case, Nomura did use the word that way, so, uh ... what?
Okay, but the point is that the sentence does not say that Tifa's in a relationship with Cloud. It would have to identify Tifa as "Cloud's koibito" in order to establish that relationship, but it doesn't. BTW, Cloud calls Tifa "my nakama" in Diss 012. Funny he would call her that instead of "my kobito" if she's really his koibito.

Tres said:
Anastar wrote: There's a whole bunch of people who frankly think your evidence is full of crap - it's not just me.
-And plenty of people still deny evolution. Doesn't mean they aren't still wrong.
And it doesn't mean that you're right, either.

Other People

Note: There are replies to several people in the following section.

Vendel said:
Chantara wrote: Oh, you mean you want confirmation that Cloud can still see and communicate with Aerith before you believe it?
-No. You said it was "up to the player". And what has been presented is in no way under player control.

Although now that you bring it up. How exactly is Cloud going to touch Aerith now that she is back in the lifestream where she belongs? She isn't coping any Cloud feels in DoC.
She was in the Lifestream during AC/ACC, too. The planet and the Lifestream aren't two different things. The planet, all living things on the planet, and souls are made up of Lifestream. That was explained in the game by Bugenhagen:

Bugenhagen "The spirits that return to the Planet, merge with one another and roam the Planet."
"They roam, converge, and divide, becoming a swell, called the 'Lifestream'."
"Lifestream.... In other words, a path of energy of the souls roaming the Planet."
(He lowers his arms)
Bugenhagen "'Spirit Energy' is a word that you should never forget."
"A new life... children are blessed with Spirit energy and are brought into the world."
"Then, the time comes with they die and once again return to the Planet..."
"Of course there are exceptions, but this is the way of the world."
"I've digressed, but you'll understand better if you watch this."
(FMV sequence. ....)
"Spirit energy makes all things possible, trees, birds, and humans."
(Bugenhagen lifts his arm.)
"Not just living things. But Spirit energy makes it possible for Planets to be Planets."

So all life on the planet is made up of Lifestream, or Spirit Energy. Aerith is still made up of lifestream or Spirit Energy. So is Cloud. Just because Aerith's in the Lifestream doesn't mean that she's separate from Cloud, especially since Hojo injected Cloud with an excess amount of Mako energy - otherwise known as Spirit Energy or Lifestream.

Then Nomura told us in Distance that Aerith's consciousness lives inside of Cloud. So Aerith's consciousness is actually living inside of Cloud - in the Mako energy inside of him. That means that Aerith is available to Cloud at any time.

Vendel said:
Chantara wrote: We also know that it's theoretically possible for Cloud to still be able to see and communicate with Aerith after AC for several reasons:

1) Since Sephiroth exists, Aerith must exist. There was no doubt about that one. ~Nojima, pg. 9, Reunion Files

Are you saying that Sephiroth can no longer exist? A dead man who's been resurrected at least three times to fight battles with Cloud? A dead man who said in CoL: Black that he will always exist in Cloud's consciousness?
-I'm not sure how you can put having a relationship with a dead woman on the same theoretical plane as a relationship with the woman he is currently shacked up with?
Then how come Vincent is still seeing and in love with Lucrecia? Same difference, if you ask me.

Once again, this game is not based on reality. You have a dead guy getting resurrected and coming back to fight Cloud, you have an alien creature living for thousands of years without a head, you have the Planet creating WEAPONS in order to fight the alien, you have Shinra creating super-soldiers by injecting them with alien DNA, you have a dude summoning a Meteor to destroy the planet, you have a member of an extinct species (Red XIII) finding a mate and having children - and you're worried about realistic it is? LMAO

Vendel said:
Hey you know who are two people that don't show up after ACC?
Yet. You really think they can't come back? If Red XIII can find a mate and have children, then Aerith and Sephy can come back if SE wants them to.

Vendel said:
And if one isn't showing up then the other one has no reason to show up either.
Depends on the next plot that Nomura and Nojima come up with.

Tres said:
-Nojima wasn't discussing the metaphysics of FFVII there, and instead was talking about what was necessary from a writing perspective?

Not that it would matter even if he were discussing the metaphysics there since Seph was apparently put down for good in AC/C.
Like you say - apparently. Everyone seemed pretty surprised to see Sephy in FFVII, too.

How do you know that Nomura and Nojima won't consider it necessary to bring Sephy back from a writing perspective in the future? They've said they might do a future installment of the Compilation.

Vendel said:
Chantara wrote: The man knew that if one could hold onto some core of their spirit, then one could remain a separate entity, independent from the planet's system. Cloud. The man decided to make Cloud that core. And he wanted to let Cloud know of that. I'm still thinking of you. And I'll show you the proof of that as well. ~Case of Lifestream: Black 1; by Nojima

2) Sephiroth made Cloud a core of his spirit so that he could continue to exist. So did Aerith. That was told to us by Nomura in Distance:

The words “memetic legacy” are used a lot in the film…but in Advent Children, rather than focusing on memories we wanted to show that consciousness is what lives on. We took the ending of the game and expanded on that idea. Even if they’re dead, their consciousness is still with us. As for Cloud…he sees Aerith several times throughout the film. It’s not that he sees her because he feels her presence. He sees her because her consciousness…lives on inside him. ~Nomura; Distance Interview

So Sephiroth continues to exist because he lives on in Cloud. If Sephiroth exists, Aerith exists. Aerith lives on in Cloud, too.
-You seemed to have missed some big points here. One Aerith doesn't need to make Cloud her "core". Nor do we have anything to suggest she does this.
Then you're ignoring what Nomura said in Distance:

The words “memetic legacy” are used a lot in the film…but in Advent Children, rather than focusing on memories we wanted to show that consciousness is what lives on. We took the ending of the game and expanded on that idea. Even if they’re dead, their consciousness is still with us. As for Cloud…he sees Aerith several times throughout the film. It’s not that he sees her because he feels her presence. He sees her because her consciousness…lives on inside him. ~Nomura; Distance Interview

He says that 1) consciousness is what lives on. 2) that even when someone dies, their consciousness is still with us. 3) Aerith's consciousness lives on inside of Cloud.

