SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 9 Spoiler Discussion


Pro Adventurer
Which quest chain you get depends on the answers you give to Chocobo Sam and some other choices at the beginning of the chapter:

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One thing to note: I did only about half of these things and still got the Chocobo Sam quests, and am seeing many different sequences posted in different places online as well, so I'm not sure any of the existing guides can really be 100% trusted. More likely than not, it just requires doing Johnny's stuff, given his involvement with the quests; I'd bet the other stuff is incidental.

Mayo Master

Pro Adventurer
Ok, a bit late to the party... I finished chapter 9 yesterday.
Man, that was awesome! Very indulging. You truly feel the love of the devs for their creation, and the desire to satisfy their fans. This chapter really delivered.
I remember that when the remake was in development, a lot of fans were fearing that it would take itself too seriously and discard the goofy moments which were part of the charm and identity of the OG. I loved the fact that they kept those moments, owned them, turned them up to 11 and ran with it. It felt bold.
Also, especially with this chapter, the media blackout I had been doing since E3 2019 paid off big time. It was so fulfilling.
Anyway, I was very happy and excited by a ton of stuff in this chapter, my favorite so far. Most folks have already said a ton about it so I'll try to stick to what struck me the most:

- Man, the Beck trio was something to behold. By taking them out, you remove negative IQ from humanity.
- I made Cloud go for a slide on the playground, weee!! I was so surprised there was the animation for it.
- Tifa's cosplay of Chun-Li was pretty damn hot. She's in great shape, alright.
- The whole Wall Market environments, looking like a Red Light district in Hong Kong.
- Aerith's reaction "Excuse-you!?" when one of Corneo's lackey calls her homely.
- The whole tournament in the arena was awesome. Biggest points to the intros by Scotch and Kotch, finding Johnny in tears before the first fight, Madam M's anger burst when she tells Cloud it wasn't the last fight, ... and when Scotch and Kotch introduced the last opponent, Hell House, I shouted "YES! They fucking DID it!!!"
- Loved the fight against Hell House. What a clever way to have introduced one of the most nonsensical enemies in the entire game. I got my ass handed over to me on the first try because of a crappy materia setup, though :loopy:
- Went for the Deluxe massage at Madam M, that was... interesting, although not as much as it was for Cloud! It sure sounded like a hand massage where it's not the hand that gets the massage... Cloud's "completely out of it" demeanor afterwards was hilarious.
- Loved the squat mini-game! And I really enjoyed that Jules was reminiscent of Big Bro.
- Aerith's arrival in her fancy dress with Johnny pulling a red carpet under the fireworks.... wow.
- The whole scene at the Honey Bee Inn was exhilarating. If I had been Cloud, I'd have needed a lot of hard liquor before I could overcome my embarrassment and pull it off! It was awesome to see how much fun Aerith was having, too.
- My spouse absolutely loved Cloud's dress. It's so well-designed, giving him shapes where he doesn't have any while downplaying his manly built. Perfection.
- Loved Cloud's "can we never speak about this again?" attitude when his performance was over. And the number of passerby hitting on him!
- Loved pretty much everything after you enter Don Corneo's house. The environments are perfectly recreated - hell I didn't even expect them to remake the dungeon with all the torture implements! The 'bride selection' scene, Tifa and Aerith kicking ass and high-fiving at the end of it, Corneo's interrogation... perfectly executed.

Phew! That was a lot to take in.

Smoothie King

Pro Adventurer
Juzt finished chapter 9. It was perfect. This game is perfect. They managed to walk the line between goofiness and double entendre perfectly. Every interaction was brimming with sexual innuendo but in a way that only Final Fantasy VII can pull off. There's so much I want to say but I can't get the words. You guys have already said so much.

One thing I'm surprised no one has caught yet!
The teacher from the orphanage moonlights as a dancer at the honey bee inn! When I ran into her in that dark alley I was like WTF!? She was even more surprised than I was.

Like I said, perfect.

Mayo Master

Pro Adventurer
The teacher from the orphanage moonlights as a dancer at the honey bee inn! When I ran into her in that dark alley I was like WTF!? She was even more surprised than I was.
Oh, right! I had found her as well, and at first there's simply a reaction of shock and she doesn't say anything. As though "he hasn't recognized me, has he? Say nothing, and hopefully he'll forget and go elsewhere". But then I talked to her again and she confirmed her identity.
I have to say, in the OG the Honey Bee Inn really came off as a brothel, whereas it's a cabaret in the remake.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Ooh boy, where do I start?

