even that one hammered home that someone being happy in death because that's only when they get to be together with the person they love is wrong and a tragedy that must never be repeated.
pandora hearts is a manga that tackled this trope masterfully. jack obsession with reuniting with lacie (even at the cost of dooming the world) was rightfully depicted as toxic and harmful; for both jack and everyone connected to him and her. it was one of the main driving set pieces in the narrative; and it had a strong build up and payoff at the end, which can not be said about CA.
cloud’s soldier persona was conjured precisely because he couldn’t keep up with the pain of losing his mother and hometown (before he even met aerith). he was riddled with both guilt and shame for failing to protect his loved ones, which he ultimately came face to face with during the lifestream sequence, and accepted it as a part of himself.
and it does not make sense for him to regress after all that development because of a girl he knew for less than month.
one more note: i have seen CAs bringing up locke/celes or squall/runoa to support their pairing, when both ship barely share any similarities with CAs.
locke/celes makes sense because it aligns with the main narrative of ff6 of overcoming pain and living in the present with locke letting go of rachel and embracing his newfound relationship with celes.
squall/rinoa are both lonely individuals with abandonment issues; albeit they have different coping mechanisms that led them to clash with each other. And they ultimately found love and solace with each other.
but CA represent none of these.
aerith dies so cant really say it’s about living in the present if they claim he wants to be with her in death
aerith and cloud are lonely individuals but
cloud was the one who isolated himself
aerith was perceived as a pariah because of her cetra lineage