Yet again we find Tifa communicating without words. It's almost like it's a theme or something.
Cloud was also communicating without words with the hug and the kiss.
Tell 'em the self destruct lever is further to the left then, get it over with already.
They'd fail to pull it just to spite me, while still driving into metaphorical walls.
My head spun a little for this. The cheek. Someone honestly said that. Well, not honestly.
It does show you just how strong the cope and deny is right now, though.
It could definitely track. So in theory his shitkickery causes Mako poisoning to have a more rapid onset than most, while his relatively weak sense of self makes it more severe?
Yeah, under the hypothesis the reason for his being almost inhuman pre-SOLDIER style augments is also the reason he doesn't make it into SOLDIER.
You're right, if being made up of hot air was sufficient they'd already be flying high.
They're more likely to be superheated vapor or plasma against the sides of their sunken cost tunnel.
Can their mercs wear pink? I want their merc teams to wear pink and have oddly polite domination lines.
We are making it so. "Bonk, old chap! Bonk!"
Funny enough, it's often Daredevil. Sin Eater, Kingpin, some generic mooks who went too far, Matt was there to... get wrecked by Spider-Man while Peter's conscience caught up with his fists

It hurts less when May or MJ does it.
That's more to do with Matt's purpose in life is to get beaten up. The man lost a fight to a vacuum cleaner. Not a man with a vacuum, the vacuum. Yes, it was during Inferno and it was possessed, but still.
Watch Marvel Editorial put fingers firmly in ears as the fans do cry "it is ok for Peter to be happy damn it!"
To be happy, to grow up, to have a family, and even to retire.
Naturally. But nice pipe dreams.
The sad thing is, several of those writers are in fact quite good. Just... not while they were on that specific book.
You can only do so much with the bad mandates, like making her and Quicksilver definitely not Magneto's kids (and briefly not mutants) despite them being both of those things being core facets of their characters across several decades, AUs, alternate dimensions, etc.
These are things happen to us all. Typos unite us as a people.
Typo makers of the world untie!
I love that that's actually part of his mutation. X-Men remains the best at giving out complimentary secondary aspects to big boomy powers.
I mean, if someone told me that was his gig all along I'd call bullshit... but with a finessed retcons I'd buy that it's his gig now.
Oh, yeah, not since the very beginning- I am still looking side-eye at what they decided to do with Moira MacTaggart- but something that activated when his mind got yanked into the future, or after he died the first time.
I contend that season six was the weakest because they knew seven was already green lit. It's the only season with a cliffhanger for a reason.
The Arc villains were also the weakest and least interesting, and I think that's why they pivoted to hard into Dark Willow and her out of nowhere end the world plot at the end.
Yeah I was am far too tired to work that out or remember it for myself, so thank you.
No worries.
Someone with the power of being arsed. The greatest power.
So few people have it.
Murder. The cause of, and solution to all life's problems.
Caim's family motto, one presumes.
Seems germane to this thread to me.
Especially given in her own words she still likes Zack and sees a lot of him in Cloud.
Who he openly talks about directly killing in Remake but sure, go on...
Are they actually arguing that burning the entire ground to ashes while cutting down multiple people is indirect? Really?
I'll grant them that Cloud losing his sense of self is on Hojo, but Sephiroth gleefully contributes to Cloud's mental decline so even there no.[/quote]
Yeah, we literally see actual Sephiroth cut down a bunch of people after setting the entire town ablaze. Sephiroth goes out of his way to worsen Cloud's identity issues and finds a picture, an actual picture from the Nibelheim incident to wreck Cloud's sense of self.
I know you explained that's not how drawing conclusions works. You're Ryushikaze, the stars shall fall from the heavens before you fail at that. And yet, it still annoys me.
It should annoy you to see. It's bad practice and leads to people peddling all sorts of nonsense.

Pipe dreams indeed, with this reality.
Still we can dream.
That person who apparently loves to debate (even religion somehow) sure stopped debating and responding and didn't tell me which Japanese translation tools they used to find beloved in that sentence.
They seem to love debating until they get a little bit of pushback and then run off until the next salvo. I peaked at the post history and it seems to be a pattern for this debate and others.
Idk I would have never expected someone to have this Traces of two pasts take and say Crisis core isn't canon because the writers regret it while also having crisis core all over Rebirth XD
Including the dream date itself.
Cloud: “Mom, Tifa, my town, give it back!”
Sephiroth: “Oh naw, that wasn’t me directly bruv.”
Cloud: “Oh, excuse me sorry about that. May I speak to your manager please?”
Deleting Cloud’s losses before Aerith isn’t the way.
It sort of feels like the plot stops as soon as Aerith dies, but also doesn't get to start until she's on screen either, in these people's eyes.
"For instance, the relationship between Zack and Aerith ends up shitting on whatever Cloud and Aerith have because it becomes incredibly clear that all Aerith ever saw in Cloud was a substitute for Zack."
I mean that was also hinted in Remake and Rebirth. It's also funny how many people hate CC for shipping reasons.
It even comes up in the OG, several times.
Aerith isn't shallow and comes to appreciate Cloud. No matter what any one says I will never ever believe she was just using Cloud.
Has anyone here said she was just using Cloud? I think everyone has said that what she's done is "use him as a stand-in" subconsciously, because she herself realizes that's what she's done. She doesn't WANT to do this, but that's what she's done to herself emotionally.
Aerith wants to move on, find herself a new man to help the pain of Zack's being missing - and mostly likely death she can't fully admit to herself yet - heal, she just fails because a guy just different enough but just similar enough falls into her life and she falls right back into old patterns with him.
This isn't sneaky or manipulative, it's tragic.
Arguing that Sephiroth didn't take Cloud's mother away "directly" is certainly a choice when that man basically murdered her in front of him and then quoted her final words back to him as a taunt......
These people worry me.
Yeah, they ought to.
I see how it is here. Yeah I'll be taking a break from this thread. At least I know how people truly think of my character now.
Definitely take some time and clear your head.