  • I want to play the game more than ever because I want to explore Wall Market on my own. No matter how many gameplays i might watch, there's always something missing that I want to see.
  • I loved that they kept all the main shops from the OG, down to the lazy vendor who asks you for the item at the Inn's vending machine.
  • I know the game and writing resources to cirunvent censorship, but my headcanon is that Madam M. gave Cloud a hand massage because touching anything else would feel like ch¡ld abuse and she is a lady with standards. Fight me.
  • I also love Madam M.'s mercurial humor. Boy she has some pent-up rage issues.
  • The Leaf House teacher being a dancer. Also, she mentioned it earlier but I can't remember the chapter: Biggs was a school teacher and, according to NPC's dialogue, he takes all nexly orphaned kids to the Leaf House. Yes SE, keep twisting the knife, will you?
  • "Big Bro" has been given a name: Jules. Missed that he would punch the whiny guy out of the screen, but you can't have everything.
  • Having Johnny running around feels like babysitting an adult Yosuke Hanamura :awesome:
  • We got the crossdressing scene we deserved.
  • All the Honey Bee Inn segment.
  • Cloud's overall attitude about the crossdressing :awesome:
  • I'm envious at how Cloud rocks heavy makeup and long skirts.
  • That we get to see how Tifa and Aerith beat the shit out of the Don's lackeys. Also, Aerith smiling sweetly before bashing the head of one of them with a folding chair <3
  • "Don of the Slums" new theme.
  • The Don is as disgusting as they conveyed in the OG.
  • I would have liked to have the choices from the OG, on which you can play along, but only to a certain point. But I suppose that would have been too much? :awesome:
  • Oh, and Don Corneo's chibis.


Fire and Blood
  • "Big Bro" has been given a name: Jules. Missed that he would punch the whiny guy out of the screen, but you can't have everything.
Oh wow, they changed it in French, it's Juju lol. I think because Jules is a French name so they did not want to use it, plus it's also a nick for "boyfriend" so yeah they went with Juju instead, which I find very funny personnally.


Pro Adventurer
I guess I’m using these discussion threads as more of a diary as I play through Remake, but I guess that works, right? I’m enjoying you guys doing that, as well.

So, starting out with the playground!
‘90s era designs being brought over to modern technology is fascinating. The playground structures are very cute in a ‘90s anime way, and seeing stuff like that brought over seamlessly creates a blend of two eras that is kind of a unique sight. (That’s true for a lot of things in Remake, actually, but particularly on that)

Wall Market is the best Remake’s been yet, which is really saying something.

While the layout of the city is totally reimagined, the interiors of the actual interior maps are the most 1:1 recreations they’ve been in all of Remake thus far. The Asian food joint is 1:1, the HoneyBee Inn is 1:1 in the layout of its room lobby / hallway area, the basement dungeon and Don Corneo’s mansion are, too.

The new content they added in Wall Market also fleshes it out fantastically. The new trio expands on the power structure of Wall Market in a realistic way, and gives the town more personality than solely being Don Corneo’s realm.

We aren’t getting the battle arena in the Golden Saucer in this part, so they added one here, I guess. Unexpected, but fitting and good. I really can’t understate how excited I was, slowly winning the crowd over as the scenario kept getting more and more ridiculous. Aeris’ insistence on calling opponents out for cheating was super charming, since they somehow found progressively worse ways to “cheat” each round... Then, Square actually fucking did it. The Hell House. Oh my god. I was grinning from ear to ear when the Hell House made its appearance. I’m very impressed Square found a place in Remake for something as crazy as the Hell House. What a spectacular battle! Not to mention the victory fanfare and poses.

Above all else, they captured the FUN that was in the original here. Johnny ending up in Wall Market and dicking around is fun, a wannabe pop star singing in the diner is fun, Cloud and Aerith going to a seedy massage parlor only for Cloud to get a hand massage is FUN. Then they double down on that - the gym having a really healthy and competitive setting is fun, Cloud being in a ridiculous dance routine before he gets dressed up is FUN. Aeris’ look of glee when Cloud’s costume is revealed is so damn fun.

The mini games felt very much like the ones in the Yakuza series, in a good way. Anyone else think that?

Then, most importantly, they brought back the whole Wall Market storyline from the original and modernized it ethically without compromising any of what made it good. (Cloud’s masculinity is sought after this time around, too, which makes things a little more equal from a gender perspective. And the crossdressing was not portrayed in a manner that was demeaning) The fact they did this without compromising any of the original is what is particularly impressive.