That means that Aerith is still available to Cloud anytime he wants.

Vendel said:
And two we have nothing to show us that either Aerith or Sephy exist after ACC.
We have nothing to show that Aerith doesn't exist after ACC. According to Bugenhagen's quote that I gave above, Aerith's soul and consciousness continue to exist. According to Nomura, Aerith's consciousness lives on inside of Cloud. Therefore, she exists.

Now Sephy is another question. Like Tres pointed out, AC/C showed that he's been exterminated. However, we also know that if SE wants him back, they'll bring him back.

Tres said:
Anastar wrote: 3) We saw Aerith in Calling after she and Zack went back to the Lifestream, so we know Aerith's not limited to the Lifestream.
-That image that was removed from the final version of the film, you mean? And which -- when it was there -- was only ever identified as an illusion? For God's sake, it was described verbatim as "nothing with any presence in reality."
And WHY was that image not in Safe&Sound? Was it removed because Aerith no longer exists, or was it removed because SE wanted to make a more neutral ending for ACC? Calling was so obviously promoting CloudxAerith that I would guess SE went for something more neutral this time.

Tres said:
Anastar wrote: 4) The presence of Aerith was suggested in Reminiscence during Cloud's phone call with Tifa. That was the only phone call where you could hear Cloud's voice only, which suggests that someone was listening in to his phone call. The most likely person to be listening in is Aerith.
-You've been saying this for years but have yet to give a reason why only hearing Cloud's side of the conversation is an indication that someone else was with him. The reason could have been anything from an artistic decision to focus only on what Cloud was saying, to Tifa's actor being unavailable, to them deciding it just wasn't necessary to record any voice acting for Tifa there.

Seriously, substantiate this claim with somehing more than the claim itself.
Logic substantiates it. If you hear what Barret, Yuffie, Cid, and Vincent while Cloud's talking to them on the phone, then it's weird to suddenly not hear who he's talking to while he's talking to Tifa. Logic says that someone else is listening.

Tres said:
The way the phone call was depicted is not enough on its own to indicate what you say it does. I can easily point to a scene in "Wicker Park" where two characters are in the same room while one of them is having a conversation on the phone, with us only able to hear his side of it. Then, when the other character gets on the phone with the same person (the other guy still in the room), we're now able to hear both sides of the convo.
Yes, it is because SE chose to let us hear both sides of the conversation with everyone else. If one side of the conversation is suddenly missing, then it's because we can't hear it for a reason. If someone's talking on a phone in the same room as me, I can't hear who they're talking to unless it's on speaker phone. So logically, someone else is listening in to the conversation.

Vendel said:
-There is nothing to suggest her presence at all. This is an entirely invented scenario by yourself and others like you.
And there is nothing to suggest that a romantic relationship exists between Cloud and Tifa after the Highwind scene, but you seem certain that one exists without any substantiation. So I could easily say a CloudxTifa romance is "entirely invented by yourself and others like you".

Vendel said:
And the only reason I can think of is that you want to take a scene of Cloud calling Tifa to close the bar the next day so he can spend more time with her and the kids and make it about Aerith.

It's not.
You're still speculating.

Fairheartstrife said:
-The most likely person listening is the audience.

I could have sworn there was a source on this, that stated just that [Tifa's VA wasn't available]. It may have been an interview with Rachel Leigh Cook, describing how Tifa's seiyū was unavailable for some scenes (Not necessarily just the phone call scene). I may be mistaken, but reading your comment poked my brain and I'm sure I heard commentary on that before.

Having said that... Soooo...Aerith is with Tifa when she gets her phone call from Reno?
Ryu said:
-I believe it was in the making of that they mentioned that Ayumi Ito, being a very popular actress, was unable to make it back to the booth for a few extra lines because she was busy at a shoot at the time.
And if SE deemed it necessary to have Ayumi Ito there for the recording, I'm sure they could have arranged it by switching the day or time for the shoot. Instead, they decided her participation was unimportant.

So the way SE left it makes it seem like someone else is listening in. How do you know SE didn't want it to seem like someone's listening in to Cloud's conversation? For all you know, they did. Why is Cloud off the bike, anyway? Maybe it's because he's meeting someone in the flower field?

Vendel said:
Chantara wrote: Therefore, Cloud is able to continue seeing and communicating with Aerith.
Except he doesn't. And we have zero evidence that he does.
And we have zero evidence that Cloud has romantic interest in Tifa after the HW scene. If you can believe that a romance exists between Cloud and Tifa despite zero evidence of it, then I can believe that Cloud is able to continue seeing and communicating with Aerith, especially since Nomura said so in Distance.

