SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Lv. 1 Adventurer
I think it’s far more beautiful, richer, and emotionally expressive a ballad and character moment for Aerith, than it being just a love song for Cloud.

That's why setting NPTK as a love song directed only at one character dynamic felt so wrong for me.

We were told time and time again that NPTK is a theme song for the game. I know that love songs can be theme songs for e.g. romcom movies because those are usually focused on "we have 2 characters and we watch them fall in love" as the main plot. But Rebirth? It's got so many other themes (other than romantic subplots) involving different characters so reading NPTK as only a love song for 1 pairing felt weird to say the least.

As Nojima said, it can be seen as a romantic ballad but claiming it as a CA song only is a disservice to everything the game as a whole tries to convey. Each relationship Aerith forms doesn't exist in a vacuum/bubble separated from the context. I do believe a part of the lyrics can be read as as Aerith trying to process and show her feelings towards Cloud (I mean, it's been established that Aerith likes him) but making it all about Clerith is not fair to Aerith and every bond she managed to form thoughout the games.

"It paints her as a woman who has reflected deeply on all the relationships she’s made on her journey, and how it feels for her to slowly be coming to accept her responsibilities that might take her down a path where she may never see these people again." - 100% this! It makes me appreciate Aerith's character arc more than before.


Pro Adventurer
That's why setting NPTK as a love song directed only at one character dynamic felt so wrong for me.

We were told time and time again that NPTK is a theme song for the game. I know that love songs can be theme songs for e.g. romcom movies because those are usually focused on "we have 2 characters and we watch them fall in love" as the main plot. But Rebirth? It's got so many other themes (other than romantic subplots) involving different characters so reading NPTK as only a love song for 1 pairing felt weird to say the least.

As Nojima said, it can be seen as a romantic ballad but claiming it as a CA song only is a disservice to everything the game as a whole tries to convey. Each relationship Aerith forms doesn't exist in a vacuum/bubble separated from the context. I do believe a part of the lyrics can be read as as Aerith trying to process and show her feelings towards Cloud (I mean, it's been established that Aerith likes him) but making it all about Clerith is not fair to Aerith and every bond she managed to form thoughout the games.

"It paints her as a woman who has reflected deeply on all the relationships she’s made on her journey, and how it feels for her to slowly be coming to accept her responsibilities that might take her down a path where she may never see these people again." - 100% this! It makes me appreciate Aerith's character arc more than before.

What is a one way romantic ballad for Cloud doing for Aeriths character. It’s literally just their serviced for shipping

It’s not enhancing their relationship, it’s not enhancing her character. It’s not like their love was even central to the game either

If the plot was decided to be solely based on Aeriths and Clouds relationship and tragic romance, fine. But that’s literally not what the plot is, so it just comes across as shallow and shipper bait. I’m so glad they actually explained the reasoning and lyrics behind it all tbh.

It enhances her character so much

Anyway now that they’ve confirmed they’ve already got a song for the next game… I wonder if they’ll contrast Aerith singing for all her friends, relationships and bonds she’s made, to Tifa singing for the real Cloud in the lifestream to come back to her
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Pro Adventurer
Phew, this is what I said a week ago XD
Thanks for confirming, Nojima-san.
I dont remember if I had shared my thought about "No Promises to Keep" here.
The lyrics is very her.
It reminds me of her "hide and seek" flashback in Remake. She's lonely and wanna be found.
Cloud & Tifa found her. Idk the JP line but Tifa said "we found you" and offer her hand for Aerith to stand.
Her loneliness is described in the metaphor of city street, we see her sad expression in Remake opening.
But at the end, she's parted with those who has eased her loneliness, back to the city street and hope they find her again.
It's like her life cycling. And she's suffering from that. Her mom died, her first love died; and she's parted with Cloud and the others because she dies.
Btw, this is cobblestoned too, see how people is going about their own business not caring. She lost Ifalna but meet Elmyra
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Pro Adventurer
but it would be nice if we could refrain from bringing things from Twitter just to mock someone's interpretations. This thread is a nice breath of fresh air amidst the madness that is the LTD precisely because we discuss things and consider other interpretations with as much respect as we can, which makes this place a much safer space for everyone to join (even when there's clearly a majority of CTs around here). If you see an argument/interpretation you want to discuss, you can always explain it with your own words instead of just bringing them up with nothing else to add, imo.

I am pretty sure that no-one in this thread was intentionally trying to mock or have hate in their hearts when discussing this new information. However, you have to admit that this entire NPTK has been thrown in the C/T side of the triangle faces ever since the game has been released. I believe it has been brought up here in this thread a couple of times and has been a constant point of contention.