Wall Market shows FFVII-R at its best - it faithfully recreates the parts in the original, while adding new content that expands on it in ways that are really meaningful. It also was graphically astounding. There were moments in this arc that didn’t even look like a video game, particularly near the end. (When Remake, a video game, looks better than Advent Children, a prerendered movie, that’s when you know technology has gotten nuts over the past decade) The graphical fidelity, in addition to how accurate a lot of the buildings are, made this feel the most like “VII brought to life” yet. Especially with all of the callbacks during the colosseum. (I could write a lot on the shortcomings of some of the graphics, but when the game looks good, it’s possibly the best looking game I’ve seen)

Incidentally, Remake Aeris is the closest thing I’ve had to having a crush for a fictional character. Her portrayal so damn sweet in Remake; her optimism and good nature are infectious and kinda warm my heart. And her eyes are so cute. And her hair and fashion is graceful. Nah, don’t worry, it’s not anything serious, but damn. That’s kind of sneaking up on me.
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I totally agree with Kratos that the OG version was much more "elegant and organic" - lovely phrasing. But then, the OG was streamlined because everything had to move along at a fast pace, while in the Remake they are constantly slowing everything down. So this section was needlessly complicated, I felt. Despite that, I really liked Chocobo Sam, Mme M and Andrea Rhodea. I regret not being able to give any of those poor people with upset stomachs some medicine, though. And I really miss not being able to go and get the tailor.

Smoothie King

Pro Adventurer
Can I also say that I completely lost it when we had to pick up "the sauce" from that seedy ass vending machine in that seedy ass hotel for that burnt out hippie who owns a bum ass materia shop? "The sauce!" It's so Final Fantasy VII. They totally nailed the weirdness of the original.

Smoothie King

Pro Adventurer
Also - and I know I'm not the first to say this - an underground fight club is 100% Wall Market. It was missing from the OG, so in this case the Remake has corrected an oversight.

I had no idea that was coming. My immediate response was "can this fucking town be any cooler?" Of course there's an underground fight club in Wall Market. Of course Don Corneo runs his own kumite!


Pro Adventurer
I finished this chapter a couple hours ago. Easily the longest chapter I have spent on this game yet. I think I mentioned in the Chapter 8 thread that was the chapter that finally showed me the FF7 Magic for the first time. And that is still true, however, Chapter 9 is Final Fantasy VII + the late 90s/very early 00s. Shit, I even went on YouTube and found some 90s radio shows to listen to pre-February 1997 to grind some materia to. Everything about this chapter just fucking worked. This could honestly be one of the Top 10 greatest video game moments for me.

Oh yeah, and haters gonna hate. Oppressed People was fantastic and reminded me of the fun Squaresoft days of the late 90s/early 00s-yore.



One thing to note: I did only about half of these things and still got the Chocobo Sam quests, and am seeing many different sequences posted in different places online as well, so I'm not sure any of the existing guides can really be 100% trusted. More likely than not, it just requires doing Johnny's stuff, given his involvement with the quests; I'd bet the other stuff is incidental.

It's not related to Johnny because I had all the Johnny events/ discoveries on my first playthrough and got the Madam M sidequests.

There are definitely different combinations of choices but we'll need to narrow down which leads to which. Below are the ones I did (in blue) vs. the ones I didn't do (in red) which got me Madam M requests first time round:


I picked "She's a great fighter", "No thanks", I didn't stay at the Inn and I took the 3000 gil massage. That got me the Madam M quests. I did another run last night to see the other dress for Cloud, and I picked all the choices as listed here aside from the one with Aerith's dress, where I accidentally picked the "does my opinion matter" option - which still got me Chocobo Sam's quests.

So by process of elimination, we can say the ones that might matter are:

- "She's in great shape"
- Giving a positive response to the hotel dude's insinuation that you want to spend the night there
- Actually staying at the hotel
- The massage course chosen

HOWEVER I'm now remembering that Force got the Choco Sam questline but also said he paid for the expensive massage course, so I think that eliminates that one aswell. If other people weigh in we might be able to work this out.

I regret not being able to give any of those poor people with upset stomachs some medicine, though. And I really miss not being able to go and get the tailor.

Dunno if you missed Force's post Lic, but:
Gotta replay the chapter and get those quests then, I guess :monster:

As discussed above, there are two questlines in chapter 9. One of them is an homage to the OG's questline, the other is new.


Double Growth
Yes, I said "She's a great fighter," asked "how much," paid for the most expensive massage, and chose tails for the coin flip. I did stay at the inn at one point but i can't remember exactly when I did, it wasn't right when I arrived..., and I said It's alright for her dress.


Pro Adventurer
I got Sam's quests with these choices:

"She's in great shape." To Sam when describing Tifa.
"No thanks." To the guy outside the hotel.
Stayed at the hotel at some point, after meeting the trio/winning at the colosseum but before having Aerith get changed I believe as that's when I started grinding materia levels.
Paid for the most expensive massage.
Said "No deal" for the coin flip.

Also said "No," to Johnny when you first meet him and said that Aerith's outfit looked comfortable.

I'm... not really seeing a pattern yet.
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