Vendel said:
Chantara wrote: It was not shown that Cloud loves Tifa in any non-optional scene in FFVII
Oh so the LS sequence is optional?
No - but the LS sequence only shows that Cloud had a distant crush on Tifa as a kid. The LS sequence doesn't verify that Cloud has any current romantic feelings for Tifa.

Tres said:
Anastar wrote: It is my interpretation that Cloud can still see Aerith because she lives on inside of him.
-So why can Kadaj and those kids in the church see her? And why can Tifa and Marlene sense her? And why can everyone with a phone hear her?
Thanks! That really helps reinforce the idea that Aerith still exists. ^_^

Vendel said:
-Where she belongs is the lifestream. Where Cloud belongs is with Tifa. Notice a pattern?
No, since that's only your opinion.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Why is Cloud off the bike, anyway? Maybe it's because he's meeting someone in the flower field.

Or taking a piss.


Just a couple of more logical guesses than ghost visiting, because, correct me if I'm wrong, isn't THE CHURCH where Aerith lingers? Wouldn't THAT be the hook up place? Just, you know, to follow your own ridiculous claim of it being his promised land and all... :loopy:

Edit: Just because I want to poke fun at the blatant double standards..
BTW, Cloud calls Tifa "my nakama" in Diss 012. Funny he would call her that instead of "my kobito" if she's really his koibito.

Weird, I could have sworn you said something about not using outside sources...
And I find your need to constantly find evidence outside of the Compilation to prove your point ridiculous. Try using evidence from the Compilation for a change.

Although technically Dissidia does fall in teh scheme of FF compilations so I'll just skip back over to this:

Okay, but the point is that the sentence does not say that Tifa's in a relationship with Cloud. It would have to identify Tifa as "Cloud's koibito" in order to establish that relationship, but it doesn't.

You show me where--and I mean exactly fucking where--'The Woman' is EVER identified as Aerith is CoLW. If you can't then you should really STFU about 'who' Tifa is the koibito of not being said specifically. Because without the 'koibito' line in CoLW, your ship has less than nothing to hold onto.
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I accepted Shadow surviving the death scene as canon because I thought you were saying that he appeared in the game after the optional death scene. If he only appears in the book but not in the game, then screw it. I don't buy it.
if he dies, no he does not reappear. if he lives, yes, he reappears in the game.

i............. don't know how he can reappear after he has died since he is...........dead............


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
if he dies, no he does not reappear. if he lives, yes, he reappears in the game.

i............. don't know how he can reappear after he has died since he is...........dead............

You do realize you're talking to someone that is promoting romantic flower field visitations with someone who is also...y'know...dead.:awesome:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
You do realize you're talking to someone that is promoting romantic flower field visitations with someone who is also...y'know...dead.:awesome:
i mean it's not like he even has some special condition of 'i am a particular sort of people ha ha' he's just a loser 30 year old in a ninja costume

So all life on the planet is made up of Lifestream, or Spirit Energy. Aerith is still made up of lifestream or Spirit Energy. So is Cloud. Just because Aerith's in the Lifestream doesn't mean that she's separate from Cloud, especially since Hojo injected Cloud with an excess amount of Mako energy - otherwise known as Spirit Energy or Lifestream.

Then Nomura told us in Distance that Aerith's consciousness lives inside of Cloud. So Aerith's consciousness is actually living inside of Cloud - in the Mako energy inside of him. That means that Aerith is available to Cloud at any time.
if everyone is made of lifestream does that mean zack and angeal and president shinra are also inside cloud and everyone else
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
well you see there's this girl named Aerith... :awesome:
how do you have a pixel transparent ghost like aerith has if this is where this is going

you'd just think 'oh hey shadow switched costumes w/e'

i dont know im just very easily confused right now, i just don't understand a lot of random points made by ana's post im sorry


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
i can't read a lot of the random points...

can a mod possibly fix it? Or is it just screwing up for me?

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
i can't read a lot of the random points...

can a mod possibly fix it? Or is it just screwing up for me?
oh, no, i can see a lot of the text is randomly black, which is sort of odd since I was pretty sure tres did not have any text alterations? so yeah, fix would be nice

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Let me start with the only off topic bit I have, before launching into the meat of your post. Why in Minerva's name are you turning the text from people's posts black when you quote them? I seriously couldn't read a word of that. Alright, let's get on with it.

Since I noticed these comments when I came to post:

The deal is that I'm working with 10 year old technology and it's a total pain in the ass for me to load these pages. I'd buy better technology if I could afford it, but I've been out of a job for the last two years. I'm working with a 56K modem, a hardwire phone connection to the internet, and Windows XP. Since everyone was griping that I was missing their points, Quex offered to PM them to me.

Spelled out that way, it makes more sense. I still suspect that you've used that as an excuse to ignore inconvenient posts now and then, especially since that has continued even after Quex started doing the PM thing for you. I shall PM you myself when I want a reply from now on, help take some of the load off of Q and the pressure to find each individual reply off of you. Fair enough?

It's all I can manage, and it's still a pain in the ass, and it still takes me about 2-3 hours each night to get this done and posted. I can't do any better. So which is it? Do you want me to continue replying or not? It's up to you.

Yeah, go ahead and keep running with your posts. Might try varying the content of said posts though, and discontinuing some of your most used tactics. You already know why. Otherwise, I recommend going with Tres' letter accepting your concession. :monster:

I quoted him once because I thought he expressed something well. Does that mean he has to come here and debate?

