Pro Adventurer
One Cloud X Aerith argument that I always found hilarious when it is mentioned. Is the argument against the Zack and Aerith pairing, It is when Aerith says "Look Forward, Not backwards." Those very words are detrimental to the CLoud X Aerith pairing. Without you ever realizing it you are discrediting your own argument.
Yeah, I've noticed that one before and it really stumps me. Either we are moving on, which case Cloud should also move on from the girl he knew for a week, or we are not moving on, in which case Aerith shouldn't move on from Zack.
For some reason they only like defending moving on when it's from Zack, even though that was a 2 year relationship that Aerith wasn't over 5 years later, and Cloud/Aerith was a 1 week thing for which he felt nothing as far as we know but guilt 2 years later.
I guess when you are set in your ways one does not think that the same rule should apply to both situations. We can only move on when it is about Zack and Aerith. (2 plus year relationship) so it is alright for Aerith to move on to be with Cloud But, when it is about Aerith and Cloud (1 month relationship) Cloud suddenly is not allowed to move on from Aerith to be with Tifa. The math does not balance the equation at all. It has too many imaginary numbers involved.