SPOILERS Crazed fan drives Kazushige Nojima to no longer discuss FFVII on twitter

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Pro Adventurer
Oh jeez...

I don't even know what to say about all this. I just hope Jairus reaches out for help from a professional, which would have been advisable even before all this went down. It's a good sign that he at least seemed to admit that he might be wrong this time. I don't know exactly what he was sending Nojima, but I hope Nojima is also okay and not too stressed out by all this. Keeping his thoughts to official interviews and stuff sounds much less troublesome for him, for sure. Just a shame that he seems to have been forced into this.

Also, the 'crazed' bit in the title seems unnecessary...he comes across like he might be genuinely unwell, and that kind of term isn't great.


AI Researcher


Also, the 'crazed' bit in the title seems unnecessary...he comes across like he might be genuinely unwell, and that kind of term isn't great.

As someone who is genuinely unwell I can kind of see what you're saying, but at the same time I really struggle to come up with a better descriptor. For better or worse it is the most accurate description of the behaviour on display here. I get that your comment comes from a place of empathy but as one of the people who has suffered through trying to reason with that individual and giving him chance after chance, I don't know what else to say.

Let's maybe think more about the people who are affected by this behaviour rather than the perpetrator, just this once.


Pro Adventurer
Nojima has had shipping questions thrown at him since FFVII's release back in 97, but in the 12+ years of being on twitter, no one has ever made him respond like this.

I'd say death threats are worse than what Jairus has done.


Pro Adventurer
Sorry to hear that you went through a lot dealing with him -- I barely had any contact with him, which I'm thankful for at this point...

I'm sympathetic for both Jairus and Nojima, but I'd forgotten the other people Jairus had driven up the wall, so thanks for reminding me. Sad situation all around, honestly.
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Ninja Potato
I can tell you, as someone who had over 90 pages of PMs with him, that he's not really capable of learning from these sorts of experiences. He'll apologize, say he was wrong, use language that makes you sympathize with him, but he'll be right back at it before too long. That's how he is, and anyone who has dealt with him for a while knows it. The best you can hope for is someone slapping his twitter privileges away from him. At the very least, I hope Nojima blocked him.


Fire and Blood
Jairus needs to be banned from Twitter. That's really it, Twitter sets him off because he gets answers from people and he starts rambling from there, only getting worse and worse (I do worry for that kid too). He needs professional help, and the longer he waits, the harder this is going to be.

Yeah, we've seen this song and dance before.

When we had that post with the podcast and him in it, I did say it was a really bad idea. I still think it was a freaking AWFUL idea. It gave him an importance he does not have, and that is not good for his ego tht just inflated more. "Oh he's trying to get better!" right, I knew he wouldn't get better. I've gone head to head a few times enough with him - and blocked him in the end - enough to know how he works.

Also I wouldn't say that death threats are worse. They're another kind, the kind of harrassment Jairus has done to mere artists is a hard toll on them too. Because he never stops. And he goes off about every little thing that displeases him. Ody it was funny because when I learned that story about his wife dying I immediately knew that he saw her in Jessie, and self inserted in Cloud. It was very evident, as he started to crush hard on Jessie... from a freaking trailer.

Concerning Nojima, I have about zero doubt that this decision was taken accordingly with SE's PR department (he already barely talked about FFVIIR before anyway). I am glad that he'll be able to still enjoy Twitter, personally. I also have zero doubt that the story is going to go as he had planned anyway.


shinra merch buyer
Obviously hindsight is 20/20 and all, but yeah... I am weirded out by the decision to give Jairus a platform in the first place. He was already a known harasser and general shit stirrer. Why invite him on a podcast?

And I've not heard of the bit about his girlfriend before, but projection is so common in shipping that I can't say it surprises me.