Why bother even attaching the name Shroudy to it if it was just a point you thought was well phrased? I didn't see you naming the "sensei" you were trying to use as evidence earlier on, so why namedrop Shroudy at all? There is no need for him to come debate here just because you used his phrasing for something, so your question there is valid, but I do wonder why you'd handle it this way.

You're obviously missing the point.

Thanks to your unusual black formatting, I had to highlight this to even know what you were replying to. That's either an accident and you should edit that, or its terribly bitchy of you. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume the former, just to try and be a nice guy.

Either way, having looked at the post more closely by way of highlighting, I must say that Tres didn't miss a damn thing. Which, to be quite honest, is not surprising. Tres is pretty damn good at getting the point. No, the one missing the point is you, as is the norm.

The point is that you are claiming that something is established as canon without it ever being backed up by what happened in the games/movies/novellas. IF something is made canon, it will be established as canon in the games/movie/novella FIRST and then mentioned in the book(s). If something has NOT been established as canon in the games/movies/novellas first, then I will not accept that it is canon because it's mentioned in the book.

And here is the point you're missing. The story summary summarizes WHAT HAPPENED IN THE STORY. That is, the story that was in the game. Your refusal to accept a story summary, which is again a summary describing what HAPPENED IN THE STORY, is nothing more than obstinate denial of things that are damning to your ship. Since the summary of said story is in this case summarizing things that happened IN THE GAME, it did in fact happen IN THE GAME. So your criteria is met. Where shall we move the goalpost next? :monster:

I accepted Shadow surviving the death scene as canon because I thought you were saying that he appeared in the game after the optional death scene. If he only appears in the book but not in the game, then screw it. I don't buy it.

You don't buy it because if you did you'd have to buy the "open to interpretation" damning evidence laid out for you. The end. And as pointed out, you clearly aren't paying attention/willfully misunderstanding things if you somehow thought Shadow could somehow die in game and then canonically survive. I begin to agree that you do not know what the hell a contradiction is.

What I am saying is that SE knows damn well that the LTD has been very controversial and that it's been debated strenuously since 1997. IF they are going to canonize Cloud with either girl, they will do it in full view of everyone and in beautiful graphics.

Wow, you know the exact methodology of SE and all who work there do ya? You know exactly what they would do IF they wanted to canonize Cloud with either girl? Did ya ask Nojima directly? Or maybe Nomura? (if it was Nomura, don't buy it he's just trolling you :monster:)

Or, ya know, they could do exactly what they DID do WHEN they canonized it. Put it in a story summary and build the entire compilation (those portions that are related, that is) around the Cloti side of things, while Aerith goes back to the Lifestream where she belongs.

Their perfect opportunity was to show Cloud making out with one of the girls in AC/ACC, but they didn't do it. Instead, they left it up to speculation as to who Cloud loves.

And if they'd actually done that I'd be the first to call for the poor souls who have been debating this with obstinate, dishonest folk like yourself for so very long in a celebration. We might have to do the wave. Because if such a thing happened, even you couldn't debate it. And if you tried, we would laugh and laugh. But such direct and visible action on-screen is NOT NECESSARY to canonize the situation. You already know this. Deny it all you like, but you are still wrong.

They showed nothing definite about Cloud's relationship with Tifa in AC/ACC

Still ignoring him going home to her in the end and raising their kids together huh?

and they showed nothing definite about Cloud's relationship with Aerith in AC/ACC. It's up to the player to decide, and that's what they were showing on the FTOIL page.

And here I though hand-reaches and such favored Aerith and they were soul-mates. Would you pick a position already? I'll believe your beliefs are solid, IF you can be bothered to solidify how you debate said beliefs. Until then, you just look to be flip-flopping like a fish on the deck.

That's why both girls are shown with Cloud on the FTOIL page. That's why both scenes are designated as optional on the FTOIL page by showing page numbers that are meant to be included as supplementary information about each scene.

Keep ignoring how unimportant Aerith is on the FTOIL page. Keep pretending it even mentions her by name, rather than the truth of it: That its just a notation about a truly optional scene with no real relevance to the real meat and potatoes of the page. Keep ignoring the facts of the page entirely, how it is (in Ryu's well chosen wording) version agnostic as to what the summary says happens, totally independent of the deviation you so love to harp on.

The FTOIL page does not designate either couple as canon. It's saying that the game makes it possible to interpret either couple as canon on an optional basis. That's why Cloud is the only protagonist shown with two different women.

But... it DOES NOT SAY THAT. I am looking at the page right now. It does not say anything similar to what you claim it says. Why do you keep saying this? Do you honestly believe what you're saying? I have a hard time believing that you do, because it is honestly a big 'ol steamer as far as I can tell.

IF SE wanted to make Cloti canon,

Which they obviously DID want, since they HAVE made it so,

there would be no picture of the CloudxAerith date under a title saying that love develops between the protagonists of each game. The title obviously applies to the CloudxAerith date scene, too.

How is that obvious, when Aerith is not even bloody well mentioned on the page in question? She is pictured in a notation about the date scene. Read the WORDS under that picture. I know the pretty picture of Aerith is distracting you, but give it a shot. She is not the focus there. She is not even mentioned. TIFA, on the other hand, IS focused on, explicitly tied romantically to Cloud in something that DOES NOT DESCRIBE ANYTHING TIED TO HER AND CLOUD AS OPTIONAL.

