@Ryushikaze But you're a Cloti right? I was talking about Cleriths. How Cleriths did have the idea of player choice but later on that it kinda shifted to arguing about a canon route and story points and less and less about point values (thank Gaia). Because I was asked how could Cleriths see OG as player choice. Hmm maybe I wasn't clear enough.
I am C/T, yes. But the "it's player choice" I would say was a later defensive argumenty. Initially the C/A crowd, especially the people who would go on to comprise the site disparagingly referred to as pink hell were adamant that that C/A was the one true story. I can only speak for my own experiences, but "it's up to player choice" was a reaction to strong narrative arguments regarding C/A, along with many other arguments like "He used to love Tifa but that changed and now you get to decide" but these arguments were essentially a "Clerith of the gaps" argument.
Also it was not particularly clear you were talking about just CA arguments previously. Thank you for clearing that up.
I remember back then the fights about those values. And from what I was saw there wasn't really widespread pushback against doing so. People usually just argued back with other values, even if yes not everyone believed the numbers counted. I'm pretty sure Cleriths did think they counted for a lot. And as I said I don't really know how to convey it because now it's just a rare argument to see. But it wasn't back then.
Cleriths argued that Aerith having a "head start" in point values was an indicator that she was the destined pair, IIRC.
But yeah, no one ever considered the implications of player choice meaning you could also "choose" Barret or Yuffie. It was always between T and A.
Though recently I did have a random person in my mentions trying to convince me we can choose to see or not see Tifa's HA HW scene therefore it's player choice and talking about values. Even though I literally never brought it up. It was nostalgic in a weird way....
This is actually a very odd way to look at it. For a comparison it's like arguing that the Hojo fight in chapter 6 is "optional" because you can choose to fight with one set of allies or the other but not both and thus neither actually happened.
I have a genuine question - in what way was Cloud and Aerith's relationship ever romantic in the OG? When I first played the game, I liked Tifa and so I was extra nice to her, but I didn't go out of my way to be mean to Aerith and I got Tifa as a date at the GS without even really trying. I felt like Cloud and Aerith had a more brother/sister vibe to them. Some of you have said that the game sort of pushes Aerith in Disc 1, but I'm at a loss as to how. The game introduces the promise/water tower scene at the start and sets up the bond between Tifa and Cloud. So the sign is already there that there's something between these two.
The trick with the affection value shell game is that you can choose to say nice or mean things to Aerith, but you can't actually choose to say anything mean to Tifa. So it's possible to choose to be nice and occasionally even flirty with Aerith in player dialogue, but regardless of what you do, absolutely nothing changes in the story after Aerith dies, regardless of whether her AV is 5, 50, or 500. All the game gives a shit about re: those AV is Tifa's.
The loudest complaints I'd heard about Zack falling through the roof were from some CAs who felt that it was an example of Zack copying or taking things from CA, making it feel like their ship was less special and showing it to be just a clumsy copy & paste.
I mean, that was sort of the point. They were elaborating on how in the OG, Aerith latched onto stuff in Cloud's cool persona that reminded her of Zack.
Similarly, some Cloud fans were also annoyed that the things that Cloud had been known to do in the OG, things that they had taken to be uniquely Cloud, were instead from Zack.
If that was the case back then- I don't remember it but I'll take your word- it certainly doesn't seem to be the case now.
It's not that Zack came out of nowhere as in the first time you hear of him. It's that they established him and his relationship with Aerith was shown in detail ten years after the release of OG. No where in OG were we given the idea he was a great match for her or anything. We hardly see him and her own words sound like he left her unless you get the hidden scene in Shinra manor's basement. Which who would go thinking of that? And it wasn't even in the original game. We didn't get any real moment to get attached to Zack.
That scene was in the original North America Release. It wasn't in the JP release but there's a reason they released the international edition ASAP. Original Japanese FF7 was missing things. Like the optional superbosses and Zack.
SE sure put Aerith in KingdomHearts, SE sure had a romantic looking cameo for Aerith and Cloud in FF Tactics. SE sure plastered Aerith everywhere they could and made her arc seem special. So in our minds oh so SE wants us to see the bonds of these characters.
If you look at that Tactics Cameo, it's the opposite of romantic. "Hey, do I know you? You look like someone else. Anyways peace out, gotta go find my sword."
What is very interesting about that cameo is that it seems that that's a Cloud from perhaps right as the death happened. I bring this up because Cloud may have splintered himself in Rebirth by creating a forked timeline where he does save her. As per the Terrierverse having two Clouds, there is a Cloud otherwise unaccounted for. Maybe that's where the second one fell to.
We felt in lack of other terms played.
Imagine if for years you're in invested in CT then they add a game where Tifa's got a watertower scene with another guy.
How would you feel? Then on top of it they decided to tie everything about Tifa to that man. Her personality her clothes etc.
That's how it felt. However Zack was nice enough a guy that Aerith fans found a new ship. Zerith is a beautiful ship. But frustratingly enough that game didn't show too many moments between them. He is on missions seperated from her. Then she writes him 98 letters because she was so into him but we never got time to see why because they really did a timeskip instead of showing their relationship fully grow. The rest of screentime was given to the weirdest B plot with fighting Genesis and clones.
Aerith also had little screen time herself etc. And Genesis is annoying.
I can see where you're coming from, but even in the OG Aerith compared Cloud to her first love. She even said Cloud was "just like" him at one point. So it makes sense there would be major narrative callbacks there, especially because Aerith is a doomed heroine, and even before Crisis Core came out we had indicators that she was holding onto the past even as she was moving forward. Even in Maiden who Travels, she calls forth Zack by trying to think of the things that made Cloud uniquely himself.
I always found this really weird. Even in Remake she barely reacts to seeing Cloud again. After seeing him fall to his supposed death earlier in Sector 5, you'd think she would react a lot more strongly to seeing Cloud again instead of just saying "Cloud you're alright" in a fairly casual tone. This is partially i guess fixed with Intermission where she is shown wanting to find any leads to Cloud surviving, but i wish the actual scene was handled a bit different.
I mean, Cloud fell off a mountain and got scraped knees. It's not his physical safety she's worried about.