Pro Adventurer
Thanks for splitting the thread @Lex I tried to keep the issue LTD related when I first brought it up so I’m sorry that it went in…well, this direction

I'd say death threats are worse than what Jairus has done.
I agree that death threats, SA threats, bigotry etc. are worse than making the kind of requests he made, but HOW he went about it totally tanked whatever goodwill he thought he was conveying…it’s almost like it gives him a pass to say “well, at least I didn’t do those other things like a lot of Cleriths/Clotis have” and he’d be right, but obviously still not innocent


Pro Adventurer
I meant it more in a hypothetical sense, although it certainly wouldn’t surprise me if it’s happened. I dunno, I feel like it’s inevitable with a fanbase this large but maybe it’s something they avoid publicizing if it has happened? Even with this recent incident, Nojima’s wording gives Jairus enough room to play innocent (which, surprise surprise, he has).


Pro Adventurer
The Snowman
Eerie said:
Concerning Nojima, I have about zero doubt that this decision was taken accordingly with SE's PR department (he already barely talked about FFVIIR before anyway).
I'm sure of this as well. He's not permitted to disclose anything regarding FF7R in the first place outside of official interviews, but at least he had the freedom to engage with fans in the form of likes and replies.

The soc med handlers for SE and FF7R have been following him at least since remake was launched and forsho it's not to look at his guitars and guinea pigs. I hope shippers know that just because they don't @ creators directly, it doesn't mean that they don't receive social listening reports ABOUT them.

Jairus was probably the catalyst for the first (mild) warning shot. If the more likes of him come crawling out of the wood works, their next steps are usually to tell creators, voice actors and motion actors to disengage with the community entirely, which really sucks, because I see Brianna White and Tifa's motion actress being really active with the fans.

I'm guessing that it's too rich to hope that Jairus may eventually develop self awareness of how...culturally inappropriate his actions are as well. Japanese fans thank creators for scenes of their favorite ship, respecting that it is the creator's choice to "give" it to them, or not.

This whole "my personal expression, I can post what I want" "You need to respect minorities and equal representation (of NPCs)" "Toxicity of this (opposing) ship" are Western concepts that may not exist in another culture.


Pro Adventurer
Ah, well what I mentioned was a long time ago for the OG regarding fan's negative reaction to Aerith's death, not anything recent. But this kind of stuff is, unfortunately, something that happens for a lot of companies. Between death threats or direct criminal acts, demands or harrassment for change, or just lashing out about a product, this kind of behavior is well known. To each other as fans, to creators/companies, or just in the ether of the internet to create stigma.

It sucks.

Sephiroth Crescent

Way Ahead of the Plot
I wouldn't have thought it'd come to this when I saw that one around here spreading nonsense around a potentially cool (yet doomed) character.
Let's hope this is the end of all that.
“What a fascinating story…”

I don't have much words for this other than that since I've never been into the LTD mess.

Anyway, I'm sure Nojima will take good care of this, as he's always done.


Fire and Blood
CloTi fans have sent a lot of positive messages about FFVII to Nojima, and have been followed by some other fans:

I am glad because he must have felt way better seeing those tweets of love.

I've read a bit of the tags today.

Other fans have jumped on the "the shippers are so toxic" bandwagon to make... videos or whatnot about it? Yeah thanks for creating something so positive and attacking all shippers when it was one guy. CloTi fans have been fighting with Jairus for EONS for what he has been doing, but they jumped and attack them now because??? Reasons I guess. I've seen cleriths also attacking clotis fans when I don't think there are as many who send him tweets about cloti than there are about clerith sending (really long series of) tweets about clerith and how Aerith should ttlly live. Mostly, to pinpoint it, clotis I've seen commenting on his tweets comment on his guinea pigs lol (and they rarely bother him). I don't doubt there are one or a few cloti fans who've tweeted him insane stuff though, I just didn't see it and when proof was asked to cleriths who claimed it, they blocked the people asking so >_>

Now I can safely say again, I hate the tags when there is drama especially like those two past days. Yesterday I've read like 5 tweets before giving up because it was all "non shippers" attacking the shipping coms. Yeah thanks a lot Jairus. I love this good feeling when I just want to see fanarts.
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