And the FFVII UO and U20 also say that the Highwind scene has two optional versions, and that which one you get depends on Tifa's affection level with Cloud. Then we have Nomura saying that he doesn't know and doesn't care if Cloud and Tifa have a romantic relationship between FFVII and AC/ACC, which also means it's up to player interpretation. So I have three sources saying that it's up to interpretation, too. If three sources are enough to prove your point, then three sources are enough to prove my point.

This entire paragraph is using things that are not from the games/movies/novellas. By your own criteria, they are not suitable as evidence. Change your position or gtfo :monster: But jokes aside, pick a position. Are creator interviews and ultimanias allowed or not? Others have said it and let my voice join theirs, WE WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS FLIP FLOPPING ANYMORE.

Actually, no I haven't - this is the first time I've been told that. I'm beginning to think you've got me confused with someone else, especially since we always got along just fine before I came here.

Its been said multiple times in this very thread. If you have limitations that caused you to miss it, then that sucks for you. Though I am almost certain that it was said in direct replies to you at least once, so unless I am wrong that excuse is out too.

At any rate, there must be some indication that "your room" is what she means, since it's always translated that way.

The English language, however, kinda needs possessives to work properly. It is a very different language than Japanese. Now, I am no translator, but I do understand at least that much, the two languages are very different. At any rate, you are failing utterly to do what was asked of you. Show us Tifa's room, if they have separate sleeping quarters. Explain why Cloud has so little bedroom-y stuff in his room if it is indeed his personal quarters. Make a concrete point about how this would even remotely be a sign that Cloti CANNOT be canon even if you WERE RIGHT. Do something other than argue the language. You won't win either way, I guarantee it, but at least it'd be something different.

Yes, but as I pointed out to Ryu last night, Tifa says the bit about "drink in your room" AFTER Cloud's room is called his office in the story. So apparently, Tifa thinks of it as Cloud's room if that's what she calls it.

Lemme try a different tactic. What is an office, exactly? Oh yes, it is a room. It is Cloud's office. An office is a room. Ergo, Cloud's office would indeed be Cloud's room. Just not his bedroom. Is that overly complex enough for you Anastar?

And yes, that's presuming that there's some indication that it's the room where he sleeps.

There is no such indication to be had. Stop presuming, it isn't working out for you.

Even if there is no indication in the story that Cloud's office is actually where he sleeps,

There is no if here. There IS NO INDICATION in the story that Cloud's office is where he sleeps. The story indicates that it is an office. End of.

there's no confirmation that he has a bedroom with Tifa, either. Rude and Reno carry Cloud and Tifa back to the kids' bedroom after they fall unconscious in the Church. Why didn't Rude and Reno take them back to their own bedroom IF they have one?

Why would we assume the Turks know the layout of the place by heart, and didn't just dump them in the first room they came to that had space for two unconscious bodies?

Why do we never see a bedroom in the Seventh Heaven with anything but a single bed? Why did SE show a bed in Cloud's office if that's not where he sleeps? Why does Tifa go to that room after Cloud disappears to look at his belongings? Wouldn't he keep any in their bedroom IF they had one?

No scenes in the film took place in Cloud and Tifa's bedroom. Or, if they have separate quarters for some reason, in Tifa's room for that matter. But as has been pointed out, there are no scenes of anyone on the toilet either. Yet we can be fairly certain there is one. As for her going to look at his belongings, I will let others comment on that since I am not entirely certain what you are talking about. I recall her going to answer the phone in AC/C, which makes perfect sense being that it is AN OFFICE. If you're talking CoT, I may need to re-read that and refresh my memory of whatever passage you refer to here.

There's absolutely no confirmation that Cloud and Tifa have a bedroom together, yet that's what you want to assume. The only thing shown for sure is a single bed in Cloud's room.

You still ignore that there is not, in fact, a bed in Cloud's office. It's a cot. A COT. If he slept there all the time, why wouldn't he have a REAL bed? Why do you still ignore the complete lack of any other bedroom furnishings? A dresser or a closet? An alarm clock or night stand? ANYTHING that would go in a bedroom. You assume Cloud sleeps there, but aside from the presence of a "bed" you cannot support that at all. Again, even without more solid evidence logical reasoning would suggest that it is not his room.

Look at what I've highlighted. If the word "koibito" on its own does not indicate that a relationship has been established, then why do you think its use in RF means that Tifa is in a relationship?

They didn't say relationship. Honestly, do you really just randomly skip words or sentences when you read these posts? It was said that Tifa IS SOMEONE'S KOIBITO. I, taking Quex's advice, looked that word up myself. It clearly shows that she is desired by someone in a romantic light, to spell out the definition. Similarly in COLSW, Aerith describes Cloud as HER koibitio, meaning SHE desires HIM. So, Aerith wants Cloud, and someone wants Tifa. In Tifa's case, the person who desires her isn't spoon fed to us. But we still bloody well know the only person in the story such a statement makes sense for. And since we KNOW Tifa loves him back, a fact that really should not be up for debate considering that little tidbit IS spoon fed to us many times, that'd make it mutual and heavily support a relationship.

Spelled out enough for ya? I could go on if you need.

Okay, but the point is that the sentence does not say that Tifa's in a relationship with Cloud. It would have to identify Tifa as "Cloud's koibito" in order to establish that relationship, but it doesn't.

See above. Also, derp.

BTW, Cloud calls Tifa "my nakama" in Diss 012. Funny he would call her that instead of "my kobito" if she's really his koibito.

There are those double standards again. Is Dissidia an official part of the Compilation now and no one told me? Make up your mind, Anastar. Are non-compilation entries available as evidence or not? And you can be nakama AND a lover, ya know. They are not mutually exclusive states of being.

