The glasses are so funny, cheesy, and cool at the same time. I dig it.
Things to point out in that trailer:
1. Luxerion is a beauty, but only showing this off in the trailer is not going to convince at least a considerate amount of people that the game will deliver a good open-world experience.
2. The flow of the models... how can I describe them-- they seem blocky. There's the fact that this maybe taken from really early stages of development, but still.
3. Noticeably, the graphics have been enhanced though. It's hard to see because of the dark colors of the environment, but if we just take a look at Lightning's real time render, she looks more refined than in previous games.
4. The battle system looks fun, but I don't know how I feel about it taking place in a separate field akin to the previous titles. I want to know more details about it.
5. Hope TT__TT
Of course, first trailers commonly are not that impressive compared to the later ones, so overall I'm still glad with what we've seen so far.