Mass Effect Series

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast

Fucking Virmire...

Why you do this to me!? Why you make me choose?


I saved Kaiden, I'm quietly hoping Ash survived somehow, but they never have you make choices like that unless it has some lasting consequence.

God feckin' damn it.

Also, Sovereign, sweet mother o' Jaysus Sovereign. I'm sensing sequel villains! Creepy ass, scary voice sequel villains!


Chloe Frazer
Nope, whoever you left behind is very dead. It's supposed to be a really heartbreaking decision but unfortunately when the game originally came out neither Kaidan or Ashley were well liked by the fandom. Leading to a lot of people saying they would've rather leave both of them to die which is kind of mean. Also neither one has ever been even remotely as bad as Jacob, you'll get to meet that massive waste of time in ME2.




I am so happy right now. I swear I would have been miserable if you saved Ashley but I refused to influence your decision. You wee gem you ME3 is going to be a little bit more awesome for you now <3


Joe, Arcana
I saved Kaiden,


Very pleased Keveh.

The tl;dr of it is that they're both a bit shit in ME1 so people just kind of picked one and stuck with it and have gradually developed reasons for why one is better than the other. I played ME2 and 3 before I played ME1 and originally I saved Ashley, but then went back and saved Kaidan.

People's reasons for killing Kaidan: boring
People's reasons for killing Ashley: racist/xenophobic bitch

The problem with Kaidan is that he's actually a mature character so he doesn't really develop like Ashley does, but his character is excellent later - as well as his usefulness. Unlike ME1, later he's incredibly useful and actually unique, whereas Ashley isn't (unique).

I simply prefer Kaidan. I didn't mind Ash but her character flaws are far worse than "Kaidan is boring in ME1". The way she talks about aliens (Liara especially), the stupid poetry thing, so much more just ugh. People have tried to tell me she also improves later but tbh I don't see it. She doesn't interact with the crew half as much as Kaidan does and she's a far less interesting person to have around later.

You have chosen... wisely


We have come to terms
insert lemon grab gif here

next time you play, try not getting wrex's family armor - that whole scene gets a few alternate endings


Also Keveh be very excited because now you're over the hump of the boring stuff in ME1 :D. It's all action from here on out right into the glory that is Mass Effect 2.


Chloe Frazer
See I was going to thank your post because like you I like Ashley a lot more than I do Kaidan bu then you go and say you don't like Wynne. For shame Kimble, for shame.


Each to their own <3

(I'm just glad that Keveh's "own" happens to be mine and Joe's... mwaahahahahaahaha)


We have come to terms
Not my fault Wynne sucks and/or is a bitch that needs to be pushed out to sea on an iceberg, which would actually get colder thanks to her utterly frigid personality.

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
Not my fault Wynne sucks and/or is a bitch that needs to be pushed out to sea on an iceberg, which would actually get colder thanks to her utterly frigid personality.


The Council are fucking morons. They justified themselves pretty well for not taking action initially, then they do take action but do it half assed. GRAHHH! ¬_¬

Liara gave an awesome motivational speech to Shep though, and they were being all "Now kisssssss" and then Joker totally killed the romance. Damn you Seth Green! Damn you!

I have high hopes for ME2, still have to finish off this one o' course, but I'm very much looking forward to it as everyone who's ever played it has raved about it :monster: Hopefully Kaiden does more, honestly I didn't find him boring during the entirety of this game, but I never used him after I got Liara and Tali and outside of giving his back story and commenting on missions he's fairly low key. But he's inactive more than he's boring I think, I like his character.

Ash was far more interesting just for being so...enthusiastic I suppose? I liked that her families history weighed on her mind so much, because it makes all her "Skipper" this and "LT" that and just trying too hard to sound like an action movie soldier justifiable and to be honest elicited a lot of sympathy from me. Ash was very flawed but I think she was trying to live up to this idealised image she had of what her predecessors were like before all the controversy and be this sort of larger than life soldier, basically trying to figure out who she is and who she wants to be and all that. Despite her flaws I did empathise with her to an extent.

The xenophobia thing bothered me quite a bit, but in fairness, if the human race did encounter another sentient species, the xenophobia would be rife and I think Ash reflected that sort of "the average Joe" (Incidentally, every Joe I've ever met has been anything but average) response to it. Human society, as open as we're trying to become now, would probably still need a solid block of time to re-educate itself and dispel that xenophobia.

I ranted a lot about Ash in this post, but I'm hoping in future Kaidan will make me rant the same way. If not...there's always the next playthrough? :monster:


Joe, Arcana
ME3 gives you a much better Soldier-type squad mate than Ash ever was. You chose well. More importantly though.....
Is Kirrahe okay? ;-;

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
Hoping to get this finished tonight, going to meet Captain Anderson at Flux naow, presumably for some under the table authorisation.


That sounded way more sexual than I intended.

Also, the more I listen to it, the more the soundtrack reminds me of the Metal Gear series, particular Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid 2


We have come to terms
The thing is that Ash isn't actually xenophobic (something a lot of people assume from her comments). She has no beef with aliens, she just feels that humanity can't trust them to always remain allies, since they will put the interests of themselves/their people before others when their backs are to the wall.

Like that example she makes of you and your dog being attacked by a bear.

Joe: IDK man he's good but he's not THAT good. I mean, Ash doesn't just charge right into enemies :P
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