And it doesn't mean that you're right, either.

So, are you denying evolution now? It'd be in character for you to deny something with overwhelming factual evidence, but I though even you would be able to accept SOME blindingly obvious things.

Other People

Oh hey, that's me innit?

Note: There are replies to several people in the following section.

She was in the Lifestream during AC/ACC, too. The planet and the Lifestream aren't two different things. The planet, all living things on the planet, and souls are made up of Lifestream. That was explained in the game by Bugenhagen:

I am fairly certain Bugenhagen did in fact explain this in the game. I am also fairly certain that you are badly mangling what he said. The Lifestream is the flow of consciousness and spiritual energy that moves around the Planet beneath the crust. Energy from the Lifestream is constantly moving back and forth between the stream itself and the surface as living things are born and die, but the stream is that constantly flowing river Cloud falls into in Mideel. If the Lifestream was EVERYWHERE, then why would we need expensive Mako reactors with deep as fuck pits under them to pump it out? So no, she was manifesting on the surface in AC/C. And then she returned to the Lifestream where she belongs afterwards.

Honestly, why are you even saying such things that go completely against the very quote you're trying to argue? If she was in the LS the ENTIRE TIME, then how could she possibly RETURN TO IT?

Bugenhagen "The spirits that return to the Planet, merge with one another and roam the Planet."
"They roam, converge, and divide, becoming a swell, called the 'Lifestream'."
"Lifestream.... In other words, a path of energy of the souls roaming the Planet."
(He lowers his arms)
Bugenhagen "'Spirit Energy' is a word that you should never forget."
"A new life... children are blessed with Spirit energy and are brought into the world."
"Then, the time comes with they die and once again return to the Planet..."
"Of course there are exceptions, but this is the way of the world."
"I've digressed, but you'll understand better if you watch this."
(FMV sequence. ....)
"Spirit energy makes all things possible, trees, birds, and humans."
(Bugenhagen lifts his arm.)
"Not just living things. But Spirit energy makes it possible for Planets to be Planets."

See, even with a lengthy quote from the game, you still don't seem to get it. Spirit energy and the Lifestream are not exactly the same thing. One is largely made up of the other, but that does not make them synonymous.

So all life on the planet is made up of Lifestream, or Spirit Energy. Aerith is still made up of lifestream or Spirit Energy. So is Cloud. Just because Aerith's in the Lifestream doesn't mean that she's separate from Cloud, especially since Hojo injected Cloud with an excess amount of Mako energy - otherwise known as Spirit Energy or Lifestream.

See above. Yes, all life is made up of Spirit Energy. No, the Lifestream is not JUST said energy, it refers to a specific flow of said energy and the memories and consciousness of those who have lived and returned to said stream. Do get your shit straight before you launch a spiel about it when you can.

Also, I really don't think Hojo infusing Cloud with Mako really makes him "more made of Lifestream" even if that made any sense to begin with.

Then Nomura told us in Distance that Aerith's consciousness lives inside of Cloud. So Aerith's consciousness is actually living inside of Cloud - in the Mako energy inside of him. That means that Aerith is available to Cloud at any time.

Are you admitting that you literally believe Aerith actually does the spiritual parasite thing?! Or, if that's too insulting for you, the spiritual hermit crab thing?! Really?! I mean... that's tinfoil hat crazy, imo.

Also, this is a good example of a contradiction. If Aerith literally lived inside Cloud's spirit energy, (albeit split between Tifa, Marlene, Barret... you should know this by now :monster) then how can she return to the LS where she belongs? Because, as explained above, Cloud's spirit energy is not synonymous with the Lifestream.

Then how come Vincent is still seeing and in love with Lucrecia? Same difference, if you ask me.

Didn't he kinda put that behind him at the end of DoC? Ya know, his own game with his own development no matter how shitty it was? And even if he didn't, A.) Lucrecia ISN'T DEAD, and B.) Vincent is not Cloud, so how is this relevant at all?

Once again, this game is not based on reality.

I'd say no shit, but I think its implied anyway.

You have a dead guy getting resurrected and coming back to fight Cloud, you have an alien creature living for thousands of years without a head, you have the Planet creating WEAPONS in order to fight the alien, you have Shinra creating super-soldiers by injecting them with alien DNA, you have a dude summoning a Meteor to destroy the planet, you have a member of an extinct species (Red XIII) finding a mate and having children - and you're worried about realistic it is? LMAO

Even in a fantastic things, some things are still impossible. Just because a work of fiction has different physics, metaphysics, etc than our own doesn't mean it does not have its own, self-contained system of universal laws. And Nanaki finding a mate is a terrible example anyway, since we have BC to show us that he was not the last of his kind after all. But yes, we are still worried about how realistic it is, not in comparison to OUR world, but within the universe of the story itself. And any time the dead interact with the living, its either for a VERY IMPORTANT CAUSE (Aerith and Zack's appearance in ACC) or a fucking unnatural, bad thing (Sephiroth's resurrection, the Gi Tribe).

Yet. You really think they can't come back? If Red XIII can find a mate and have children, then Aerith and Sephy can come back if SE wants them to.

See above regarding Nanaki not being the last of his kind and this being a ridiculous example for the point you wish to make. And yes, if they want SE can say that Aerith has returned to the LS, but is still holding on to her individuality rather than diffusing. Thus, if they want her to she could come back. This does not change the fact that she has not, as of DoC, done so again.