Having the Devs finally break their silence to articulate what they were trying to get across. (apparently they have initially failed miserably if somehow this song was interpreted as a Love Song to Cloud and Cloud alone) which as we have recently found out to be far from the truth.

Nojima has always had a way of being ambiguous whenever it comes to the LTD. He preferred to leave it up to the consumer to who likes who. But what he wasn't counting on was the immaturity of the entire fandom who can't handle someone who has a different opinion. This goes for both C/A and C/T.

Sometimes you have to bring the receipts and this was one of those times.


Pro Adventurer
I'm a little surprised anyone is surprised here. Aerith's monologue and her song is part of her journey. It's her final farewell. Part of her story. It does include her feelings for Cloud and Zack both but that's not the only thing. The trailer was baity because the song itself wasn't about the thing the marketting made it seem about (just her love life, shipping) her feelings are included as part of her journey. (It's about her)

And have I not been saying it since the beginning. I was never going to take the bait of the marketting or the fanservice we get because I know in the end what they're going to say.

But I'm glad? people aren't thinking of Aerith as as shallow as they apparently were before this interview. I have always known she wasn't.
Less so that people are surprised and more so that we're happy that our read on Aerith was correct and that the song has a much deeper meaning than some fans were initially claiming. It was exhausting to see the same arguments and interpretations over and over only to be met with accusations of hating CA or trying to take their moments away. When in reality, a lot of us simply didn't want to believe that Aerith's entire narrative plot was wrapped up in a man. So this interview gives us a nice rebuttal to those arguments.

For me specifically, Nojima's comments give me hope for Aerith's characterization in part 3 because I was starting to get really anxious and really worried about it.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Anyway now that they’ve confirmed they’ve already got a song for the next game… I wonder if they’ll contrast Aerith singing for all her friends, relationships and bonds she’s made, to Tifa singing for the real Cloud in the lifestream to come back to her
Nomura mentioned during the interview that they wanted a male singer for Remake and a female singer for Rebirth so I was wondering if we'll get both male and female singers for part 3 to represent all characters and their feelings/arcs.


Pro Adventurer
I mean, I’m happy about Nojima’s commentary on the song but the point I made earlier still stands:

Even if the song was exclusively about Aerith’s feelings for Cloud, what exactly would that prove about Cloud & Tifa?

That’s exactly why it’s good that the song being about Aeriths bonds for everyone means it’s all makes sense


Pro Adventurer
Can we please, pretty please have a duet? That would be so sweet and fitting :excited:

Would love a duet but honestly unsure they would differentiate it between NPTK and Hollow

Unless it’s gonna be something much quieter and slower then a ballad


Pro Adventurer
You’ve gotta admit that it’s an odd choice to allow players to have Cloud and Tifa hold hands during the song if it was supposed to be about Aerith’s feelings for Cloud.

But yeah, my original read of the song is that it could have multiple interpretations. But at least now we know what the clear intent was.


Pro Adventurer
So I had to check twitter because I wanted to see the meltdown and....
View attachment 15274 View attachment 15276View attachment 15275

a lot of us simply didn't want to believe that Aerith's entire narrative plot was wrapped up in a man.
CAs would be the first one to complain on Nojima being misogyny if the song was about Zack but now that its been confirmed that her theme song is about all the people she loved and about herself as well, they're still mad and call the devs liars ???


Pro Adventurer
You’ve gotta admit that it’s an odd choice to allow players to have Cloud and Tifa hold hands during the song if it was supposed to be about Aerith’s feelings for Cloud.

But yeah, my original read of the song is that it could have multiple interpretations. But at least now we know what the clear intent was.

It makes that scene a lot better

They’re listening to Aerith talk about her bonds and experiences, so they’re interpreting it in the way they want to

Same for Barret, Yuffies dates as well

The meaning behind the song has Literally enhanced every date now as well


Pro Adventurer
Funny how CAs react to Nonima right now. The authors is literally trying to take away your bad interpretation and head canon for the character he owns. Really they should thanks him for giving Aerith more depth and hearts with this comments

I’m convinced they’re self inserts and don’t like Aerith

I’ve never heard any of them speaking about Aerith in TOTP once


Pro Adventurer
CAs would be the first one to complain on Nojima being misogyny if the song was about Zack but now that its been confirmed that her theme song is about all the people she loved and about herself as well, they're still mad and call the devs liars ???
Yeah, they're a bit hypocritical in that way. I think there is actual sexism and misogyny present in FF7's writing because it's pretty inescapable as a whole, but no one ever talks about it unless it's to prop up one ship and dunk on another--which is why I personally never bring it up. I just knew I wanted Aerith to be about more than her relationship with two men and I'm very, very glad that she is.


