Seeing this on reddit always confuses me, So what is True Did Cloud have some of Zacks memories? I found this
quote that implies he did
FFVII Rebirth Director Hamaguchi says that when it comes to Cloud in the Nibelheim Flashback, it’s not just Cloud alone; it’s a blend of Cloud’s memories and Zack’s memories. (kakuchopurei, 10/26/2023)
The rain that falls at the end of Crisis Core: FF7 when Zack is dying stops by the time Cloud says "Thank you." This sequence not only indicates the passage of time but also implies how Zack's memories have imprinted onto Cloud. (Continuity Director Toshiyuki Momose; CCU, 2007
But I was always confused on the memory thing and also if Jenova Cells in Cloud are Jenovas will,
or just the ability of the cells? I feel he has to have some memories of Zack since he can recall word for word the exact conversation Zack had with Sephiroth while he was outside with Tifa everything even turning the valve except for the Genesis talk?