Depends on the next plot that Nomura and Nojima come up with.

This is actually true. It has no bearing on the past or present we are debating, of course. Speculating on what MIGHT happen is useless at this venture. We're talking about what DID happen. You're pretending it doesn't mean Cloti is canon/Aerith is back in the Lifestream and not squatting in Cloud's soul somehow.

Like you say - apparently. Everyone seemed pretty surprised to see Sephy in FFVII, too.

Well yes, they were surprised since they really had no idea what had happened to him post-Nibelheim at that point. Remember how Cloud's story just stops in Kalm? Whether they expected him to be dead or alive, they still could have been surprised there because they just didn't know what happened.

How do you know that Nomura and Nojima won't consider it necessary to bring Sephy back from a writing perspective in the future? They've said they might do a future installment of the Compilation.

And now we're getting back into speculating about the future. There are other threads for that, and you can't use shit that ain't happened yet to prove your side in a debate.

Then you're ignoring what Nomura said in Distance:

Not to sound broken recordish, but really hooray for double standards.

The words “memetic legacy” are used a lot in the film…but in Advent Children, rather than focusing on memories we wanted to show that consciousness is what lives on. We took the ending of the game and expanded on that idea. Even if they’re dead, their consciousness is still with us. As for Cloud…he sees Aerith several times throughout the film. It’s not that he sees her because he feels her presence. He sees her because her consciousness…lives on inside him. ~Nomura; Distance Interview

He says that 1) consciousness is what lives on. 2) that even when someone dies, their consciousness is still with us. 3) Aerith's consciousness lives on inside of Cloud.

That means that Aerith is still available to Cloud anytime he wants.

Now put that together with the fact that Aerith is said to live on inside ALL her comrades, not just Cloud. Add that to the fact that she is said to return to the LS where she belongs. Get the sum of "you are wrong." :monster:

We have nothing to show that Aerith doesn't exist after ACC. According to Bugenhagen's quote that I gave above, Aerith's soul and consciousness continue to exist. According to Nomura, Aerith's consciousness lives on inside of Cloud. Therefore, she exists.

Jesus, you have no idea how the Lifestream works at all do you? Even the Cetra have to dissolve their individuality eventually. Now, she COULD still exist post-ACC. This is true, though if she did... where the fuck was she when OMEGA was about to end all life on the Planet? Seems like the sort of thing she'd try to get in on, to me, were she in any way able. But no, what you've just given us to work with does not PROVE Aerith still exists, or even suggest that she does, when viewed within the wider context of the Compilation and its specific set of metaphysics. At most, it supports a possibility. And as you yourself love to point out (even when faced with much more concrete evidence than this), just because something CAN be true does not mean that it IS.

Now Sephy is another question. Like Tres pointed out, AC/C showed that he's been exterminated. However, we also know that if SE wants him back, they'll bring him back.

Until the DO bring him back, we should work with the story that, y'know... exists already. And as it stands, it seems likely he's down for the count. Of course the creators could bring him back if they decide they want/need to. But similarly, they could give Cloud some freaky shape-shifting powers just as easily, IF they decided to. WHAT COULD BE is irrelevant until it becomes WHAT IS.

And WHY was that image not in Safe&Sound? Was it removed because Aerith no longer exists, or was it removed because SE wanted to make a more neutral ending for ACC? Calling was so obviously promoting CloudxAerith that I would guess SE went for something more neutral this time.

Where does it say Calling was promoting CloudXAerith again? You still ignoring how her presence was dismissed as "something without substance" etc? And how was the ending of ACC neutral when it includes Cloud, having returned home to his family, taking his adopted son out to visit the site of Zack's death?

Logic substantiates it. If you hear what Barret, Yuffie, Cid, and Vincent while Cloud's talking to them on the phone, then it's weird to suddenly not hear who he's talking to while he's talking to Tifa. Logic says that someone else is listening.

Bwahahaha! Logic substantiates the 100% pulled out of your ass idea that Aerith is listening in on Cloud's phone call, based on what again? The absence of voice acting for one side of the conversation (something we already know was caused by the ABSENCE OF THE SEIYUU at the time of recording, not for any hinty mchintness type reasons) somehow means there is a third party... how again? Logic my ass, that is ridiculous and you know it. Absolutely nothing about that suggests ANYTHING like what you claim here.

Yes, it is because SE chose to let us hear both sides of the conversation with everyone else. If one side of the conversation is suddenly missing, then it's because we can't hear it for a reason. If someone's talking on a phone in the same room as me, I can't hear who they're talking to unless it's on speaker phone. So logically, someone else is listening in to the conversation.

If this is how logic works, I've been doing it wrong my entire fucking life. And I am pretty sure, based on experience with the folks who were getting paid to teach me this kinda thing, that such is not the case. Once again, you confuse/conflate a necessity of style caused by a voice actor's absence with an intent to convey some overly vague Clerith hint. You REALLY need to look up Occam's Razor.

And there is nothing to suggest that a romantic relationship exists between Cloud and Tifa after the Highwind scene, but you seem certain that one exists without any substantiation. So I could easily say a CloudxTifa romance is "entirely invented by yourself and others like you".

This would be entirely true, except there are pages worth of additional, FACTUAL evidence supprting Cloti that you have to ignore for that to be so. You refuse to see the substantiation, that does not mean it isn't there. No such substantiation exists for Clerith, putting them on highly uneven footing. I seriously do not see how you can continue to make these blatantly false claims of yours, with or without a straight face.