Aerith doesn't need her character enhanced, her character was already enhanced in many areas of the game. People can accuse others of not liking Aerith all they want, but some already saw and loved her in all those other scenes, while still wanting something special of their own too.


Pro Adventurer
In regards to sexism, my issue is more that they aren’t consistent. Tifa is only liked because she’s hot as far as they are concerned, but they seem to care more about whether Aerith and Cloud are a thing rather than who Aerith is herself. Almost as if she only matters if she ends up with Cloud. (Should go without saying, but I’m referring to the more extreme ones)

I’ll tell you one thing, if Tifa did not end up with Cloud at the end.., she would still be my favorite character. I like her for more than the fact that she’s part of a ship I like. She does a whole lot, separate from Cloud, that I find awesome and endearing. Like when she’s worried about Marlene, who realizes Barret isn’t coming home that night as an example.

And while this is still a ship moment, I guess… the biggest thing that stood out to me in the OG was when she literally just wants to take care of Vegetable Cloud, and doesn’t care about anything else. That’s a keeper.
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Pro Adventurer
You’ve gotta admit that it’s an odd choice to allow players to have Cloud and Tifa hold hands during the song if it was supposed to be about Aerith’s feelings for Cloud.

But yeah, my original read of the song is that it could have multiple interpretations. But at least now we know what the clear intent was.

"Till we meet again" has much more depth now she is talking about all of the people she has lost the people she wants to reunite with. "Reunion" has even more meaning now.

It also finally makes me realize why she cried tears at the end not because of Cloud (He was standing near her anyways) it was because of all of the people she wants to meet.


Pro Adventurer
In regards to sexism, my issue is more that they aren’t consistent. Tifa is only liked because she’s hot as far as they are concerned, but they seem to care more about whether Aerith and Cloud are a thing rather than who Aerith is herself. Almost as if she only matters if she ends up with Cloud. (Should go without saying, but I’m referring to the more extreme ones)

I’ll tell you one thing, if Tifa did not end up with Cloud at the end.., she would still be my favorite character. I like her for more than the fact that she’s part of a ship I like. She does a whole lot, separate from Cloud, that I find awesome and endearing. Like when she’s worried about Marlene, who realizes Barret isn’t coming home that night as an example.

I love Tifa as a character so much. As Max says she is the real hero of the story

Shes suffered so much, try’s to please everyone but at the end of the day was able to save what was most important to her

The heroine saved the hero which let him save the world

Tbh I find it fundamentally hard to seperate Cloud and Tifa cause both of their arcs are so interconnected and the pay off goes both ways in a way that just can’t be changed.

But you’re spot on 100%


Pro Adventurer
You’ve gotta admit that it’s an odd choice to allow players to have Cloud and Tifa hold hands during the song if it was supposed to be about Aerith’s feelings for Cloud.

But yeah, my original read of the song is that it could have multiple interpretations. But at least now we know what the clear intent was.

But-But-But that’s because Cloud and Aerith are the intended couple! Obviously you’re playing the game wrong! Cloud x Tifa is out of character!


That’s exactly why it’s good that the song being about Aeriths bonds for everyone means it’s all makes sense

I mean I’m not even saying the song couldn’t have been exclusive to Aerith towards Cloud, I was honestly perfectly fine accepting that it was. What I meant was that even if it actually was, it’s not like that song’s existence cancels out the development between Cloud and Tifa.
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Pro Adventurer
Some people just want to take every little thing CA has away from them I guess. Oh well. Can't have any happiness in this house. The amount of glee, crowing, etc, vindication of people's joy being taken away from them on twitter is going to suck.
I know others have already replied to this so I hope this doesn't come off as dogpiling, but I just wanted to add my badly-worded and unasked two cents to this.

Personally, I've never shipped canon couples so I've never cared about canonicity or validation for my ships. So this probably comes down to differences in views, but the song being about everyone Aerith loves doesn't take away from CA? I mean, you can still see it as CA and about everyone? This is the creative license of shipping and exploring different aspects of characters and relationships in fan fiction?

And I think I'll stop here because I have a real hard time gathering and wording my thoughts right now, lol.


Pro Adventurer
But-But-But that’s because Cloud and Aerith are the intended couple! Obviously you’re playing the game wrong! Cloud and Tifa is out of character!


I mean I’m not even saying the song couldn’t have been exclusive to Aerith towards Cloud, I was honestly perfectly fine accepting that it was. What I meant was that even if it actually was, it’s not like that song’s existence cancel out the development between Cloud and Tifa.
Oh that’s right. Forgot that wasn’t canon. My bad.


Pro Adventurer
I just think the dumbest part of this all is the same group who constantly say Tifa’s character is so focused on Cloud and they want her to have things with other characters are the same ones losing their heads that one song isn’t about one person but their whole bonds and relationships
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