You're still speculating.

The mirror. Look into it. Seriously, how in the HELL can you respond to what Vendel said with that? It requires cartwheels and backflips of logic, let alone leaps, to make what he is referring to in any way about Aerith. That would be speculation. What Vendel and most everyone else is doing is not quite the same, being as we're told Cloud went home after ACC it is pretty damned clear why he is calling to have Tifa close up.

And if SE deemed it necessary to have Ayumi Ito there for the recording, I'm sure they could have arranged it by switching the day or time for the shoot. Instead, they decided her participation was unimportant.

Sure, just switch the day and time around! Its not like schedules and deadlines exist or anything. That's just silly talk.

So the way SE left it makes it seem like someone else is listening in. How do you know SE didn't want it to seem like someone's listening in to Cloud's conversation? For all you know, they did. Why is Cloud off the bike, anyway? Maybe it's because he's meeting someone in the flower field?

HOW DOES IT MAKE IT SEEM LIKE THIS?! Substantiate this, if you can, with something beyond common knowledge about how phones work irl, please. How do you know SE DID WANT it to seem like someone is listening in, assuming you manage to substantiate the above (which you will not because it is pants-on-the-head ridiculous stretching of any sort of logic). And would you let the ridiculous "meeting someone in a flower field" nonsense at some point? This has been addressed by SE, even in the AC credits there WAS NO SUBSTANCE present for Aerith in the flower field. In ACC, she isn't there at all. Deal with it already. It will be healthier in the long run.

And we have zero evidence that Cloud has romantic interest in Tifa after the HW scene.

We don't? But... I remember a whole bunch of stuff. Did it disappear? Or was it never there to begin with?! *deep introspective, philosophical moment* Oh wait, just clicked back a few pages, there it is :monster:

If you can believe that a romance exists between Cloud and Tifa despite zero evidence of it, then I can believe that Cloud is able to continue seeing and communicating with Aerith, especially since Nomura said so in Distance.

Zero evidence? Wow, you have the best case of selective amnesia EVER. Where can I get some of that to help me get over how numb my brain is after reading this kind of response to an honest attempt at debate?

Also, I think we need a count of "Anastar violates her own standards" moments. Its gotta be in the double digits by now at least.

No - but the LS sequence only shows that Cloud had a distant crush on Tifa as a kid. The LS sequence doesn't verify that Cloud has any current romantic feelings for Tifa.

Streeeeeeetch for that denial. I'm certain the manifestation of Kid!Cloud commenting on Current!Cloud's feelings on the matter is just about him being happy that his stalkery scheme to get noticed worked. No reason at all to think that he ACTUALLY KNOWS WHAT THE PERSON HE HIMSELF IS A FRAGMENT OF FEELS IN THE PRESENT!

Thanks! That really helps reinforce the idea that Aerith still exists. ^_^

It reinforces the idea that she existed during the course of ACC. Which did not need reinforcing, since, y'know... we can fucking see her in ACC. It does nothing to reinforce her continued existence AFTER ACC. Sorry Anastar. Fail.

No, since that's only your opinion.

Nope. Creator statements confirm this. Cloud belongs with/has a future with Tifa. Aerith returned to the Lifestream where she belongs. This IS SPOONFED to us, you cannot deny this and retain even the barest shred of your already tattered credibility. Seriously, go ahead and try. People hardly take you seriously as is, after some of the behavior you've shown off in this very thread. I can't speak for everyone, but if you explicitly deny direct creator statements while repeating the same one ad nausea (against your own stated standards regarding not using things unless they are from a game/movie/novella within the comp), I know I will be unable to do anything but laugh at anything you say from then on.

Celes Chere

The deal is that I'm working with 10 year old technology and it's a total pain in the ass for me to load these pages. I'd buy better technology if I could afford it, but I've been out of a job for the last two years. I'm working with a 56K modem, a hardwire phone connection to the internet, and Windows XP. Since everyone was griping that I was missing their points, Quex offered to PM them to me.

It's all I can manage, and it's still a pain in the ass, and it still takes me about 2-3 hours each night to get this done and posted. I can't do any better. So which is it? Do you want me to continue replying or not? It's up to you.

Ohh I didn't know that, my bad. :monster: Um... it's not up to me whether you want to continue to reply or not, but thanks for clarifying that makes more sense now. xD

Does that mean he has to come here and debate?

YES. Lol jk.

The title obviously applies to the CloudxAerith date scene, too.

Not when it says all of the dates are optional.

He says that 1) consciousness is what lives on. 2) that even when someone dies, their consciousness is still with us. 3) Aerith's consciousness lives on inside of Cloud.

That means that Aerith is still available to Cloud anytime he wants.

So Aerith set up a nice little home in his mind? Maybe she can invite Zack over for tea. :monster: Remember Nomura says that Aerith's consciousness lives on in every part of the world. Kinda makes sense since she's like... Mother Earth now.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves

did case of CoLW&B take place inside Cloud... that's what I'm getting here, or did I misunderstand?

Thanks! That really helps reinforce the idea that Aerith still exists.
I didn't know people were debating on whether or not she existed in AC/C...
Alright, who said this? Who said Aerith didn't exist in AC/C? Come out please :awesome:

Celes Chere

And since it says Zack is always by Aerith's side (IDK WHERE THAT WAS STATED SOMEONE HELP) they really are having tea. Cloud already has a fucked up enough mind get out of thar.
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